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The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff)

To work is to lose and anyway Hachiman has a bad relationship with his father.
[X] Check the clubs.
[X] Check the clubs.

I don't want anything to do with the Idol part of the family - at all.

I'd also like to be separate from the Service Club. But that one is just for personal taste reasons. I don't like Yukino at all.
[X] Ask father if there's a job available.

Hachiman is a man of taste, he'll rise up like his old man and even surpass him!
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[X] Ask father if there's a job available.

Father is in the idol industry. Idols are great. Best idol is Arkvoodle.

I can't remember the name of the idol doujinshi that I found on e-hentai before the site was deleted by SJWs. It had seperate stories of different idols. Some were bitches to each other to win rankings. Some had sex with the manager. One walked in on them, so she was blackmailed. One girl was turned into a literal puppet. Another girl was a cunt to hobos in the park, so they raped her for revenge. And I forgot some of the other ones. Anyone know the name of it?
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[X] Check the clubs.

Guess I'll check the club first after all since we can probably choose later on what to join and this is just look at the option.
Oof, better not let Momo see this or Shuchiin is about to lose their soccer ace or worse

"I fell down some stairs"
"You fell down some stairs..."
"On your face"
"Don't worry about it"
*Momo stares blankly, then pulled up her phone*
"Get me Kazuma, we're going to war"


"Fuck, this school has a fight club? I want in!"
[X] Check the clubs.

Become Riajuu, Hachiman. It's time for you to experience youth!
Chapter 2.4
"Fuck, this school has a fight club? I want in!"
You can always create one!

Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 9 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[X] Check the clubs.
No. of Votes: 17
The Brotagonist

[X] Ask father if there's a job available.
No. of Votes: 6
Cane Toad

Total No. of Voters: 23

You decide to check the clubs.

Shuchiin academy had a myriad of clubs, so many that you might just lose count. However, to make it easier you eliminate pretty much all of the team sports and manga appreciation club.

No really, that particular club is worse than going home club in terms of prestige.

And again, you hate team sports because it forces you to get along with everyone and work at their pace. As a matter of fact, this may also affect your view on team-reliant solo sports as well, like Kendo, where the arrangement of players is very important in tournaments.

So that's what, Soccer is out, Volleyball is out, Rugby is out, basketball is out...

Might as well check the people you already know.

The first stop is the Journalism club.

When you knock the door and greeted by a strangely familiar girl in glasses. She looks fairly meek and fragile, but probably just another persona to hide with.

"My name is Hikigaya Hachiman, class 1-D. I plan to join a club later, so is it fine for me to sightseeing for a while?"

"Ah?! You're the one." She smiles, "I'm the President of Mass Media club. Erika and Karen are out at the moment, while we're working on the Saizeriya Article they made the other day."

"I see."

"Would you mind recheck if our research looks valid?"

"It's not like I'm some expert of Saizeriya though."

Well, you actually are. So you read the draft articles and it looks very well designed and the information inside is fairly easy to understand and interesting, while not reliant on bombastic clickbait headlines.

So look like they're more than just tabloid rags full of gossips after all.

(Of course, you also look at other articles and THEY are tabloid rags articles, it looks like the President did a lot of vetting out the madness of Kino and Kose.)

"The hidden gems of Family Restaurant Saizeriya. It's good enough article as it is." You tell her, "I think this one is ready to Publish."

"You think so? Are you interested in Journalism too?"

"Not particularly, but I don't hate it, Senpai."

"I see, you're welcome here anytime you want to visit or join us." She smiles happily.

The next stop is the Public Service Club.

"Your nose healed?" Yukinoshita asks the important question the very first moment she welcomes you.

"It's not hurt much in the first place." The only reason you babysat it was to avoid possible medical complications however small the chance for things to happen, a nosebleed is so common occurrence with guys in sports that Kashiwagi's reaction was unnaturally naive rather.

"So what exactly Public Service Club actually do?"

"Feel free to judge by yourself."

