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Variable (Ben 10/Worm SI/Multi/Mega Crossover)

What Super forms should the MC's Omnitrix have?

  • Ultimate Forms

    Votes: 18 94.7%
  • Omni-Kix and Omni-Naut Forms

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Fusions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something new.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Another question how is it the Entities have survived in this universe that consists of numerous beings that could easily destroy them I mean Galactus alone would be obligated to destroy them as they threaten the balance of the universe. After all their basically parasites.

That's because they've avoided all of the top players around. They're smart enough to avoid conflict with powerful beings like that. Plus, there's so many of them out there. Remember the shards. There's probably millions of them out there. How many Entities are there really? Considering how the shard cycle works, there could be billions of Entities. And with all of their bullshit powers, they might be capable of avoiding the stronger beings around, even if they can't fight them.

And beings like Galactus are fully aware of them, and they're killing them as they go. The issue is that there's just so many of the bastards.
That's because they've avoided all of the top players around. They're smart enough to avoid conflict with powerful beings like that. Plus, there's so many of them out there. Remember the shards. There's probably millions of them out there. How many Entities are there really? Considering how the shard cycle works, there could be billions of Entities. And with all of their bullshit powers, they might be capable of avoiding the stronger beings around, even if they can't fight them.

And beings like Galactus are fully aware of them, and they're killing them as they go. The issue is that there's just so many of the bastards.
How are they able to hide if said beings have suoerior form of tracking. Better question why hasn't Green lanterns reports about Parahumans caught the Guardian's attention?
How are they able to hide if said beings have suoerior form of tracking. Better question why hasn't Green lanterns reports about Parahumans caught the Guardian's attention?

They haven't hid. They've avoided, with mixed results. The Entities are still absurdly powerful though. Not quite Galactus level nor Celestial level, but still absurdly powerful to the point where they're enough of a threat. And they multiverse jump a lot, which makes them slippery. Multiverse jumping isn't something that can be done on the fly either. There are also laws instilled for too much multiverse interaction as well. In spite of this, the Entities' numbers are dwindling, slowly but surely.

And the Guardians? The reports have reached them but the Nanite Event prevents any sort of proper prevention measures for the most part. Nanites are considered to be a giant risk since just going into Earth's atmosphere will cause them to infest the body. (However, an air-tight suit can prevent this from happening, but then the nanites are on the suit.) And the species that could deal with the nanites kind of have their hands tied because they're dealing with races like the Galra and Irkens. Or they don't give a damn. Some of them are working on finding a way to fix the infection, but it would take quite a long time for a legitimate cure to be made.

The Guardians have taken action against the Entities though. What they did will be revealed at some point. And they have had some presence on in recent times Earth despite things happening there.
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The Omnitrix and the user's gender
Oh boy, I've been wanting to talk about this. I know some people might get upset, I don't understand why though, about what I'm about to say.

The Omnitrix can change the user's gender. This is literally canon according to Word of God. While I'm aware of Ben 10 WOG not being the most reliable at times, this is one that I could believe to be true. I don't understand why people get upset over something like this. I mean, look at Big Chill! They gave BIRTH. And who knows about other transformations? For example, Goop is a single-celled organism, pretty sure "he" can't have a gender. I know that it's fictional but for the sake of the fic, this is how it works. I'm sorry if you're upset by that.

Camryn's gender does indeed apply to his transformations whenever he transforms into them. However, if he were to have just scanned a DNA sample and added it to the Codon Stream, then he would become the gender of the genetic donor no matter what the settings would be for his Omnitrix. Why is this the case, because his Omnitrix doesn't care about gender at all. Let's give an example, let's say he were to scan Kara or Faora, he would become a female Kryptonian and would look like a slightly different version of either of those two. If he became a mono-gender only species like a Namekian, he would become male with no exceptions.

Ben's is canon. His gender doesn't change unless he changes a setting, or he turns into a species that doesn't have an equivalent gender. If he becomes a female only species, then he becomes a female. I might add in a setting where he could change that though.

Kevin would be always male no matter what. The Antitrix is unfinished and doesn't have the same settings as the Omnitrix anyway.
So binge it's ok, but the mega cross over will be tiring, since soo many things changed and also this being in universe 6 can help explain why it's gone in canon DBs and they existing again can also be explained later on, unless you want MC to compete in the u6 v u7 tournament.

Ultimate forms is still the best gimmick, since it makes a form stronger or possibly better, hope you remove the self sentient thing ,since that is one of the flaws in the original ultimatrix, besides the fact it is easier to copy unlike the original Omnitrix, as shown in the crossover between generator Rex and Ben 10 ultimate alien.

So do Pokémon replace animals here or do real animals still exist
So binge it's ok, but the mega cross over will be tiring, since soo many things changed and also this being in universe 6 can help explain why it's gone in canon DBs and they existing again can also be explained later on, unless you want MC to compete in the u6 v u7 tournament.

Ultimate forms is still the best gimmick, since it makes a form stronger or possibly better, hope you remove the self sentient thing ,since that is one of the flaws in the original ultimatrix, besides the fact it is easier to copy unlike the original Omnitrix, as shown in the crossover between generator Rex and Ben 10 ultimate alien.

So do Pokémon replace animals here or do real animals still exist

Real animals exist here. And for the sake of my sanity, this fic is post Dragon Ball Super: Broly. It's just better for my sanity.
Camryn’s interaction with Thinkers
Okay, now I can get this out of the way. I'm sorry for not really being able to post much in terms of the extra stuff or in terms of chapters but my cat's had issues with his kidneys this past week.

This isn't just in relation to shard-based powers. This includes any kind of Thinker power.

Camryn is completely immune to Thinker abilities that make use of precognition and postcognition. This is due to him being sent back in time and because of him not being native to this timeline. Anyone else such as time travelers, such as Professor Paradox, the Doctor, Amelia Watson, or Booster Gold, would also be immune or at least heavily resistant. Living Paradoxes are also immune.

He's also highly resistant to Thinkers like Tattletale. They can get a read on him, even while he's transformed, but they'd have to try really hard to get anything to work with. And some wouldn't be able to read him at all.

He can still be pathed by Path to Victory and similar powers. But as both him and the Omnitrix get more used to each other, and the bond becomes stronger between them, this will eventually cease to be the case.

