Search & Rescue & Destroy (1)
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Chapter 22: Search & Rescue & Destroy (1)
The strong stench of blood and scorched flesh had been torturing her nose for hours now.
Asia Argento was scared, her continuous shivering a testament to that as she was forced to suffer through it all since she was held constricted by magical ropes to one of the many chairs by the long, elegant table.
Within her mind prayers over prayers were genuinely, fervently and faithfully pronounced, a never-ending begging for the violence and pain around her to stop at once. And yet the smiling familiar face in front of her didn't call his peerage off as he finished to sip from his wine-filled chalice.
The cloaked women, silent and inhumanly emotionless, continued to slaughter the servants that were there to try and save their Lord and Lady from the barrier keeping them imprisoned.
The night before, when she was finally escorted in Hell to an impressive castle, she expected the worst to happen. While Issei was proof that not all Devils were inherently evil, there was that intangible but ever-present sense of fear and dread that only horrible situations had.
Her eyes darted left and right, up and down as she studied quickly the entire rooms she was seeing for the first time, the former nun praying that whoever had ordered the foul-mouthed blond man that had kidnapped her to this ominous place.
Finally the large doors before her opened, a throne room quickly revealed to her sight as she was brought closer to the deepest end of the room.
Three large thrones, two behind the one that was currently being used by a familiar face. Her eyes widened, partial relief at seeing the smiling figure that was seated in that very large chair.
The young man stood up and bowed slightly. "Asia! I am happy to see that you are fine and well."
A small shaky smile formed but the girl felt like something was off about this whole situation. She nodded slowly. "Y-You are the Devil I- I helped back then."
The widening of his smile confirmed her suspicions and he nodded at her words. "Yes! I'm elated by the fact you remember me and… I'm sorry that I took so long to find you."
Curiosity filled her still nervous brain. What was he talking about?
"To think that I would have you be approached by that filthy dragon and that… scum." He shook his head, disgust visible as he sighed tiredly. "It's saddening that I couldn't approach you because of those two mongrels."
Her mind didn't waste time in connecting the denigrating terms to the very individuals that she first met in Kuoh Town. Her lips narrowed down, her eyes locking suspiciously at the still smiling individual.
"But now you are here and- Oh, I almost forgot!" He gave another quick bow. "I am Diodora Astaroth, heir to the noble house of the Astaroth Clan and… I wish that you become my Bishop."
Asia blinked at the sudden proclamation, realizing that by 'becoming his Bishop' he meant turning herself in a Devil which… wasn't something she actually wanted for herself.
Senpai had been rather genuine in saying that Devils couldn't pray to God nor be blessed by His love, something the girl cherished as the first and one of the most important things in her life.
Becoming a Devil was… not acceptable.
"I-I am happy for the kind offer… but I wish to remain human." She replied, her tone still nervous and stuttering but while her polite declining was meant to be offered the best way possible, the blonde noticed almost immediately a brief but noticeable change in Diodora's face.
A quick scowl, dismay glowing from it before he returned to smile confidently.
"But Asia, the dangers you braved should be more than a good reason to be accepting of the gift, to stay by my side to be safe, healthy and… loved."
There was a pause, one that the former nun needed to properly understand the implications of that last word.
Confusion was rekindled, her mind burning a little at the mentioning of 'love' but the quick image that showed was enough to make her blush. The smiling face of Issei compared ot the one of the noble Devil before her.
The brunet had a natural, cheerful smile that looked kind, human and forgiving. Meanwhile the smile of the Astaroth was… besmirched somehow, the ever-present line stretched that way devalued by its frequency, a hidden sin that her pure mind perceived but couldn't properly understand as she was still confined by the hold of the two cloaked figure.
She gulped nervously, but still responded. "I-I am happy that you c-care for my safety, Diodora-san, but I-I'm fine in staying in Kuoh Town a-"
Her eyes went wide as the floor right below the Devil's feet cracked slightly, some frustration now easy to perceive coming from that twitchy smile.
"Asia, I'm offering you unconditional love and care, I offer you my heart and… you reject it?"
A little sadness formed in her chest, but the blonde decided to not reply to those words, the pause ending up to further irk Diodora as the scowl grew stronger than the smile.
His eyes narrowed and some hostility finally broke through his sympathetic smile, the hold of the two individuals at her sides tightening and making her almost yelp in pain at how painful their hold was getting.
"Maybe kindness will not work to conquer you, lovely Asia. It means that I will have to take drastic decision about i- Uh?"
Just as the poisonous words left his lips, the large doors that led to the throne room opened again, this time a little dark-haired girl slowly walked towards them. There was something odd about her, her clothes looking fairly strange but the very peculiar detail was her own eyes.
The darkest shade of black with… reptile-like pupils.
"O-Oh, Ophis-sama. I-I wasn't expecting your visit today. I'm thankful that you decided to bestow me with your g-gift and-"
"Shut up." The newly-named Ophis stated blankly while her sight remained on the blonde. "I'm not here for you."
… "E-Eh?"
But the little goth girl didn't reply, stopping her steps only just few moments away the former nun. Asia blinked in surprise as the two cloaked figure backed away, releasing her from their hold and giving her the chance of fully study the child staring at her.
"You are one of his friends aren't you? The… older brother of Kunou-san."
The careful wording wasn't lost to her, a glance back to Diodora confirming that only her and the little girl knew whom they were referring to. There was only someone that owned that title and she quickly nodded. "I-I do."
There was an interesting glimpse within the two dark orbs before the girl slowly spread her arm and waited. "Hug me."
The sudden request was incredibly unexpected, the former nun's eyes widening for a while but then… she knew not to question the words of this child. There was something about the Astaroth's sudden change of mood, from anger to quick submission that seemed off and ominous about Ophis.
Thus, without hesitating for long, the blonde crouched and brought the waiting goth girl in her hold. To her mind came the way her senpai would embrace the few people he cared for, the way he was careful to be soft but also very protective and her arms did the trick.
Tensing a little the younger female stood there, unresponsive to the warm embrace but… then her arms wrapped around Asia and there was a soft sight coming out of her lips as she slowly melted in the young woman's chest.
A small smile formed on the blonde's face as she slowly and tentatively reached for the goth girl's head, starting to caress it.
The reaction was instantaneous, Ophis' head pressing onto the hand as the former nun continued to care for the young girl until the very child decided to interrupt the embrace to deign Diodora a glance and some words.
"This girl is now under my protection. Give her a proper room."
The Devil blinked, eyes going wide open at the scene and his jaws dropping at the imperative request of the young girl.
