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Okay so just, had an absolutely crazy idea for the pairings for this fic. Is this list canon? Probably not but I felt the need to share this.

Issei X Rias Gremory, Asia Argento, and Ravel Phenex.

Kiba X Xenovia Quarta, and Sakura Souji.

Vali X Kuroka, and Marie Antoinette

Tachie X Gareth.

Very unsure for Tachie pairings currently as I am admittedly Bias towards Gareth (She is my favorite among the round table, YES THAT MEANS SHE'S ABOVE MORDRED AND ARTORIA FOR ME!). Also lots of people on Fanfiction seem to want Tachie X Gareth, but I worry the relationship may feel forced? It may also be better to treat each-other like siblings.

As for the Vali pairing... I just feel someone like Vali would benefit from someone as kind as Marie, and I really wish Vali did have a relationship with Kuroka.

Is this the end results for pairings? No clue. I'm not very good with ships to be honest and while I would like to try writing them, I worry the characters may not fit together. What do you guys think and what are some ships you guys want to see?
Chapter 17
The meeting was pretty boring to be honest, I could barely understand half the stuff Olivier and Odin talked about. I had never seen my mentor as a good politician, but with how he spoke I was clearly unaware of a lot regarding him still.

Odin seemed careless with his words and agreements, but from the frown on Olivier's face, I have the feeling he was far more cunning then I was realizing.

I understood enough of politics to know I knew nothing about politics, nor did I want to know. Thankfully, a reprieve to my boredom would come soon.

"I recognize that expression, you bored to kid?". Brynjar, our Einherjar guide asked at the most quiet I had heard. I gave a nod, not seeing a point in giving a worded reply. "Perhaps I can show you more of Asgard's glory? Lord Odin and your teacher seem focused on their conversation".

I turned to look at Olivier, who met my eyes and nodded, guess he was listening in. I looked at Brynjar and gave him a nod of agreement.

"Hahaha! Brilliant! Come then little one, I shall introduce you to the glories of Asgard!". The giant of a man laughed and walked out of the room with me following along.

The next few minutes we walked through different areas of the castle, rooms filled with masterpieces of art, ancient weapons, at least five different kitchens, and even a room filled to the brim with cats! Apparently Freya really liked them (I wonder what the Queen of Asgard was like, was she anything like Odin? or was she a crazy old cat lady?).

Finally, we came to a very large room, a board filled with weapons near the door. Of course the battle crazy Norse would have a sparing room… and Brynjar wanted a spar didn't he?

"I see you've figured out my master plan eh? What'dya think kid? Want to have a go at a true Einherjar?". The man grinned down at her, grabbing a training axe, the edge blunted.

Nobody's pov.

"Are you sure you want to fight a warrior of the Church?". Tachie asked with a grin, it was fun to use her powers for something interesting like a spar. It hadn't been fighting to the death against that cult, but a friendly spar? She certainly wouldn't deny an opportunity to test her power.

"Hah! Let's see if you can pull out any of those fancy Church techniques against me then!". Brynjar walked over to the other side of the arena, while Tachie grabbed a sword of similar size to Aestus Estus. Giving it a very practice slashes, she was happy with the weapon and walked to her side of the arena.

Both warriors were silent, Brynjar had long learned that talking in battle was foolish and arrogant, while Tachie was focusing on her target with no time to waste on trash talk. They both waited to see who'd make the first move, Tachie twitched and that's all the older warrior needed to charge in.

Axe raised, Brynjar brought his axe down upon the hero descendent who hastily raised her sword to block, but-

CRAAACK! Tachie's eyes widen and moved back quickly, in just a single attack Brynjar had caused cracks along her training blade. It wasn't shattered, but it certainly wouldn't last too long if she blocked Brynjar again.

"Oops! Sorry kid, I forget my own strength sometimes! Now the fight's a bit unfair, we could just get a new sword… or you could stop holding back and use whatever abilities ya possess, you Church kids always have some trump card, especially if you were sent on an important political mission". Brynjar said with a grin, his axe resting over his shoulder.

Tachie frowned, this was weird. Brynjar had damaged her weapon too easily, and was now letting her use more of her abilities to make the spar fairer? On one hand this could all be some big plot to learn her abilities, but on the other hand maybe she had watched too many detective movies lately and was seeing plans were there were none.

