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The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff)

Chapter 2.2
Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 7 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[X] Ignore them
No. of Votes: 13
Cane Toad
The Brotagonist

[X] Approach them
No. of Votes: 3

[x] Call them
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 18

You decide to ignore them and continue as normal, you're not sure if they notice that you noticed them, nevertheless, that's not important. They disappear as soon as Miyuki stand up and walking back to his class.

So it was obvious they were stalking him in the end. No wonder they look so excited and curious.

At the end of the day, you ended up more or less alone again, it's kind of annoying, to be honest, so you decided to walk out around the school, maybe there will be something interesting.

It's strange before you go to Shuchiin you never have any problem just going home. But maybe it's not that strange after all since at least you have Komachi to look forward to. Part of you also acknowledges that tiring as it may be, socializing with people is one of the many basic needs of human beings.

Somehow, a familiar face shows up.

If someone can be described as 'angelic' in appearance, then in your very biased opinion, this person probably fits that description better than even the Goddess Shinomiya. She's visibly taller than the average girls, but also slender. Her silky black hair extends as far as down her waist.


"Good to see you, Hikigaya-kun." She smiles, "Still wandering around like a creepy stalker?"

"Excuse me, I resent that remark."

"Forgive me for saying you look like a creepy stalker what with those rotten eyes of yours."

"Someone with the face of an angel can be so foul-mouthed, I'm shocked." You snide back in response.

"Is it foul-mouthed to state the facts?"

"It's improper to twist the facts to fit your extremely biased narrative yes."

Ah, your lovely neighbor and archnemesis, Yukinoshita Yukino.

Alright, that's an exaggeration. The truth is that both of you came from Chiba and thus also from outside Shuchiin middle. And to say you don't get along isn't an exaggeration.

Yukinoshita's parents are of notable status, with her father being representative of Chiba and her family owning the largest construction company in the Prefecture. Of course, in Shuchiin, such a level of wealth and status would be considered the upper average at best.

But in terms of personal talent and beauty, this person might be just the only girl even remotely close to the perfect Goddess, Shinomiya Kaguya herself. Naturally, along with the fact that she gets along with multiple VIP students, elevated her social status far above the standard.

"So what are you doing, wandering afterschool?" She finally asks the actual question.

"I reckon that this semester I have far too much free time." You tell her, "So I'm thinking of looking around the clubs, and if there's nothing then I'd probably pick a part-time job or two."

"I see, I just happen to be on my way to the Student Council myself." She says as she raises a proposal, "I'm going to establish my own Club."

"Public Service Club huh?" You look at the title, "Have you asked the teachers for this?"

"Of course, it's signed by Principal and we already have an advisor ready, so it's a matter of formalizing it to the Student Council proper."

"What's the club about?"

"Basically, to help the helpless and to teach men how to fish."

Weird, but that sounds like her alright.

"If you're interested feel free to join." She smiles, "You have rotten eyes, but that might be the reason why you can see things other people don't."

Whoa, that's actually a nice compliment coming from her.


Someone coughs to catch your attention, and you see Shijo and Kashiwagi standing beside Yukinoshita. No joke, you didn't notice them at all until now.

"Flirting in broad daylight like this is unbecoming of Shuchiin girls, Yukino-san," Shijo warned, though clearly, more like she's jealous.

To be honest, in terms of physical appearance, this girl isn't really that far behind Yukinoshita and Shinomiya, especially if she let her hair down like now, instead of wearing the stupid-looking twin-tails.

But her attitude is a little bit...

"Excuse me, Shijo-san, I might just sue you for that statement." Yukino frowns in response.

That feels hurt, but you agree. If this constitutes as flirting then anymore closer would be super immoral. Shijo is being unreasonable there.

"You two are so rude." Kashiwagi chastises them, "We're sorry, Hikigaya-san, but we're in a bit of a hurry."

"Nah, don't mind."

"I heard from Karen and Erika, you've helped them escaping their rut. Thank you."

"I didn't do much though."

"Hehehe." Kashiwagi's smile is rather weird, it's not condescending or demeaning, but not entirely meaningless.

One wonders how the hell someone as nice and innocent as Kashiwagi would get along with them. Perhaps she's just wearing a sheep's clothing after all.


You instantly react to the shout and see a soccer ball flying fast toward the three girls' position. Naturally, you immediately try to intercept, but your brains work hard for the best solution even in that split second of the moment.

[ ] Catch (Hard)
[ ] Block
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Analysis time

We know that like Kaguya, Maki likes average nice guy type. So I'm going to hazard a guess that block option works better in her favor.

Nagisa likes boys a bit wilder so probably catch.
Is a failed catch going to be a block anyways?
[x] Catch (Hard)

Maki likes average nice guy type

I feels like trying to catch, fail, and it hit your face is more likely to be view as average nice guy trying to be help than just nonchalantly block it like it's no big deal. Also, failing to catch and it end up hitting the girl is freaking embarrassing.

Edit: Huh, don't people normally block it with a hand? put it in front of the trajectory and that's it. Though if Hachiman gonna use his body as meat shield then I guess I'll change to catch since failing and get hit still look less ridiculous than jumping in front of a ball like some action movie protag taking a bullet.
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Block actions means you use your body or back.
Oh. Well, that sounds silly and needlessly shonen.

As we are not the hot-blooded protagonist of some shonen action-manga, nor the handsome ikemen love-interest of a shoujo romance-manga, "Block" is ridiculous for Hachiman. Therefore, the only normal, non-riajuu thing to do is to actually try and catch it normally...
We aren't a goalie though so we don't get cheers for blocking it with our face.

You didn't have to be a goalie for that. I mean, I've seen a volleyball player blocking the ball with his face.
Then again, it's supposed to be a joke so I don't know if that counts.

[X] Block
Oh. Well, that sounds silly and needlessly shonen.

As we are not the hot-blooded protagonist of some shonen action-manga, nor the handsome ikemen love-interest of a shoujo romance-manga, "Block" is ridiculous for Hachiman. Therefore, the only normal, non-riajuu thing to do is to actually try and catch it normally...

Its actually perfectly in character with Hachiman, as he did the same with a fucking dog vs limousine of all things...
Its actually perfectly in character with Hachiman, as he did the same with a fucking dog vs limousine of all things...
That was a dog. The danger was a speeding limousine.

These are (mildly annoying and pretentious) high school girls. The danger is a ball.

Clearly, the situation with Sable was worth the effort of doing something shonen. The situation here... not so much.

Worth Resuing: Dog > Girls.
Danger Level Warranting Shonen-level saving: Limosine > Ball.

Saving Sable's life was worth demeaning ourselves that way. Saving some girls from a ball... that ain't the same thing.

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