He gulped nervously and nodded slowly. Asia was surprised to be escorted to a large room with girly decorations, a large bed, a wardrobe with clothes and a desk with some books on it.
Ophis followed, a soft humming painting the walk there as the young girl made another statement before returning to silence. "I wish that you play with me the same way Hoitsu does with Kunou."
It was quite an interesting order, but Asia decided to comply and accept the modest situation that had presented to her.
In a certain way, it did remind her how she would spend her time in the orphanage back home, where she would play with the children and sometimes do sleepovers with the younger girls.
In fact the following few hours did seem more of a repetition of those occasions, both females spending some time playing with the few toys lying around and doing some 'Nome, Cose and Città' (1).
Then they moved to the clothes present in the wardrobe and Asia nodded at the idea that very few of those were her size and none were Ophis'. Yet something curious happened when the girl still wanted to try some out as none of them obviously didn't fit with her short and slim frame but the sight was… amusing.
Soon the two tried out the clothes and rehearsed some of the comic scenes the former nun had tried back at the Theater Club, managing to get the goth girl to smile at some of them while also getting her involved and interested on the acting roles the blonde would give to her.
The whole evening passed quickly and one of the servants came to serve some plates with food, it was dinnertime.
The dishes were delicious, much better than anything she had tasted back at the Academy's cafeteria but paling just a little in comparison to Mrs. Hyoudou's masterful cooking.
Night came and the two girls easily fit within the covers of the Queen-sized bed. Asia was surprised to see the partially indifferent Ophis then move to sleep while hugging her but, considering how desperate for warm contact the goth girl had been until now, it didn't sound as surprising as it would have been few hours ago.
The day finished, her mind still pointing out that she has been kidnapped but the blonde was grateful for the positive aftermath of the encounter with Diodora.
Then the following day came and… things went down the drain. Asia wasn't there to see the attack happening but she did see the aftermath of the battle for this large manor they were now waiting within it.
Smoke clouded some of the large gashes created upon the massive building's walls, the floor was stained in red in some spots and lifeless corpses were littering few of the corners of the halls they were walking through.
The large living room was now sporting a particularly vast hole where once part of the roof was, giving a clear sight of the sky and the clouds forming by the smoke reaching out above from the fires spreading in the mansion.
Ophis took part at the assault in minor part, her major accomplishment being the sealing off of the Lord and Lady of the family and the silver-haired maid that tried to help in the attack. Diodora commented how there was also a fourth member of the family that was currently being hold in a safer place as a hostage, but his words were directed at the uneasy-looking man that had been responsible for her kidnapping.
Raiser Phenex had been a rude, foul-mouthed individual with little consideration about the things and the people around him, but he looked rather nervous at what was going on. His peerage was protectively around him, the younger blonde that was Ravel Phenex, his sister, giving him disappointed glances at him and horrified flinches at the massacre unfolding around them.
"You could have imprisoned them, avoid the blood-spilling."
Diodora blinked at the Phenex's remark, merely smirking his way. "And waste energy in keeping them around? To risk a possible combined attack? You are quite the silly fellow, Raiser. Please don't make such dumb assumptions."
The man looked offended but decided to back down from the interaction and focus on the 'prize'.
"Still, I think that the killing of so many servants will cause the wrath of the Maous. Sirzechs in particular will-"
"Be keen to accept our demands unquestionably and sign the contract you demand to officialized if he wishes for his son to live through today." The smiling Devil interrupted, ignoring the grimace in the blond's face. "By the way, while I can see how profitable this will end up to be for you, I don't see how you will deal with your brother's inquiry. Gaining the lordship of the Gremory house will hardly protect you from the wrath of the Bael and your own family."
Raiser didn't reply and Diodora sighed calmly. "And I thought you had some more substance rather than being a simple-minded individual, but I guess that is acceptable and, since you have been kind enough to bring me Asia, I will assist you in removing your brother once he comes here."
… "W-What?" Ravel exclaimed, the Astaroth's smile widening at the two siblings' shock.
"Why, if you need to make sure the Phenex will not disinherit you, the only viable option is to kill your brother and have yourself or your sister take the title of heir of the house. Your parents will have to accept your claim, especially when your other older brother was disowned after marrying a Fallen Angel."
"I-I will not accept this!" Ravel rebuked angrily, then turning to her brother. "R-Raiser-nii, we need to reconsider-"
"And please, don't make me punish your own peerage in case they decide to be 'morally good' in this predicament. We both know the results wouldn't be… kind to you, Raiser." Diodora interjected, still looking happy as ever, causing the oldest Phenex to sigh gravely.
"Ravel… be quiet."
The girl's eyes widened but she still nodded at the order, knowing that there was little they could seriously do about this predicament.
Asia felt saddened by all of this, but she decided to return to head-pat Ophis as the goth girl rested quietly while hugging her. From what she could garner from that discussion, the most important individuals within Hell's society were meant to deal with this situation and that gave her the hope that Hoitsu and Issei were going to participate at whatever attempt to rescue her and the others before any official deal was struck.
Hopefully they will arrive soon...
Issei looked ready to throw up any moments now, the pace I had taken with the usage of the Silver Linings was incredibly… neck-breaking.
Wind whistled loudly in my ears as we continued our rush from rooftop-to-rooftop, some nervousness still present in my brain at the fact the more time I lost there, the more the chances of horrible things could be happening to Asia.
I jumped once more, my legs burning at the prolonged blitz, but my eyes gave me the relieving sight of the small building that was my house just few more dozens of meters away from where we were.
Another jump! My feet blasted off part of the edge of the building I was standing onto, the propulsion strong enough to get us swiftly sailing towards the building and for a moment, my brain started to turn its attention to how I was supposed to be 'teleported' to Hell without Azazel's knowledge?
In fact should I even ask to Baraqiel for that? The man could seriously refuse to this and he would be correct in doing so… but the situation was that grave and I wasn't going to back down even with the odds stacking against me.
'Look out!'
Little Neko-missile inbound!
A silver-haired bullet reinforced by Touki and Rook's strength boost intercepted the glide to reach the porch of home.
I rolled taking some minor damage while hitting the ground and groaning as I felt both Koneko's and Issei's bodies acting as weights during said impact.
Both got away from me, the girl taking a guarded and tensed stance while Issei merely getting to a safe distance from the possible battle that was beginning.
I got up from the floor and quickly noticed that my body was weaker than before, eyes widening a little at that discovery.
Sorry, time's up for now. Should be capable of giving you some more time in half an hour.
Gritting my teeth, I finally directed my focus at the Nekoshou and sighed. "Kohai, please you-"
"No, I can't have you go away!" A wave of energy formed around her, a strong orange that reminded me much of Gon's Nen and determination. "I can't lose you too!"