Empaths are one of the few types that he has zero immunity or resistance to. This will not change at all unless he makes technology that can protect him from empaths.

Scanning-type thinkers such as healers can get readings from him, but it may be difficult to get a very good reading on him. It really depends on the healer.

The Omnitrix (All three) also no-sells Thinker powers entirely due to its nature. The aliens that can and cannot be scanned depend on the alien in question.
Building up little by little
I needed to make a plan. I've flip-flopped between going after the Empire or Coil. The smart thing to do is to go after Coil since he's going to be a massive pain in the ass. I need to get to Tattletale before anything and get her on my side. But she'll also be a massive pain in the ass with her lip-flapping and inability to shut the hell up.

So many pains in the ass to deal with, so little time to take them out quickly. Not enough time to plan things out easily. But I have a plan for right now. I think I should create an AI. I know it might not be a good idea, but I've got two transformations who would seriously help expedite the process of creating an AI. Grey Matter and Upgrade could both write the code and easily do the programming process. But before I did that, I needed to make sure that we were safe and sound.

I need to cut the house away from the main power grid, but in order to do that, I needed a way to create a good and powerful loop of power. Maybe not an endless one, but it'd be a damn good source. I was going to make an Arc Reactor, hopefully Mr. Stark won't be too upset with me. Upgrade had the blueprint for one, but I needed Grey Matter to get what I needed to build one. The stronger technology that I needed required chemicals most of the time in some fashion. Upgrade, like I said, didn't really do chemicals.

The reason as to why I wanted to cut us from the main power grid was because of the supercomputers that I wanted to create later would take a ton of power to run. I'm talking about kilowatt range at least. If this house suddenly started using power like that out of the blue, then that'd be a huge red flag to anyone with good instincts about tinkers.

I'm not in the mood for the PRT to stick their noses where they didn't belong. I ran a search recently to see how the PRT caught villains and unaligned capes. Turns out, excessive power usage was kind of a GIANT RED FLAG! Who would have considered such a thing to be so obvious? Oh, that's right, anybody with a good sense of security and subtlety. The only reason as to why I haven't been found out was purely because my own supercomputer was "only" top-of-the-line by Earth standards, and it barely used much power despite that. Now I could have made an absurdly overpowered one but that was just a bad idea right now for my given reasons. And it would have taken way more materials and a lot more time to create it. The very definition of 'Awesome but Impractical' is what that computer would have been.

And besides, I wanted to create power armor. The design that I had in mind for the first major one was something akin to Warhammer: 40,000 space marines. In fact, that was exactly the kind of armor I was going to make. I'm not a fan of the Warhammer series at all, but that armor was just too cool to pass up. It wasn't going to be very practical at first since I would need a giant power source for such a big machine alone. That didn't even take into account all of the moving parts. And that doesn't consider development time and the resources such a project would even take! I knew that it wouldn't be easy but holy crap! How did the Imperium of Man ever do it?!

And there's another issue, the Omnitrix is recharging from the lifeform lock. So far, it's only been one hour and counting. I'm not sure how long it will be until I can transform again. I've made sure to time the entire thing from start to finish.
I need to get money. Lots of it. I can make technology that I could sell. What would be a good start? Hmmm...


After about twenty minutes of hard thinking, I came up with an invention. A rebreather! It may not help with revolutionizing the world, but it would get a load of cash quickly. The reason for this? Think about who could use this. The Navy, the coast guard, marine studies, it could even be useful for recreational activities like diving.

I need to find a way to sell the patent though and I need to make sure that it's reproducible by human hands. Otherwise, it'd be classified as tinkertech. Tinkertech is defined by being unproducible by human hands and/or if it was created by using powers. Technically speaking, Upgrade and Grey Matter create tinkertech by that definition, but that would mean a lot of alien technology would fall under the classification of being tinkertech. Technology should be capable of being fixed, maintained, and created by the engineers of the species that uses it. This is why using Blackbox technology is a dumbass idea.

I will never understand fanfics that have tinkertech being widely used by society as a whole. I mean with Dragon, whose specialty is tinkertech itself, and Masamune, whose specialty is mass production, I could understand it somewhat. But parahumans tend to have a short lifespan and I'm not just referring to this world either. If you lose the only person who could make and repair the original product, then what happens? You get fancy, futuristic junk that you won't be able to fix or use. It just reeks of incompetence to do something that stupid.

And if my tech was classified as tinkertech, then the PRT would stick their noses where it isn't wanted. They wouldn't help, they'd try to take the technology and use it for themselves without letting anybody else have it. They have how many capes and they still can't be assed to try to improve things? They honestly suck at their jobs and despite the changes in this world already, things are still mostly the same somehow. I need to change things or else the world will end at some point. I haven't seen anything about the Slaughterhouse 9, but that doesn't mean that I can sit back and relax. Shit needs to be done.

I need to turn into Grey Matter to think up inventions that could help me get money. I've got about three hundred dollars worth of savings right now that I got from chores. I could buy a few good chemicals for that price. If I want to spare my materials, then I could probably make some form of rust eating spray or paste that could eat away at oxidized metal. There might actually be some kind of product that could do that in stores or online. I could make a chemistry bench of some kind to let Grey Matter work with chemicals.

I really need to figure out which name I'm going to use with him. They're all good ones. I'm also considering on renaming at least Echo Echo since that isn't exactly an inspired name.


There it goes. The watch was recharged and ready to go again. It took about an hour and a half to be able to use it again. Which means that I probably shouldn't abuse it and I didn't really check to see if I could still access settings while it recharged. Dammit.

Well, that's okay for now. I think it's time to go out on another patrol. Having a schedule for patrolling might make things easier on me, but I think that being random might work to my advantage, especially in the case of Coil. One of the weaknesses of his power is that he can't properly predict randomness, nor can he work from things that are done on the fly.

His power is a form of precognition where his power creates two super accurate simulations where he can essentially have two bites of the same apple and then erase one bite, but he keeps the other and can have the benefit of both. At least the information he gathered from one simulation. But if you act immediately, then you can't give him anything to learn from. And randomness cannot be predicted, since its random. (AN: No shit sherlock.)