Fine, the Norse weren't her enemies, so it wouldn't matter if they have knowledge on her abilities. With a though she shifted into her Demi-Servant form… or at least tried. The rush of strength didn't appear, the feeling of defense the Shielder possessed… none of it was there, looking at her hands, the bodysuit hadn't appeared.

'What the hell? I thought I had this figured out!'. Tachie panicked, she had been practicing this form and could shift into it with a thought before, so why wasn't it working now!

If her Demi-Servant wouldn't work, then she'd have to use her Sacred Gear. Red scales formed across her arms and legs, around her left eye which had turned purple, along with a few patches across different parts of her body. She let out a sigh of relief, at least her Sacred Gear worked, and she'll have to figure out why her Demi-Servant wouldn't work later.

"Interesting, that's a real vile aura you're releasing now. Bit odd to see an Excorist use something like that, but guess Sacred Gears are random. Now, let's see what you can do". Brynjar smirked, rushing at Tachie.

She raised her blade and slashed at Brynjar, who leaned to the side to avoid it and slammed the training axe into Tachie, launching her to the ground. However Tachie managed to recover with a roll and get back up quick enough to dodge another axe slam. Brynjar wasn't just strong, he was fast and skilled.

Aurea Poculum was powerful, but against someone who possessed no negative feelings towards Tachie or despair, it was worthless. Tachie considered bringing out her true sword, but this was a spar, not a fight. So her best choice was…

"Flame Burst!". Tachie cried, using a burst of flames from her feet to launch herself towards a surprised Brynjar, who blocked with a laugh.

"Interesting! I don't think I've seen such a strange use of fire in a while!". The Einherjar laughed, swiftly moving his axe and dragging Tachie's blade with it, and sending a punch towards her.

The hero descendant managed to avoid the punch with a sideways leap, victory was seeming further and further away in this fight. It… frustrated her, she didn't want to lose.

Unknown to Tachie, the red scales of Aurea Poculum started fading away, while pale white lines started spreading across her body, looking like tattoos. Tachie's left eye reverted to its original color, while her nails turned black.

Brynjar raised an eyebrow but assumed this was just another function of her Sacred Gear. Tachie rushed at him with a far faster speed and thrust her blade forth, Brynjar slammed his axe into her blade, but instead of shattering like he had expected a rainbow colored aura protected the blade. Eyes widened the Einherjar had to lean back to avoid a sword swipe.

Tachie followed it up with another sword slash, but Brynjar was prepared this time. He avoided the attack and used this opportunity to slam his axe into Tachie, sending her flying into the air. But she recovered mid-air and managed to land on her feet.

Rising to her combat position, Tachie's right eye started turning red. Her magical energy was rising, but her mind was elsewhere.

'Destroy the enemy'
'Bad civilization'
'Conquer, ride, and destroy'
'Connecting with ####'
'I shall not take your life, only your civilization!'

Her head hurt, her eyes stung, but she wouldn't take her eyes off her opponent (Prey, conquest, destruction), her magical energy was skyrocketing painfully, and her hands and feet stung. But she would not stop fighting, not until the spar was over (Civilization was destroyed).

She ignored the whispers of Draco in her head, trying to grab her attention. It did not matter, all that mattered was defeating (destroying) the enemy.

What did it matter if an embodiment of desire told her to stop? What did it matter if even the Gods of Asgard got involved? The Church? She was destruction, the King of Destruction and the Herald of the Star, the absolute end to any civilization.

She raised her blade, ready to again charge towards her current enemy and destroy it.

However, before the hero descendant could do anything. A loud explosion echoed through the ear, followed by screaming. This was enough to shock Tachie back into control of herself and deactivate her Sacred Gear.

"Shit! Come on kid, looks like shits going down!". Brynjar grunted and rushed to grab his actual axe, leaving the training axe on the ground. It took a few seconds for Tachie to properly sort her mind, but she summoned her own blade and followed after the running Einherjar.
Omake: Mash Alter 4
Ritsuka breathed heavily as Tachie tied a bandage around his knee, he had scrapped it rather badly during against some Demonic Beasts. Thankfully he had started carrying medical supplies ever since he had started randomly appearing in Singularities during his sleep (Thanks to the fact his uniform always appeared with him, even when it was damaged or something new had been added).

Tachie had also apparently been trained in medical techniques (By an angel of all things! He was really starting to get curious about her world), so he'd be fine in a few hours.