She rushed towards me, but my shock was more directed at her words and… at her tears.
...Did I remind her of how her sister left? Was she that scared of losing someone now of all times?
I was sure the answer to both questions was a supreme yes.
I blinked and I slowly prepared for the approaching punch, bending a little while the girl was lost in her emotional rush. Golden eyes widened as I bent properly to dodge her fist just barely but her greatest shock was when she realized that this offensive was lost that I had already moved against her.
My arms rapidly wrapped around her and pulled her close, the Nekoshou panicking as we both tripped, my back taking most of the fall damage.
She struggled a little, expecting a fight, a betrayal, something that made her rightfully want to attack me.
But in that hug, keeping my hold strong against her constant attempts of freeing herself, I did nothing but wait.
A full minutes passed and then… she stopped moving, her face dropping on my chest as the waterfall was fully unleashed. Her hands straddling on my shirt, trying to keep me the closest possible, while I slowly went to pat her head, trying to be careful with her cat ears.
She tensed momentarily, but then accepted the kind touch. The girl even purred at the warmth, making me crack a small smile at that.
"You are a dum-dum to even think I was going to leave you."
Her head shifted at my whispering, nuzzling in the process as one of her eyes was now staring up to my face, silent questions that barraged my own soul as I sighed tiredly at her uneasiness.
"While I am incredibly pissed at Rias and partly at Akeno… I don't hate you, you little thing."
She groaned at the nickname, a small snicker leaving my lips as I ruffled her hair, careful enough to not hit her sensitive neko ears.
"S-Senpai." Issei stated, breaking out of the brief freeze at seeing such scene. "I-I know it's important but… Asia-"
"I know, Ise." I patted Koneko once more before the both of us got up from the floor and stared at each other. "Listen up, Kohai, I want to cuddle you a little more, tease you a little and maybe add head-patting here and there, but I have to do this and we can continue later-"
"N-No!" She interrupted, giving a strong opposed look at my words. "I- Asia-san is a good friend a-and I want to be there to save her!"
I sighed, looking a little annoyed at the way she looked so stubborn about this. Just as I was about to decline this attempt of hers, I saw a fox-eared cutie rush from within the gates of the house, staring right at us. "I want to join in too!"
Moments later, the head of Baraqiel poked out with a small smile. "It would seem like you got plenty of volunteers for this operation."
It's not the right time to- Wait a minute!
"How do you know that-"
"Orders from Azazel, you are scheduled to join up with Sougyoku-kun ASAP in the special sealing area just outside the Gremory Mansion."
Wait, Vali was going to be there too and- "What do you mean Gremory Mansion? What is going on?"
His smile deflated and he sighed gravely. "The heir to the Astaroth clan and Raiser Phenex just attacked the Gremory clan, they destroyed the barriers and have been sighted within the building. It has been confirmed that Asia was spotted within the group."
"Then why Sirzechs hasn't-"
"They got his son as hostage, nobody is able to discern where exactly the boy is being kept."
Shit, Diodora got Millicas as a hostage. If things don't get solved quickly, war sure is going to spark by the end of the day. But seriously why would Ophis agree to this? I am quite sure the KB is not ready to face a full-blown conflict so why would-
Before I could finish this inner questioning, a familiar backpack landed on my face, returning me back to reality. "We are leaving in ten seconds. Get prepared and don't lose that bag, there are twenty Phoenix's Tears there."
...You know what this means, right?
'A spree of incredible murder and destruction?'
Going full-retard without any worry of dying of burning our core out?
Changing up with my disguise, I noticed that Koneko's eyes widened at the mask, some questions leaving her mouth.
"Is that-"
"So that means that you know about-"
She pouted at being interrupted, while Kunou snickered at such reaction… while wearing a cloak and a mask similar to mines, her mask being a dark-shade of yellow. The kitsune seemed to glow the moment she saw my attention now directed at her.
"Do you like it, Niichan?" She struck a pose and I could feel the smug strong within her. "I'm pure and cute justice incarnated, I am Kogane-tan!"
'I think this is the most powerful light spell I have ever seen in my entire existence.'
My eyes and my heart! This is a shockingly powerful attack that not even the darkest soul could survive against!
"Look at you, an adorable masked figure just like your big brother." I said in a hesitant tone, while patting her head and getting a radiant reaction from her. "But I think I'm rubbing off wrongly."
She giggled. "Nope, you are head-patting me well, Niichan."
I meant- Goddammit…
'She either mean it or she is truly that good in pulling those sassy remarks.'
Atta girl!
I sighed tiredly but my attention was suddenly taken back to the Fallen Angel, Baraqiel preparing the large seal right below our feet and starting the teleportation.
It was a moment, just a single moment where from cement ground we were now standing in some untouched natural path… near a broken section of the Gremory Mansion that led to the dungeons.
"Ok, that was quick." I mused out-loud, trying looking at the large hole that gave some sight inside the underground section of the building-
"That's what she said."
My entire body tensed at the familiar whispering, my core burning in anticipation as-
A small tongue licked right on my cheek, a smiling face on the side with two bright yellow feline eyes. "Nyan~, you taste lovely today-
Future milestone 2: 696 Followers and Favorites.
The strong stench of blood and scorched flesh had been torturing her nose for hours now.
Asia Argento was scared, her continuous shivering a testament to that as she was forced to suffer through it all since she was held constricted by magical ropes to one of the many chairs by the long, elegant table.
Within her mind prayers over prayers were genuinely, fervently and faithfully pronounced, a never-ending begging for the violence and pain around her to stop at once. And yet the smiling familiar face in front of her didn't call his peerage off as he finished to sip from his wine-filled chalice.
The cloaked women, silent and inhumanly emotionless, continued to slaughter the servants that were there to try and save their Lord and Lady from the barrier keeping them imprisoned.
The night before, when she was finally escorted in Hell to an impressive castle, she expected the worst to happen. While Issei was proof that not all Devils were inherently evil, there was that intangible but ever-present sense of fear and dread that only horrible situations had.
Her eyes darted left and right, up and down as she studied quickly the entire rooms she was seeing for the first time, the former nun praying that whoever had ordered the foul-mouthed blond man that had kidnapped her to this ominous place.
Finally the large doors before her opened, a throne room quickly revealed to her sight as she was brought closer to the deepest end of the room.
Three large thrones, two behind the one that was currently being used by a familiar face. Her eyes widened, partial relief at seeing the smiling figure that was seated in that very large chair.
The young man stood up and bowed slightly. "Asia! I am happy to see that you are fine and well."