I also have a plan on dealing with the Empire. Gather them all up in one area and take them all out in one fell swoop or kill Kaiser or Iron Rain right in front of them while showing that you played them like fiddles and that there was no way for them to do anything about it. Neither plan is very easy unfortunately. The former method worked for Taylor in Unnatural Disaster, but I think that was more chance than anything. The latter method worked for Atropos in A Darker Path, but I don't have Path to Ending. God, that would have been such a useful power to have right now. But I don't have it, I have one of the most ridiculously overpowered objects in all of fictional history on my wrist.

And I have no idea what it's true potential could be. Well, that's a sort-of partial lie, I do have a decent idea of what it is capable of. It's actually insane to think that this has happened to me. I'm literally in a wish fulfillment/self-insert fic, at least I think I am. I was considering on writing one personally for about three years with a concept that was exactly like my current situation. But now I'm living in that very same concept.

I could potentially have the power to rule the whole world, lead its people into a new age, or flat out destroy it and everything on it. I may not be capable of such things with my current selection of aliens, I think, but I'll most likely have the forms to do so later.

It's scary having such a massive responsibility on your shoulders. I haven't really done much yet, but I know that'll change very soon. As soon as the rest of the universe is aware of another Omnitrix existing, bounty hunters, warlords, organizations like Cadmus (They can kiss my ass.), general psychopaths, mad scientists, and so many others will be up my ass trying to make me a trophy or use me for their own purposes. I need to be ready, and I need to get started for real here.

First target will be Coil, no exceptions. The Empire is dangerous, yes, but Coil has ties with Cauldron and Accord. That means that he might call upon favors if he gets really desperate. He needs to be taken out now. That doesn't mean that I have to do it personally though. I need to find out a way to pass on the information that I have to Armsmaster and Director Piggot. I don't like them much, but I know damn well that they'd be on top of the snake-themed douchebag.

For now, though, I want to find out more about the Omnitrix. I brought up my wrist and studied the unassuming yet immensely powerful alien device. I thumbed the button on the side and began to fiddle with the watch's dial. I spent about a minute turning it back and forth with nothing happening. I also discovered that if you pop up the Omnitrix core and leave it alone for about ten seconds, it goes back down.

I placed all five of my fingers on the dial and began to turn it to the left. After only one rotation, the watch suddenly clicked. I raised an eyebrow and tried the same thing, but for some reason, the dial just locked and then suddenly wasn't locked. Morbidly curious, I did the same thing again and again, over and over until something happened. And I didn't know what would happen. Please tell me this isn't the code for the self-destruction mode...

Yeah, that's actually a thing. The reason as to why is to prevent the Omnitrix from falling into the wrong hands. It's explicitly a last resort/Godzilla threshold scenario. I would like to prevent that from happening right now thank you very much!


Out of nowhere, the watch beeped. I turned the dial again and it beeped twice. I repeated the action and a trio of beeps followed. Then, the hourglass symbol inverted into its diamond shape. Then the outer ring began to spin along with the diamond shape. The spinning slowly got faster and faster until green electricity began to spark out of it. My eyes widened in both fear and anticipation of what was going to happen.

It took ten seconds to finally stop spinning. And when it did, there was a new silhouette that wasn't there before. However, this one was sort of static-y and appeared to be changing from one to another different one. I counted five silhouettes in total. What the hell?


After that debacle, I decided to go out patrolling again. I have no idea what the hell I did. I'm going to assume that I technically unlocked new forms, but I didn't actually unlock them. I just added them to the pool of future unlocks, I guess. I only got about a second to look at each one before they cycled back to Heatbl- Corona's silhouette. I need to get used to calling him by his new name. They cycled back to him automatically without any input from me.

I'm wondering how the hell I'm going to make a freaking Arc Reactor. I can't imagine that it's easy. I don't even know where to start! Maybe I could somehow extract metals from discarded parts? I don't know how to do that though. Grey Mat- err, LGM would know how to do that, probably. Obviously, I need a form of lab. A proper one that isn't in a crashed ship. And I need to find out a way to get my technology from Toybox to said lab. Maybe some form of teleporter...

Anyways, I looked out into the streets for any sign of trouble. I've only been out for twenty minutes, and nothing has been happening. It was about two thirty.

I made a turn at an alley and went into it. The walls were fairly dirty, and the ground was stained with something. There didn't seem to be anything really out of the ordinary since this was somewhat close to Empire territory.

I saw the beginnings of graffiti from Empire grunts. A duo of swastikas in grey paint in the shape of the number eighty-eight were becoming noticeable and got more common the further you went into the area. I shook my head and went back the other way, not interested in dealing with idiot neo-Nazis.

I'm honestly glad that nothing has happened so far. Considering my usual luck, this was surprising. However, I know that something is bound to happen after some point. I had no idea when, but I was on my guard for anything right now.


An hour later and still no sign of trouble. I'm not looking for a fight per say, but I want to prove that I'm not someone who wants to be screwed with. I spent some time wandering around with no real pattern to my patrolling until I stopped at the crossroads. I looked around and noticed a cop helping an elderly woman across the street. It made me smile, knowing that despite this city being in a shitty situation, there were still people who had kind hearts.

I turned my head and saw some other people looking at the cop and old woman and turned their noses up as if they didn't exist. Assholes. And then there were these types of people...


Targets spotted. I was just passing by a gas station and saw two men with guns holding the place up. I could easily disable their car as LGM. Upgrade, still on the fence about what to rename him to, could just possess the car and deliver them right to the police station with utter ease. Poltergeist could just scare the piss out of them, literally. So many options, so little time. Hmmm...

<How about you just let me decide on a transformation for you?> The Omnitrix said to me. "Sure, why not?" I shrugged. I have no idea as to what the Omnitrix had in mind for me, but to be honest it definitely knows better than I do. Thankfully, nobody was near enough to hear the watch's voice.

I activated the watch and pressed my hand down without looking at which form I had selected. Big Chill. Why am I not surprised by this? I floated up and drifted over to the robbers' car while a chilly vapor came from my body. I dropped down to the vehicle and stared at it. I moved around to the hood and an idea came to me.

