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Your avatar adopts the avatar above you

Lance crasher

Oy paul!
Dec 8, 2019
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Your avatar is forced by ROB to adopt the now de aged avatar above you
I guess Sauron could use a very angry piggy? Probably experiment on it and turn into a horrific monster but still.
*Squints* Well then…

Little cone, we are going to have some FUN!

And by fun i mean burninating bad drivers. NO DRUNK DRIVING EVER! *Fiery death unleashed*
Well this'll be interesting. An eternally hungry dragon adopted by Yoruichi Shihoin.
Oya Oya.

Becoming a soul reaper... what a novel idea.

I don't think Bondrewd would be a bad father in this case. A soul reaper is a limited resource and needs to be handled and studied with care.
A literal star. Well fuck me over, how in the nine blazes of hell do I adopt this hot ball of gas?
"Hello little girl with a bunny mask! I'll be your Daddy from now on!"
Well, this will either end great... or horribly.

Science mom with all the desserts for the win?
It's might be a normal Tuesday for Sailor Mercury's case.
*gives him more guns to play with*

Nobu is raised by a scarecrow with an affinity for ripping off heads. Okay.

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