A small shaky smile formed but the girl felt like something was off about this whole situation. She nodded slowly. "Y-You are the Devil I- I helped back then."
The widening of his smile confirmed her suspicions and he nodded at her words. "Yes! I'm elated by the fact you remember me and… I'm sorry that I took so long to find you."
Curiosity filled her still nervous brain. What was he talking about?
"To think that I would have you be approached by that filthy dragon and that… scum." He shook his head, disgust visible as he sighed tiredly. "It's saddening that I couldn't approach you because of those two mongrels."
Her mind didn't waste time in connecting the denigrating terms to the very individuals that she first met in Kuoh Town. Her lips narrowed down, her eyes locking suspiciously at the still smiling individual.
"But now you are here and- Oh, I almost forgot!" He gave another quick bow. "I am Diodora Astaroth, heir to the noble house of the Astaroth Clan and… I wish that you become my Bishop."
Asia blinked at the sudden proclamation, realizing that by 'becoming his Bishop' he meant turning herself in a Devil which… wasn't something she actually wanted for herself.
Senpai had been rather genuine in saying that Devils couldn't pray to God nor be blessed by His love, something the girl cherished as the first and one of the most important things in her life.
Becoming a Devil was… not acceptable.
"I-I am happy for the kind offer… but I wish to remain human." She replied, her tone still nervous and stuttering but while her polite declining was meant to be offered the best way possible, the blonde noticed almost immediately a brief but noticeable change in Diodora's face.
A quick scowl, dismay glowing from it before he returned to smile confidently.
"But Asia, the dangers you braved should be more than a good reason to be accepting of the gift, to stay by my side to be safe, healthy and… loved."
There was a pause, one that the former nun needed to properly understand the implications of that last word.
Confusion was rekindled, her mind burning a little at the mentioning of 'love' but the quick image that showed was enough to make her blush. The smiling face of Issei compared ot the one of the noble Devil before her.
The brunet had a natural, cheerful smile that looked kind, human and forgiving. Meanwhile the smile of the Astaroth was… besmirched somehow, the ever-present line stretched that way devalued by its frequency, a hidden sin that her pure mind perceived but couldn't properly understand as she was still confined by the hold of the two cloaked figure.
She gulped nervously, but still responded. "I-I am happy that you c-care for my safety, Diodora-san, but I-I'm fine in staying in Kuoh Town a-"
Her eyes went wide as the floor right below the Devil's feet cracked slightly, some frustration now easy to perceive coming from that twitchy smile.
"Asia, I'm offering you unconditional love and care, I offer you my heart and… you reject it?"
A little sadness formed in her chest, but the blonde decided to not reply to those words, the pause ending up to further irk Diodora as the scowl grew stronger than the smile.
His eyes narrowed and some hostility finally broke through his sympathetic smile, the hold of the two individuals at her sides tightening and making her almost yelp in pain at how painful their hold was getting.
"Maybe kindness will not work to conquer you, lovely Asia. It means that I will have to take drastic decision about i- Uh?"
Just as the poisonous words left his lips, the large doors that led to the throne room opened again, this time a little dark-haired girl slowly walked towards them. There was something odd about her, her clothes looking fairly strange but the very peculiar detail was her own eyes.
The darkest shade of black with… reptile-like pupils.
"O-Oh, Ophis-sama. I-I wasn't expecting your visit today. I'm thankful that you decided to bestow me with your g-gift and-"
"Shut up." The newly-named Ophis stated blankly while her sight remained on the blonde. "I'm not here for you."
… "E-Eh?"
But the little goth girl didn't reply, stopping her steps only just few moments away the former nun. Asia blinked in surprise as the two cloaked figure backed away, releasing her from their hold and giving her the chance of fully study the child staring at her.
"You are one of his friends aren't you? The… older brother of Kunou-san."
The careful wording wasn't lost to her, a glance back to Diodora confirming that only her and the little girl knew whom they were referring to. There was only someone that owned that title and she quickly nodded. "I-I do."
There was an interesting glimpse within the two dark orbs before the girl slowly spread her arm and waited. "Hug me."
The sudden request was incredibly unexpected, the former nun's eyes widening for a while but then… she knew not to question the words of this child. There was something about the Astaroth's sudden change of mood, from anger to quick submission that seemed off and ominous about Ophis.
Thus, without hesitating for long, the blonde crouched and brought the waiting goth girl in her hold. To her mind came the way her senpai would embrace the few people he cared for, the way he was careful to be soft but also very protective and her arms did the trick.
Tensing a little the younger female stood there, unresponsive to the warm embrace but… then her arms wrapped around Asia and there was a soft sight coming out of her lips as she slowly melted in the young woman's chest.
A small smile formed on the blonde's face as she slowly and tentatively reached for the goth girl's head, starting to caress it.
The reaction was instantaneous, Ophis' head pressing onto the hand as the former nun continued to care for the young girl until the very child decided to interrupt the embrace to deign Diodora a glance and some words.
"This girl is now under my protection. Give her a proper room."
The Devil blinked, eyes going wide open at the scene and his jaws dropping at the imperative request of the young girl.
He gulped nervously and nodded slowly. Asia was surprised to be escorted to a large room with girly decorations, a large bed, a wardrobe with clothes and a desk with some books on it.
Ophis followed, a soft humming painting the walk there as the young girl made another statement before returning to silence. "I wish that you play with me the same way Hoitsu does with Kunou."
It was quite an interesting order, but Asia decided to comply and accept the modest situation that had presented to her.
In a certain way, it did remind her how she would spend her time in the orphanage back home, where she would play with the children and sometimes do sleepovers with the younger girls.
In fact the following few hours did seem more of a repetition of those occasions, both females spending some time playing with the few toys lying around and doing some 'Nome, Cose and Città' (1).
Then they moved to the clothes present in the wardrobe and Asia nodded at the idea that very few of those were her size and none were Ophis'. Yet something curious happened when the girl still wanted to try some out as none of them obviously didn't fit with her short and slim frame but the sight was… amusing.
Soon the two tried out the clothes and rehearsed some of the comic scenes the former nun had tried back at the Theater Club, managing to get the goth girl to smile at some of them while also getting her involved and interested on the acting roles the blonde would give to her.
The whole evening passed quickly and one of the servants came to serve some plates with food, it was dinnertime.
The dishes were delicious, much better than anything she had tasted back at the Academy's cafeteria but paling just a little in comparison to Mrs. Hyoudou's masterful cooking.
Night came and the two girls easily fit within the covers of the Queen-sized bed. Asia was surprised to see the partially indifferent Ophis then move to sleep while hugging her but, considering how desperate for warm contact the goth girl had been until now, it didn't sound as surprising as it would have been few hours ago.
