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I found her self loathing to be fair. To be honest her inaction cause 2 of her closes friends to 'die'. If she didn't feel that i would think there would be something wrong with her head......ummm something more
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Nice to see consequences for these two, though I'm sorta surprised they've not already left for the Forest of Menos on a Gillian hunt.
At this time aizen is the only non hollow in any world with reliable means to enter hueco mundo. Everyone else would have to chase a hollow as they entered/left. Also as hueco mundo is a purely spiritual realm anyone not dead entering it dies near instantly do to the total lack of air, or land, or atmosphere or in fact anything at all. In canon Kisuke had to set up a special portal to convert their bodies from matter to spirit particles so they could come and go to sould society without dieing.
To you thing if Orihime use her power correctly and willing person she could turn a Hollow to a normal soul and that soul to a living being.
Just having Hollow turn to a powerfull regular soul would be enough to give them a gigai like Ichigo father.
When I think how Weaver gain energy from the Moon Cultivation Style it makes me wonder if Pervert Lady did became a Hollow then would it be possible for her to gain energy from fondling boobs in her unique style? Just saying that as a potential future companion(Minion) of Weaver it only natural they gain strange quirks of some sort.
So, you guys think there's any chance we could reurgitate these two along with Ichigo's mother once we take complete control of the gillian gestalt?

EDIT: Or perhaps learn some kinda minion power that allows us to use the souls we ate as controllable minions Skitter/Khepri style?
So, you guys think there's any chance we could reurgitate these two along with Ichigo's mother once we take complete control of the gillian gestalt?

EDIT: Or perhaps learn some kinda minion power that allows us to use the souls we ate as controllable minions Skitter/Khepri style?

It might be possible to give them a body as a part of our hollow powers. Its canon that several hollows used to be a part of the same hollow but if we removed them fully they would probably take some of our powers and traits with them when they left and we would have to eat grand Fisher first. The hollow we were eaten by never ate ichigo's mother.
It might be possible to give them a body as a part of our hollow powers. Its canon that several hollows used to be a part of the same hollow but if we removed them fully they would probably take some of our powers and traits with them when they left and we would have to eat grand Fisher first. The hollow we were eaten by never ate ichigo's mother.
Yeah, as per that one interlude, we've already eaten Grand Fisher. That's kind of what I was talking about; all the souls in question are currently a part of us. All we'd need to bring them back to live would be either finding a way to divide a specific soul from our main mass and throw it up or getting an ability that lets us spawn minions we can fill with souls we've eaten if we choose to do so. No idea which would be better/easier for us, though.
When I think how Weaver gain energy from the Moon Cultivation Style it makes me wonder if Pervert Lady did became a Hollow then would it be possible for her to gain energy from fondling boobs in her unique style? Just saying that as a potential future companion(Minion) of Weaver it only natural they gain strange quirks of some sort.
more likely she might gain power from perverted acts Also if anyone wants to know how truly fucked up the bleach universe is might I suggest. On SpaceBattles go to Arana it's fanfic by ryuugi in his rants it shows how much bleach is hellish world that such as that there being nearly all the dead howling out in hunger as hollows and the stagnant dystopia of the soul reapers world the endless and pointless eternal suffering of hell the world of beasts with the world of human sadly the best but even then most people will have there souls eaten and that the only
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more likely she might gain power from perverted acts Also if anyone wants to know how truly fucked up the bleach universe is might I suggest. On SpaceBattles go to Arana it's fanfic by ryuugi in his rants it shows how much bleach is hellish nearly all the dead howling out in hunger as hollows and the stagnant dystopia of the soul reapers world the endless and pointless eternal suffering of hell the world of beasts with the world of human sadly the best but even then most people will have there souls eaten
At least she be one of the few that can avoid eating souls since it obvious Weaver won't mind too much since she won't expect some teenagers from peaceful place to start eating souls. And she would at least make an attempt to help her grow if this turns out to be the case.

