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New profile posts

Hey, looks like you dropped by here recently, for the first time in a while. What'cha been up to? The writing link in your .sig is dead, so not that I guess...
Its been a while now, and still no confirmation or update on why my account is not approved.
Is there a problem in my account or its just a delay?
Please help
Hey, I've been wondering if you ever released more than what's currently published here for Crossdressing for Fun and Prophecy because it sounded fun
Armored in normalcy.
Lucid Lunacy
Lucid Lunacy
Is that a Metal Gear Solid parody pic? It fits too well. Rebuild Asuka with the eye-patch, and the pocky sticking out like a cigar (like a Boss).
No, Rebuild Asuka actually has an eyepatch after her eye got fucked up.
Lucid Lunacy
Lucid Lunacy
Yeah, I know. That's why I said it fits too well. It's the expression and the pocky that made me think of MGS.
I'm rewriting 6.2k words because I forgot you have to replay M.A.S.S Builder in a new save file to see the unique cutscenes. Don't worry; I already have a replacement setting. Expect the newest story in about two days. Unless I snort-powered Redbull.
Makes circles in dirt

I try to get discussion going in Futaba Quest but no one ever seems to want to bite...
There there, I'm sure they're just shy.
Lots of people read but not a lot post, and even fewer vote. Bernadetta Quest's notice and ending definitely show they are not missing chapters and care about the outcomes its just they like being silent (shy). I post a fair bit but I also worry about crowding out others by overposting.
Maybe, but I try to leave talking points in my posts hanging there for other people to latch on to to try and foster the discussion that TopHat obviously wants given the tags for the quest XD
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Not going to lie, your pfp has me thinking of great story ideas. I mean who wouldn't work in the mines, if every now and then you could get a gen that turns into a magical space waifu. Extra points if she's willing to help you dig up more.

An entire industrial mining operation, staffed by your very own gem waifus. What an amazing time to be alive.

You feeling the rock and stone?
Czlyydwr Llrngwl
Czlyydwr Llrngwl
And here I was thinking it was, like, Redneck Mario and Zombie Princess Peach... :V
Nah, thats Clearly the Scout from Deep rock Galactic carrying a freshly mined Peridot Gem.

She looks happy to free from the earth. Alternatively this Scout is saving a lost Peridot employee of the DRG corporation. And is currently taking her back to the mining ship. The lost clothes are clearly from all the damage taken killing bugs and what not.

Rock and Stone gentle-dwarves, Rock and Stone.
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Czlyydwr Llrngwl
Czlyydwr Llrngwl
I think I saw a music video about dwarfs in space that had that on a title card at the end once, but I have no idea what (beyond the obvious of a green crystal-person) "a Peridot" even is, so...
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Hello! Just read your april's post on guild of gamers the warlock, and in case you are still wondering, the necro rule is to not post after a month has passed since last post, the rest of the rules are Here, they are really short and easy to understand.