"As long as you don't put too much pressure on the leg, you should be fine. If we need to run, I'll carry you". Tachie said with an embarrassed look, she'd rather not carry Ritsuka but if she had to choose between that and Ritsuka dying, it was an easy pick.

"Thanks, you're a pretty amazing Servant. You've learned how to fight with that shield really fast". Ritsuka complimented with a smile, standing up with a bit of effort. Tachie smiled back with pink cheeks (While mentally asking why she was so embarrassed with such a small compliment, she's fought naked yet THIS is what embarrasses her?).

"No problem, now let's get back to searching for that Servant signature". Tachie said, earlier Da Vinci had detected a Servant signature, likely an Assassin with how they kept disappearing and reappearing. They had ran into the Demonic Beasts while searching for said Assassin.

"Alright, let's go!". Ritsuka agreed with a smile, he had found himself enjoying Tachie's company more. She wasn't bright and positive like Mash, she was very straight forward and secretive, but she had been kind and had a very strict sense of honor.

They walked through the area, eventually coming across something neither expected.

"…Ritsuka, is that a ramen shop?". Tachie asked with wide eyes, unable to believe what she was seeing.

"Yep… and I recognize the girl ordering everything". Ritsuka sighed, so this was one of those sort of Events? He walked over to the Ramen Shop and listened to the Servant talking.

"Eeeh!? What do you mean my Space-Bucks coupon doesn't work? It's valid everywhere else!" The blond Assassin demanded, waving her coupon in the face of the store owner.

"I don't know who you're trying to fool here young lady! That coupon is three weeks out of date!". The store owner replied.
Ritsuka and Tachie just watched the two argue, one with a weak smile on his face and the other with an expression of absolute confusion.

"She's… not very bright, is she?". Tachie said, with Ritsuka slowly nodding before walking over.

"Don't worry, I can pay for this MHX". Ritsuka smiled at Mysterious Heroine X, who blinked confused and then smiled.
Hero Descendants & Reincarnations.
Decided to make a list of who are Hero Descendants, and Reincarnations.

Tachie - Galahad (Descendant/Reincarnation), Lancelot (Descendant), and A̴̡̪͖̯͔̓́t̷̻̤̓̀̈́͗̃ť̴̮̙̞̈̔͜ị̴͌̆ĺ̴̥̍͂̄a̶̬̠̜͉͠ (Descendant).
Lance - Lancelot (Descendant).
George - Saint Georgios (Reincarnation).
Gareth - Gareth (Reincarnation).
Marie - Marie Antionnete (Descendant).
Sakura - Okita Souji (Descendant).

As more is revealed, I will update this list.
Chapter 18
What the hell had just happened, my head hurts and there was an ache in my body not related to the recent spar at all. As I looked at my hands, I noticed my nails were still black but it seemed to be slowly fading away.

Destroying civilization… there was only one Nasuverse entity that fit that description, but how the hell could Velber of all things be in my Sacred Gear? It was an alien, and from my knowledge of DxD, there was no aliens in it!

Was it a modification the ROB had done to the world? Or was it something I had never been aware of?

I shook my head, Asgard was being attacked! I could think on the Velber situation later… And probably apologize to Draco for ignoring her, one does not ignore an Evil of Humanity and expect to get away with it scott free.


My eyes widened as Brynjar blocked a dagger coming at my face with his axe.

"PAY ATTENTION GIRLIE! THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH!". The Einherjar roared and rushed at his opponent, humans in cloaks wielding throwing weapons and magic. He rushed into a crowd and started sending limbs, both attached and detached flying.

I summoned Aestus Estus and began my own attack, charging towards a cloaked man and slashing down, but he countered with a long dagger and attempted to use his second hand to grab me, but I pulled my blade back and cut off his arm. The spray of blood and scream made me wince, it was necessary but not something to be enjoyed.

However my eyes would widen as slowly the man's hand started regenerating, the hell!? As I looked about, I saw the rest of the cloaked men seemed to have the same regeneration power.

"Shit! Vampires! Uses fire or holy attacks!". Brynjar shouted before writing something in the air and his axe gained a fiery aura, slicing another apparently vampire in half, and this time he didn't regenerate.

Vampires huh? This brought back memories of the Moon obsessed cult I had first used my Demi-Servant form against, Olivier had dealt with the vampires then leaving me with the human mages, but I guess this time I'll actually have to deal with ordinary vampires and not a vampire super weapon.