My mouth didn't move despite my amusement at the idea. I phased away my hand and reached into the hood of the car. Even though I couldn't see it happening, I heard the running car's engine freeze solid despite the heat it was giving off. Let's see those pricks escape now. But I'm not going to stop here.

I unfurled my wings and flew over to the station proper and phased through the wall, ignoring the staring onlookers that were filling up their cars or cowering in fear of being shot. I looked around at the products and just saw snacks like chips on the side I came in at. I wrapped my wings around myself and simply walked over to the front counter.

"Now give us the money and you don't get shot." The one holding up the clerk demanded. His buddy on the right held a gun up to the poor clerk as they began to reach for the register. Shaking my head, I silently walked up behind the stooges. The clerk froze when they saw me. The assholes began to shout at them, asking why weren't they giving in to their demands until they finally realized that there might be something bad behind them.

They turned around very slowly and gaped at me. I mean Big Chill is pretty fricking creepy. The one with the gun pointed his weapon at me. I simply grabbed it out of his hands and then I tossed it in the air. As it came down, I opened my mouth wide, far wider than a normal human could and caught the gun in my mouth. I chomped down on it and began to crunch and grind the thing up. I swallowed and then looked forward at my small audience.

"Scram!" I told them. My voice carried a tone of menace to it despite its quietness. They both ran screaming out of the place as I looked over at the terrified store clerk. "I'm very for scaring you. You might want to call the police." I said gently before I walked out the door.

I glanced over to see the attempted thieves trying to start their getaway vehicle. This was giving me GTA V vibes right now, except that in GTA V there weren't scary ass Mothman-like aliens stopping you from robbing places.

I flew over as they looked over and saw my emotionless visage and began to panic even more. I took a breath and breathed a weaker blast of freezing wind at their car. Ice formed around the doors on the left side. I circled the car, intending on "gluing" the door shut with ice. I made sure to not go overkill on the freezing and kill them. I stopped and marveled at my small yet effective prison. I nodded my head and flew off, leaving a trail of cold vapor behind me.

I soared in the sky at a very comfortable thirty miles per hour. I winced at the sun that was high in the sky since my eyes were adjusted towards the darkness of space rather than somewhere like Earth. I scanned over the streets, looking for any sign of trouble I could.

I looked over and saw the Medhall building standing proud. It was where the Empire Eighty-Eight laundered their money from. I could most likely hack in to their security and their phones to see messages and things like that. I could encrypt my VPN to hell and back. There was plenty that I could do. But I needed to do it subtly and carefully.

I didn't have the ability to do that yet though. I'm just trying to wonder what I could do to help myself without my aliens. I could bring a recorder with me. Or maybe the Omnitrix could function as one. It wouldn't exactly be very flashy per say, but it'd be damn useful to have. Nothing more incriminating than catching someone on recording!

I noticed a mugging happening while I was in the middle of my thoughts. I lowered my altitude and sped up a little bit. Just enough to catch them by surprise. I've noticed that whenever I'm Big Chill, I never really fly quickly unless I'm in a rush. At that point I'd be capable of matching Glor- Antares in terms of flight speed.

I drifted down towards the ground. Right as I took a long breath, a dark cloud of buzzing insects came out of nowhere and sort of leaped onto the muggers. They began to scream and writhe in pain from the stinging and biting that was most likely happening to them. I shuddered, not wanting to know how that must feel. So, it looked like Taylor still triggered here, or maybe QA went to someone else. Or maybe it's not shard-related at all and just happens to be extremely similar to her insect calling powers.

I'm staying far away from that shit. I don't do no fricking spiders. Nope. So much nope on that part.

"HEY!" I heard a female voice call out to me. I looked down to see the owner of the voice waving at me. And it certainly looked like Taylor's costume. At least from this distance. I slowly fluttered down, as slowly as I could. I now knew how others felt about insects when they were around Skitter in canon. Ick. The girl/woman went over to the now unconscious muggers and stuck something in them. Definitely an EpiPen. It would be very surprising if it wasn't.

I landed on the ground silently behind her and I finally got a good look at her when she turned around to face me. Chitin plates, check. Long hair, check. Yellow lenses, check. Baton, check. Grey coloring, check. Damn creepy, mega check!

I've decided that I'm going to start recommending series or fics that I like at the end of a chapter from now on, at least if I can remember to do so. Today's recommendation is your moth- no, Ben 10: Guardians.
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Thank you for writing this story and the recommendation of another.
I hope you have a wonderful day/night.
Things I probably won’t be adding to the main universe but might be part of the multiverse Part 1
The Boys – Yeah, no. I'm not interested in adding more "capepunk" stories for right now. And I have a serious dislike for this series anyway. No offense to the people that like the series.

Harry Potter – I'm actually kind of sad on this one. I feel like this series would fit really well into the universe but considering J.K Rowling's actions in the past few years I just don't think I could bring myself to add it. And besides, I'm not a Harry Potter fan anyways. No offense to anyone who is. Plus, the series is massive. It might take me too long to properly fuse it with the setting.


Multiversus – I'm simply not interested in this. I haven't played it, and I just can't really fit it anyways. Not simply at least. Maybe I could do a form of tournament like it at some point in the far future though...

Shit like Civil War - N.O. NEVER.

Superman vs Batman – Why does this even exist? I don't understand the point of them fighting other than the writers want them to for some dumb ass reason. It was cool the first few times but it's stale as thousand-year-old bread now.

Spider Totems – Now I might actually add them since they are kind of cool, I guess. But I just don't see a point in their existence. Not everything needs to be some sort of mystical multiverse spanning BS. We've got plenty of that crap with things like the Green and the Power Cosmic.

Game of Thrones – It'll be part of the multiverse, but I have no idea how I'd be able to fuse it. And I've never watched it before since I wasn't allowed to.

Fan-created Pokémon and types - I feel like that would be too much of a headache to include.
I'm so sorry that this took so long to get out!
I finally landed without making a single noise. For a good few seconds, I considered her possible situation. The fact that Taylor still has insect powers here implies that she's in a really horrible situation. Her father threw himself into his work to help with the pain of losing his wife and ended up neglecting his daughter. I might have to smack some sense into him and tell the poor guy that he can't continue on like that. I understand that losing your wife is a horrible thing, but you can't just neglect other people and your other relationships, especially your daughter and your relationship with her. Taylor herself is also responsible, at least a tiny bit, for her situation as well. She likely could have just told Danny about the situation with her ex-best friend and the absolutely nightmarish bullying campaign. And the fact that said ex-friend was one of the three ring leaders for said campaign. And the fact that one of the leaders of it was a freaking Ward. Though she didn't know that at the time. Oh yeah, and her teachers mostly seemed to not give a damn to stop it.

