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The Purple Room (OC/SI Multicross)

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A guy gets trapped in a room that sents him across the multiverse to complete life-endangering...
Minecraft - A place away from Home
I knew something was wrong the moment I woke up, not because I woke up in a different bed nor was it because I was in a separate bedroom, not my own, nor was it because I had clothes on while in bed and not naked my usual preference when going to bed. No, the thing that gave it away was the fact I was fine. See, whenever I wake up in the morning, I feel like shit. It's only till I have breakfast that I start feeling like a decent human being again.

I got up from what seemed to be the purple shaded bed, finally started to take in my surroundings and doing what any rational person would do in this situation, I screamed.

Rushing the door on the other side of the room, twisting the handle, and slamming the door with my fist, I yelled.


When no one answered, I doubled my efforts kicking, punching and pulling at this fucking door.

"HELP ME!!!"


Concluding, I might have been kidnapped. I said in the most threatening tone I could manage.

"Listen dickheads I don't have any money on me or come from some fancy rich prick background, so LET ME GO!!!!"

A suffocating Silence was all I got while I fell back on to my ass. I bought my legs up to my chest."

"Please, I want to go home."

"Request denied." sounded a robotic voice that made me jump to my feet and scan the room.

My eyes finally focused on what appeared to be a 1980ish/modern computer that had embedded itself in the desk, and the screen was on showing the words Request denied.

"what the fu-"


The computer voice changed to that of a car salesman rather than its robotic one I heard earlier.

"The fuck is the purple room."


It was at this point the screen changed, showcasing a small cartoonish man.


As the computer spoke, I saw the small cartoonish man have a small window with your classic RPG stats appear next to him as the stats increased, as they did, the cartoon man became more handsome, more refined, less fat, more muscle, to show the increase in intelligence they just gave him a pair of glass cause of course they did.


Suddenly the cartoon man muscles bludged so much that they shredded his shirt, no only that, but his hair grew long and seemed to be following in the wind?


Then the strangest thing happened, so much so that it knocked me out of my sombre mood, as I saw swear to god.

Washu from Tenshi mayo, Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop, 2B from Nier Automata, Jack from Mass effect 2 and a few more women from franchises I know came out of nowhere started robbing their arms all over the man.


The cartoon man ran off-screen only to come back and slam something on the ground hard, which later revealed itself as a start button. The cartoon man points at it and puts on what can only be described as the biggest rape face in the history of humankind.


When a couple of seconds passed without the computer speaking again, I lost all strength in my legs, flopping down on my knees.

Trying to calm me by breathing in and out a few times slowly, I started to take in my surroundings finally.

The first thing that hit me was whoever decided to decorate this room really liked the colour purple and every bloody version of the colour. Jesus fucking hurts the eyes to look at, man.

The second thing I noticed, I had a futon, it was purple of course, but nothing is ever perfect, a couple of bookshelves containing manga I've read, normie bookies I've read and some of my favourite nut material.

"wait, what?"

Oh, come on! I've never really owned this stuff psychically. I do what every rational man does, I use the internet and delete the history.

Putting the... sensitive material back where it came from and went back to looking around the room again.

Catching a kitchen area with my eyesight, I rushed to the fridge opening its top half, finding all my favourite foods tomatoes, burger, sticky toffee puddings.

Although the view was spoiled a bit when I saw everything inside, it was, of course, purple as well. Giving a deep sigh, I took one of the tomatoes, closed the fridge door and walked reluctantly back to the computer.

Sitting down in front of the computer, I grabbed the mouse, clicked the start button, and saw my status screen.

Name = Kevin Adin
Level = 1
HP = 100/100
MP = Locked
Class = Locked
Age = 27
Sex = Male
Race = Human

Stat points available = 10
Perks points available = 2 (Just click on the attribute to see what perks are available, champ)

Strength = 6
Dexterity = 4
Constitution = 7
Intelligence = 6
Wisdom = 5
Charisma = 5

I have not idea what these numbers mean. Are they good? Are they bad? You would assume that since they were low numbers, they would be bad, but these numbers would be good if the max were 10, probably not tho. Still, if the maximum was 100, that does not seem right either it would be too low. I mean, for fuck's sake, a computer science university student that should amount to something dame it.

Ok, let's get started, I guess. First, I made every stat even with no real reason for that other than I just like even numbers that made dexterity, wisdom, charisma a six and constitution an eight.

