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What if humanity is replaced by these different races and you as your avatar in it


Versed in the lewd.
Mar 31, 2018
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Scenario: Every human has suddenly vanished from earth, an Imp has replaced them with so many species from fictional worlds both intelligent and beast alike and have populated several countries they used to reside in.\
while you as your avatar and me as my avatar as the last humans on yours home.
The planet they will be residing on will be Earth
Every race is at the height of their civilization and on the same number of earth's population.
The Following races include and will be residing in:
The Kryptonians,Amazons,Green Martians and Coluans(Brainiac's race) from DC's post-crisis will be living within the US
The Anodite from Ben 10 & Asari(Mass Effect) are living within Canada
The Saiyans,Majin,Frieza's race and Namekians from Dragon ball xenoverse series will be living in Mexico
Demons (Doom Franchise,Devilman,Berserk and Devil May Cry) and The Mist Creatures (Stephen King's The Mist) inhabit an irradiated Russia
the Kaijus from Godzilla series will be living within Japan.
Your top 3 favorite insert races from fiction will be living within Africa
The Predator and Xenomorph Species will be living within Australia
The Pokemon from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Digimon will be living within China
while other places got Inhumans,eternals,kree and Mutants from marvel's 616 are fighting the Grimms from rwby and titans from the attack on titan.
What happens?
That's way too many xenophobic races living within a planet's reach of one another

Earth is immediately destroyed and the species that survive in space continue fighting until only one remains, and then they begin looking for a new planet
But my Avatar isn't human? Anyways, the world is fucked and who the hell knows who comes out on top given all the bullshit powers involved. I...probably won't survive the ensuing conflict? Well, depends on which interpretation of my OC I go with as I have a couple CYOA's made for them them which might let me survive.
But my Avatar isn't human? Anyways, the world is fucked and who the hell knows who comes out on top given all the bullshit powers involved. I...probably won't survive the ensuing conflict? Well, depends on which interpretation of my OC I go with as I have a couple CYOA's made for them them which might let me survive.

Wll it's still you(human) in the body of something could fight off monsters.
Well the picture I'm using is someone else's OC they created that's supposedly extremely powerful, let me find the thing again.

Edit: FOund it, tried to get as good a picture as possible.


Anyway, I kind of agree with Vinylshadow. A great portion of the people on the planet now are extremely xenophobic to a great degree, I don't know if they could co exist at all.
"This is my rifle this is my gun. This is for fighting this is for fun."

I think I'll be fine enough...
From the laundry list of cataclysmic powers being thrown about, I guess I become breakfast.
Well I'm already a supervillain so things wouldn't change much. I'd probably try to start up a cult or two, found a villain league with the noobs and invade Canada.

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