Then again, what's stopping Danny/Daniel Hebert from dying and Annette Hebert from living? Or something much worse, both of them could be dead. Or perhaps more optimistically, they could both be alive, and Taylor is in a great place. But it would be weird if she still had a trigger event. Trigger events always have an element of isolation to them so how does she still have insect control and not something else? So, I honestly doubt that both of them are still alive and kicking.


I looked up as the shout interrupted my thinking. "Who are you? Are you a hero?" The insect controller asked me from the other roof. The buildings were somewhat close together, so it was easy for us to hear one another. I wasn't interested in getting super close to that damn swarm. And I'm not really a hero per say. I'm someone who just wants things to be better. "I guess you could say that, but I don't consider myself to be one though."

"Why not?" She questioned. I sighed, letting out a small, cold mist. "Because it's obvious that being a hero won't cut it in the long run when it comes to this hellhole of a city." I told her bitterly.

"Okay," she said a little more hesitantly, "if that's the case, then are you a villain?" Oh, here we go with this Hero vs Villain crap. "No." I answered her more sternly. "I'm not interested in playing hero or villain."

"Alright, are you a Case 53?" She asked me this time. I chuckled a tad bit. "No, I have my memories and knowledge. I don't need to go to the PRT for anything nor do I want to. They would just want to poke and prod at me."

I'm not interested in dealing with all of their questions. I'm especially not interested in having to go through their pointless power testing. I know what I can do, and I'm not especially concerned with figuring out the exact limits of what I can do right now. It might be nice to know but like I've said before, I'm not becoming a slave to my image like the PRT and Protectorate and I especially have no interest in all of those damn limitations. She shifted her stance slightly.

"Well, I think that me and you might be looking for the same thing." She wants me to help her. So, it looks like she has yet to join the Undersiders yet. Maybe she just wants someone to talk to. Big Chill doesn't really socialize much but he's definitely more social than others of his race since he's the perfect Necrofriggian. Literally. "Really? What makes you think that?" I asked her. The thing is about my situation, I have no idea if Taylor is her canon self or if she's TINO (Taylor-in-name-only). Or maybe she's pre-canon Taylor, who was apparently a massive chatterbox and not even close to being socially withdrawn.

She doesn't give me the vibes of a socially withdrawn girl with trust issues. She gives me the vibes of being more... normal, I guess? I have a sneaking suspicion that my metaknowledge is completely useless to me at this point...

Then again... maybe it isn't entirely useless.

"Well, you just said that you want this city to be better. I want the same thing since I live here. I've been looking for a way to get started on trying to help the city for months." Wait what? Months? It's December so Taylor should have just triggered recently! Things have already changed massively! There's my confirmation, I guess!

However, she's offering me a possible partnership. Now, Taylor is a frustrating person with her canon issues, particularly her trying to justify every single decision to herself as part of the "greater good". Even if it means having to kill a baby. Yep. You heard that right. She actually killed a fucking baby. And I'm pretty sure that it didn't mean jack diddily squat in the long run anyways.

Then again, if she didn't kill the poor child, then the poor thing would have been left to the Slaughterhouse 9. I mean listen to the name. That name doesn't exactly imply that they want to give you a hug and invite you over to have milk and freaking cookies. Heh. Now I want to see a fic where they do that unironically. Slaughterhouse 9, milk and cookies edition. Guess one could pull an extremely sadistic joke and have them cook people into cookies and use their fluids for milk. (AN: You're welcome for that mental image.)

Anyways, let's stop thinking about all of that demented crap. She needs someone that isn't going to manipulate her into becoming a villain. A friend. I can be that friend. "Hm. Maybe I'll take you up on that offer. But if you want me to join you, then you must offer something to me, and I'll do the same for you. A way that we could help one another." That seemed like a fair thing to do.

She hummed, though I could barely hear it over the semi-quiet buzzing of the swarm. It was really annoying having that damn buzzing in the background of our conversation.

"Okay, so I think I'm going to have to consider your offer. Do you have an account on SHO?"

"No, but I could easily make one. You can call me Variable. The account name will be the same. Hopefully, I could get the 'Unverified' tag."

She nodded her head. "Okay, I guess I could message you. I have a throwaway account called Bugbite, with a capitalized 'B'." I nodded my head. Unfortunately, I heard that dreaded noise.


Oh, shit no! A bright red flash enveloped me and blinded my potential new partner. Thank Christ almighty that I was wearing my armor. "MY EYES!" I looked up from my chest and cringed as I saw Taylor, at least I was sure it was her, reeling after being flashed.

"What the hell as that?!" She whined as she began to look back up. "What the... where did that scary moth guy go?!" Well, nuts. This was going to be awkward. "Um, I... heh..." I chuckled nervously, "am him." Several very uncomfortable moments passed without a single word from either of us.

"What." The spider silk wrapped heroine wannabe deadpanned. I sighed, knowing that this was going to be hard to explain. "I have the ability to shapeshift into several different forms. Each with their own separate powers and weaknesses." I explained to her. She didn't say anything to that for a few moments before she finally spoke again. "Wow. Some people get all the luck." she said bitterly. Okay, she needed to get her head out of her ass and realize how good her power really is.

"Hey now, don't be like that. Judging from what I saw you do to those goons a little bit ago, you could go far with that power. Have you tried to see, hear, or perhaps even smell through your swarm?"

"Yeah, I mean I've tried to do each of those, but it's pretty overwhelming but I've been getting better slowly." She explained. I nodded. "Have you ever tried to trip people by discreetly making tripwire with spiders?"

She shifted and looked at the ground. "I... never thought to do that." I noticed a bit of hesitation in her voice.

I scoffed. "Seriously? You've had your powers for months, and you never considered to do something like that?"

"I... uh..." The so-called Queen of Escalation stammered. I groaned in annoyance. This was going to take a long time, wasn't it?