That left me with five stat points left, so I put two more points in constitution, making it a ten.

Fuck 3 stat points left over. That's means something will end in an odd number, fuck it, let's pump wisdom with three more stats.

Ok, now for the perks, let's go constitution first since it's my highest stat. Furthermore, since I'm probably going to get sent to places that will see me get shot, burned and stabbed, getting a perk that would lessen that, even just a bit, would be real! Nice.

Now let's see what I got.

Constitution Perks

A good days labour - prerequisite none

Standing at a till for four hours, working in a coal mine or just working a desk job, you know how to pace yourself during work hours probably, so you don't work up a sweat, so as long your boss allow you to pace yourself probably or nothing attacks you in the coal mine.

  • Increase your constitution by 1
  • Can last an extra hour doing menial tasks
I don't bruise easy - prerequisite 10 constitution.

And you really don't. If someone keeps pushing in the face, you're less likely to get your face black and blue, keeping your ugly face from getting even more unappealing.

  • Increase your constitution by 2
  • You have a slight increase in pain tolerance when getting hit by blunt objects (fists, maces)
I'll go for the second option if for no other reason than to get that plus 2 to my constitution, god. Are these types of awful perks going to be a thing throughout all my stats, thought at least my skills I had back home would translate, but the dame computer is treating me like a newborn.

I should just get the default Wisdom perk since it might give me that plus 1 to bump it up to 10.

Let's see what behind curtain number 2.

Wisdom Perks

Early Bird - prerequisite none

Hey, champ, are you tired of needing to sleep for like 100! hours to even feel like getting out of bed in the morning well no more! Now you can feel great with just a 4-hour power nap.

  • Increase your wisdom by 1.
  • You require less sleep to become well-rested.
Whatever, not a bad free perk, I guess now let's see what I've got going for me now.

Name = Kevin Adin
Level = 1
HP = 112/112
MP = Locked
Class = Locked
Age = 27
Sex = Male
Race = Human

Stat points available = 0
Perks points available = 0 (Just click on the attribute to see what perks are available, champ)

Strength = 6
Dexterity = 6
Constitution = 12
[I don't bruise easy]
Intelligence = 6
Wisdom = 10
[Early Bird]
Charisma = 6

Christ, those perks are going to start cluttering the screen when I acquire more of them.

If Mp and class are what I think they are, I need to get those unlocked ASAP.

Interesting that my Hp went up by 12 but not by 7 initially. Makes me believe that 10 is the lowest benchmark. The fact all my stats are below 10 save for two seems like a bad joke, but so does this whole situation.

"Alright, what happens now."


Clicking the button, the screen changed to what appeared to be a slot machine reel, but with only one row, the cartoon man pulled a lever to make it spin. I did try to focus on the spinning row to see any hint of where I might go, but It was all a blur.

Finally, the thing stopped, and my eyes bludged as I saw where the hell I was going.


Ok, you can do this breath in and out.

I moved the mouse over the button.

In and out, I could feel my heart trying to leap out of my chest.

I clicked the button.

Then the world went black.


Authors Note - Sorry Sorry had no idea the black text would be a problem this should have fixed it hopefully, still learning how to use the UI, oh I do switch between a first-person perpective and a diary format, I don't know which one will become more prevalent in later arcs so far out of the 7 chapters I've written the dairy format has been more prevalent. Also, there will be OC worlds as well since part of my goal with this story is to make the multiverse feel big, but the first one isn't even close to showing up yet, and there's only going to be 3 of them.
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Minecraft - Survive, Build, Adapt
Entry 01 - day 6

Ok, so I finally managed to get myself a journal. Remember, Kevin, to keep this thing updated as much as possible. Let's say 4 - 6 days you update the journal with something good, good.

Now let's start with the challenges my kidnapper has forced upon me.
  1. Kill the Ender Dragon (predictable, to be honest)
  2. Survive the Red Moon event (I have no idea what this is, to be honest, I did stop playing Minecraft. Perhaps this is something that got added in a new update?)
  3. Build something awe-inspiring (I can tell this one going to be a long haul)
Hmm, I should probably write what happened to me during my first nights here, if for nothing else but to remember how real this place is, despite how it may look otherwise.

My first day was not so bad, if I'm honest with myself. However, I was more on autopilot, go to the nearest tree, smack tree, collect wood, make crafting table so on, so forth.

I guess it helped that the world looked like the game. I have the user interface and inventory system of the game as well. All I have to do is think, and they would appear, things were going alright.

