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[Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

So hi. I've lurked for a while, but I wrote some stuff recently that I wanted to post. Now I made this account to lurk, so I used an old stupid throwaway handle that I now regret. I wanted to message an admin about changing it, but well... I can't figure out how to send someone a private message :(. Anyone can help a noob out?
So hi. I've lurked for a while, but I wrote some stuff recently that I wanted to post. Now I made this account to lurk, so I used an old stupid throwaway handle that I now regret. I wanted to message an admin about changing it, but well... I can't figure out how to send someone a private message :(. Anyone can help a noob out?

Welcome, and now that you have an approved post, you can PM a mod.
Greeting purveyors of the internets, I go by Dr4gon. I don't usually participate on forums, I'd much rather be reading the wonderful fanfictions. But due to boredom and a desire to socialize without people knowing me personally, I am deciding to interact with this community. I'm beginning to enjoy this format of communication and have had a little bit of previous forum experience on dmg.inc under a different name. I look forward towards interacting with you fellows, and hope I can contribute my meager positive personality towards the benefits of others. Forgive me if I appear to be stuck up, I sincerely don't want to bother anyone and putting on the persona of Dr4gon gives me a bit of comfort and security. I suffer from anxiety and depression, though the depression is being managed. Because of the anxiety, I worry constantly about what I say, or have said. I want to be a good person and appearing as anything otherwise makes me feel terrible. If I somehow screw up, please message me personally. I will fix my mistakes. If I have overshared, I apologize. This concludes my initial introduction, if anyone has any questions, you can either dm me, or interact with me on other threads.
(Besides, is there a general chat area other than the General thread? Forgive my lack of knowledge.)

Best regards,

I've been lurking for a bit so might as well introduce myself here.
I suppose I'm supposed to post in the introduction thread? Hmm, technically the avatar is a slighty more 'current' picture of my SB Avatar, 'its more legible' or so I'm told by the player group. Still the same old Pax.

I love watermelon.
Alright, guess I've lurked long enough.
G'Day G'day, I'm Dark Darsi and I have no idea what I'm doing and am afraid of doing things (mainly social and forum posting things) wrong.
But hey, can't get better or learn more if I don't pause for internal scream start!
Alright, guess I've lurked long enough.
G'Day G'day, I'm Dark Darsi and I have no idea what I'm doing and am afraid of doing things (mainly social and forum posting things) wrong.
But hey, can't get better or learn more if I don't pause for internal scream start!

Welcome. Have a like for encouragement.

I was same as you but now look at me! Post at your own pace and everything will be okay.

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