I was right. After months of preparation for her first proper appearance and all this girl had was pepper spray, a nearly finished costume (Yes, nearly), and a baton. Is this how she started in canon? Looks like I'll need to smack some sense into her at some point.

She questioned me on my own powers and asked me if I could help improve her control of her own. In short, I told her yes and that I would explain more to her in detail later. She asked for my name, and I gave her the obvious answer.

Right now, I was heading to a scrap yard to grab catalytic converters due to me wanting to start the project on how to build an Arc Reactor. I need to tell the others about my plans though. That would be a stupid ass idea not to tell them.

But first, I needed to get myself a way to carry things back. Maybe I should just use a sack? I saw some in the basement while I was researching how to extract metals from scrap last night. Turns out, it is much less difficult than I assumed it to be. The issue now is getting the chemicals. Well, that's not much of an issue since I've got the allowance to buy a chemistry set. Upgra- no...

Dammit, what name do I give him?! Ugh, whatever! Upgrade could likely just make one, but I don't need to waste materials on something so mundane. Who knows anyways, I could end up using it for a science project when I go to Arcadia. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to public school now that I'm thinking of it. I had a very bad experience at my last one which was the direct reason for me being homeschooled. And the Wards went there. Thank God that I won't have to share a class with Vista. But I might have to deal with someone like Kid Win trying to put his nose where it doesn't belong. How annoying.

Anyways, I was back home. Thank Jesus for Jetray's ridiculous speed. Unfortunately, someone is going to spot him eventually and I know for a fact that the Watchdog program that the PRT and Protectorate use will end up seeing me eventually. However, will they mark someone who was just grabbing catalytic converters from old cars and trucks? I don't know and I'm not sure that I want to find out. Likely not though since that doesn't exactly imply tinker behavior. It could just be someone who wanted to extract and sell some metals or could just sell the converters.

Now that I think about it, they (the PRT) are probably so paranoid, especially about Riley, that they'll jump to conclusions and try to start trying to play hardball. I wouldn't be surprised with those idiots. So, I'll just do it myself.

I landed in the backyard and reverted back to normal. I looked around to make sure that there wasn't anyone looking. Never could be too careful about nosy neighbors. I walked over to the back door and reached for the door knob. Then the door knob twisted and the door opened, revealing Riley, who was supposed to be at work.

"Nice armor, Cam." She complimented me. "Thank you. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I queried. "Got off early. I've seen the news recently, looks like you've began to make a hell of an impact already." She stepped outside and moved over to let me in. I was kind of suspicious right now. I had weapons on me, and I was going to make sure that I could get them easily. With all of the Strangers around, you can never be too paranoid.

"Oh, come on! Don't be so paranoid!" I raised my eyebrow beneath my mask. She huffed and called out to the other two. "HE'S HOME!" She yelled out. The accompanying voices that followed were those of Camryn and Maria, thankfully. I guess I was paranoid for nothing then.

I walked through the door and called my armor back into the Omnitrix. She looked at me with wide eyes and gaped at me. "When could you do that again?" "Not long ago."

She looked at me with a deadpan expression. "That's not very descriptive." "Exactly." I said dryly.


Okay, after spending far too much time in the basement looking for a sack, I managed to get to a scrap yard. It took me an hour to get there by myself. Probably could've asked Riley if she could have cooked up a way to make this easier. I was really wanting those enhancements that she promised me a couple of weeks ago. Christmas just passed yesterday, and I know, I wasn't freaking out about it since I had far more important things to worry about.

I peered into the distance and tried to see how close I was to the scrap yard. I also needed glasses. I sighed and made a mental note to ask for some later. I had to walk at least another block down. Grunting, I gripped my hands tighter on my bag and continued on jogging towards the scrap yard. Once again, the cardio had helped with this a lot.

I began to look and stare at the surrounding buildings. Unfortunately, a lot of them seemed to be closed or in need of repairs. Most likely do to fighting since there were holes in the walls and windows, mainly bullet holes. It's rather depressing to know what the people of Brockton have gone through when I haven't really lived in a bad area before in my life. The worst areas I lived in were ones that had loud kids (annoying as hell) or had a history of wrecks. Specifically, my last house before I came here had three wrecks practically in front of it within a month. And the terrifying part wasn't just the fact that they were in front of the house, but there was a daycare just a few houses down to the left. I mean, it wasn't as bad as somewhere like New York or New Jersey, thank you Christ.

However, I can change things, especially with the Omnitrix in my possession. It's rather inspiring to know that after so long being useless and unable to have an effect on a stagnant society, I can actually have a massive impact on something for once. But now though, I'm wondering why and who the hell would ever choose some random twenty-year-old fat ass when they probably could have chosen someone who was a hundred times better than me.

Anyways, I was finally at the scrap yard. I looked over to the very first car, which greeted me as the first large thing that I saw. I trotted over to it and sat my bag down. I looked over the back of the rusty old thing and saw absolutely nothing of worth. The really useful thing was underneath the vehicle. I got on my hands and knees and lowered my head down. There was a catalytic converter. It would be the major source of palladium, platinum, and something called rhodium that I needed, well it won't be the only one I'll need obviously. I know what happened in Iron Man 2. I'm not putting this thing in my chest or anywhere else on my body for that matter. Thank you Upgra- C-1000 and LGM for being awesome.

I was going to need at least a baker's dozen of these, likely many more, so I'll have to make multiple trips. I'm probably going to do that tomorrow though.

I took the sack and placed it under the car. I reached into the bag and took out a hammer and started whacking the slightly rusted car piece. Eventually, the damn thing came off at the cost of pissing off a big ass FUCKING SPIDER!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!


It was on that day that Brockton Bay, Boston, Gotham, and Bellwood all learned how loud the alternate Camryn could scream. It was quite an unmanly and girlish scream as well.


That was an endeavor and a half. I managed to grab several converters... and accumulated a few bug bites such as mosquitoes and ants, thankfully no spiders. Ick. I shuddered at the thought of that big one that nearly crawled on me.
Fortunately, I managed to get back home without many interruptions. The only people who asked were just nosy people who wanted to know what was in the bag.