Then night came.

I got hurt!

I got bitten!

I panicked, build myself a little hovel and tried to wait it out and maybe get some sleep, but the noises outside and the hard ground I tried to sleep on kept me up.

Remember, Kevin, that was the night that made this place real.

This entry is getting a bit too big now. Besides, I don't feel like writing anymore.

Entry 2 - day 10

Dame, I left the first entry on a bit of a sorrow note, so let's do the opposite start grim, then end on a positive note. I'll try to anyway.

Needless to say, after the first night, I was not on autopilot anymore.


But that would be a lie, I did and for a while as well, but I got back up I started to walk again with my buffed-up face.

Day 2, was walking around trying to get my barrings, with no real goal in sight. The night was better but still horrible.

Day 3, I thought of a goal try to find a village and set up shop. Also, this was the point that I noticed I was getting hungrier and thirstier.

Day 4, I did something dumb. I drank from the ocean, which was stupid. Kevin, you're an idiot. But in my defence, I had several days without food, water or sleep, and It worked.

Day 5, while I was still dead tired, I will say this was when things started to turn out for me first. I found melons in a jungle biome.

I don't really like melons, but at that moment, they were gods greatest gift for all I cared.

I also started towering and finding the highest place I could find to see if I could spot a village.

Day 6, found a village, moved into one of the houses, had an Idea about a journal. Here we are.

Fuck, this one toured out long as well. Short Kevin, keep these entries short.

Entry 03 - Day 13

Nice, I get to talk about, what's been happening ever since I came to the village, but first, let us celebrate our Lord, the almighty bed that allows us to snuggle in its sweet embrace.

It is nice to have a bed in all seriousness, and I don't feel bad about it. Cause the villagers are very brain dead, so I now live in another man's house and sleep in his bed, and if he had a wife, I would probably fuck her too.

But I would never do that to my new roommate. He's great. I call him Jim the villager, and while I have taken his bed, I have surrounded him with all manner of blocks. From my adventures, the blocks are conversational pieces.

I've also built myself a mine, improved their farm, and I have an idea of creating a wall around the village for protection.

So the to-do list
  1. Expand the mine.
  2. Build the wall.
  3. Get iron weapons.
  4. Torches EVERYWHERE!
Entry 4 - Day 14

Iron golems are fucking massive!

Entry 5 - Day 18

To-do list
  1. Expand the mine. ( coming along well, need to take breaks often tho every 1 hour or so hopefully will get better at it)
  2. Build the wall. (done but could be vastly improved. Perhaps a 3 x 3 design would work better)
  3. Get iron weapons. Done
  4. Torches EVERYWHERE! ( can never have enough)
Looking back, I have failed to mention a few things of importance.

First, after I do any activity for a while, one of my stats go up. For instance, getting hit by a mob increases Constitution, while hitting the dame thing increase strength.

As a reminder to yourself, Kevin, document all stat increases you get, remember the ones you got before coming to the village and figure out their mechanics.

Second, I need to sort out my diet. I have lost a lot of body weight very fast, don't know if that's healthy or not, like I'll start eating only for my stomach to begin aching.

Maybe I should spend a few days focusing on my health before going back to mine work.

Let's finish the entry up.

To-do list
  1. Expand the mine. ( coming along well, need to take breaks often tho every 1 hour or so hopefully will get better at it)
  2. Build the wall. (done but could be vastly improved. Perhaps a 3 x 3 design would work better)
  3. Torches EVERYWHERE! ( can never have enough)
  4. Remember stat increases
  5. Focus on getting healthy.
Entry 6 - Day 19

I'm going to get a dog for Jim and me after feeling a bit better about my health.

This dog shall be named Cricket.
Minecraft - Stats, Training, Music and a dog named Cricket
Entry 7 - Day 23

Ok, so a couple of things to start with, first, my health plan seems to be doing me some good, helps that I have not done much but relaxed and tired to eat proper, which while boring was needed, as I don't think I've stopped since coming here.

Besides, I have Jim, and we've been talking about my life before becoming someone else's entertainment.

Second, I've made some observations about my stats and how they work.

See strength, for example, that really should just be renamed to attack as the only way to increase the bloody thing is to, well, attack things. I've tried to increase it in other ways like push-ups and weight lifting, but that only seems to increases constitution.

Others seem to work as expected for now anyway.

Entry stating to get a bit too long will put down stats tomorrow.

