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Ugh, what time is it? I feel like crap. I moved my hands across the… sand? That's not right. I...
Something about the humans of Earth Omega and their differences with us (And some stuff about the MC)
The humans of this Earth are drastically different from "real-life" humans. The first difference is the superpowers. It's actually impossible for someone not to be able to have superpowers, at least with EO humans. EO humans are capable of being more powerful than "real-life" humans. They should be even stronger than they are now, but something prevented them from being so. Anyone "powerless" can still develop powers, even if they have to train for it or someone has to help them unlock it.

The reason why all humans on Earth Omega can develop superpowers is because of the presence of dormant genes. To be specific, this is where things like the Metagene, X-gene, Quirk Factor, and Inhuman Gene come into effect. There are no Smart Atoms like in Invincible. Magic isn't just genetic per se; it's also in the soul. Same with Stands and Aura. Ki isn't something that you get at puberty; you have to learn it. (AN: No, not like that stupid "ten percent of your brain" crap. The people who believe that clearly only use ten percent of their brain.)

They could train intensely to gain low-level Brute and Mover rankings, though this isn't easy to do. (This is how I justify characters from MHA gaining small Brute and Mover rankings. Same with OPM humans like Saitama. Well, his rankings are not small in any capacity.)

As a result, they're drastically different genetically from Camryn. His existence shouldn't be possible by their standards. He can't have superpowers at all, at least genetically speaking. He can't even learn how to use magic. He has no soul, technically, making him more like a humanoid abomination. He'd freak out those who could sense it and intrigue others, likely unwanted parties. It also means no Aura, no Semblance, no Stand, nothing like that.

One of the only things he could learn is maybe Ki or something related to Pokémon. And even that's stretching things hard. He could possibly trigger and become a Parahuman, but the Omnitrix wouldn't like a brain parasite trying to attach itself to its host. The Omnitrix would sense the Shards and the Entities' presence and wouldn't be amused by what they were doing.

He's also far more squishy. Sometimes, EO humans can live through things that, by all means, should kill them, possibly resulting in superpowers or mutations. Camryn can't do so.
Things I won't be adding in, period
Slade x Terra - NOPE! EW EW EW EW!

Doctor Bright from SCP Foundation - Uh, ha, NO! You're going to have to look it up about this one.

Fucking up Spiderman's life - Why do Marvel writers want to make him miserable?

BatGod Batman - Don't get me wrong, I love Batman! But I hate how ridiculous the BatGod stuff gets. I could understand him being (one of) the most competent member(s) of a team (Possibly). But not him being the best thing to grace the DC multiverse.

Stupid, paper-thin excuses to justify the status quo staying the same - This one is self-explanatory. It's one thing to have a logical reason to keep the status quo the same, but not dumbass reasons like the fans being whiny brats or because the 'world is too savage for the cure to cancer.' And I fell victim to this with my first attempt at this fic. Is that me living in a glass house? What I mean by a logical reason is there is an Avengers and Night at the Museum crossover where that golden tablet thing stays where it is despite SHIELD policy requiring it to relocate. It's not moved because the tablet could've interacted with artifacts that SHIELD had and could have ended very poorly. That's the sort of reason I could understand.

Ben's Flanderization and Aesop Amnesia - I've explained that I hate this shit. Nobody liked this at all. I don't care if people find his AF season one and two personality boring. What? Do you want him to be a ten-year-old for the rest of his life? No character development? Just stripping it away to recycle the same damn character arc repeatedly? I don't have to bow to such dumb limitations like network demands and unpleasable fan bitching, so fuck that.

Ben x Kai or Ben x Gwen - Again, I hate this. A lot of people hate it, too. Ben doesn't need a jerk of a girlfriend who doesn't respect him just because of the stupid network's demands or the writer's piss-poor attempts at forcing their relationship. If he'll be shipped, it won't be with Gwen, that's for sure. I'm not into incest.