I dropped the thing and it landed with a loud clang. Oh, good God. That sucked hard. I was aching from the bites and smashing, and I was scratching all over myself, causing red marks to appear all over me. I really needed a shower, preferably a nice hot one, but I really needed to properly smash up the scrap to be able to extract the metals.

But I also need to place an order for a chemistry set so I can make the chemical soup that I needed. LGM had thought up several chemical processes for doing so, but the sort of chemicals that I needed would most likely get me put on a government watch list if I were to order them. And I don't mean a tinker watchlist either. So, I'll have to just use a basic process to do so.

I went over to my computer and decided to contact Taylor on SHO. I opened the laptop and went to SHO under the name 'Variable'. I'll probably use C-1000 to give myself the 'Unverified Cape' tag like I said I would.

You know what? Screw it, I'm not going to procrastinate on this. A flash of green light and my body became ultra-high-tech fluid-like nanotechnology. Wasting no time at all, I dove into the laptop and got to work on hacking.

I have to admit that this website was built and firewalled incredibly well! But it wasn't good enough to prevent C-1000 from hacking into it. Not even close. In fact, it only took me about ten seconds to create the account 'Variable' and give myself the desired tag.

I stepped out of my supercomputer and reverted back to normal. I sat down and began to type out my message to Taylor/Bugbite.

Variable: Hey, Bugbite, it's me.

Bugbite: If this is the moth-cape from earlier, then can you confirm if this is really you?

I stopped and began to think about what to type. It wasn't a matter of 'What do I put?', it was more of a matter of 'How do I not sound like an utter prick?'. After a moment of thinking, I relaxed and decided to be blunt and to the point.

Variable: You covered some muggers/robbers/lowlifes with a bunch of insects, they screamed. We met on the rooftops not that far away from the Medhall building. I flashed you. And I critiqued your lack of imagination with your superpowers.

Bugbite: Mothman! It is you!

Variable: The one and only ma'am. Now let's get down to business here. Where would you like to meet up at for our second meeting?

Bugbite: I was thinking the library or maybe somewhere like a café or maybe even just the beach.

Variable: How about a café? We could choose one that's around the northern part of Downtown Brockton Bay.

Bugbite: How about Wild Valentine? It's around the City Hall and Farmer's Market.

Variable: Sure. But it won't be today nor tomorrow. I have Krav Maga training tomorrow and I don't want to miss it.

Bugbite: Okay, I'll see what I can do to get ready for that. Good luck with training tomorrow!

Variable: Thank you and goodbye!



Okay, okay... I can do this! It was just training that I desperately needed. My hands were trembling, and I was starting to sweat. I don't know what to really expect here, but I can't start panicking! I mean it's just people! People who want to kick my ass into gear but still!

I looked up at the dojo sign and took a breath. It said 'On-Site Family Martial Arts Center' and below those words were what the place taught you, specifically things such as patience, integrity, self-control, Israeli Krav Maga, and something called Chung Suk Kuhadpo. Which sounded like something from out of the Kama Sutra if I'm honest.

Ah crap, was that racist?

Anyways (I say that a lot, don't I?), it was time. I honestly don't get why I'm so nervous right now. From what I could see from research, this place had some damn good reviews. It was rather far from our house unfortunately.

I looked over at Maria, who was taking her day off to help me here and spoke to her. "Uh, Maria, I'm pretty nervous about this..." She looked at me and simply waved her hand. "It'll be okay, they aren't going to eat you alive or anything." I nodded and followed alongside her through the small parking lot.

We made our way past the cars at the front of the building and finally went in. The strong smell of sweat hit me in the face when the doors opened. It was rather faint outside, but it was much stronger inside for rather obvious reasons. I could only imagine how bad it could be for Maria.

Punching bags lined the walls and there were advanced students sparring/training with each other over in the corner. I could tell that they were more advanced due to the color of their belts. There were mats laying on the hardwood floor and no stains at all, I thought there might be a couple blood stains at least. Guess that would be unacceptable.

One of the instructors for this place was waiting for us and smiled. He was bald, strongly built, and of average height. "Hello." He greeted. "Are you two Maria Davis and Camryn Davis?" he asked us.

"Yes, we are sir." The elder vampiress confirmed. I stayed silent and nodded my head. "We're here for my son's Krav Maga training."

The instructor looked down at his clipboard and quickly found my name. "Okay, your son will be joining our beginner's group and we'll be going over the very basics today. Is that going to be okay, ma'am?" he asked politely. She nodded and I just smiled. I really wasn't much of a talker to people that I don't really know, and it was really going to show.

He beckoned us to come with him to the back so we could get my training clothes, which were just dark grey shorts, a dark grey shirt, and some shoes. Not much but it matched the few online lessons that I saw.

As we followed him, I took a look at the room and saw that the walls were painted with a nice white color and seemed to be clean as a whistle. The mats on the floor were a light purple color and were placed across the entire floor.

I stopped looking around as we got to the backroom door. He twisted the dull, metal knob and pulled the wooden door open. He beckoned us into the fitting room where my training outfit was waiting for me.

There were dressing stalls on the left side of the room and opposite to them were mirrors on the walls. I walked forward as my instructor told me to go try the outfit on in the stalls. And so, I did. I took the hanging clothes and walked over to the stalls and began to get dressed.


When I finished changing and stepped out of the stall, things proceeded to go by rather quickly over the next four hours.
My instructor, Mr. Winter, had given my group the basics of Krav Maga. And I mean the bare basics such as the correct stances and proper footwork. We only got to the beginnings of learning how to properly fight during this period, but I'm okay with that. Maria, Cam, and Riley are also going to be training me in their different styles too.

Oh boy, something tells me I am going to be sore tomorrow since I still have to go jogging.

I'M SO SORRY! Okay, I had some issues with my leg due to me getting mauled by our most recently obtained cat. He's just the sweetest until he gets triggered and we don't really have a good idea on what those triggers could be. And he apparently had bacteria in his mouth so the bite wounds got infected. OW.

After I recovered from that, I basically lazed around due to me procrastinating for about two weeks. Sorry for that!