No point updating the to-do list since I've been doing fuck all.

Entry 8 - Day 24

Stat increases (includes stat increases before I arrived at the Village)

  • Str + 6
  • Dex + 8
  • Con + 12
  • Int + 4
  • Wis +4
  • Cha + 0 ( yep, not once in my 24 days here has it gone up.)

To-do list

  1. Expand the mine. ( getting a bit too big now going to have to use rail tracks soon god, I hope I have another Iron)
  2. Build the wall. (going with the 3 x 3 design just started it, it should be finished next entry.)
  3. Torches EVERYWHERE! ( can never have enough)
  4. Remember stat increases ( done, keep updating them tho)
  5. Focus on getting healthy. ( getting better, can keep a good meal down now without feeling like shit, still can't eat three meals a day tho.)

Entry 8 - Day 24

Stat increases.

  • Str + 8 (went on a bit of a monster hunt, figured it was about time to get used to holding a weapon and shield)
  • Dex + 2 ( thinking of creating some kind of free-running training area, maybe it helps?)
  • Con + 4 ( hmm, it seems my increases in con are getting slower, wonder if I'm getting close to or passed a benchmark)
  • Int + 6
  • Wis + 6

Wis and Int always seem to increase at the same time. For example, when I crafted my first rail, I got +1 to both Int and Wis same thing happened when creating the railway's, levers and all. Both stats seem to increase when I'm building things.

God, writing that last bit down makes me feel like such an idiot. Well better to have it written down than not. You would think it would be obvious.

Alright, time to end this entry.

To-do list

  1. Expand the mine. ( build, the railway can get back to digging a hole)
  2. Build a free running training area.
  3. Improve Village (practice for the awe-inspiring thing I'm supposed to make)
  4. Remember stat increases ( done, keep updating them tho)
  5. Focus on getting healthy. (I can eat two meals now if I space myself)

Entry 9 - Day 25

So I stumbled upon a dungeon today, and at this point, killing a few spiders was no biggie. Now, I managed to get myself a diamond sword and helmet.

But that's not wanted to focus on. I found a music disk in the chest, put it in my inventory and finished up today's work.

When I got back home, I build a jukebox and put the disk in out of curiosity.

Kevin, you should always treasure music.

Entry 10 - Day 27

Stat increases.

  • Dex + 6 ( this really should be an eight at least, but god, I think I suck at jumping.)
  • Con + 2 (yeah, this is getting slower. Did the same activity for the same amount of time but got +2 instead of a +4)
  • Int + 8
  • Wis + 5 (Wis seems to be slowing as well )

Anything else to note, oh Kevin, remember you chose a victorian york theme for the Village, just as a reminder, in case your dumbass self forgets what you're supposed to be building.

Perhaps, it might be an idea to put a schedule in the dairy to help with timekeeping, hard to do that when you don't have a clock that tells the fucking time.

I might create a schedule based on the clock in Minecraft, but god, that just sounds like a headache.

Could do it like Morning, Noon, Evening, then Afternoon, maybe?

Eh, we'll see, not going to post the to-do list. Nothing really changed.

Entry 11 - Day 28

Schedule prototype

  • Morning - breakfast, mine,
  • Noon - lunch, train Dex
  • Afternoon - shoot mobs from the wall, improve Village.
  • Evening - Dinner, update the dairy, bed.

Definitely not the best but it's a good start.

I decided to look for a dog today will be gone for a few days.

Jim best pal of mine, guard this dairy with all your manliness, Jim.

Entry 12 - Day 34

So that took WAY! Longer than it really should have done, but a few pyramid raids and a very slow trek back with my new fluffy pal, Cricket.

And I'm +1 dog, +1 god apple and a shit ton of TNT richer.

Stat increases (nothing impressive)

Str - 4
Dex - 2

Yeah, I avoided most mobs. I did not want to risk the new member of the family.

At the very least, Jim seems to like Cricket. The two of them have not stopped looking at each other since they've met.

Now that I'm back, I would like to mention two things before signing off on this entry.

First, I should have mentioned my status screen in entry 9 but finding the music disk distracted me, but I can't access my stat screen from the purple room. I was only given the Minecraft UI, and I did not look into it till that day.

You know Kevin writing that makes you look like a dammed fool.

Anyways, I tried the usual thing with these gamer, like powers, I thought of "status", nothing appeared, then I thought of "player UI", which just brought up the Minecraft UI. Go figure. However, the moment I thought "purple room status", this came up.