The day finished, her mind still pointing out that she has been kidnapped but the blonde was grateful for the positive aftermath of the encounter with Diodora.
Then the following day came and… things went down the drain. Asia wasn't there to see the attack happening but she did see the aftermath of the battle for this large manor they were now waiting within it.
Smoke clouded some of the large gashes created upon the massive building's walls, the floor was stained in red in some spots and lifeless corpses were littering few of the corners of the halls they were walking through.
The large living room was now sporting a particularly vast hole where once part of the roof was, giving a clear sight of the sky and the clouds forming by the smoke reaching out above from the fires spreading in the mansion.
Ophis took part at the assault in minor part, her major accomplishment being the sealing off of the Lord and Lady of the family and the silver-haired maid that tried to help in the attack. Diodora commented how there was also a fourth member of the family that was currently being hold in a safer place as a hostage, but his words were directed at the uneasy-looking man that had been responsible for her kidnapping.
Raiser Phenex had been a rude, foul-mouthed individual with little consideration about the things and the people around him, but he looked rather nervous at what was going on. His peerage was protectively around him, the younger blonde that was Ravel Phenex, his sister, giving him disappointed glances at him and horrified flinches at the massacre unfolding around them.
"You could have imprisoned them, avoid the blood-spilling."
Diodora blinked at the Phenex's remark, merely smirking his way. "And waste energy in keeping them around? To risk a possible combined attack? You are quite the silly fellow, Raiser. Please don't make such dumb assumptions."
The man looked offended but decided to back down from the interaction and focus on the 'prize'.
"Still, I think that the killing of so many servants will cause the wrath of the Maous. Sirzechs in particular will-"
"Be keen to accept our demands unquestionably and sign the contract you demand to officialized if he wishes for his son to live through today." The smiling Devil interrupted, ignoring the grimace in the blond's face. "By the way, while I can see how profitable this will end up to be for you, I don't see how you will deal with your brother's inquiry. Gaining the lordship of the Gremory house will hardly protect you from the wrath of the Bael and your own family."
Raiser didn't reply and Diodora sighed calmly. "And I thought you had some more substance rather than being a simple-minded individual, but I guess that is acceptable and, since you have been kind enough to bring me Asia, I will assist you in removing your brother once he comes here."
… "W-What?" Ravel exclaimed, the Astaroth's smile widening at the two siblings' shock.
"Why, if you need to make sure the Phenex will not disinherit you, the only viable option is to kill your brother and have yourself or your sister take the title of heir of the house. Your parents will have to accept your claim, especially when your other older brother was disowned after marrying a Fallen Angel."
"I-I will not accept this!" Ravel rebuked angrily, then turning to her brother. "R-Raiser-nii, we need to reconsider-"
"And please, don't make me punish your own peerage in case they decide to be 'morally good' in this predicament. We both know the results wouldn't be… kind to you, Raiser." Diodora interjected, still looking happy as ever, causing the oldest Phenex to sigh gravely.
"Ravel… be quiet."
The girl's eyes widened but she still nodded at the order, knowing that there was little they could seriously do about this predicament.
Asia felt saddened by all of this, but she decided to return to head-pat Ophis as the goth girl rested quietly while hugging her. From what she could garner from that discussion, the most important individuals within Hell's society were meant to deal with this situation and that gave her the hope that Hoitsu and Issei were going to participate at whatever attempt to rescue her and the others before any official deal was struck.
Hopefully they will arrive soon...
Issei looked ready to throw up any moments now, the pace I had taken with the usage of the Silver Linings was incredibly… neck-breaking.
Wind whistled loudly in my ears as we continued our rush from rooftop-to-rooftop, some nervousness still present in my brain at the fact the more time I lost there, the more the chances of horrible things could be happening to Asia.
I jumped once more, my legs burning at the prolonged blitz, but my eyes gave me the relieving sight of the small building that was my house just few more dozens of meters away from where we were.
Another jump! My feet blasted off part of the edge of the building I was standing onto, the propulsion strong enough to get us swiftly sailing towards the building and for a moment, my brain started to turn its attention to how I was supposed to be 'teleported' to Hell without Azazel's knowledge?
In fact should I even ask to Baraqiel for that? The man could seriously refuse to this and he would be correct in doing so… but the situation was that grave and I wasn't going to back down even with the odds stacking against me.
'Look out!'
Little Neko-missile inbound!
A silver-haired bullet reinforced by Touki and Rook's strength boost intercepted the glide to reach the porch of home.
I rolled taking some minor damage while hitting the ground and groaning as I felt both Koneko's and Issei's bodies acting as weights during said impact.
Both got away from me, the girl taking a guarded and tensed stance while Issei merely getting to a safe distance from the possible battle that was beginning.
I got up from the floor and quickly noticed that my body was weaker than before, eyes widening a little at that discovery.
Sorry, time's up for now. Should be capable of giving you some more time in half an hour.
Gritting my teeth, I finally directed my focus at the Nekoshou and sighed. "Kohai, please you-"
"No, I can't have you go away!" A wave of energy formed around her, a strong orange that reminded me much of Gon's Nen and determination. "I can't lose you too!"
She rushed towards me, but my shock was more directed at her words and… at her tears.
...Did I remind her of how her sister left? Was she that scared of losing someone now of all times?
I was sure the answer to both questions was a supreme yes.
I blinked and I slowly prepared for the approaching punch, bending a little while the girl was lost in her emotional rush. Golden eyes widened as I bent properly to dodge her fist just barely but her greatest shock was when she realized that this offensive was lost that I had already moved against her.
My arms rapidly wrapped around her and pulled her close, the Nekoshou panicking as we both tripped, my back taking most of the fall damage.
She struggled a little, expecting a fight, a betrayal, something that made her rightfully want to attack me.
But in that hug, keeping my hold strong against her constant attempts of freeing herself, I did nothing but wait.
A full minutes passed and then… she stopped moving, her face dropping on my chest as the waterfall was fully unleashed. Her hands straddling on my shirt, trying to keep me the closest possible, while I slowly went to pat her head, trying to be careful with her cat ears.
She tensed momentarily, but then accepted the kind touch. The girl even purred at the warmth, making me crack a small smile at that.
"You are a dum-dum to even think I was going to leave you."
Her head shifted at my whispering, nuzzling in the process as one of her eyes was now staring up to my face, silent questions that barraged my own soul as I sighed tiredly at her uneasiness.
"While I am incredibly pissed at Rias and partly at Akeno… I don't hate you, you little thing."
