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Worldbuilding assist request: timelines: Portal Fantasy


Foxes are Fantastic
Jan 1, 2019
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Working on a not quite jumpchain, not quite multicross using Bioshock Infinite as a basis, and I'm trying to hammer out how a bunch of realities would meld together. I... think I've done a pretty good job, but I feel the need for a bit of feedback, as there are some things I'm not sure about, and I've got the feeling I've left gaps.

If you would like clarification on anything listed here, feel free to ask.

2 billion years ago, Leviathan's become space faring and start psychically enslaving other galactic races. They swiftly become the dominant species in the galaxy.
1 billion years ago, Leviathan's fight the first generation Reapers.
65 million years ago, Precursors first sent Kaiju to Earth.
20 million - 162,000 BC, the Xel-Naga arrived in the Milky Way. They move across the galactic arms of a recently reaped galaxy seeding life and building Psi reactive temples. Many current and former garden-worlds were built by their tentacles. The Xel-naga survive ~ 300 reaper cycles by virtue of neither using mass effect, settling on planets nor simply being there when the Reapers pass through. Psionic prophecy allows them to know that being certain places at certain times would end in their death, and so they simply aren't.
7 million - 200,000 BC, Not all of the Xel-Naga are content to have their work ruined again and again however, and a Xel-Naga by the name of Amon leads a slowly growing faction to first to ambush lone Reapers and then lead their many client races in resistance. Several hidden Leviathans even join the cause, explaining the Reaper's origin, the double edged sword that is Mass Effect and AI and their own attempts to guide the races of each cycle to resist the Reaper Harvest. Never though, do either race of spacewhales consider fighting the Reapers Head-to-Head.
200,000 BC, A Xel-Naga, indoctrinated by many cycles of cleaning up Reaper artifacts, leads the Reapers to hunt down and capture nearly a third of the Xel-Naga. …Xel-naga who had not been part of Amon's resistance. As these Xel-Naga corpses are being turned into new reapers, Amon leads the latest cycle and his full faction against the reaper Facility on KL2. They manage to stop the creation of 100 Xel-Naga-Reapers, but the resultant fiend is too powerful to kill. Utilizing crystal technology, they imprison it within the debris of the planet which formerly hosted the Reaper Facility.
198,000 - 145,000 BC Amon vows revenge on the Reapers for the loss of life and the attempt to forge Reapers from his dead kin. "I will END the Eternal Cycle!" He vows. He cannot simply wait and whittle down the reaper numbers over successive cycles until the next generation of Xel-Naga ascend! Instead, Amon and his followers directly forge a pair of species; The Protoss of Aiur and the Zerg of Xerus, into weapons, abandoning those who would not follow or were deemed unnecessary to the purpose.
144,000 BC Amon and his children, the Swarm and Tal'Darim traveled to the temple world of Ketill4 intent on forcibly raising a new generation of Xel-Naga ~150K years early, and bred for WAR. Before he could really get into the process however, the rest of the Xel-naga arrived, and behind them, rode the Reapers. Where the orthodox Xel-naga would normally have hidden themselves away from the cycle, they had foreseen the results of Amon's failure. If left alone, the reapers would have fallen upon them as the first batch of Hybrid awakened and their indoctrination would have meant the end of everything. Instead, there was a massive apocalyptic battle which ended in the death of 10K reapers, and the entirety of both Xel-Naga factions. There were only two survivors of the whole affair; the Overmind who hung back, consuming the corpses of fallen Xel-naga and then fled, and Naruud, the first Hybrid.
144,000 - 70,000 BC, Protoss undergo the Aeon of Strife. Overmind is forced to flee multiple times as Reaper Sentinels burn zerg infested worlds.
127,000 BC, Insunan empire rises.
96,000 BC, Insunan Empire fights the Reapers.
70,000 BC - 50,000 BC The Great Kas discovers the Xel-Naga ruins on Auir and unites the protoss under a government of Psionic Unity. The Protoss empire spreads across the Terminus, using Xel-Naga warp Gates. Their contact with the Mass Relay based Prothean Empire is sporadic but tense.