Thankfully, my sword was very good at the fire weakness of vampires! As my blade set itself aflame, I tossed it spinning towards a group of three close together vampires, and watched as they were set ablaze. When Aestus Estus returned I grabbed it, I've managed to get that trick down finally.

However as I saw the many vampires stream into the hall, I started to realize this was a battle of stamina and not strength.

Olivier's Pov.
As he slashed Excalibur Nightmare through another vampire, he started to wonder if he'd ever have a normal mission again. He loved Tachie as he would his own flesh and blood, but ever since he picked her up he's not had a mission go wrong in some way.

At the very least this time, he had some backup… Even if having the Chief God of the Norse as backup may have been overboard.

"YOU DARE INVADE ASGARD WITH SUCH PATHETIC NUMBERS AND STRENGTH? I'VE POPPED PIMPLES HARDER THEN YOU LOT!". Odin roared and fired a stream of lightning from his spear, the mighty Gungir made Excalibur's presence feel like a candle wick.

"Something's off, these guys are way to weak to actually think they could fight the gods of Asgard. They must be a distraction for some kind of different goal". Olivier told the god, Odin nodded in agreement, his gaze looking around the room and seeing things beyond his own sight.

"Agreed, we may not have the holy weaponry you church lot you, but we have more then enough fire to burn these welps to the ground! But none can enter our vaults and we have no objects of interest for the undead". Odin replied, firing another blast of lightning and frying a vampire, while Olivier cut down two more.

Deflecting a couple daggers, he created two runes in the air using them to send a stream of fire towards a group of vampires. Odin frowned at the sight of Runes and spoke.

"While I have no issue with another faction using our runes, your skill at them is disappointing for a warrior of your calibre. Let me show you how you truly use Runes!". Odin held out his hand and a golden Rune appeared in the air, carrying an air of immense power with it. Waving his hand, the rune fired a barrage of light beams and flames towards the vampires. By the time the attack was done, every vampire in the room was dusted.

"Sorry for not being on the level of a Chief God using the runes of his own homeland". Olivier rolled his eyes, he was perfectly fine for a none Norse using their Runes. Avifa would accept no less for her husband's prized student.

"Heh, well lets go find whoever dares order an attack on my kingdom. They are ether a fool or a monster". Olivier found himself agreeing with Odin's words, but he was leaning towards the second option. Whoever was attacking had not only managed to travel to Asgard, but kept themselves hidden until their attack.

Whoever had attacked wasn't just some fool, but someone with cunning and a plan. He only hoped he ran into Tachie before anything got worst.

However, before anything else could be done he had to react to avoid purple energy blade aimed for his throat. He dodged the blow and raised Excalibur Nightmare.

The first thing he noticed was his latest opponent wasn't a vampire, she was beautiful with purple hair in a long ponytail, a black and gold bodysuit with armored hips, chest and knees. In one hand she wielded a psychical short sword composed of a purple crystal blade and ordinary metal hilt, and in the other hand had a purple energy blade.

"Oh? It would seem you had better reflexes then expected Church Scum. Please don't die to quickly!". The woman laughed and threw another energy blade, which split into three mid air. Olivier's eyes widened and he ducked to the side.

Odin would've assisted, but he found himself dealing with a pack of black wolf like creatures with horns, sparking something from Olivier's memories.

"YOU! You're apart of the group that attacked the Vatican!". Olivier struggled to repress his rage, those were the same monsters that poisoned Tachie.

"Oh? I suppose you must've been there that day, but yes it was our group". The woman replied while running forward and slashing her short sword, but had to roll to the side to avoid a bullet from Olivier's recently summoned gun.

"Then I have a lot of questions for you, and your going to answer them!". He roared and fired more bullets, but now prepared the woman easily deflected or avoided his rain of fire.

"Modern guns… You must be Olivier Sharpe then, we were told to be weary of you and… Heheheh, oh this really is a perfect opportunity!". The woman giggled while sending more energy swords towards Olivier, who shot them out of the sky. The fight at this point was more ranged then close up, but Olivier had no intention to keep it that way.

Getting closer to the woman, he attempted to pierce her through with Excalibur Nightmare, and while she avoided the worst of the blow, it still left a bloody wound through her armour.

At this point the time for talk was over, both fighters were determined to kill each other. But they had forgotten there was another here.

