Blue's Just My Color Today - 01
AKA Aisling
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- Jan 26, 2019
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Yelin - Acquaintance of Ainsley, whom he helped while searching for Noah
Uter - Brother of Yelin
Elise - Ferret genkit and close friend of Ainsley
Saan - An elderly Tovari that Ainsley befriended
Ren - Colonel of the Zerosi Mobile Infantry
Mason - Guard captain of Durjak
Zack - Former guard of Durjak, now the civilian leader
Khumusekleka - Leopard Skal who found himself in Navra's band
Horad - Navra's lover for a short time, bound to a wind elemental
Navra - Former leader of bandits (Deceased)
Kel (Keldranis) - Associate of Horad and Jufad
Jufad - A friend of Khumu's
Kurishalia - Shaman for the Skal of Durjak and holder of the indigo ring
Samazurasha - Kuri's brother
Amadeus - Noah's majordomo, bound to a light elemental
Noah - King of Tovalon, bound to a flame elemental
Saxali - Noah's wife, bound to an ice elemental
Emil - Elises's father
Senya - Elise's mother (Deceased)
Mina - Orange lightsmith
Vera - Red lightsmith
Nemesis - AKA Neil, yellow lightsmith
Lekken - Mage who designed control collars (Deceased)
Mariposa - Lekken's wife (Deceased)
Aetius - Genkit from a different paralllel than the Durjak group who was conscripted into serving The Black King by force.
Lucien - Aetius's brother, killed by Aetius through forced compulsion.
The Black King - Calling himself Caeser, this rather mysterious individual led a sizable army against Durjak in an attempt to conquer it, as many other settlements had fallen to them before.
Insvald - Merchant dwarf who introduced Ainsley to Helgar
Helgar - Foreman of the dwarven mining guild in Durjak
Abeba - Modified genkit child
Isala - Abeba's friend, woodworker savant
Piani - One of the Black King's daughters (Deceased)
Aisha - Tiger Genkit with a thing for Aetius
Tiala - Red panda tovari with an amazing mane of curly hair who stuck herself to Ainsley's gang
Mimi Liara - Mouse scientist responsible for City Zero's planeshift
Myles - Mimi's boss
Lucca - AI of the ship recovered by Ainsley from the planar distortion
Maudre - Tovari farmer that Noah picked up. Bound to a lightning elemental
Pel - Jedi padawan from approx. 3000 years BBY
Uter - Brother of Yelin
Elise - Ferret genkit and close friend of Ainsley
Saan - An elderly Tovari that Ainsley befriended
Ren - Colonel of the Zerosi Mobile Infantry
Mason - Guard captain of Durjak
Zack - Former guard of Durjak, now the civilian leader
Khumusekleka - Leopard Skal who found himself in Navra's band
Horad - Navra's lover for a short time, bound to a wind elemental
Navra - Former leader of bandits (Deceased)
Kel (Keldranis) - Associate of Horad and Jufad
Jufad - A friend of Khumu's
Kurishalia - Shaman for the Skal of Durjak and holder of the indigo ring
Samazurasha - Kuri's brother
Amadeus - Noah's majordomo, bound to a light elemental
Noah - King of Tovalon, bound to a flame elemental
Saxali - Noah's wife, bound to an ice elemental
Emil - Elises's father
Senya - Elise's mother (Deceased)
Mina - Orange lightsmith
Vera - Red lightsmith
Nemesis - AKA Neil, yellow lightsmith
Lekken - Mage who designed control collars (Deceased)
Mariposa - Lekken's wife (Deceased)
Aetius - Genkit from a different paralllel than the Durjak group who was conscripted into serving The Black King by force.
Lucien - Aetius's brother, killed by Aetius through forced compulsion.
The Black King - Calling himself Caeser, this rather mysterious individual led a sizable army against Durjak in an attempt to conquer it, as many other settlements had fallen to them before.