68,000 BC, Prothean Empire rises.
50,000 BC, Adun becomes the first Twilight Messiah and forms the Dark Templar.
50,000 - 49,000 BC, Protheans develop Asari pleasure slaves from experimentation with ?__? DNA in an Eezo rich environment.
49,500 BC, a Densorin cult of psychically gifted individuals led by Naruud discover the Leviathans. Receiving the creature's warning, they try to warn their culture, but are rejected. The Densorin government already knows about the Reapers, having been informed by Naruud and have been preparing for them for three thousand years. Already Stellar Engineers capable of throwing planets around, they believe they have advanced sufficiently to challenge the threat from Dark Space. Naruud and the Leviathans disagree. At the urging of their patrons, the cult, naming themselves The Ethereal Ones, dive deeply into the Psionic tech tree, and build Arcs with which they plan to hide themselves in the void between stars.
48,000 - 47,700 BC, Protheans fight the Reapers. From afar, the Ethereal Ones watch as their people kill a dozen reapers before indoctrination takes hold and children are sacrificed on mass to placate their foes. They are pleased to note that the Denisoran Reaper attacks the others, killing several more, but horrified both by indoctrination and the Reaper life cycle.
49000 - 46000 BC Athame, Prothean AI, and his prothean servants guide Asari culture and industry, first as a pleasure world, then hoping to restart the empire in sufficient time to win the next Reaper cycle.
48,000 BC The Leviathans and Naruud split over ideological differences, and with them, the Ethereals underwent their own schism. Those who follow the Leviathans into hiding take the name Precursors.
47,500 - 3,000 BC The Ethereal Ones work with Naruud to ascend the Path of the Twilight Messiah and become psionics on the same level as the Hydrid and Xel-Naga. But things go… strangely. Most of the Ethereals fail to ascend. But those that do… embed themselves into planets, forming Elerium deposits around their ascension sites; in a manner very similar to yet radically different from the Xel-naga temples. Dejected and determined to buy time for their ascending kin, the Etherals set out to arm this cycle, and prepare them for WAR.
30,000-15,000BC The ascended Ethereals awaken and begin guiding the non-relay races to prepare for the Reapers. Over time, a divide forms between the Ethereals who would spend the time until the reapers simply building up and those who would direct their client races to war against each other so that they are strengthened by conflict to the day the reapers would return. Those who champion directed growth become known as the Vorlons. Those who would champion conflict become known as the Shadows.
25000 BC, the Dark Templar settled on Shakuras.
24,000 BC The Precursors, having undergone several generations of hiding alongside the Leviathans, grow restless of hiding beneath the seas of dead worlds. Their great grandchildren have grown numerous and rebellious and begun observing the movements of the other ancients. Of particular interest are the Zerg. After a failed attempt to enslave the overmind, they begin to manufacture their own. Due to their reverence of the Xel-Naga and Leviathans, their soldiery are also Megafauna. They begin sending these monsters out via Void Rifts to prepare the battleground ahead of the Reapers.
20,000 - 2000BC, The Ethereal ones use the Jovian Moon of Pandora in the Alpha Centauri system as a Petri Dish, applying things they learned interacting with all other races, across both cycles, in an effort to build the ultimate weapon against the reapers. They first chose to settle on the planet due to the stellar engineering of the planet being primed to produce Unobtanium naturally. Though their efforts primarily succeed, the world-mind rejects them and the war against the reapers. The Na-vi and Tulkan violently repel the Ethereals and subsequently reject technology and vow pacifism, forcing their creators to seek out alternatives.
9,000BC No longer able to tolerate the others mismanagement of the non-relay systems, The Vorlons and The Shadows go to war.
7000 BC, Eezo poisoning causes Virtual Aliens Sun to begin supernova expansion half a billion years early.
6,000 BC Virtual Aliens launch their Matrix Arc spaceship.