The woman was unable to avoid a blast of lightning that slammed her into the wall, cracking it and causing her to spit out blood.

"Young people today, ignoring their elders! Didn't your parents teach you to introduce yourself girl?". Odin asked mockingly, Gungir raised to end this fight.

"Well I see the Artificial Black Dogs didn't prove much of an issue for you, but what to expect of a Chief God…". The woman frowned, blood leaking down her face from a forehead wound. She was outmatched and she knew it, escape was near impossible with Odin here as well…

"Where are your masters girl? I doubt you willingly entered this room of your own plans". Odin demanded as he approached the woman, Gungir still sparking with power.

Olivier kept his own eye out, but he was also paying attention for any unexpected guests.

"Olivier, I shall deal with our guest, can I ask you to deal with the vampires roaming my halls?". The one eyed god would ask, Olivier nodded.

"Got it, I've got my apprentice to find anyway". He walked away, keeping his grip on his blade and ready for a fight any moment.

Once Olivier had left the room, Odin turned his full attention to the woman who had been attempting to subtly sneak away.

"Do not try sneaking away from me girl, I've dealt with mysteries and assassins of far greater skill then yourself. Now you will answer my questions, who sent you here and for what?". Odin growled and shoved Gungir next to the woman's neck, the threat obvious.

"Weeeelll since I've got no choice, I CAN tell you something. My boss wanted us to find something you supposedly have, the remains of the White Titan". The woman smirked as Odin's face paled.

This situation had just become a thousand times more complex, had Ragnarok come early…?
Last edited:
This is completely unreadable in dark mode.
It's one of the works I post on Fanfiction as well, so I have to use Libre Office to write it. Easier to just copy it from Libre office to here.
However that did come with an issue of the color, I'll have it turned into something hopefully more easy to read as I didn't really notice.
Binged this story fully today! Really cool story, a bit disjointed at times, but I am a real sucker for any story with our favorite White Titan Sefar! Really hope she delves a bit deeper into that faucet of her being, Void Cells are fucking cool! The White Titan shall walk the Earth once more and the Heavens shall tremble! It really went a wildly different way than I expected tbh, I assumed she would befriend Irina and Xenovia = she would be send to Kuoh with them and thus "canon" would begin...also she would possibly beat the shit out of Kokabiel, that is always fun, but the way it is headed now is also interesting, watched!
Important! Please Read!
So recently this fic hasn't been updated a lot, and I need to explain why to you guys.

When I first started this fic, I had a bad habit of making most of my fics weird combinations of Oc's being inserted/merged with canon characters, or just making it an Oc character being thrown from some type of real world into a fictional world. For certain types of fic, this is okay.

But a serious story like this one? It was weird, and it felt off. Not to mention I added some stuff as jokes, not really thinking them through. Tachie's former life being genderbent when becoming Tachie was a joke, but when I really thought about it, it ended up being kind of silly and unnecessary.

Add onto that the ways I introduced Tachie's bloodline and Sacred Gear was… It felt a bit to mary sue to me. I tried merging things together well, but half my plans were made on the spot instead of me sitting down to actually plan.

A part of me wants to reboot this fic, sort out the details and make it all flow better. Another even wanted me to abandon it, yet I loved the world I was creating to much to do that. I also wanted to just ignore the issues and keep writing, even as more issues popped up from ignoring the already existing issues.

So, I want to know what everyone thinks. Should I try rebooting this? Should I abandon it and focus on my other fics? Or should I keep writing as I have?

Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. Stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff.
Reboot, but still be Mashu as Mashu is adorable.
So, I want to know what everyone thinks. Should I try rebooting this? Should I abandon it and focus on my other fics? Or should I keep writing as I have?
If you're looking for my opinion, then I would like it if you would focus on your other fics. I rather enjoy Alter Gamer Of Knights and it looked like it would only get more interesting, so I hope for more of that. This story wasn't that appealing to me to be honest. That said, the final choice is yours and you should write what you enjoy doing so.
I say u do a reboot to write this story to it's full potential
Alright, so still thinking on what I'm going to do, but right now I'm playing things out as if I'm going to reboot.

My biggest choice right now, is do I want Tachie to keep everything? By that I mean her.
1. Galahad Reincarnation, descendant of Galahad, descendant of Lancelot.
2. Descended of Attila/White Titan, White Titan being sealed inside her Sacred Gear. Valkyrie blood.
3. Draco/Whore of Babylon inside the Sacred Gear.
4. Third Mysterious Entity sealed inside the Sacred Gear.