Bleach being a hell world is something people won't too much off since we don't see the suffering the same way that Konosuba is also consider a hell world. Mainly, because we the Main Characters thriving so well that makes many think that the world isn't so horrible.
When I think how Weaver gain energy from the Moon Cultivation Style it makes me wonder if Pervert Lady did became a Hollow then would it be possible for her to gain energy from fondling boobs in her unique style? Just saying that as a potential future companion(Minion) of Weaver it only natural they gain strange quirks of some sort.

You guys obviously don't have the same control over side characters development than you do over Weaver's, so it's not something you can influence directly. But if Chizuru manages to both survive and gain spiritual powers, assuming they'll be somewhat perverted is probably a safe bet.

At this time aizen is the only non hollow in any world with reliable means to enter hueco mundo. Everyone else would have to chase a hollow as they entered/left. Also as hueco mundo is a purely spiritual realm anyone not dead entering it dies near instantly do to the total lack of air, or land, or atmosphere or in fact anything at all. In canon Kisuke had to set up a special portal to convert their bodies from matter to spirit particles so they could come and go to sould society without dieing.

It's good somebody mentions this, as it might become relevant later on, depending on how things play out.
Seeeesh, Orihime was on a self-loath roll… I wasn't planning this to go so far, but words kind of got out of hand once the mood was set. This is in no way intended as Orihime-bashing on my part. Just… her being far too harsh on herself. She's an unreliable narrator after all. Oh my god I'm going to be lynched by Orihime fans! Why did I have to write this?
Orihime has fans?
The only good thing that happened in from the worlds being fused together is that it's no longer possible to walk into hell
Pupa 2.02 - Ten Lights (1/2)
[X][Memories] Wonder. (Edit: Again, results won't be immediately apparent)

There was once a pure kid who understood the world. And, because he understood it, there was no way he could accept it. The world was ugly, the world was cruel. And the kid understood it all.

Since the kid was honest, he couldn't help but say things as they were. Since the world was ugly, anything the kid said was ugly too.

There was once a pure kid who understood the world. And, because he understood it, there was no way he could accept it. The world was unfair, the world was partial. And the kid understood.

Since not everyone was treated the same, there were those blessed with good fortune and talent, and those as dirty and ugly as the very world.

There was once a pure kid who understood the world. And, because he was pure, he couldn't help but be tainted by the dirt around him. Since the world was ugly, the kid's soul became ugly too.

He hated the world, ugly and cruel, he hated himself, ugly and cruel. But those fortunate and talented individuals blessed by the unfair world, he hated more than anything.

There was once a pure kid who understood the world. And, because he was pure, he couldn't ignore the unfairness of this dirty, ugly world.

He fought the blessed and kind, knowing he would fail. He fought, even if the only reward for the impossible victory would be to drag everything to the same dirty mud he stood on, as he was honest, and that was fair.

He failed many, many times, never wondering why he kept pushing on, never considering giving up. Where's now the pure boy who understood the world?

But that's not me, that's not who I am.

There was once a shy child who liked books, peace and quiet. She had poor eyesight and required glasses to even function in her daily life, so she never got to play rough with the other kids. Her mom didn't have money to fix her glasses very often so she had to be responsible and be careful all the time.

She was, of course, excused from PE and got to sit aside while everyone else ran around the schoolyard. It was a bit lonely, to just sit down and watch while everyone else played soccer or baseball, unable to even practice rope skipping for fear of breaking her glasses.

The only physical activity she could practice recklessly was swimming, but the pool days at school were few and far between, and she couldn't go to the public pool very often because, again, her mom didn't have much money.

So she learnt to enjoy books, and could often be found reading under a tree at the park. Since most kids lack the patience to sit still for five minutes, specially when they're forced to endure enough of that at school, there was no one to stick around with her for long enough to strike out a proper conversation so, while she was in friendly enough terms with everyone else, she didn't really have any friends either.

She was… content with that. Her life might not be perfect, but there wasn't anything particularly horrible going on either. Everything changed during Middle School.