5000-4,000 BC the Xil, a race whose leadership changed between shadows and Vorlons several times sought out the legendary Elders of their masters and eventually found The Ethereal Temple Ship above Pandora. The Ethereals explain their past to the Xil, and they become fascinated with the Mass Relays. Though understanding of The Elders caution regarding the Relays, they consider the idea fascinating, and so work with The Etherals to develop the Jump Gates. The Jump Gates utilize Psionic energy to tunnel through the Void/Warp/Hyperspace, bypassing the immense distances between stars and even galaxies directly as only minds create space within the Hyperspace. Unfortunately, the Xil become a victim of their own success, and are wiped out by the Great Shadow War.
2000 - 1900 BC Krogans have nuclear war, turning their world into Fallout. An Ethereal temple ship arrives over Tuchanka. After explaining the History of the Reapers and their need for strong soldiers, the Ethereals offer to take the Krogan to the stars. The Krogan declined, violently, preferring to nuke areas fallen to Ethereal Authority. Eventually, the Ethereals leave Tuchanka a burnt out Husk, and possessing a perfected Krogan Template, which they name The Mutinous.
1130-1290 BC, The Ethereal Ones visit Irune, home of the Volus, having received a distress call from one of the Ascending. A Volus Mining concern had disturbed it and it had possessed the mine foreman. The Ethereals arrive and enter into negotiations with the Volus. The species is found to be quite intelligent, but unfit either for war or most environments, loyal only to coin and possessing only the most minor talent with The Gift. The Ethereal ones work out a deal; a population to experiment with in exchange for getting the Volus into space. The Volus offer their entire prison and criminal population as their stake and the deal is wiped from Volus official histories and entitled the "disaster of Elune", the Volus third colony world. In turn, the Ethereal Ones develop the Andromedon, which while helpful to Volus engineers and geneticists; the Ethereals generally considered to be a failure.
730 BC, The Ethereal Ones discover the Hanar. For once the uplift goes well. Hanar are intelligent, loyal, strong in the gift and once trained, technically gifted. They are also physically strong… but only when in a watery environment. Their attempts to rectify this limitation result in the Seeker Drone and The Gatekeeper; one a major failure in the eyes of the Ethereals, despite its much improved mobility and the other only a minor success.
580 BC, Asari become space faring and discover the Citadel
520 BC, Salarians become space faring and discover the Citadel
500 BC, negotiations finish, the first citadel council is formed.
400 BC, Volus join the Citadel but as the unified banking system, not a council member.
350 BC, Turian Unification war.
300 BC, Batarians join the Citadel
220 - 40 BC, The Ethereal Temple ship attempts to ally with The Overmind of The Swarm. Relations quickly break down as The Overmind attempts to Infest the Ethereals. Though the passing arrival of the Protoss Golden Armada drives off The Overmind and allows The Ethereals to be successful in resisting infestation, The Ethereals continue experiments on zerg subjects attempting to refine them into something less difficult to work beside. The result is The Rachnai. Though initially appearing to be a wild success, the situation ends with the Rachnai drawing the attention of the Leviathan's who subvert The Ethereals control, ordering the rachnai to wipe out the Ethereal Ones and scourge them from the galaxy entirely. Infuriated with how easily the Rachnai were taken from them, they develop a second strain which responds only to them; the Chryssalid war beast.
200 BC, Elcor join the Citadel
100 BC, Quarians join the Citadel
50 BC, Hanar join the Citadel against Ethereal advice and delivered to the council the first warnings regarding the Reaper Threat. They are… ignored. Or possibly misunderstood. The Hanar are unsettling, and their Psionics are feared, especially by the Asari, who are familiar with the ability through the Ardat Yakshi.
1 AD, Rachnai explode out of a newly opened relay and start war with the citadel races.
80 AD, Salarians uplift the Krogan remnants to fight the Rachnai
300 AD, Rachnai wars end and the Krogans are given rachnai worlds as colonies and a place on the Citadel Council. The Centauri wipe out the Xon, a second sentient race on their homeworld.