Charizard having Wolverine Publicity - Charizard is my favorite Pokémon, to be honest. But I hate this so much. We don't need Charizard in every fucking game, Nintendo! Charizard will not have as many roles unless it is like Detective Pikachu or Ash's Charizard. Leon's signature Mon won't be Charizard; it'll probably be something like Dragapult, which is what it should've been.

Kanto pandering - Most of the Pokémon fandom is sick of it, and so am I.

Leon's Character Shilling - No. It wasn't funny. I don't care if he's the champion. It was annoying how his "BEING THE UNBEATABLE CHAMPION AND HE HAS AN AWESOME CHARIZARD" was brought up every five fucking seconds. Yes, it did phase out at certain parts, but my point still stands.

JLA: Act of God - Fuck this comic. I haven't read it, but from what I've seen online and in reviews, it seems to suck (Maybe I'm being unfair to it.) And the writer seemingly didn't know shit about DC characters when he wrote it. Of course, it glorified Batman as usual for DC.

Teen Titans Go! - Nothing needs to be said. The ONLY thing I'd EVER be willing to add in would be Cyborg not angsting about being a cyborg.

Certain Memes - I don't want to be too bitchy, but there are certain ones that I won't ever have in my fic.

Kill La Kill nudity stuff - I'm uncomfortable doing this. I don't think showing a ton of skin is all that attractive anyway (Weird, isn't it?) I'll have to change certain aspects of Kill La Kill if I want to add it. I don't want to get in trouble, so that's another reason.

Incestuous Shipping - As an American, no.

Shipping the MC with real-life people like celebrities - This would be creepy and wrong. The only time he'll get a relationship if I even bother with that shit, will be with fictional characters.

Lucoa and Shouta's dynamic - I used to find it funny, but as I've gotten older, I've found it very uncomfortable. Oh yeah, and it might get me banned too. So I'll make them more like a big sister/little brother duo.

Kanna's more "questionable" behavior - Once again, it might get me banned, and it's uncomfortable. Putting that stuff in the bin!

Superhero Wars - Why does this exist? They don't need to fight each other; they need to fight their actual enemies! You know, like supervillains, terrorists, and evil in general?

Character Bashing - I'm going to try to be fair here. I'll try not to bash characters, at least too hard. At least the ones that I dislike.

X kills the Marvel Universe - No.

Power Creep, Power Seep, Strong as they need to be, and Popularity Power - No. I don't care if I or you guys like the character or not. There will be no power-ups or downs for popular characters unless they earn them or I add them for the sake of story reasons. Like for the sake of fusing them into the setting. That means the Punisher is staying a street level hero. Batman isn't going to be fist-fighting Gods without armor; he'd die otherwise. Spider-Man isn't going to be punching out cosmic level opponents easily. No nerfing or weakening characters for the sake of having difficult or easy fights, etcetera.
Camryn's Omnitrix (Fixed and Expanded)
This Omnitrix is not the Canonical one. Instead, it comes from a long-dead universe that lay dormant and unused for several thousand years. Everything in the universe was dead. The device merely floated in nothingness and has never been touched by another user for a long time until now.

It has the same functions as the Canon Omnitrix but was designed to be easier to use. It adapts to the user and selects what's available when they transform into every alien in their beginning playlist. Of course, this one has a few more functions due to differing circumstances.

This device has six purposes rather than three. It was meant to be the bridge between different species. The intent was to allow one member to understand an entirely different species by letting them walk a mile in another's shoes.

The second was to revive any species in its nigh-omniscient database if they were to go extinct.

The third was to fight and defeat rogue cosmic beings. Beings like the Chaos Gods, Eldritch Abominations, the Celestials, the Celestialsapiens, etc.

The fourth purpose was to serve as a prison for beings too dangerous to be free. This Omnitrix was designed with an unremovable failsafe that prevented DNA samples and prisoners that were still conscious, like an Ectonurite, from being removed. After many models, updates, and modifications, the creator of the device, Azmuth, wizened up to the escape attempts over several millennia of development for the Omnitrix.

The fifth purpose was to help the Celestials perform their experiments and collect sapient species.

