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Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here. While this technically isn't my first ever...
Year 1:1


Know what you're doing yet?
May 10, 2019
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Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here. While this technically isn't my first ever attempt at fanfic writing, that being a White Knight Chronicles/Overlord(game) crossover, this will be the first writing I've done in over 6 years. I thought that SI would be ideal as a return to writing. I don't know neither how often I'll be able to update this nor how far I am going to go with it, but if you like the idea I hope we can see about that toghether.

The SI has seen only up to Infinity War, and even then he has seen most MCU movies only once, twice at best, and as such has vague and imprecise recollections of them. Basically, if I have to look it up to be sure, he doesn't remember it.

Now onto the story.

Time: ???
Place: Rock of Eternity

I woke up when I hit the floor.

The unexpected impact knocked me out of breath leaving me wheezing and coughing as I rolled from my back onto my knees. Where the hell was I? The last thing I remember was taking a nap on my bed. I had barely started to get my bearings when I was startled by an unfamiliar voice.

"Good, good. Breathe, in and out in and out, take your time."

My breath hitched and I turned over the source of the voice, finally taking in my surroundings. The familiar walls and posters of my room were gone. I was in what looked like a great hall cut into naked rock, which made me think of an underground cave. A short row of columns on both sides, with seven pedestals between those on my left, each with a monstrous statue upon it, led to a dais where on a stone throne sat someone immediately recognizable to anyone who has seen Peter Jackson's magnum opus.

"Gandalf?" I murmured in confusion.

The Ian McKellen lookalike laughed softly "I thought you would appreciate the look, and it seemed appropriate enough. Unless you would prefer something more traditional, like this." The figure blurred for a moment as he rose from the throne, the grey cloak of Middle Earth's wizard replaced with a bright red outfit, with at the center a very familiar gold lightning bolt.

"But I felt looking like this would make things too obvious right away don't you think?" he smiled as walked towards me. There was no way I wouldn't recognize that symbol.

I pointed a shaking hand at him,"Y-you're Sh-". I couldn't finish the word before a hand covered my mouth, the wizard having seemingly teleported next to me.

"Aaand stop right there. Let's not rush to the end okay? There's an order to this things." He helped me up, making a show of dusting off my shoulders and then looked me up and down with a smile on his face.

"Now, let's get to business shall we? I am your friendly neighborhood ROB, and you my friend are the lucky guy who gets to go to another universe. Even better you get superpowers! No points in guessing which ones though."

I took the ROB's previous advice and took a deep breath before speaking,"Okay. So, I get superpowers and I go to another world? Just like that? No reincarnation or taking the place of someone, no mission to complete?" I had somehow regained some semblance of calm by then, the surreal yet incredibly familiar nature of the situation overwhelming a budding panic attack.

"Nope. As you may have guessed you're going, appropriately enough, to a superhero setting, and when it came what powers to give I thought to be nice and give you those of one of your favorite heroes, and we both know there are only two names that really fit and when it came down to it, Spidey has already so many alternate versions I decided to go with option B, and here we are."

"Fair enough".

"Now", the cosplaying ROB placed his hand on my forehead, and I felt a sort of spark flow into me as he did."Your powers are ready, if you are?"

I took a moment to steady myself and then nodded. "Do it." The next instant I was falling again, and for a single moment before I lost consciousness again I could see I was surround on all directions by a pandemonium of colors and sounds, with only the diamond shaped mountain I was falling away from as a fixed point in all of this chaos.

And then nothing.

* *
Time: May 2010
Place: New York City, Earth

If I had ever had any doubts of where I had ended up the sight of the Emil Blonsky, freshly turned into the Abomination, rampaging through Harlem certainly put them to rest. Neither Ross' men nor the NYPD managed as much as slowing down the gamma monster down as he smashed his way the streets, going through buildings and tossing cars around. I didn't have a clear memory of the Hulk's movie, but I don't think the damage done by the Abomination to the city before his fight with the green giant had been as wide spread as I was witnessing.