You pick up one of the draft proposals on the table and almost pop out your eyes. Such ambitious proposals are...

And there are multiple of them?

Now, it would be hilarious if Yukino proposes something like this in a normal school, but here in Shuchiin? She had all the power, and connections.

She might be very well can do it, with Shijo and Kashiwagi behind her...

"Yukinoshita you..." Your lips twitches, "You want to kill Shirogane by a heart attack?"

"This cruel and unjust world, it would be nice if we can change it, no?" Yukinoshita's smile is strangely seductive, she really is confident.

"You even write an academic thesis approved by Tokyo U." You sigh, "Your level of greed is way too high, you know?"

"Is that so? I have the impression that what I have planned isn't impossible."

"Because it's not impossible, it's horrifyingly real."

Yukino's plan is simple, worm her way to the hearts of multiple high profile Shuchiin students and change their outlook, especially addressing the prevalent classism, economic inequality, and poor working culture of Japan as a whole.

Given a few years, Yukino might very well raise an entire cult of Shuchiin students and once they graduate and succeed their parents...

And this is the short term plan, the long term plan? Even more atrocious.

"You know that if you succeed, the Shinomiya family will have a target drawn on your back, right?"

Shinomiya's family isn't completely pristine as many plebeians like to think. As a matter of fact, it might be very well one of the worst Zaibatsu in the entire Japan. Driven by pure greed and heartlessness, they're probably worse than even Yakuza.

"You're exaggerating, Hikigaya-kun. This long term plan is nothing but my personal power fantasy."

"You have a weird fetish."

"At least I'm not a perverted lecher like certain someone here."

"Oi. I have to tell you that I'm a perfect gentleman." You jokingly respond to her insult, though to be honest you're somewhat drawn to Yukino's unusually long legs.

Looking at her, she knows that's a possibility that she will suffer for it in the future if the long term plan of her comes into fruition.

However, she's logical that the more likely outcome is that she might graduate before that happened. By that point, the possibility of the movement to fail is more likely than succeeding.

This short term plan of her is more likely to be the one that succeeds, and with the full support of the Shijo family? That's almost certainly guaranteed.

Still, you don't know if you're ready for that sort of gamble.

"This is an enlightening conversation, please excuse me." You tell her.

"Feel free to join us anytime." She sends you off with an unusually friendly expression. "And thank you for helping the three of us last Monday."

"Don't mind."


So those two clubs might be a priority pick at the moment. However, that doesn't mean you're set already. You wonder if you should continue to visit other clubs.

You meet Momo and Miyuki who just finished with Council work, Miyuki says he's going to work today, but there's also the matter of Miyuki and Ryuju having a sleepover at your place for study group activities.

Because Miyuki always works part-time, about the only time you're together outside school is when you're studying together like that. It's because his family is completely destitute for Japanese standards, barely better off than being homeless.

You don't know why but Miyuki doesn't have a mother at home, and his father is a freeter who jumps from one part-time job to another, and family income suffers as the result.

It would be nice to introduce him to a well-paying job so that Miyuki won't have to suffer, but you're just a jobless kid yourself. Maybe if you work hard and get more connections...

But to work is to lose!

"What if you just establish your own club?" Momo asks, "I'll join you so you have a backing."

"Sure, but what kind of club?"

"Recently I'm interested in mixed martial arts." She licked her lips, spouting out crazy shit as usual. "I helped traditional martial arts club every once a while, but it's boring. The girls are too weak and the technical restriction means I can't really fight the guys all out, that's guaranteed losing on my part and I hate it."

As expected of Yakuza Princess, she prefers more brutal full-contact sports. As someone whose level of physical strength sits between girls and boys, Ryuju stands in a very awkward place.

"What about something exciting but also not too dangerous?" You point, "You know, like Survival club or something. You like airsoft right?"

"That's also nice!"

Survival Game in Japan mostly focuses on simulated warfare with airsoft guns. However, that's just one aspect. Other aspects of Survival Games include terrain exploration and simulated full-contact, so you can have a 'fight' without injuring yourself.