Insvald - Merchant dwarf who introduced Ainsley to Helgar
Helgar - Foreman of the dwarven mining guild in Durjak
Abeba - Modified genkit child
Isala - Abeba's friend, woodworker savant
Piani - One of the Black King's daughters (Deceased)
Aisha - Tiger Genkit with a thing for Aetius
Tiala - Red panda tovari with an amazing mane of curly hair who stuck herself to Ainsley's gang
Mimi Liara - Mouse scientist responsible for City Zero's planeshift
Myles - Mimi's boss
Lucca - AI of the ship recovered by Ainsley from the planar distortion
Maudre - Tovari farmer that Noah picked up. Bound to a lightning elemental
Pel - Jedi padawan from approx. 3000 years BBY
I sat up and gasped, waking up like I'd just come back from the dead. That's how it felt anyways, like that first lungful was the first. I sat on the ground for a moment panting as my heart thumped in my chest. I felt wired, like I was just in the middle of the most intense fight of my life.
The problem with that is that I was sitting in a small crater and glowing blue.
The other problem is that I wasn't entirely sure how I got there. I stood up slowly, checking myself over. No, feeling pretty good. Why does that feel so alien? I don't remember.
I don't remember anything. What?
Who am I?
User has neither stated or thought their preferred self-designation.
That was a voice in my head. I'm pretty confused but I have a definite surety that I'm not supposed to have voices in my head. That's one of the things they put you away for.
Wait, who's 'they'? Put away where?
I stopped for a moment to consider, since I didn't seem to be going anywhere. As I did, I began climbing up the crater incline. Turns out I'm in the middle of a grassy field with half-melted snow. Feels a bit like home.
Ugh, okay, that's jarring. Like... mental links are broken? Something's wrong with my mind? Oh, that... the blue glow cut out for a second there and suddenly I could feel how chilly it is where I am. What? No, I don't... think I'm crazy. Granted, none of them ever do, but that's beside the point. I don't feel unstable, I'm able to reason things out, not in immediate danger. Except why am I warm in what's clearly a cold environment, why could I feel that for a moment?
User is currently protected by an environmental shield. An emotional component temporarily interfered with this rings function by disrupting the user's hopes with a pulse of fear.
I look down at my right hand, curling it into a fist in front of me.

Oh. That ring. Why do I feel like I know that symbol? It feels... hopeful. Which is bizarre, or... it feels off? I think? Ugh, that sensation of dissonance is really uncomfortable. I'm not going to figure anything out standing in a field, though. Okay, I have a magical ring that-
This ring is not based on arcane principles.
-likes to talk to me. It's responding to my thoughts, so... ring, what are you, then?
This ring is a highly advanced xenotechnological tool designed to allow the user to operate at a higher level than mortals are usually capable of.
...That... No, ignore the confusion. If you stop to try and work it out you're going to be standing in this field twelve hours from now wondering where to find a kitchen. Immediate priorities first. Ring, if you're so special, how do I use you?
User is capable of expressing their hopes by focusing on the emotion of hope. The more strongly the user is experiencing the emotion, the stronger the user's constructs and control of the blue light. This ring is capable of recharging on ambient hope as a basic function of the blue light. The environmental shield provides the ability to survive in a wide variety of areas which would usually be hazardous or lethal to the user as well as providing flight and atmosphere. Its integrity is dependent on hope.
And then I'm flying. I should be terrified but this is AMAZING! I don't feel in any way out of control of my movement, the flight almost intuitive as I move, tearing out over the fields and passing over a treeline. I'm going faster, the trees becoming a blur beneath me and arcing up over a rise in the land to crest over a ridgeandtheresmoretreesandstop.
I stop, flickering blue for a moment as my momentum just decides it's had enough and is going to pack up and go on vacation to nowhere. I didn't slow down, I just stopped dead in the-
-air. Whoa. Okay, just... whoa. I broke the sound barrier. Holy crap. This thing doesn't screw around.
Ring, state current charge.
Current charge sits at 98%
Fuck yeah. Okay, I need... people. Civilization. Housing, culture, all that good stuff. Find me somebody in this place worth talking to so I can find out why I'm here. There has to be some answers out there.
Location found.
I can... not see it exactly, but I know where it is. Like a beacon in my head and the worst part is that it's not even the weirdest feeling I've had so far. Okay, lets move. Ring, explain to me what the hell you meant by constructs?
User is capable of creating technological, working or solid objects using the blue light as a focus.
Okay. That burns power though and I'm... not sure how to find 'ambient hope' to recharge from. Something to work on, I suppose.
I wonder if these people will be nice?
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