Thank god I had prepared for this. Oh I wasn't going to fight the Abomination, although frankly I liked my chances from where I stood. No, once I had realized where and when I was I started planning, and with a bit of guidance from the Wisdom of Solomon I had come to the conclusion that the fight between Hulk and the Abomination needed to happen to prove something to some very important people, as well as the general public: the Hulk could be a hero. Tonight would be the first time Banner voluntarily and intentionally transformed into and directed his green alter-ego, and without this event I didn't know if he would be able to pull his 'I'm always angry' trick at the Chitauri Invasion. But while I wasn't going join in the fight, I was doing something I thought was almost as important: damage control.

Since the start of the Abomination's rampage I have been making good use of the Speed of Mercury, doing my best Flash impression and likely being a vague red blur at best to any observer, blitzing through the streets moving people out of the way of thrown vehicles or debris, pulling them out of cars before they were crushed, all the while trying my best to stay out of Blonsky's direct line-of-sight. At first he had been too drunk off his new strength to notice, but now he was starting to realize something was off, but I honestly didn't care. I could see Banner jumping out of the helicopter and plummeting towards the asphalt.

The night's main event was about to begin, so now all I had to do now was sit back, watch the show and cheer for the big green angry man as he punched the jumped up army goon into the ground.


I closed the door of my motel room and threw myself against the bed. Turning back into my mortal body always left me feeling tired empty, even when I technically shouldn't be, simply because I no longer had the inexhaustible energy of the gods sustaining me. I turned around and stared at the ceiling. Tonight had been the beginning, the true beginning. It could have been different though. I had considered helping Thor or Tony, but as best as I could remember there hadn't been any civilian casualties in either Thor or Iron Man 2, except maybe some SHIELD agents because of the Destroyer. Which I admit I had really wanted to fight, if only to see where I stood in comparison to Thor.

But still, tonight was good. I had saved people who otherwise would have gotten hurt or died, and with some luck I should have put myself on SHIELD's radar as a powered person. Now I only need to wait to for them to make contact.

Feeling drained, but satisfied at a night well spent, I drifted to sleep.


I was woken up by someone knocking rather vehemently on my door. I groggily stood up from the bed, idly noting that I had slept fully clothed, before looking through the peephole. Outside my door was a well dressed bald African-American man, who for some reason I couldn't help finding familiar yet could place.

"Can I help you?", I ask.

"I'm hoping you can, yes. My name is Daniel Drumm, and I would like to talk to you about last night, as well as the last few weeks."

Well, I didn't expect SHIELD to be this fast but alright, let's see where this goes.
Last edited:
Year 1:2
Time: May 2010
Place: New York City, Earth

I was mentally kicking myself as I stepped through the portal that Master Drumm had opened for us in an alley behind the motel. When I had started planning things out I had even made a list of where the Infinity Stones were at this time and had marked the Time Stone as 'mostly safe' alongside the Soul Stone. But Dr. Strange must have left little impact on me, because I had completely forgotten about the Sanctums and that someone protected the New York one before Strange took up the mantle and took residence here at the end of his movie.

But now here I was, and I knew who I would meet here before I even heard her voice.

"A good morning to both of you, and thank you Master Drumm for bringing him here so swiftly." I turned my head up to see The Ancient One was waiting for us a the top the central stairway of the Sanctum, and as she descended I could feel her eyes on me. She approached me offering her hand, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I am the Ancient One."

As I shook her - surprisingly hard feeling - hand I realized that the silence was for me to introduce myself.

"Ah-a pleasure to meet you. My name is Alessandro, but all my english-speaking friends just call me Alex."

She smiled "It's been a while since I've been to Italy, ma forse saresti più a tuo agio se parlassimo così?"

I just shrug. "No thank you. I appreciate the thought, but it's likely that I'm gonna be speaking mostly English for the foreseeable future so I'd rather keep up my practice." At least as far as my normal self goes. The Wisdom of Solomon is fortunately pretty handy when it comes to languages.

"As you prefer. Now just one question: have I had breakfast yet?"


The Ancient One, Master Drumm and I had been seated and eating for a barely a minute in polite silence before I just couldn't stop myself from asking anymore.