She groaned at the nickname, a small snicker leaving my lips as I ruffled her hair, careful enough to not hit her sensitive neko ears.
"S-Senpai." Issei stated, breaking out of the brief freeze at seeing such scene. "I-I know it's important but… Asia-"
"I know, Ise." I patted Koneko once more before the both of us got up from the floor and stared at each other. "Listen up, Kohai, I want to cuddle you a little more, tease you a little and maybe add head-patting here and there, but I have to do this and we can continue later-"
"N-No!" She interrupted, giving a strong opposed look at my words. "I- Asia-san is a good friend a-and I want to be there to save her!"
I sighed, looking a little annoyed at the way she looked so stubborn about this. Just as I was about to decline this attempt of hers, I saw a fox-eared cutie rush from within the gates of the house, staring right at us. "I want to join in too!"
Moments later, the head of Baraqiel poked out with a small smile. "It would seem like you got plenty of volunteers for this operation."
It's not the right time to- Wait a minute!
"How do you know that-"
"Orders from Azazel, you are scheduled to join up with Sougyoku-kun ASAP in the special sealing area just outside the Gremory Mansion."
Wait, Vali was going to be there too and- "What do you mean Gremory Mansion? What is going on?"
His smile deflated and he sighed gravely. "The heir to the Astaroth clan and Raiser Phenex just attacked the Gremory clan, they destroyed the barriers and have been sighted within the building. It has been confirmed that Asia was spotted within the group."
"Then why Sirzechs hasn't-"
"They got his son as hostage, nobody is able to discern where exactly the boy is being kept."
Shit, Diodora got Millicas as a hostage. If things don't get solved quickly, war sure is going to spark by the end of the day. But seriously why would Ophis agree to this? I am quite sure the KB is not ready to face a full-blown conflict so why would-
Before I could finish this inner questioning, a familiar backpack landed on my face, returning me back to reality. "We are leaving in ten seconds. Get prepared and don't lose that bag, there are twenty Phoenix's Tears there."
...You know what this means, right?
'A spree of incredible murder and destruction?'
Going full-retard without any worry of dying of burning our core out?
Changing up with my disguise, I noticed that Koneko's eyes widened at the mask, some questions leaving her mouth.
"Is that-"
"So that means that you know about-"
She pouted at being interrupted, while Kunou snickered at such reaction… while wearing a cloak and a mask similar to mines, her mask being a dark-shade of yellow. The kitsune seemed to glow the moment she saw my attention now directed at her.
"Do you like it, Niichan?" She struck a pose and I could feel the smug strong within her. "I'm pure and cute justice incarnated, I am Kogane-tan!"
'I think this is the most powerful light spell I have ever seen in my entire existence.'
My eyes and my heart! This is a shockingly powerful attack that not even the darkest soul could survive against!
"Look at you, an adorable masked figure just like your big brother." I said in a hesitant tone, while patting her head and getting a radiant reaction from her. "But I think I'm rubbing off wrongly."
She giggled. "Nope, you are head-patting me well, Niichan."
I meant- Goddammit…
'She either mean it or she is truly that good in pulling those sassy remarks.'
Atta girl!
I sighed tiredly but my attention was suddenly taken back to the Fallen Angel, Baraqiel preparing the large seal right below our feet and starting the teleportation.
It was a moment, just a single moment where from cement ground we were now standing in some untouched natural path… near a broken section of the Gremory Mansion that led to the dungeons.
"Ok, that was quick." I mused out-loud, trying looking at the large hole that gave some sight inside the underground section of the building-
"That's what she said."
My entire body tensed at the familiar whispering, my core burning in anticipation as-
A small tongue licked right on my cheek, a smiling face on the side with two bright yellow feline eyes. "Nyan~, you taste lovely today-
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" I jumped away from her, eliciting an amused laugh out of her as I scampered the farthest from that dangerous woman.
"Aren't nyah the funniest?" Kuroka giggled again at the lack of response, suddenly turned to look at the rest of the group and- "Shirone-tan~!"
Koneko was frozen stuck, her whole self paling at seeing her older sister approaching and then… she was glomped.
"My little Shirone-tan has grown so pwetty!" The silver-haired Nekoshou's face sported a full blush at that comment, but the real interesting bit of her reactions were her cat ears twitching at such tones. "But still undeveloped, I guess your growth is a slow one- whoopsie!" The dark-haired beauty dodged a punch from the incredibly annoyed girl.
"Why are you here, Neesan?!" The enraged girl demanded, gaining a surprised look from her sibling and then the fellow Nekoshou gave a sheepish look.
"O-Oh right, kind of forgot to mention my current presence here and-"
"She is part of my team."
We all turned to look at whom just said that, my eyes narrowing on Vali as he approached with Bikou, Arthur and Le Fay on tow-
The fuck?!
'What's wrong?'
They shouldn't be there. They should be allied with the Khaos Brigade and… what the heck is going on?
"How and why." It wasn't a question but a demand, one that Vali ignored the tones and merely nodded at it.
"Kuroka-san and Bikou-san were… expelled from the group they were previously affiliated for failing their mission in Kyoto and-"
"Goldie and Le Fay-chan joined in because their faction is lead by a stick-in-the-mud." Bikou interjected, approaching me while holding his free hand out, meanwhile the Vanishing Dragon sighed and walked to chat with Baraqiel, a little far away from where the groups were mixing.
"Name's Bikou, Hekishoku-san. We were enemies in Kyoto… but now I hope we will be friends." The teasing smile, the possible lure…
I reached for his hand slowly and cautiously, ready to punch him if he pulled anything on me. He sighed at my tense stance. "Jeez, I'm sorry but why you seem this much 'scared' of me, Hekishoku-san?"
"You mean that I shouldn't be careful around the descendant of Sun Wukong?"
The smile froze and he groaned at being recognized. "Mou, to think that I would be known by someone this important..." Then he smiled once more. "This sure is going to be an exciting friendship then, Hekishoku-kun and I can only hope you will survive Kuroka-"
"What are you talking about, Bikou?" The Nekoshou interjected, pressing her cleavage onto my arm as she went for a sneaky hug, drawing me the closest possible to me.
This is a happy hell for sure.
"Heki-kun and I are going to get well together, hold a proper ceremony and makes some strong kittens-"
"S-Stop harassing Hoitsu-nii, Neesan-!" Koneko's hands slammed quickly on her mouth, realizing the double mistake she just did as Kuroka glanced her way then back at me, as I continued to sweat nervously at this terrible predicament.