"Access denied."

Now that was just frustrating! So I can but just not right "sorry, come back later, lol".

Maybe I can't have more than two UIs. You would think something this powerful would just merge them, but whatever.

The second thing I want to mention is the mobs have been acting weird, maybe I'm just paranoid, but I could swear there are more of them lately.

I could also swear that some of them have been following me, but at the same time keeping at a safe distance.

It's almost like they're scouting me.

I think I'm going to bunker down for the next couple of days, sure up defences until I'm sure this is just my imagination playing tricks on me.


Authors note - the next chapter will be in first person. Not the dairy format.
Minecraft - The White Eyed Man, In front of a Red Moon
Awwww, It's so lovely to wake up in bed.

Giving myself a good stretch, I lifted the covers and got my ass out of bed.

Hearing an excited "Woof", I turned my head to the noise and greeted by the sight of my new fluff ball of a friend.

I gave him a good scratch behind the ear.

One thing I will say, about the small mercies of this world, the wolves are fluffy, warm and just sweet as can be once you tame them. Putting your hand through their admittedly blocky fur does feel good, and at least they react like your there and not some phantom.

"Come on, Cricket, let's get the day started."

I gathered my clothes from a chest next to my bedroom then went to the room next door.

First, let's get washed in never dirting water that is always at a moderate temperature.

I got in, walked back and forth. In the tub, Cricket joined, but he does not shed nor stink, so it does not matter.

I got out, put on my only set of clothes and went downstairs, with Cricket tagging along behind me, to my lovely made kitchen area, opened a chest, and took out some bread, a bucket of milk and sat myself down at the table.

Ok, time to get breakfast, which is just bread for the last couple of days now.

What I would not give for portage or butter, hell I'll even take marmite.

Well, It's not that bad. I do have milk, and lunch has more virality to it, but god, how I wish for a cooked egg at least, but you can only watch a 2D egg burn so many times before it becomes depressing.

Finishing up the last of the bread and milk, I went to a separate chest labelled "Cricket Treats.", opened it and got some rotten meat out.

Turning to my favourite fluff ball with a grin.

"Ok, Cricket, who's the best wolf in the world."

Hearing the bark, I let the fluff ball have the rotten meat.

"There you go, boy."

Alright, Cricket and I are clean and eaten, now to say hello to the best pal.

Opening the door behind the stairs, I went halfway downstairs before I saw Jim.

"Sup, Jim, how are you this fine morning."

"Huh", well at least he turned towards me this time.

"Cool, I am great, actually. Thanks for asking."

"Huh," he said sceptically.

"What I am, relatively speaking, of course, but you have to count your blessings, you know."

"Huh", scepticism still not leaving his voice.

"bah, says you." I throw him a checky grim, "Anyway, I'm of to work today, hon make sure the place is spic and span before I get home, oh and makes sure the dog does not get lost now." I said in the most 1930 husbando voice I could.

"...huh?" ignoring my jest completely and asking me what on the agenda today, god can't a guy get a little apparition for trying to bring a little sunshine into this shithole.

Sighing, I gave him a more direct answer.

"Yeah, going to find some lapis today. I don't want to go into the nether without fire protection."

Was that not the understatement of the century. Even if I did have some diamond armour, I don't think anyone would blame me for delaying, so I can get myself fire protection enchantments, I mean, I do have the god apple, but I would like to have something that lasts longer than 5 mins.

"Ok, my dude, time for me to go, see you later today, man."

"huh?" he asked inquisitively.

"What? Sorry man, I can't let you out of the basement, I mean, I would, but you keep not getting back into the house once you leave, sorry."

"huh", he said with a tone full of regret.

If he said anything else, I did not hear him as I was alrighty halfway out the front door of the house.

Ok, time to get to work.

First the mine, then some dex training, hmm do I want to do some building today.

The wall around the village looked done. Hell, I even put machicolations along the bloody thing. I could put up banners along the wall as well.

Maybe replacing the cobblestone road with a stone brick one and making proper lamp posts would do some good as well.

I stopped just before I was about to enter my mine to take one final glance around the village. I guess I skipped straight into replacing the houses. I'll finish the ones I'm still working on, then focus more on the village itself.

Still, I'm proud of my little York styled Tudor Buildings there not that complex, just two floors and maybe a basement such as myself's and Jim house; I do plan on making each building unique depending on the villager's job, but that's a long way from now.