When she was twelve, mom got a promotion and they had to move. It would be a new life in a new place, things would be better. Since mom made a bit more money now, she wasn't required to be mature and responsible all the time, it wasn't the end of the world if her glasses broke anymore. Since it was a new school, this was her chance to start anew and make lasting friendships.

Unfortunately, a life of sitting in the shade reading books while everyone else played together had left her without any social skills worth the name. She was awkward, talked using strange, complicated words and didn't know how to react to commonplace interactions, so she soon became known as the weirdo. Not exactly shunned, but avoided by the rest when they could help it.

It made her a little sad, and a bit disappointed, but it was otherwise business like usual.

Some months later though, someone who extended a hand to her appeared. It was a transfer student, a cheerful and sporty girl that couldn't be more opposite to herself if she tried and yet, she stuck to her side like a particularly stubborn limpet. It would be a lie to say they became fast friends, but things worked out in the end, and they became inseparable.

Even more time passed, and she realized, little by little, her friends' mere presence had become invaluable. Simply seeing her smile sent her heart aflutter, and brushing their skin together was enough to make her blush. This was japan, though, and that sort of same-sex attractions were heavily frowned upon. She resigned herself to never act on them.

You can imagine her surprise when, mere weeks after realizing her feelings, her friend confessed her own feelings. They were thirteen by then, far too innocent for anything more than a peck on the lips and yet, that was easily the most precious memory in her whole life.

Which makes it all the more tragic that they got caught. Flat-footed, flustered and afraid. And probably blowing things out of proportion in that way teenagers usually do, she reacted in the worst possible way, lashing at her dear friend and making it seem like her attentions had been unwanted. Hurt by her betrayal, her friend ran away crying.

The rumours spread like wildfire and the following day everyone seemed to hate her friend and go out of their way to make it known, while she herself got 'adopted' by a clique of popular girls. Regret pooled in her heart as she saw her bright, cheerful friend lose her energy and wilt day by day before the ongoing bullying campaign.

To her shame though, fear outweighed her guilt, and she kept her head down, doing her best to smile at her new 'friends' and trying to ignore how disgusted she felt with herself. Out of class, in private, she reasoned to herself, she would talk with her friend and ask for forgiveness.

But she never had the chance, because her friend refused to meet her out of class or take her calls. Even as she saw her wilt day by day, as guilt gnawed at her entrails, one was too scared to address the other in public, and the other was too stubborn to meet the one in private. Until, one day, when she arrived at school in the morning...

A police cordon blocked the way.

It was all her fault. Her cowardice, her betrayal. Her fear of speaking out her feelings had cost her friend everything.

She refused to leave home anymore after that. For a whole year afterwards, until half of her last year of Middle School she secluded herself, wasting away in guilt, mind going in circles. She knew she was worrying her mom, and that made her feel even more guilty, but she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it.

Finally though, she found an answer she could be satisfied with. If she couldn't forgive herself for what she'd done, there was no point in worrying about herself, no reason for fear. Instead, she would do her best to earn forgiveness for her cowardice.

She couldn't take back those words she spoke a year ago, she couldn't bring her beloved friend back, but she could live the rest of her life as she should've lived it from the start. She would do it for her.

Where's now the shy girl who found a steel resolve?

But that's not me, that's not who I am.

There was once a greedy girl who wanted the impossible.

She was born that way, but nobody took notice. The greedy girl was indeed greedy, but since she was cheerful and worked hard, no one really blamed her.

Her greediness didn't seem like a big deal, either. When she set her sights on something, she didn't give up until she obtained it. But since that didn't create great disturbances, people let it slip.

She set her sights into magic, and from her cauldron brewed the most mystical blends.

The stars crossed the sky at her sign.

The light flowed and bent at her will.

With her broom she would cross the sky, and with her smile she would charm the heart.

She set her sight into goods, and her treasury filled with the most exotic riches.

The furnace of heavens heated her room.

The sword of gathering clouds warded off lightning.

In her pocket she could find whatever she required, and way, way more.

