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Our chakra is already assimulative in nature... though training rather than inherent traits. Its kinda awesome actually if you think about it. We basically figured out how to train chakra into networking outside of the body and using stray chakra in the environment as part of our own.

I know Mio can use her chakra outside of her body but can she use environmental chakra as her own? I'm not saying it's wrong, It'd be amazing if she could but I don't remember that bit. Also not sure about the assimilative bits. I'd be happy to be proven wrong and referred to a chapter but I'm not sure I remember Mio being that awesome quite yet.

I feel like whether or not the Demon arm will take isn't dependent on logic or medical jutsu or anything like that. If we're still rocking the Shounen genre, then it'll be fine and edgy and awesome. If we've shifted to Survival Horror, it'll still take, but we'll probably wish it didn't. Either way, that arm will attach to our stump without too much trouble, otherwise it wouldn't even be an offered option.

This was basically my main point. I'm sure Mio would be able to attach the demon arm and get it to work. Without high medical and scientific skills though I imagine we'd have a lot of things going wrong with it. I also imagine fixing them wouldn't be as simple as just tearing the new arm off either.
That's the skeleton prosthetic arm with chakra flesh, right? I'd vote for it, but I don't remember Chibi-Reaper ever approving the combination, and I'm worried he would read the vote as a vote for skeleton arm and a vote for chakra arm.
Considering that we've literally had a similar conversation about Write-ins before, I would think there wouldn't be a problem; regardless, all it takes is a tag to Chibi-Reaper and then we wait and see, right?
Considering that we've literally had a similar conversation about Write-ins before, I would think there wouldn't be a problem; regardless, all it takes is a tag to Chibi-Reaper and then we wait and see, right?
I think it's probably a better idea for you two to join up with the 28+ others voting for just the chakra arm than it is for you to demand that all of them switch to your write in. Let's face it: that's not going to happen. Plenty of people vote and then just leave the thread until the next update, so even if every single one of us that is still here changed to your vote it wouldn't be enough.

Besides that, it's just completely unreasonable to ask for 28+ people to change to match you in order to beat the leading vote, when the same could be accomplished by just the two of you changing to match the much larger group. The ones at fault for splitting the vote here would be you, not the rest of us.
I think it's probably a better idea for you two to join up with the 28+ others voting for just the chakra arm than it is for you to demand that all of them switch to your write in. Let's face it: that's not going to happen. Plenty of people vote and then just leave the thread until the next update, so even if every single one of us that is still here changed to your vote it wouldn't be enough.

Besides that, it's just completely unreasonable to ask for 28+ people to change to match you in order to beat the leading vote, when the same could be accomplished by just the two of you changing to match the much larger group. The ones at fault for splitting the vote here would be you, not the rest of us.
Not completely unreasonable, especially since the whole point of our vote is doing both of the other two which is the only reason a tie is possible. Us two only puts the chakra arm to 30 — not the 32 you need — as opposed to those 28 + the 2 skeleton arm votes teaming up in the most appropriate venue of our vote to tie up "Demon Arm"

[x] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [x] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work.

As far as I understand Mio's approach to coils, fake coils, and the amount of chakra she has to sling around, this should be interesting no matter how it plays out.
[x] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [x] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work.
Our chakra is already assimulative in nature... though training rather than inherent traits. Its kinda awesome actually if you think about it. We basically figured out how to train chakra into networking outside of the body and using stray chakra in the environment as part of our own.
I don't remember reading about the highlighted parts? It could be because the relevant update was too long ago. So, if you could link to them, I'd be grateful.
[X] Take. Plenty of arms about, attached to other things.
- [X] The bound corpse, chained and marked with ancient and crumbling sealing wards, even now seems to be reaching out from its still and permanent repose. One arm outstretched... the only portion that has not yet rotten away, but even so as black as ink or pitch and seeming like stone, with thin cracks...

For some reason this reminds me of something else... but all I can recall is Bleach, which I'm certain isn't the thing I'm thinking of.
[x] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [x] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work.
Vote Tally : Twisted Pinwheel | Page 62 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.9.0

[X] Take. Plenty of arms about, attached to other things.
- [X] The bound corpse, chained and marked with ancient and crumbling sealing wards, even now seems to be reaching out from its still and permanent repose. One arm outstretched... the only portion that has not yet rotten away, but even so as black as ink or pitch and seeming like stone, with thin cracks...
No. of Votes: 33

[x] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [x] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work.
No. of Votes: 31

[X] Take. Plenty of arms about, attached to other things.
- [X] The spider that walks in the shape of a woman makes you shudder when she calls, and when she sings, to lure her prey nearer and nearer... until it is bound up in thread it does not and cannot see. She takes her time in eating them, when entrapped, and shares it bountifully out among lesser spiders. She has many arms to spare, though you doubt she will be eager to give one away...
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [X] About all there is around here seems to be stone and dead trees. Can't be that hard to put a prosthetic together, right? Straight bit, bendy bit, fiddly gripping bits...
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [X] The other thing that's here in abundance? Skeletons. Dusty, broken, but only sometimes walking around, but as a plus they generally have the right anatomy, less flesh.
- [X] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [X] The other thing that's here in abundance? Skeletons. Dusty, broken, but only sometimes walking around, but as a plus they generally have the right anatomy, less flesh.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 72
just two more and it's a tie! if it goes over i will switch with for the minority votes.
Last edited:
[X] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [X] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work.
I mean if Orochimaru the mad scientist of this setting didn't go injecting cool bloodlines in himself every opportunity he got then doesn't that say something?