Dame, there is a lot to do, and this stuff is just me preparing myself to create the awe-inspiring something.

Just how long I'm I going to be here.

No! no, no, let's get out of that headspace. First, you've already known your in this for the long haul. Let's just get shit done, one step at a time if we have to.

I open the door to the mine and start to descend the stairs. Next to me, two sets of red stone-powered rails delivered equipment to the mine, the other for delivering raw materials out of it.

Now a vet player of Minecraft might ask something like, "dude, why are you not just riding a minecart? Get good, bruh."

To that person, I would say go fuck yourself cause, unlike your normie Minecraft characters, I don't just magically stick to the minecart, meaning if a fast going cart suddenly stops for any reason, I'm going to have to learn how to fly very fast, or I'm in trouble.

Alright, time to get to work. If I remember correctly, Lapis Lazuli spawns near diamonds, I think? It's strange how none of the villagers has it for trade; maybe I'm misremembering something.

Once I reached the bottom, I got my Iron pickaxe and went to work.

chink, clack, chink, chink, clack, chink, chink, clack, chink.

Place torches.

chink, clack, chink, chink, clack, chink, chink, clack, chink.

Gather the materials

chink, clack, chink, chink, clack, chink, chink, clack, chink.

Go back to the furnace area, and start cooking materials; once finished. Put materials in the minecart chest, send them up to the surface, and get back to the tunnel.

Ah shit, there's a fucking zombie, where I just came from, the fuck I thought a lit up that area with torches, whatever time to kill a nuance.

Heading towards the thing, I took out my diamond axe and shield.

"Oy! shit head."

My taunt returned with an acknowledgement of growls and snarls.

I let the thing attack first, raising my shield in preparation; once I heard the thud against my shield, I swung with my shield arm bashing the zombie in the face and giving us some distance. Before the zombie could go on the offensive, I already closed the distance between us, raised my leg and kicked it full force in the chest; pressing my advantage, I swung with the axe lunging it into the zombies head. To its credit, despite it flashing red constantly now, the thing was still trying to come after me. Still, I guess that's zombies for you, however, eventually, the damage took its toll, and the zombie despawned.

I am never really going to get used to the half-game/real-life fights. I mean, the whole fight with the physics of real-life, but everything still highlight red when damaged, just adds to the entire uncanny effect of it all.

Speaking of how the hell did he spawn in the first place, I got the whole area covered in torches.

Wait a minute.

I walked over to a newly created dark area that I was sure had torches covering it, and true enough, here they are just laying on the...ground.

It's almost like someone removed the torches...

Feeling a chill go down my spine, I gave a quick once around to see if I was alone.

The problem was the mine I created was not just a straight line. Its direction depended on the materials I found meaning, that it zigzagged, went up and down, allowing someone to.

Watch me without me knowing it. That's silly. It's just some torches; maybe I dropped them instead of placing them down.

Even still, I couldn't say why, but the mine suddenly felt very claustrophobic.

You know what, I think I'm done mining for today; let's just do some free running instead to raise some dex.

While I was ascending the mine, I kept looking over my shoulder for some reason, as there was this uneasy feeling nesting at the back of my mind I could not shake.

Upon reaching the surface, I breathed in the fresh air, brought out my watch.

Hmmm, it seems I'm about halfway through the day.

Alright I guess, it's time for me to try and do a flip.

My dexterity training area has gone through a few iterations; at first, I tried using glass to practice my dex. However, while I could still stand on the glass like in the game, trying to stay standing on the glass was next to impossible for me.

So, I replaced my glass training course with stone slabs which, while better, was still very hard. It probably did not help that my dex was not very high, and my course was, say, inspired by free runner videos I saw on youtube.

Needless to say, I downgraded my free running course to something you would get in a high school gym class.

Arriving at my umm mirrors edge hard mode training course, I stared at my wall run set up. It's a simple set up, just two blocks with a three-block gap, with a 3 x 3 block wall on the left side.

Alright, let's get started.

First, do some stretches, loosen those muscles, baby;

How about 1-hour wall running session.

+2 to dex

15 min snack/drink break.

Wait, are those spiders on the hill looking at me? I'm a bit far from them to notice me, aren't they supposed just to wander around during the day.

Well, whatever, let's get back to training.

1-hour of jumping/flipping of blocks.

+1 to dex

15 min snack/drink break.