So even someone like Ryuju can run wild while restrained from doing actual harm.

"But who's going to be the President?"

"You, duh. I'm a member of Student Council now so I can't be the president!"


List of known club:
Sports: Judo, Kendo, Gymnastic, Archery, Track & Field
Cultural: Tabletop, Occult Research, Tea Ceremony

[ ] Visit Disciplinary Committee (Need Alignment:Order)
[ ] Visit some sports clubs (Write-in)
[ ] Visit some cultural clubs (Write-in)
[ ] Create your own club
-[ ] MMA Club
-[ ] Survival Game Club

-[ ] Astronomy Club (require events)
[ ] Go home (skip to bonus chapter: Sleepover)
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[x] Create your own club
-[x] Survival Game Club
MMA Club would make his 108 skills actually terrifying

All Rounder Hachiman go!

Being constantly put on submission by Momo is just a bonus at this point

Hachimom: I'm coming in~
Hachiman: Finally got you bitch!
*See Hachiman in the middle of performing twister lock on Momo*
Hachiman: This is not what-hurk
*Momo reverses the lock into an arm bar*
Momo: Ha! What did I tell you about following through! Oh, hey Mrs. Hikigaya.
*Hachiman taps out*
Hachimom: what are you two doing?
Both: We're just practicing our ground game
Hachimom: Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
Can Hachiman create something like "Neighbor's Club" for those who are seeking camaraderie and friendship?

The other option you can join is Disciplinary committee, but it was locked due to Chaos alignment.

Glad to see actual consequences in this quest.

I'm still a little salty about people not choosing the damn Police Bike.

But Hachiman would be the perfect fit! Unlimited Power and getting to berate students for stuff he'd normally berate them in his head for!

Hachiman doesn't have any ounce of order alignment in him cuz some yokels voted for the damn cruiser bike!

No Disciplinary Comittee for you buddy!

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Glad to see actual consequences in this quest.
Yeah unless you go full retard, there won't be super bad (death/expulsion) stuff here, but every choice matters.

For example, the ball incident would not happen if you approach Karen and Erika during the lunch, you will never have conversation with Yukino near the soccer field long enough to stop her and her friends.
[X] Go home (skip to bonus chapter: Sleepover)
Seriously though, if Hachiman claims to be a thirsty teenaged high school boy, and Momo just throw the option to go into grappling activities with her on his lap, he'd be fighting hard against all instincts to just go for it, asskicking by Momo be damned

Beside, it's a sport which doesn't really have official interschool competition, which would be up Hachiman's alley since any activities would be just whatever he and the club feel like doing, and the quest won't get mired into Tournament Arc commitment. He can just get passive boost off screen from practice and just focus on romantic comedy erotic scenes when Zero feels like writing them
Hachimom: what are you two doing?
Both: We're just practicing our ground game
Hachimom: Is that what you kids are calling it these days?

*Hachimom leaves*
*Come back with a pack of condom*
Glad you pick an exotic girl. But play safe, please.

[X] Visit some Sports Club (Archery)
While she is at best a side character. It's fun for Hikki to see the practice and meet Kaguya.
In turn, with him being (somewhat) closer to Yukino and her Evil Plan to conquer Japan's Elite, should be fun to see what's on his mind when meeting Kaguya, before we skip to the Sleepover chapter.
Of course, it's just my opinion, though. Maybe others had more....."cultured" choice than I
[X] Create your own club
-[X] MMA Club
What can I say? A chance to legally punch someone without lawsuit, count me in!
[x] Create your own club
-[x] Survival Game Club
[x] Create your own club
-[x] Survival Game Club

This involve airsofts right?

Count me in!

[X] Visit some Sports Club (Archery)
I want Hachiman to live up to his namesake and his full potential as the God of Archery and War.
[X] Visit some Sports Club (Archery)

8man is most likely on Kaguya's raidar already so he might as well meet her in person.

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