He basically did pretty much the inverse, in that he kept trying to inject himself into cool bloodlines at every opportunity.

Considering that we've literally had a similar conversation about Write-ins before, I would think there wouldn't be a problem; regardless, all it takes is a tag to Chibi-Reaper and then we wait and see, right?

I mean, mashing it together... is basically how skeleton arm replacement would work anyway? Because you'd basically be sticking the bones into place and then pushing fake and real arm coils through it until it took.

I don't remember reading about the highlighted parts? It could be because the relevant update was too long ago. So, if you could link to them, I'd be grateful.

Lemme clarify. That's not how it works and I'm not sure how the impression was given. There is no assimilating of nature chakra involved. What Mio is currently doing has two parts: One, spreading her own chakra out a lot further than it's supposed to go, while still being useful and usable. Two, developing new fake coils to hold and circulate more real chakra in, greatly increasing the amount that she has in the tank at any given time.

Still incredibly useful stuff in its own right, and there's a whole lot of interesting new options that can build on that, but you haven't developed a short-cut to a sage mode or chakra vampirism or anything of that nature.

Shit, natural energy is dangerous. You'll turn yourself into a statue if you don't have someone to smack you with a magic stick or something.

"Jesus Mio, your attack names are horrible!"

Zombie Minato: "I kind of... never mind."
I mean, mashing it together... is basically how skeleton arm replacement would work anyway? Because you'd basically be sticking the bones into place and then pushing fake and real arm coils through it until it took.
It is? In that case...

[X] Make. You have everything you need, probably.
- [X] The other thing that's here in abundance? Skeletons. Dusty, broken, but only sometimes walking around, but as a plus they generally have the right anatomy, less flesh.
Just because it's a pre-generated option doesn't mean it's not a trap. And no need to get all holier than thou on me. On my previous post I mentioned possible trap/negative things that could happen with the vote I chose. Mainly running out of chakra. There's easily others like probably being vulnerable to having our arm sealed off rather easily if it's just pure chakra (though the number of people with the ability to do that would be rather low), not having the chakra to fuel it and others.

ALL of these options will have some sort of negative consequences attached. I'm just trying to minimise them and make sure the results don't come back and bite us. Say we do end up going the demon arm route I'd prefer we go about it in a smart way. You thinking that there won't be consequences for our actions seems to me to be a bit too optimistic.

You think we'd easily be able to just slam the demon arm on and be able to use it willy nilly? Maybe we'd be able to get it on. Being able to use it without consequence? I refer you to the long list of people Orochimaru has experimented on.

Does no one remember how before Sasuke defected he was basically going crazy trying to keep the curse seal back. This being after Kakashi had put a seal around it. He was arguably saner when he stopped holding it back and let it take him over. Even then he wasn't all there.
That's nice, still no proof of a trap option.
just two more and it's a tie! if it goes over i will switch with for the minority votes.
to make it a tie and see what the QM does.
Fuck off Snake, nobody likes a troll.
[X] Take. Plenty of arms about, attached to other things.
- [X] The bound corpse, chained and marked with ancient and crumbling sealing wards, even now seems to be reaching out from its still and permanent repose. One arm outstretched... the only portion that has not yet rotten away, but even so as black as ink or pitch and seeming like stone, with thin cracks...
or a leg, maybe The QM will attack the Sealed arm to Mio's shoulder so we can have 3 arms or attach it to the tail bone and have an armTail,


Mio's goal in life is not to become an assortment of random body parts rolling through town. She's not going to just graft things on for shiggles, and you'll note that the premade options don't include feet or tentacles for obvious reasons. Mio's rationale in having a new arm is to get back to where she was before rather than having to adapt to the loss, so why exactly do you think she would just start duct taping a lot of new things on to get used to and be in the way while she's being hunted by stuff that wants to eat her?

If you just want to to take things apart and put them back together, you know that you can probably fairly easily get ahold of some legos and building blocks, right?

Just so it's clear, if I get the spark to write and there happens to be a tie at that time, I'll comment on it and then go do something else. And then hopefully when I get back to it there will no longer be a tie. I will not be unexpectedly turning Mio into franken-ninja because the votes are too close.

Kakuzu already has that shtick covered.

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