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Worm Characters on Stage and Screen


(Verified Ratbag) (Unverified Great Old One)
Feb 12, 2014
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I have occasionally encountered characters in movies and TV shows who fit almost exactly what I consider to be the appearance and (sometimes) the attitudes of characters from Worm.

Here are my picks so far:

Emily Piggot (Camryn Mannheim; best portrayal of a Piggot-like role is in Person of Interest, as "Control", ruthless head of a secret government surveillance operation)

Emma and Alan Barnes (Imagery and personality captured perfectly by Molly Ringwald and Tim Gamble, in The Breakfast Club, specifically this screencap).

Taylor as an adult as in Recoil (this is her a decade or two farther on, but this is the image I have of her; Lisa Edelstein as Special Agent Lisa McCord, in Castle).

Anyone else want to add their ideas of what characters would look like?
Teenage Taylor with some makeup work done.

The actor's stage name is Lorde. She's not the best singer but her image fits Taylor almost perfectly.



I tend to imagine Taylor as a taller Summer Glau with glasses, a wider mouth, and no makeup.



Per someone else pointing it out, I'm starting to see Lisa as Natalie Dormer with freckles.


Maddie Ziegler, especially in her Sia wig, has become my default mental image of Bonesaw.

Karl Urban or Jon Hamm for Colin. Probably more Jon Hamm, because of the Manly Beard.

Lucy Liu is the face of Dragon, which doesn't really make sense, since Dragon's avatar is described as being perfectly average, but hey, what can you do?

Stanley Tucci circa The Devil Wears Prada for Glenn

Dylan O'Brien for Clockblocker (admittedly type casting), or perhaps Alec, if they stuck him in a good enough wig. Barring that than a younger Jackson Rathbone.

Chloe Moretz as everyone's favorite smirky smug face.

That's all I've got at the moment.
edit: I lied. Rashida Jones as Hannah.
edit 2: I changed my mind. Meryl Streep for everybody.
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Ever since I read it done over in the drunk Coil CYOA I've been unable to get the idea of Coil as Morgan Freeman out of my head, I know it's wrong but the idea is just so amusing and as mentioned in the story it explains a little how they managed to convince people to do what they wanted.
I changed my mind. Meryl Streep for everybody.
Meryl Streep as Piggot vs Morgan Freeman as Calvert, then just have Calvert not trigger but still become Coil and you've got the ultrabadass normals generally rolling over everyone by sheer force of personality.
Wow, Lorde does make a good Hollywood Taylor. The hair is perfect, and her face is unusual enough; she has the very intense look that I tend to imagine on Taylor. She's only 5'5'', but she's pretty slim, and she's got a bigger chest than Taylor but not hilariously so.
Wow, Lorde does make a good Hollywood Taylor. The hair is perfect, and her face is unusual enough; she has the very intense look that I tend to imagine on Taylor. She's only 5'5'', but she's pretty slim, and she's got a bigger chest than Taylor but not hilariously so.

The way I put it after the original posting on SB was that it was the PRT glamorizing her in an attempt to reduce the terror she inspires by showing that she's pretty attractive once they manage to peel her out of the Skitter-Suit and convince her to not have bugs crawling on her.

Also I think Taylor's self image affects how she sees her breast size. I image her as a solid A-cup or low B-cup because she mentions once in a fight with Tohu/Bohu she only barely dodged a blade and it cut the underside of her breast. He internal thought was 'How did they manage to hit such a small target?' but she can't have an underside to her breast if she is as flat as she thinks she is.
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Ever since I read it done over in the drunk Coil CYOA I've been unable to get the idea of Coil as Morgan Freeman out of my head, I know it's wrong but the idea is just so amusing and as mentioned in the story it explains a little how they managed to convince people to do what they wanted.

Meryl Streep as Piggot vs Morgan Freeman as Calvert, then just have Calvert not trigger but still become Coil and you've got the ultrabadass normals generally rolling over everyone by sheer force of personality.
I think Kevin Spacey would make a better Coil than Morgan Freeman.
The way I put it after the original posting on SB was that it was the PRT glamorizing her in an attempt to reduce the terror she inspires by showing that she's pretty attractive once they manage to peel her out of the Skitter-Suit and convince her to not have bugs crawling on her.

Also I think Taylor's self image affects how she sees her breast size. I image her as a solid A-cup or low B-cup because she mentions once in a fight with Tohu/Bohu she only barely dodged a blade and it cut the underside of her breast. He internal thought was 'How did they manage to hit such a small target?' but she can't have an underside to her breast if she is as flat as she thinks she is.
Note that this is after she turns 18. She's had two years to develop.
Every time NPC makes a post, the Avatar makes me think of Cultist!Taylor.

Thus I nominate the character Morgana from BBC's Merlin as another good image for Taylor.

As a disclaimer I have never seen the show, I have no idea if the personalities match. I only care that NPC's avatar get to me every time I see it.


Taylor had a bad day

Skitter Glamor pic
I can see where you're coming from, but I much prefer Lorde.

So do I, but doesn't a good Cultist!Taylor fic sound interesting? It's not like Squealer needed her liver anyway and she's a Tinker, she can just make a new one if it really bothers her that much.

That's the only one that interested me, the other two were mainly for filler. You can blame NPC for her avatar and posting where I could see it.

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