Edit: Forgot the recommendation: Blind Man's Buff (Left 4 Dead 2)
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So I gotta ask despite everything being not as Grim dark along with their being hope in the world how is it Cauldron still sunk so low Morally. And Alexandria still let PRT become so corrupt?
So I gotta ask despite everything being not as Grim dark along with their being hope in the world how is it Cauldron still sunk so low Morally. And Alexandria still let PRT become so corrupt?

Well, Cauldron have been forced to examine their actions due to certain groups taking offense to their actions. I actually intend on addressing these issues though. It wasn't actually just her. Unfortunately, some PRT directors and other unsavory parties are also responsible, however, this won't remain to be the case for long. And even then, Cauldron won't be as bad as they were in canon. This world is about to get even more insane at some point in the future.
Well, Cauldron have been forced to examine their actions due to certain groups taking offense to their actions. I actually intend on addressing these issues though. It wasn't actually just her. Unfortunately, some PRT directors and other unsavory parties are also responsible, however, this won't remain to be the case for long. And even then, Cauldron won't be as bad as they were in canon. This world is about to get even more insane at some point in the future.
good to know hope we get to see that interlude soon.
Don't think you can get away from me
Even if you didn't post at spacebattles
I am everywhere
You can run
But I will find you
And read all your contents

I've come to make an announcement!
Hey there, I've got some news to make about my current plans for this story. I've decided to rewrite it and do away with some of my plans for this story. The reason why is because I didn't like the direction that it was going to go. You know how oh-so-many Worm fics have the PRT try to use heavy handed recruitment BS to try to strong arm Taylor or the protagonist? Well, that would have happened, but Camryn would have not taken their crap and would have threatened to sue their pants off, quite possibly literally. And he would have had the ability to unmask Cauldron and many Capes out of pure spite.

Just imagine if this was real life and that were to happen. You could simply record the gangs giving you an offer that you can't refuse and then record the PRT making an offer that was essentially the same, only rather than kill you, they threaten to arrest you for "excessive force", or they basically pamper criminals and try to persecute a potential ally for little justification other than to inflate their ranks a little. You could give that to the media and ignite a massive shit-storm which would cause the PRT's image to be wrecked by the public. While they may be able to play the Shadow Stalker card, then you could turn it back on them by saying that you don't see a difference between the so-called heroes and villains since they gave the exact same "offer" just worded differently like I mentioned before. And question how criminals are thrown in jail but end up back on the street within a week. Especially Capes like Hookwolf who should've been executed a long time ago, kill order or not, since he's a blatant threat to innocent people and has proven that he can't be contained if only because of the E88. Same with Lung, who could be killed far before he could ramp up. But it seems like the PRT seem to not care about their JOBS and seem to be far more concerned with their precious, precious image and seem to believe that putting glorified bounties on someone's head is apparently the only thing that they can think of when it comes down to dealing with a troublesome and dangerous cape.

That's where I would have gone for the beginning of the fic, but I just feel like that would've been too heavy handed and too much hard selling. I would have had a possible subplot of having various Wards and their families sue the PRT for false advertising and the Youth Guard for their annoying, obstructive, whiny crap. Since the PRT advertises the Wards as a junior Protectorate and claims that the Wards can fight villains but don't actually get to do that then you could sue them for false advertising. And don't get me started on the crap with Wards not getting combat training. That's one of the standard benefits of the Wards program and in some fics they don't get it at all. That would have been put out in the public and would have caused an even bigger shitshow.

Though it doesn't stop me from using some of these plots in the rewrite. (If you're wondering where I got these ideas, then here you are: https://caerazkaban.groups.io/g/main/message/413932 - Specifically ideas 261B, 268, 268B, and 297)

Now, the way things would be different would be is an actually competent PRT and a more moral Cauldron. Think of Ack's Earning Her Stripes for a good comparison, no feudalism experiment, no things like supporting the Nazis, Hero's survival actually means something. This is the primary reason as to why I'm rewriting the fic. My "reasoning" for why things stayed the same was, in my opinion, really weak.

Oh, and Camryn is going to have a mostly different playlist for his starting 10. It will be less broken but as a plus he'll have the OV time limit of hours and hardly any recharge. By "less broken", I mean less overpowered abilities like Ghostfreak's everything, Big Chill's ice abilities plus intangibility used on organs, Jetray's speed etc. He'll still keep some aliens like Upgrade, but the playlist will be mostly different. More balance, less overlap and more fun possibilities even though his original playlist would have been super fun to play around with. And as a side note, the greater transformation time and less recharge will be balanced with harder fights and more of a learning experience.

And the addition of Pokémon sooner would be nice as well. I mean they'd need a massive role anyway since they'd logically be a huge part of the world. Then again, character inflation is an issue, and it means that almost everyone would need to have at least one.

And another thing regarding the ham-fisted hard sell approach that the PRT would have taken, it would have culminated in the PRT essentially breaking into their house and trying to basically intimidate them into submission to join the Wards for the kids and the Protectorate for Maria. No matter how it would have ended, it wouldn't have gone well for the PRT. Either they get their asses handed to them on a silver platter or they get caught on camera, possibly both. And they would have arrived conveniently when Camryn would have been live streaming on Twitch so he could have caught them in the act, while he was being raided by a popular streamer which would've been much worse. (Yes, this is inspired by In Nuclear Fire.) I could probably go this route in the rewrite, but it'd be very difficult to do so in a convincing way that doesn't seem forced and doesn't seem like outright bashing.
Hey there, I've got some news to make about my current plans for this story. I've decided to rewrite it and do away with some of my plans for this story.
Question then, are you going to rewrite the entire current story in a new thread or just rewrite it all on this one?
Now, the way things would be different would be is an actually competent PRT and a more moral Cauldron. Think of Ack's Earning Her Stripes for a good comparison, no feudalism experiment, no things like supporting the Nazis, Hero's survival actually means something. This is the primary reason as to why I'm rewriting the fic. My "reasoning" for why things stayed the same was, in my opinion, really weak.
Yeah considering how different this world is and how things aren't as grimdark I just couldn't see why the PRT and Cauldron would be making the same mistakes.
Yeah considering how different this world is and how things aren't as grimdark I just couldn't see why the PRT and Cauldron would be making the same mistakes.
Mhm, I took the questions to heart and decided to rewrite it. It would haveleft a bad taste in my mouth to keep writing with my former plans.
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