300-700 AD, Krogan expand across granted worlds. Their expansion is so explosive that the worlds become as harsh as Tuchanka and they demand new worlds.
650 AD, first contact made with Turians
693 AD, SPECTER program established. Salarian Beelo Gurji is given emergency powers to act on behalf of the Citadel Council.
700 AD, Krogan rebellion begins with the seizure of an Asari colony Lusia by the Krogan. Specters attack Krogan infrastructure on Lusia, and the Krogan retaliate on-mass.
710 Turian mercenary action is determined as aggression by Krogan, causing them to nuke a Turian Colony. Turians respond by seizing a Salarian bioweapon and deploying it on multiple Krogan worlds
720 - 780 AD, Ethereals save the Salarian Colony Lysthen from the greater Krogan Horde. As communications and transportation has already been severed by the Krogan, the galaxy assumes the colony to be lost. The Ethereals prey on this as well as the species' scientific genius and pride and invite them into the Ethereal army. Experiments go well at first, discovering, implementing and enhancing Psionic potential within the Lystheni. The Ethereals slowly become disgusted however, at how poorly they stand up to a Krogan charge and how cowardly they are, both in politics and battle. By the time the Ethereals cleanse the planet of life, the Lystheni are but husks known as the Sectoid. Those who escaped the system before that point have become outcast from Salarian society, considered madmen and mutants, and live in the slums of other species.
800 AD, Krogan Rebellion Ends. Salarian Bioweapon "genophage" and all out war have succeeded in reducing the Krogan population to the point of surrender.
900 AD, Turians are promoted to the citadel council, taking up the vacated Krogan Seat.
1100AD The Minbari discover the Jump Gates and enter wider galactic politics
1200AD G'Quan and the Narn Psionics drive The Shadows off of Narn, but while successful, the effort ends in the death of all Narn Psionics.
1250AD The Minbari join the Shadow War on the side of the Vorlons.
1350AD The Shadows are defeated entirely and go into hiding on Z'ha'dum
1380 AD, Drell homeworld undergoes ecological disaster. On the invitation of the Hanar, the Ethereal Temple ship uplifts the Drell, and finds them to be exemplary in body, mind and loyalty… but severely lacking in Psionic Potential. Their visit causes an environmental disaster by causing the population to balloon out of control exacerbating an already arid desert climate while withdrawing from the world with those smart enough to save things. They name their servants the Tarch, meaning The Trusted.
1600 AD, Reaper agents dubbed "The Collectors" emerge from Omega Relay and begin operations.
1856 - 1896 On the Quarian homeworld of Rannoch, the Etherals discover the Quarians, who they had tested and discarded before, working on the Geth and the Ancestor simulation. Though the Quarians are weak physically and possess a strange unstable Psionic ability, they are mentally strong and the symbiosis intrigues them. They assist the colony, making rapid leaps forward in brain-machine interfaces. The results of their efforts are the Drone, Cyberdisk, Sectopod and Codex. All useful tools, but again, a failure in the eyes of The Ethereal Ones and Naruud.
1858 AD, Geth first gain sentience.
1873 AD Geth servant android reveals sentience to Quarian creators.
1880-1895 AD, Geth-Quarian "morning war" takes place. Quarian race bi-furcates into Migrant Fleet refugees and Geth Loyalists.
1885 Booker Dewitt's family are killed by an Indian raid and he swears vengeance.
1887 the Ghost dancer movement of Indian separatists, aiming to preserve native culture, hold demonstrations against western expansion, gun-control and broken treaties.
1889 Booker Dewitt enlists in the American Cavalry, falsifying his age to reach the minimum of 16.
1890 Booker Dewitt, 15, participates in the Wounded Knee Massacre. He is heralded as a war hero by the papers, named "The White Injun" for his brutality in combat.