I have story ideas involving all of them, but I'm not sure if I should have every single one in the reboot and just focus on some of them. The third entity can easily be thrown away considering I barley revealed anything for them and still now their entity shall remain a mystery.

Galahad despite everything, is actually the easiest to remove, while Draco and the White Titan were a lot more connected to the plot. I'm not entirely sure, what do you guys think?

Theres also all the Hero Descendants/Reincarnations I had going about, should I go less crazy with that or go all into that angle?

Should I keep the Cult of the Moon? The vampire cult. They were original villains, but should I instead stick to more fitting villains from the various DxD factions?

Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff.
About the pointless gender bending..... I'm not even sure why authors even do it there's been quite a few fics in which they decided to gender bender their reincarnated character and never mention it again. I just don't get why authors do that? This question has been burning at my mind for a while now so I would appreciate this being answered if you want to.
1. Galahad Reincarnation, descendant of Galahad, descendant of Lancelot.
2. Descended of Attila/White Titan, White Titan being sealed inside her Sacred Gear. Valkyrie blood.
3. Draco/Whore of Babylon inside the Sacred Gear.
4. Third Mysterious Entity sealed inside the Sacred Gear.

I have story ideas involving all of them, but I'm not sure if I should have every single one in the reboot and just focus on some of them. The third entity can easily be thrown away considering I barley revealed anything for them and still now their entity shall remain a mystery.
Ok, so she should keep the Galahad bits, unless you want her to be a Demi-Servant of someone else. I liked the Draco/WoB parts in this story, and would suggest those are kept. I don't recall the Attila/Sefar bits that well, but I like Altera, and would suggest they are kept. I saw the Valkyrie blood, and unless that is essential to something else, would recommend removing it. The third entity I can't really give advice on, but I like the idea of a sacred gear with multiple things in it, so I would say keep it.
Also, I don't remember if you did this before, but about the Sacred Gear, have there be a reason that only one comes at a time (i.e. Draco is holding the others back, or they are more deeply sealed, etc). This way you have a reason that she doesn't have all of it at once, but have it be known to the MC that there is more to the Gear than there seems (i.e. upon first use have the feeling of 3 pairs of eyes watching her, and/or have there be three different 'feelings/emotional zones' inside the Gear to signify the entities within it.)
About the pointless gender bending..... I'm not even sure why authors even do it there's been quite a few fics in which they decided to gender bender their reincarnated character and never mention it again. I just don't get why authors do that? This question has been burning at my mind for a while now so I would appreciate this being answered if you want to.
In my personal thoughts? Originally it was half joke and half seriousness, I wanted Tachie to be able to think from a male perspective for some reason (I think it was something about not hating Issei to much, but its been so long I can barley remember). Most of the time its for silly jokes, which Shielder of DxD was originally going to have a lot more of, but as I write it ended up being a lot more serious.

In all honestly, gender bending is usually a gag that fails. There are some fics that do it good, and write it seriously with body issues and all that. But in the end most fics that use a genderbend MC, are trying for some humor and failing.

At least, thats my personal opinion.

Ok, so she should keep the Galahad bits, unless you want her to be a Demi-Servant of someone else. I liked the Draco/WoB parts in this story, and would suggest those are kept. I don't recall the Attila/Sefar bits that well, but I like Altera, and would suggest they are kept. I saw the Valkyrie blood, and unless that is essential to something else, would recommend removing it. The third entity I can't really give advice on, but I like the idea of a sacred gear with multiple things in it, so I would say keep it.
Also, I don't remember if you did this before, but about the Sacred Gear, have there be a reason that only one comes at a time (i.e. Draco is holding the others back, or they are more deeply sealed, etc). This way you have a reason that she doesn't have all of it at once, but have it be known to the MC that there is more to the Gear than there seems (i.e. upon first use have the feeling of 3 pairs of eyes watching her, and/or have there be three different 'feelings/emotional zones' inside the Gear to signify the entities within it.)
Valkyrie blood was from Tachie's mother, giving her a direct blood tie to Altera (Since in this fic there are two types of Valkyrie, Fates and DxD's).

Galahad WOULD remain the... Well not sure it'd be Demi-Servant (Still thinking on that), of Tachie, if she keeps the Demi-Servant bit. She already has Draco (Technically Nero) and Sefar (Technically Altera), so its not like she's lacking support there.