She had everything she wanted. But since she had attained it with her own hands, she was still loved by many.

But there was one thing she couldn't attain, no matter how hard she tried.

Something that elegantly danced right before her, only to slip between her fingers the moment she tried to grasp it.

Something detached from the world, and incapable of love. Something who treated everything equally.

Someone she spent a whole life trying to reach, only to painfully fall short with each attempt.

Where's now the greedy girl who wanted the impossible?

But that's not me, that's not who I am.

There was once a happy child living with a happy family. Her people weren't rich, neither were they the most scientifically advanced.

One day, her whole family suffered food poisoning, and she was left the only one healthy enough to get out and try to figure out what had gone wrong.

What she found was a visage of nightmares.

An alien world that wasn't her world, made out of writhing parts that weren't exactly alive, but weren't exactly dead.

And, at the center of it all, she found a monster. A death devourer of worlds. A hungerer without purpose. A macabre accident of evolution in some far-off world long deceased.

The child was brave, if nothing else, and did their best to slay the monster. But the monster was cunning, and powerful, with the weight of millenia behind it. And it didn't go down easily.

In the end though, the child shook help, and with assistance they somehow managed to defeat the creature. Not kill, never kill, for it was too vast and ancient to be truly slain.

Then, the revelation. The thing was not alone. There was another like it, hidden somewhere in the world, wearing the mask of a person.

They were all in danger, and only the child and their help knew about it. Only the two of them could do something about it.

The more they knew though, the more hopeless everything seemed. The monster they've slain was already mortally wounded and even then they've struggled to put it down for good. There was nothing they could go against a healthy monster.

Intead, they hid. They did their best to formulate a plan that could save the world, all the worlds, for this plague wearing a person's face.

They reached for friends and allies, and some answered, but the monster had too many eyes, too many ears, for them to be obvious about their goal.

And they still could not find a way to slay the monster.

Gradually, fueled by a despair only certain annihilation looming in the future can cause, they explored more and more radical options. Crueler and more inhumane solutions. Everything, they reasoned, was better than the end of the world, of all the worlds.

Bit by bit, plan by plan, they managed to gain a foothold of semblance of a hint of control. Oh, their efforts made it so they could puppeteer the whole world, if they chose to do so. But against the monster, even that was just a minute distraction. Maybe not even that.

And they still could not find a way to slay the monster.

In the end, the child found the hint of a possibility. A plan that had a shadow of a chance. It was nothing, it was less than nothing. But if they let that chance go, things would go even worse.

So the adult who had been a child kept quiet and discreetly nudged things to go that way, while feinting towards another. Nobody else knew what she was actually betting on, because anyone else would've tried to stop her gambit. But she could see, with the eyes she stole from the first monster, that this sliver of the shadow of a whisper of a chance was till their best bet.

And thus, they condemned another child, not that different from how they had been themselves, once upon a time.

They condemned this child to a living hell, to impossible choices and tests with no right answers. To disappointments and betrayals and hopelessness. They forged the child, with a cruel hammer, into the weapon who could, maybe, have a chance at slaying the monster.

In a way, the adult who had been a child turned the new child into a younger version of themselves, but not really. It was just her mind trying to justify the atrocities committed in the name of survival.

For the adult who had been a child was not a monster, no matter how monstruos their feats. She had doubts, and regrets she only held back due to her sense of duty.

In the end, the new child became a new adult, and managed an impossible victory against the enraged monster. The old adult's sense of duty finally crumbled, and she went to confront the new, they wouldn't ask for apologies for what needed to be done, but they had a question to ask, and a reward to give out.

Where's now that heroic child, who slayed a monster and ruined themselves fighting another?

But that's not me, that's not who I am.

There was once an unwanted girl whose existence was forced upon her parents.

She wasn't natural, but the work of once wise men, now lost to insanity.

She wasn't fated with happiness, and only a short life of suffering and misery awaited. Still she had a purpose. Even if she was denied hope, she at least bore resolve.

But even that was taken away when her reason for existence disappeared. Taken away from the world of men by the hands of men.

