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Zuko Self Insert or Second Son of Iroh?

Second son with expanded chi abilities sounds awesome to me.
If you end up doing the Iroh second/third son story please do give us the link on this thread.
Would love to read it.
Second son, Zuko is to high profile. A semi-legitimate child could see us trained under Iroh's peers, because while we could never likely take the throne Ozai would tolerate a potential right hand for his heir.

Think about it Jong Jong, Piandao, the fire sages, the dragons, and any masters from the white lotus who would teach us on the side. So many ways to earn power.
Second son and NO genderbend Zuko pls. That would be an entertaining fic.
Honestly doing Naruto-style non elemental Jutsu's would be fine by my books. The fantasy of the worlds isn't too dissimilar to make it jarring, so you can make it work.

Second son of Iroh though wouldn't work for Iroh's character development we get in the show however, so I'd go for Zuko SI w/ Kenobi snark or simply be the child of a third Fire Nation royal who's dead. That way Iroh is still uncle, and Azula is your cousin instead of toxic sister.
Avatar the Last Air Bender. If you could choose between reading a NSFW FF with a main character that is a Self Insert of Zuko or a Self Insert as a second (illegitimate) son of Uncle Iroh, which one would you prefer?

NSFW because seducing Azula, Ty Lee and Mai is a must. (Yeah; I know what I just suggested)

Alternatively, make them an orphan noble that stays in the palace. Genderbend Zuko or not?

I just want some thoughts for an old idea I had a while back.

Also, would you rather have a gamer system or expanded chi abilities? (non elemental Naruto techniques)
Legitimate son of Iroh, taking back the throne, alongside taking Azula, and Best Girl.
Personally, if it's going the Azula route, I'd prefer the OC noble kid, I'm just not into incest.
I would definitely prefer Second Son of Iroh. Way more interesting than another SI of Zuko. I think you would need to take a look at the potential ramifications of this though on the actions of Ozai. The pretense for Ozai going to Azulon is that Iroh has no heir, so Ozai would make a better choice as Fire Lord. With Iroh having a second son, what changes? Does Ozai attempt to have the kid killed? How does Iroh react to that? Does an Iroh who still has something to live for put up more resistance to Ozai's plans, is he less attentive to Zuko, etc? There's a lot more to think about but if done right it could be crazy interesting.
What would the genderbender be useful for Zuko? If not to be the MC's love interest, I see no point in such a choice. I'm not a writer though, so there's probably an option I'm not seeing. Anyway, I agree with the comment above, such scenarios would be very interesting to see if done right.

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