A key part of Tachie was how much of a hybrid she was. Church from Galahad, Norse from Valkyrie blood, Roman/Demonic with Draco, and Alien with the White Titan. (Plus the third entity).
So I'm trying to decide, should I keep that Hybrid nature, or focus her abilities or just one or two things. I don't want Tachie to be a mary sue.
Valkyrie blood was from Tachie's mother, giving her a direct blood tie to Altera (Since in this fic there are two types of Valkyrie, Fates and DxD's).

Galahad WOULD remain the... Well not sure it'd be Demi-Servant (Still thinking on that), of Tachie, if she keeps the Demi-Servant bit. She already has Draco (Technically Nero) and Sefar (Technically Altera), so its not like she's lacking support there.

A key part of Tachie was how much of a hybrid she was. Church from Galahad, Norse from Valkyrie blood, Roman/Demonic with Draco, and Alien with the White Titan. (Plus the third entity).
So I'm trying to decide, should I keep that Hybrid nature, or focus her abilities or just one or two things. I don't want Tachie to be a mary sue.
Mary Sues are characterized by how the plot, story, and characters bend around them.
If a key part of her character is her hybrid nature, than i would suggest on one or two themes to powers (i.e. light and fire, or fire and water, or blood and space) and have the powers be expressed in those two themes. You can have her do other things, but this is to help avoid ability bloat by consolidating whay can be done. It also allows for a trump card by either mixing everything into one, or pulling the one power that is distinct from overstating else (i.e. mixing would be like fire + light = (magical/metaphysical) sunlight or plasma. Distinct would be powers of blood and space and using Photon Ray). Something like that, where the hybrid parts enhance one another to make each other stronger instead of giving a hundred things that all need to be practiced. B/C even without the complicated Sacred Gear there is the shield, blade (maybe, if she has Galahad's blades), rune magic, physical ability, and idk magic resistance maybe?
The point is, keep things consolidated to make things easier on both yourself (as author and character) and the audience. Also, versatility may be good, but it is not as good as overwhelming power. Especially in shounen worlds. Essentially, go deep in powers, not wide, find ways of doing things with what you have instead of finding something new, and you will be better for it.
In my personal thoughts? Originally it was half joke and half seriousness, I wanted Tachie to be able to think from a male perspective for some reason (I think it was something about not hating Issei to much, but its been so long I can barley remember). Most of the time its for silly jokes, which Shielder of DxD was originally going to have a lot more of, but as I write it ended up being a lot more serious.

In all honestly, gender bending is usually a gag that fails. There are some fics that do it good, and write it seriously with body issues and all that. But in the end most fics that use a genderbend MC, are trying for some humor and failing.

At least, thats my personal opinion.

Valkyrie blood was from Tachie's mother, giving her a direct blood tie to Altera (Since in this fic there are two types of Valkyrie, Fates and DxD's).

Galahad WOULD remain the... Well not sure it'd be Demi-Servant (Still thinking on that), of Tachie, if she keeps the Demi-Servant bit. She already has Draco (Technically Nero) and Sefar (Technically Altera), so its not like she's lacking support there.

A key part of Tachie was how much of a hybrid she was. Church from Galahad, Norse from Valkyrie blood, Roman/Demonic with Draco, and Alien with the White Titan. (Plus the third entity).
So I'm trying to decide, should I keep that Hybrid nature, or focus her abilities or just one or two things. I don't want Tachie to be a mary sue.
Hybrid but not too much, like don't make her Ichigo

Tachie can keep Galahad, as that was her point of existence in fate as a sort of prototype concept of Mash. everything else up to you
I would not mind a reboot, but personally I felt that the Sacred Gear came out of the left field.
Not saying that it was bad per se, but it would be suited to be used to set up a power up arc not the first one of the fic.
Explore first his power as Galahad and worldbuild, then you can maybe use his Sacred Gear awakening to flip the board, making him leave safe grounds and friends for example
2. Descended of Attila/White Titan, White Titan being sealed inside her Sacred Gear. Valkyrie blood.
I will not lie, I am a sucker for Velber and Sefar so I would prefer this bit be kept. I always love fics with the White Titan. I would prolly drop this, if Sefar got droppen in favor of like Draco/Whore of Babylon(not my favorite).

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