"'Hoitsu-nii'?" Her tone was ominous, her face tilting closer to my mask and then from her suspicious tone…
She smiled. "Then that means I don't need to have you gain Shirone-tan's trust, we are ready to skip for the marriage-"
"You aren't worthy of Niichan, you neko-baka!" Kunou- I mean, Kogane-tan proclaimed while splitting us apart and causing the dark-haired yokai to frown at her.
"And who are you, little brat?"
In that moment of true dedication and something that will make me the proudest of that adorable kitsune, the girl struck Jonathon's Hamon pose.
"I, Kogane-tan, shall allow none, especially you Neko-baka, to steal my Niichan!"
The kimono-wearing woman paused just a moment, her eyes going wide open in shock between being insulted, out-memed and threatened by a younger girl than her.
That is our baby!
But the Nekoshou was far from defeated as she struck another pose and played Kunou's game. "Kono Kuroka da, Ko-tan!"
This sure is… a horrible mess.
To be continued…
Back inside the manor, as Asia continued to play around with Ophis, the blonde was the first to notice the sudden freeze the goth girl suffered while they played a minor game of checkers.
The black-haired child stared on a specific section of the wall, her eyes staring as if she could see through it. Then she smiled and looked back. "Things are going to become exciting very soon."
The former nun blinked in confusion and the younger female gestured her to come closer, which she did and then the girl whispered to her. "Hoitsu and Vali are here. That means I can try to recruit them now."
Asia frowned, contemplating the chances of the lovely girl to actually get her senpai and… this Vali to join the very group they are supposed to attack today.
The news meant a lot to her, showing that her prayers were being answered, while also gave her some worry about the possibility her Senpai had of beating someone like Ophis if things turned in a full-blown brawl.
"There is also the Welsh Dragon but… he is kind of weaker than the other two."
Now that got Asia's full attention. Issei was here? To save here?
Her heart skipped a beat or two and her cheeks reddened. "Oh."
The goth girl frowned at the reaction, tilting her head to the side to show her confusion. "Why is your face red?"
The question only made the blush explode even more, the girl stuttering a little but managing an answer. "I-I am- I mean, I was thinking about the fact Ise- I mean, the Welsh Dragon is a close friend of mine and… yeah, that's it."
Ophis narrowed her eyes. "Why are you lying, Asia?"
The tone made a chill go down her spine and the blonde giggled nervously. "I-It's because the real reason is embarrassing-"
"I will not laugh at it." The girl pressed on. "I want to know now."
Knowing that a 'no' wasn't going to be accepted by the interested child, Asia sighed and spoke once more. "I-I love him. Ise- I mean, the Welsh Dragon." Her head was burning, threatening to melt at declaring such thing and yet the younger girl didn't mind any of it, rather seeming more interested on another bit of the curt explanation.
"What does 'loving' someone means, Asia?"
Oh. Her mind was quick to regain control over her reactions, the former nun giving a confused at the simple question. "Could you elaborate, Ophis?"
"Why would you love someone as weak as the current Red Emperor? Shouldn't a woman seek a strong mate to produce a mighty offspring, isn't that what love is?"
"W-What? No." The blonde responded quickly. "L-Love is having someone that trust and care for you. Someone that respects you and help you when you need it without demanding in return. Someone that makes your heartbeat go really quick and make your head spin."
… "Oh." The simple word was attached to a rather interesting change of mood. From the usually 'blank but prone to smiling' to a realistic embarrassed reaction. Ophis' eyes darted away, widening as some heavy consideration seemed to be ongoing within her thoughts and soon a unique and rare red tint colored her pale cheeks. "Oh."
"Is something wrong-?"
"No, I mean, I'm fine- Let us return to that silly 'names' game." The goth girl replied in a quick pace, surprising Asia but also bolstering the growing suspicion that… this little one was crushing on someone.
An interesting development, one that came close to how many names the girl showed to know during their simple game to spend their time there.
Thankfully the rescue party was going to enter the Manor soon and deal with Diodora before things escalated any longer…
1): Nome, Cose and Città is a well-known Italian game that is generally played by children. It can be played in large groups and the rules are:
1- Someone is picked in a clockwise manner to pick a letter randomly by doing a small roulette with their hands and thinking about the letters in their mind, the one that would take the role next turn pick the time to stop the roulette;
2- With the letter chosen, you and your friends have to fill up once for all categories with words (normal game is Name, Things, Cities, Animals and Colors.);
3- Once everyone is done, they all say one at the time the things they picked in their category, those who wrote the similar word gets half the points (Normal point: 10.);
4- Continue the game either until the alphabet is done or you decide to call a day (The one with most points win of course).
This chapter was uploaded a tiny bit late (like 6 hours late) and the reason is, like I have notified in the forums, because I was busy away from PC. Good news, I passed the Eipass 7 Modules test and now I have to wait for some certificate.
Before anyone ask, Ophis is not going to be in a pairing. Like, there is no room for propositions about this. While you may advance the idea that she is technically 'showing a childish body', I can easily counter with the fact she is ageless and genderless, which is a big no-no in general. Comic relief? Yes, but after that nothing more about the awkward relationship between her and MC.
Kuroka is back and this time she got a new rival in Meme-ing. Will Kogane-tan win against the perfidious Nekoshou or shall she succumb to the forces of evil?
To be continued!
Future milestone 1: 626 Followers and Favorites."Aren't nyah the funniest?" Kuroka giggled again at the lack of response, suddenly turned to look at the rest of the group and- "Shirone-tan~!"
Koneko was frozen stuck, her whole self paling at seeing her older sister approaching and then… she was glomped.
"My little Shirone-tan has grown so pwetty!" The silver-haired Nekoshou's face sported a full blush at that comment, but the real interesting bit of her reactions were her cat ears twitching at such tones. "But still undeveloped, I guess your growth is a slow one- whoopsie!" The dark-haired beauty dodged a punch from the incredibly annoyed girl.
"Why are you here, Neesan?!" The enraged girl demanded, gaining a surprised look from her sibling and then the fellow Nekoshou gave a sheepish look.
"O-Oh right, kind of forgot to mention my current presence here and-"
"She is part of my team."
We all turned to look at whom just said that, my eyes narrowing on Vali as he approached with Bikou, Arthur and Le Fay on tow-
The fuck?!
'What's wrong?'
They shouldn't be there. They should be allied with the Khaos Brigade and… what the heck is going on?
"How and why." It wasn't a question but a demand, one that Vali ignored the tones and merely nodded at it.
"Kuroka-san and Bikou-san were… expelled from the group they were previously affiliated for failing their mission in Kyoto and-"
"Goldie and Le Fay-chan joined in because their faction is lead by a stick-in-the-mud." Bikou interjected, approaching me while holding his free hand out, meanwhile the Vanishing Dragon sighed and walked to chat with Baraqiel, a little far away from where the groups were mixing.