She had no purpose, she had no hope. And so, she slept, under the gentle charm of a mother who loved her in spite of all.

And she slept and slept, until her sister reached out to her, and she woke up in an unknown world.

She still had no role, but she saw the happiness of her sister, and felt the green eyed monster. 'If I can't have happiness, she shouldn't either' she thought, and did her best to hate her sister.

In the end, the once unwanted girl discovered love, the warmth of a family.

The distant guidance of the Father, the overflowing affection of the Mother, the sweet gentleness of the Brother, the cheerful kindredness of the Sister.

For the first time, the unwanted girl knew happiness, the unwanted girl knew hope.

Where's now the unwanted girl who knew hope?

But that's not me, that's not who I am.

You can hear me, can't you? This is part of being what you are now. Lost in a sea of selves, striving not to drown. But the gestalt bows before pure willpower. For most, once forced to look inside themselves, find they are too tired, too broken or too hopeless to fight the vast tide. To hate everyone means to hate yourself too, after all. There's no place for lies or schemes in here. The stronger conviction wins, and the winner takes all.

You've been shown a peek at someone else's souls. They're all bright and strong, in their own ways, yet there's one two (Focus: Duty) of them that strike you as particularly noteworthy. Vote for Two.

[X][Light] The Pure Boy
[X][Light] The Shy Girl
[X][Light] The Heroic Child
[X][Light] The Greedy Girl
[X][Light] The Unwanted Girl

Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)

Wew, I can't believe it got this long! Here we go, peeks into other souls from the gestalt. I honestly wonder how you'll react to this chapter. I mean, Ieft a lot of clues around, but I'd like to think I'm not being absolutely obvious either.
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[X][Light] The Heroic Child

[X][Light] The Pure Boy
The shy girl could be Chizuru. But that raises the question of where is Tatsuki

Damn, I messed up a little bit. Should've mentioned somewhere there'll be another chapter like this one. Remember originally you could only pick one, I'm not jerk enough to make you choose which one to save. Focus: Duty isn't required to save both, just makes it easier.

I'll be editing the title of the chapter to give a hint, even if needing to post this kinda kills the point.
The first half of the unwanted girl sounds like Dawn from Buffy, but the rest doesn't fit. As far as I can tell none of these are Bleach characters, though, which is strange for a Menos who likely hasn't left Hueco Mundo often if at all.
[X][Light] The Heroic Child

[X][Light] The Pure Boy

Because of course we have to take Contessa and I kinda wanna go for the pure boy, he sounds like he might mesh well with Skitter.
[][Light] The Pure Boy

Sounds kind of like Jack Slash to me

[X][Light] The Shy Girl

I was thinking maybe flechette but I don't think she has glasses. Might be one of the girls we're trying to save?

[X][Light] The Heroic Child

Yup, got to be Contessa

[][Light] The Greedy Girl
[][Light] The Unwanted Girl

No clue on these two. Seriously debated making one of these my second instead of Contessa though
Damn, I messed up a little bit. Should've mentioned somewhere there'll be another chapter like this one. Remember originally you could only pick one, I'm not jerk enough to make you choose which one to save. Focus: Duty isn't required to save both, just makes it easier.

I'll be editing the title of the chapter to give a hint, even if needing to post this kinda kills the point.
Ah ,okay. Thanks for clarifying this.
I was thinking maybe flechette but I don't think she has glasses. Might be one of the girls we're trying to save?
Yes. Judging by what planeshunter just said that's the lesbian girl.

Shaper47 Metoto21 could you add
[X][Light] The Shy Girl

as this is likely Chizuru? And from a character point of view taking duty and not saving both would be depressing.

[X][Light] The Greedy Girl
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[X][Light] The Heroic Child

[X][Light] The Shy Girl

The heroic child is obviously Contessa. I'm actually a bit sad she got chomped right after Taylor. And there's a good chance that the Shy Girl is actually Chizuru. No idea for the other ones, so I'm going with that.
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