"So how did you find me? I think I did my best to be as low profile as possible, even last night". I asked as I spread some butter on my toast. I had been prepared for my first contact to be with SHIELD: Fury, Coulson, or maybe even that guy who's name I can't recall that's in the short about the alien gun and who's actually Hydra. I was off balance here, no matter how calm I tried to look, and even worse I couldn't actually remember quite well what other things the MCU wizards could do beside opening portals and summoning glowing weapon-mandalas so the knowledge that nigh-invulnerability was just a word away wasn't as comforting as it usually was be.

"Oh you have. We've been looking for you for the past week, trying to track down the source of the dimensional disturbances we detected. It was by purely a fortunate accident that I was relatively close to Harlem last night, so when you cast your spell and intervened I was able to detect you and follow back to your motel."

"Wait, dimensional disturbances? Spell? I don't know what are you talking about."

Master Drumm sent a meaningful glance at the Ancient One, while she simply smile while taking a sip of her tea.

"You've seen what Master Drumm can do." I nod. "He was able to do what he did, what any sorcerer with training can achieve, by channeling mystical energy from another dimension, one among an infinite number. But with the knowledge of the multiverse comes the realization that there are threats to our own dimension. Which is why since the ancient times of Agamotto it has been the duty of us students of the Mystic Arts to safeguard our realm from extra-dimensional threats. Which brings us to you."

I couldn't help swallow nervously as the Sorcerer Supreme focused on me.

"About a week ago we felt the wards that protect Earth from dimensional incursion shake like never before. We feared the worst at first, but eventually we confirmed that all the Sanctums were intact and the wards still holding. But ever since we began to register smaller, irregular disturbances in the fabric of Earth's dimensional wards. Nothing as grand as the first incident, but it made us worried that something had bypassed Earth's defenses. So we started tracking the source of this disturbances and imagine our surprise when they led us to a perfectly normal to all appearances young man in a motel in New York City. And then last night, we saw what you could do, and we became certain we had found the one."

She took a bite from her eggs benedict before smiling again. "Now, since I've shared our side of the story, I'm curious about hearing yours, Alex." Master Drumm, who so far had been drinking is coffee quietly, turned towards me as well, his expression well schooled but obviously expectant.

I took a deep breath. I had always been a decent liar, and studying marketing had only helped. I was improvising, but I had hope this could turn out for the better.

"All right. So, I was just in my home in Italy, passing time, when all of a sudden I blacked out and woke up in what looked like a cave, with some pillars and a bunch of creepy statues. There a Gandalf looking old man said he was a wizard and that he was going to give me power and knowledge. He then shoved a bunch of visions in my mind and told me the magic word to activate my powers, before I again lost consciousness. Next thing, I woke up in a subway seat here in New York with a backpack with some essentials, and with the worst headache of my life and utterly terrified of what those visions had shown me." It was a lot of half-truths, but I felt that they were close enough to the actual facts that I hadn't really had trouble doing my best to sell it.

"What did you see in those visions to scare you so?"

I measured my words as I spoke. "It was overwhelming and confusing and honestly I probably don't remember all of it clearly, but.... I believe what I saw is the future of this world. And in 2018 an alien being named Thanos manages to gather all of the Infinity Stones and with them, he wipes out half of the lives in the universe with a snap of his fingers."

While the stoic mask of Master Drumm had broken into an open expression of what looked to me like outrage and disbelief, a gesture from the Sorcerer Supreme shushed him while she kept her features even and focused on me. I did my best to meet her gaze without looking away.

"Knowing this, what do you intend to do, young Alex?" she asked.

"I want to stop it of course."

"And how do you intend to do so?"

I took a moment before answering. "Thanos needs all of the Stones to enact his genocide, so I'm going to destroy at least a couple of them before he can get his hands on them." Silence followed my declaration.

I rose from the table, and feeling both their gazes fall heavily on my shoulders. "But even with the powers given to me, I know I can't doing everything I need to do alone." I bowed my head towards her. "I beg you Ancient One, teach me."

I had closed my eyes, afraid to look at her expression, and a heavy silence fell in the room lasting what seemed like minutes before a single word finally broke it.



AN: Hey guys still alive. Uni, FGO and stuff slowed down the writing of this update, as well as the fact that I had written half of it before deciding I didn't like it and going back to completely changing it.