"Name's Bikou, Hekishoku-san. We were enemies in Kyoto… but now I hope we will be friends." The teasing smile, the possible lure…
I reached for his hand slowly and cautiously, ready to punch him if he pulled anything on me. He sighed at my tense stance. "Jeez, I'm sorry but why you seem this much 'scared' of me, Hekishoku-san?"
"You mean that I shouldn't be careful around the descendant of Sun Wukong?"
The smile froze and he groaned at being recognized. "Mou, to think that I would be known by someone this important..." Then he smiled once more. "This sure is going to be an exciting friendship then, Hekishoku-kun and I can only hope you will survive Kuroka-"
"What are you talking about, Bikou?" The Nekoshou interjected, pressing her cleavage onto my arm as she went for a sneaky hug, drawing me the closest possible to me.
This is a happy hell for sure.
"Heki-kun and I are going to get well together, hold a proper ceremony and makes some strong kittens-"
"S-Stop harassing Hoitsu-nii, Neesan-!" Koneko's hands slammed quickly on her mouth, realizing the double mistake she just did as Kuroka glanced her way then back at me, as I continued to sweat nervously at this terrible predicament.
"'Hoitsu-nii'?" Her tone was ominous, her face tilting closer to my mask and then from her suspicious tone…
She smiled. "Then that means I don't need to have you gain Shirone-tan's trust, we are ready to skip for the marriage-"
"You aren't worthy of Niichan, you neko-baka!" Kunou- I mean, Kogane-tan proclaimed while splitting us apart and causing the dark-haired yokai to frown at her.
"And who are you, little brat?"
In that moment of true dedication and something that will make me the proudest of that adorable kitsune, the girl struck Jonathon's Hamon pose.
"I, Kogane-tan, shall allow none, especially you Neko-baka, to steal my Niichan!"
The kimono-wearing woman paused just a moment, her eyes going wide open in shock between being insulted, out-memed and threatened by a younger girl than her.
That is our baby!
But the Nekoshou was far from defeated as she struck another pose and played Kunou's game. "Kono Kuroka da, Ko-tan!"
This sure is… a horrible mess.
To be continued…
Back inside the manor, as Asia continued to play around with Ophis, the blonde was the first to notice the sudden freeze the goth girl suffered while they played a minor game of checkers.
The black-haired child stared on a specific section of the wall, her eyes staring as if she could see through it. Then she smiled and looked back. "Things are going to become exciting very soon."
The former nun blinked in confusion and the younger female gestured her to come closer, which she did and then the girl whispered to her. "Hoitsu and Vali are here. That means I can try to recruit them now."
Asia frowned, contemplating the chances of the lovely girl to actually get her senpai and… this Vali to join the very group they are supposed to attack today.
The news meant a lot to her, showing that her prayers were being answered, while also gave her some worry about the possibility her Senpai had of beating someone like Ophis if things turned in a full-blown brawl.
"There is also the Welsh Dragon but… he is kind of weaker than the other two."
Now that got Asia's full attention. Issei was here? To save here?
Her heart skipped a beat or two and her cheeks reddened. "Oh."
The goth girl frowned at the reaction, tilting her head to the side to show her confusion. "Why is your face red?"
The question only made the blush explode even more, the girl stuttering a little but managing an answer. "I-I am- I mean, I was thinking about the fact Ise- I mean, the Welsh Dragon is a close friend of mine and… yeah, that's it."
Ophis narrowed her eyes. "Why are you lying, Asia?"
The tone made a chill go down her spine and the blonde giggled nervously. "I-It's because the real reason is embarrassing-"
"I will not laugh at it." The girl pressed on. "I want to know now."
Knowing that a 'no' wasn't going to be accepted by the interested child, Asia sighed and spoke once more. "I-I love him. Ise- I mean, the Welsh Dragon." Her head was burning, threatening to melt at declaring such thing and yet the younger girl didn't mind any of it, rather seeming more interested on another bit of the curt explanation.
"What does 'loving' someone means, Asia?"
Oh. Her mind was quick to regain control over her reactions, the former nun giving a confused at the simple question. "Could you elaborate, Ophis?"
"Why would you love someone as weak as the current Red Emperor? Shouldn't a woman seek a strong mate to produce a mighty offspring, isn't that what love is?"
"W-What? No." The blonde responded quickly. "L-Love is having someone that trust and care for you. Someone that respects you and help you when you need it without demanding in return. Someone that makes your heartbeat go really quick and make your head spin."
… "Oh." The simple word was attached to a rather interesting change of mood. From the usually 'blank but prone to smiling' to a realistic embarrassed reaction. Ophis' eyes darted away, widening as some heavy consideration seemed to be ongoing within her thoughts and soon a unique and rare red tint colored her pale cheeks. "Oh."
"Is something wrong-?"
"No, I mean, I'm fine- Let us return to that silly 'names' game." The goth girl replied in a quick pace, surprising Asia but also bolstering the growing suspicion that… this little one was crushing on someone.
An interesting development, one that came close to how many names the girl showed to know during their simple game to spend their time there.
Thankfully the rescue party was going to enter the Manor soon and deal with Diodora before things escalated any longer…
1): Nome, Cose and Città is a well-known Italian game that is generally played by children. It can be played in large groups and the rules are:
1- Someone is picked in a clockwise manner to pick a letter randomly by doing a small roulette with their hands and thinking about the letters in their mind, the one that would take the role next turn pick the time to stop the roulette;
2- With the letter chosen, you and your friends have to fill up once for all categories with words (normal game is Name, Things, Cities, Animals and Colors.);
3- Once everyone is done, they all say one at the time the things they picked in their category, those who wrote the similar word gets half the points (Normal point: 10.);
4- Continue the game either until the alphabet is done or you decide to call a day (The one with most points win of course).
This chapter was uploaded a tiny bit late (like 6 hours late) and the reason is, like I have notified in the forums, because I was busy away from PC. Good news, I passed the Eipass 7 Modules test and now I have to wait for some certificate.
Before anyone ask, Ophis is not going to be in a pairing. Like, there is no room for propositions about this. While you may advance the idea that she is technically 'showing a childish body', I can easily counter with the fact she is ageless and genderless, which is a big no-no in general. Comic relief? Yes, but after that nothing more about the awkward relationship between her and MC.
Kuroka is back and this time she got a new rival in Meme-ing. Will Kogane-tan win against the perfidious Nekoshou or shall she succumb to the forces of evil?
To be continued!
Future milestone 2: 696 Followers and Favorites.
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