1892 Booker Dewitt, suffering night terrors for his participation at wounded knee, attends a baptism. Above the priest, he witnesses a tear in reality, wherein he sees a city in the clouds. In one fork, he accepts baptism, becoming Zacheriah Comstock. In the other, Booker Dewitt rejects the baptism and joins the Pinkertons.
1894 Booker Dewitt meets Annabelle Watson.

1920 AD, Council remove Quarian Embassy, and evict them from their temporary colony, in favor of Turian colonists.
1930 AD, Batarian Scientist, Yhuun Ahri, discovers an Elerium mine on the colony world Zudj.
1934 AD, Yhuun Ahri awakens the Ethereal Shamash from its ascension, discovering it to be the source of Elerium Ore. Shamash possess Yhuun, becoming Origin the father of the Zudjari.
1934-1959 AD, Origin uses Ethereal technology to declare independence from the Batarian Hegemony and evolve the colonial citizens into the Outsider army.
1954 Elerium is discovered at Groom Range. The mine is purchased by US Military Concerns and "shut down due to radioactive testing material". Classified research begins into Elerium.
1959 AD, Human Mining of Elerium at Groom Range awakens Ethereal Asaru. Shamash notices his distress call and begins plans to open a portal to Earth. Yhuun Ahri breaks free from unity/possession and enslaves Shamash, and becomes Mosaic, enslaving the minds of all Zudjari.
1962 AD, Zudjari attack Groom Range
2013 AD, Precursors once again send Kaiju to Earth.
2014 AD, Having determined the Kaiju will not stop, the Pan Pacific Defense Corp is started. Jasper Schoenfeld and Cailtlan Lightcap launch Jaeger project
2015 AD, April First successful fight between a Jaeger and Kaiju. June, Ethereals sack Davos Switzerland during the World Summit. XCOM project is launched.
2024-2113 AD, The Centauri conquer a dozen races, including the Narn.
2125 AD, Salarian explorers discover the Yahg. Contact rapidly breaks down, as Yahg diplomacy involves martial combat where a dishonored emissary is EATEN. Citadel blocades the planet, and places turrets to actively discourage space flight.
2150 The Centauri Empire, overstretched by conquest and a rising wave of rebellions, begins to fall apart.
2155 AD, Turian temple on Palavan discovered to have Reaper technology. Infected General Desolas Arturias plans to open Shaxi Relay to recover more Reaper artifacts.
2162 AD, Batarian businessman Edan Had'dah discovers and activates the Reaper Sentinel which he names "Sovereign" orbiting an unnamed planet in the Perseus Veil.
2164 AD Edan Had'dah discovers a reaper wreck on the planet Dis. Batarian Dreadnought arrives to steal it.
2210 AD Narn independence from Centauri.
2232 AD The Dilgar cat-people are wiped out as their sun explodes.

Bioshock Infinite 1890 - 1912
Bioshock 1 1946-1961
NuCom The Bureau Declassified October 28 1962
Pacific Rim August 10 2013 - january 12th 2025
NuCom 1 2015
NuCom2 2035
James Cameron's Avatar 2048 RDA founded, 2084 First Pandora mission, May 19 - august 24 2154; Avatar movie,
Mass Effect 2147 discovery of Mass Effect, 2157 first contact war, 2170 batarian war, 2176-8 skillian blitz, 2183 ME1, 2184 Andromeda launches, 2185 ME2, sep 28 2186 ME3
Babylon Five 2155 first contact, 2245-2249 Earth Minbari War, 2250 The Babylon Project,
StarCraft 2259 humans arrive in koprulu. 2439 Zerg Swarm finds Humanity. 2485 Guild wars. 2498 Chau Sara. 2500 brood wars. 2505 Wings of Liberty 2506. Heart of the Swarm. 2507 Legacy.

Main character action within the timeline has been removed; but starts on insertion into Bioshock Infinite. If you're interested, I've got 4 short chapters I wrote as a prelude before getting distracted with this timeline, work, life and other projects. Asking here is part of my attempt to get back into the story.

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