Fuckers! are still there staring at me. There's that chill again.

Let's just do one last exercise to finish the day.

How about 1 hour of climbing and hanging.

+1 to dex

Sigh, finally done.

Thank fuck! They're gone, ok let's see my increases, hmmm, just a +4 boost to dex; last time I did this course, I got a +6; yeah, I've definitely crossed some benchmark.

I'm going to have to note all the strange happening's today in the journal first, between the zombie, the spiders, the removed torches and this sense of foreboding I've been getting.

As I got home with the sun setting and the moon coming out, the feeling of discomfort was only getting worse. Not even seeing Cricket made me happy, so I went all-in on dinner baked potato, cooked porkchop and steak, some mushroom soup and fuck, let's make a cake for dessert cause today just one of those days.

I did not even get halfway cooking the potato before I heard the Boom.

After that, a few things happened in quick succession.

First, I equipment my shield, diamond axe, and armour, mainly iron, save for the chest and boots, which were diamond.

Second, I noticed the red moon that illuminated the night sky.

Thirdly, the massive hole in my wall that was letting in a horde, yea, a horde! of mobs, has to be at least 20 to 30 spiders, zombies, skeletons, and supercharged creepers!

The last thing I noticed, the one that made my eyes pop out of their skull, the man in front of me standing atop my wall and looking directly at me with white eyes while a red moon glares down at me from behind him.

Mother fucking Herobrine! is standing atop my wall.

Kevin, you have to move.

The horde was getting closer.


Herobrine's aiming an arrow at me.


I raised my shield, blocking serval arrows sent my way, turning my back to the horde, and headed straight back to my house.

I need to get higher ground.

Cricket bless his soul. The moment I opened the door, he went straight towards the horde, and along with the iron golem, started to attack the horde recklessly, indifferent to their own survival.

"Cricket! Stop!" but he did not listen to me. Cause, of course, he didn't. I was tempted to get Cricket back, but there are too many of them, so I shook my head and went inside.

I was halfway up the stairs before I stopped again and looked down at the basement; however, the moment I heard Cricket yelp, I clenched my teeth, climbed the rest of the stairs, towered to my roof, made an opening with my axe, and got my ass on top of the roof as fast as I could.

Taking a moment to look around made my heart sank. The horde was at least 40-50 mobs now; however, while the arrows were being hurled my way, I ate the god apple and a couple of steaks.

Fuck, there's not a lot of room to move around in. Great, a roof that took me hours to build is going to get me killed. I've got to start placing blocks down to give myself some breathing room.


Before I even placed the first block down, I heard something behind me. Turning my head, I saw the big man himself, glaring at me with a diamond sword in hand.

"how the hell! Did you get up here?"


Whatever, I readied my axe, shield and got ready to fight; however, before I started swinging, I heard a strange noise like blocks being placed down?

Turning my head slightly, I saw a couple of zombies towering from the corner of my eye, then jumping off said towers onto my roof and making a beeline towards me.


I spun around, swinging my axe into the head of one of the zombies, and shoved the other one with my shield knocking it back a few, lunging my axe out of the skull of the zombie.

Trying to finish it off with a few rapid swings, however, the zombie from earlier was back, and he brought friends, some of whom had armour on them.

Fuck there was even spiders among them as well.

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

As I was distracted by the new group of enemies, my back suddenly felt like it was on fire.

"Ah!, fuck!"

Turning my head, I saw the house roof right next to mine have a group of at least 6+ skeletons all pointing their bows at me.

They released another set of arrows. I tried to block with my shield, and most were blocked; however, others found their mark.

The fuck is this.

The zombies and spiders hit me next; I swung my axe in retaliation, but they're so many of them that three more took their place if I took down one.

Dame it! I keep tripping on the roof.

Too much.


Someone! Please help me!

Then I started to fly.


No, just my head is flying.

My head landed with a heavy thud on the roof.

I saw Herobrine standing over my headless corpse with a bloodied diamond sword.

Oh, that's right, Herobrine, I forgot about him.

That was silly of me.

And that was the first time I died.

Only to wake up in a familiar purple room.


Authors note - dame this took longer than I thought it would, but I had to do a maths assessment for uni. I also found a couple of things I'm having trouble writing about ether time transitions and sounds like when Kevin was mining. This was my first attempt at a fight scene.

Back to dairy format for the next chapter, the chapter after that will either be first-person again or another dairy one depending on where we are on the next chapter.