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The Saga of James Stormcaller [Harry Potter AU]

-last words of ICW Chief Treasurer Ibd al-Qaid, age 110, on being told the total, final cost of building the Hogwarts Express and the rail it runs on, during a session meeting of ICW Chiefs, September 9, 1750 CE. Seconds after uttering this statement, al-Qaid died of a sudden and immediately fatal stroke, while two of his aides fainted and the French Mugwump attempted to strangle his British counterpart, apparently over a long-standing and unpaid loan debt owed by the latter
That's impressive, not gonna lie. Unfortunate, but impressive.

Also, the bit about the longstanding debt is even funnier. Like, they spent ALL of that, and didn't bother to pay the debt. Or maybe it's why they didn't pay the debt.

Also, entirely magical materials? Geez...
Description: The Hogwarts Express is what shall become known as a "steam locomotive".
What shall become known as? Was this guy a time traveler or were they planning out what the muggles would do?

Given the weird bit with Hermione, I begin to wonder if this invention of industry was some sort of anti-Nature plot, or if this guy's disappearance is more ominous somehow.
I know what you're going to ask, sir, and the answer is yes: even the person's name has been literally rubbed off papers.
during my ancestor Vega Black's disturbing tenure as Headmaster, he appears to have upset the Caretaker in some way
You only needed to go as far as the name and I already knew what probably happened. :p
it should also be noted that, at the time, and continuing to the present, the Last High Dragon is, by British law, not allowed to enter the British Isles outside of international emergency circumstances; this letter therefore implies that P. Black and the High Dragon were violating the law. At the asking, Persephone has simply giggled and provided no other comment on the matter.
Ignoring the likely Shaman-y bullshit involved, has this man heard of the floo network?!
Red smiled warily, laughing a little, "You… you'd make a wand… for a sandwich?"
Seems a good deal for me. I love corned beef.
Ignoring the likely Shaman-y bullshit involved, has this man heard of the floo network?!
So, the Floo Network is really complicated in this setting. There's details later as to why, but right now, two things:

Using it for international travel is highly regulated and monitored, for so many reasons, but I don't want to write an essay right now.
Not everyone can have a Floo connection.

As for Persephone, there was no Shaman-y bullshit involved. She just turned herself invisible and flew to Britain, and then walked. Regardless, if anyone with authority actually caught her entering Britain, in spite of the fact she's banned there's precious little they could do about her making a visit, aside from politely yet firmly asking her to leave.
I stumbled here yet again and got this weird epiphany. If I remember right, isn't James like the last Shaman and has this whole ghost of past shamans shtick going on?
And here comes the epiphany.

Emps is that you?
I stumbled here yet again and got this weird epiphany. If I remember right, isn't James like the last Shaman and has this whole ghost of past shamans shtick going on?
And here comes the epiphany.

Emps is that you?
Sadly, no. Though that would be awesome, I'm not about to make James THAT overpowered.

The whole ghosts of past Shamans thing comes from IRL lore that says shamans of certain tribes can communicate with the shamans who came before them, learning lost knowledge and passing it on to their families. I can't really remember which culture this came from; it might be many of them.

Regardless, I took the idea and shuffled it together with some of my other ideas, and came up with the mechanics for Shamans in this setting.

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