Its sixth, secret, and final purpose was to show Azmuth's former lover Zennith; who left him when he created the sword Ascalon- that he had changed from his old ways and would return to him.

The way the user's own transformations are created is somewhat simple. The Omnitrix uses tiny strands of the user's DNA when making the transformations for the first time. The transformations are what the user would look like if they were born as said species.

The Omnitrix's transformations are all modified in some way. For example, transformations like a Vulpimancer or Flora Colossus cannot articulate the usual way or in a limited manner. The Omnitrix "fixes" this "issue" by modifying them. They'd still have some form of speech quirk.

The Omnitrix has many different functions and features. To name a few:

  • Each species representative is the strongest, healthiest, and most versatile. Though health defects and disease can affect the transformations.
  • The age of the forms is relative to the user's age. They are not the exact same age. It would be very awkward if the user had a 100+-year-old lifespan and turned into a species with a 20-year-old lifespan and was much older than 20.

  • The Omnitrix has a body cam that can record fights, crime scenes, daily activities, and much more. It can also create a perfect 3D reconstruction of the surrounding area. Of course, these can be projected holographically.
  • The body cam has a phenomenal frame rate, good enough to the point where it can capture flashes of light that would be invisible to the naked eye.

  • The Omnitrix has voice commands.

  • The Omnitrix can create a new species.

  • The Omnitrix can create fusions of its forms. These fusions can affect how much power is used while the user transforms. The user can do this through experience, skill, and modifying the device's settings.

  • Unlike the canonical Omnitrix, this particular one doesn't necessarily need DNA for a sample. As long as the creature being scanned is sapient and sentient, merely having a soul would suffice. This means that Camryn can become an Anodite if he wants to.

  • The Omnitrix has a settings menu that can allow the user to change the look of the Omnitrix, their clothing, the color of the watch, the form they take if they were knocked out, etc.

  • The Omnitrix can upload memories and basic instincts of a given form to the user's mind. This is incredibly useful and valuable if the user transforms into a new form in the middle of a dangerous situation.

  • Users can create new functions when they access the settings menu or voice command.

  • User can create playlists for different forms if their alien list gets too cluttered.

  • The Omnitrix can store clothing and tools for the user by breaking said clothing down by using powerful nanotechnology.

  • The Omnitrix can also enhance its forms but can't do so when it has chosen a wearer. The wearer has to wait for several weeks before they can do this.

  • The Omnitrix can lock the user into a form with a life-form lock; this is dangerous to use often.

  • The Omnitrix has a universal translator. The user can use it the old-fashioned way or with All Speak.

  • The Omnitrix has a setting called Master Control. This is essentially removing the training wheels of the Omnitrix. The user will not gain access to the entire library of transformations. They might gain an expansion to their current playlist, but this isn't likely. However, once activated and as long as the user doesn't choose to remove the Omnitrix permanently, Master Control can NEVER be removed, destroyed, or locked. (AN: The reason why I made it like this is because I am FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF AN OMNITRIX USER LOSING THE MASTER CONTROL SOMEHOW. It's ridiculous! It doesn't matter if it's the show or a fanfic. It's annoying and utterly stupid. I don't care if it's too OP; don't have it if that's your worry.)

  • The Omnitrix has a randomizer. Unlike canon, it chooses a set of transformations, of course in sets of ten, and randomly swaps between them.
  • The user can turn off the randomizer by simply talking to the Omnitrix.

  • This particular Omnitrix has an AI. The AI is fully sentient and sapient. Due to the Omnitrix's dead universe, the AI has complete and total control over the device. The AI is amoral, snarky, and cares only for its safety and its user's safety and desires.

  • The Omnitrix has a DNA scanner and a Soul scanner.
  • This Omnitrix can scan mutants.

  • The Omnitrix has an imprisoning function.

  • The Omnitrix has fail-safes and safeguards against magic, hacking, forced removal, tampering, etc. In general, the fail-safes and safeguards are impossible to get around unless you know the device.

  • It's infused with hyper-advanced technology from the Celestials.