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Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

Okami is the (now extinct) Japanese Wolf... which did tend to be light colored, but weren't specifically white.

And it isn't a pun. Wolves were believed to be divine spirits by the ancient Japanese, most Japanese gods (certainly all the important ones) were believed to have a wolf-form, and so they named (those) wolves as such.
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Step one. Panick.
Step two. Mental breakdown.
Step three. Calm down.
Step four. Panick again.
Step five. Profit.
1. Have my emotional apathy and depression destroyed for once.
2. Freak the hell out for 3 hours.
3. Recover and witness my new body.
4. Witness my new flesh and realize I'm Astolfo, just with ahaego imprinted hair.
5. I have all of his power(s).
6. Go into a manic state and go on 4chan to flex my trap aesthetic and supernatural physiology.
7. Try and apply for England citizenship.
8. Go shopping and get a ton of cosmetics (supreme included.)
9. Attach bells and koshi-chimes to my hair to get soothing audio feedback that keeps me grounded.
10. Get a new outfit. ( Black suit with a red-dress shirt and golden threading with stripe pattern and a nice scarf. Including grey diamondback rattlesnake boots with spurs.)
11. Realize that I wasted my money and get mad.
12. Apply for Dakar Rally to get my money back.
13. Fly around on my Griffin.
14. Go fight a Kodiak Bear and win.
15. Fly to Japan and get absolutely hounded by Otaku's and FGO Gacha Addicts.
Probably would wake up to a bunch of rubble over me, and also people screaming in fear considering I would now be the size of your average Mobile Home...Then again, the Rogue Process can actually shift into a smaller...vaguely humanoid form so I could actually use doors like a normal person.

Since the Rogue Process Nanotech is rather bullshit, as shown by The Surge 2, I would probably just tunnel into the ground and go make a giant underground Nanite Superstructure to live in and steadily self-replicate in peace and just...Chill. Probably would also apply the Reality-Warping* capabilities of the Nanite Swarm to get a nigh-perfect Internet Connection.

Maybe even use the Nanotech to go heal & augment people, similar to the Technogenesis but without the whole 'Eat & Replace Your Brain With Nanotech' issue.

*Yes, that is a Thing. Archangel Eli End Bossfight demonstrated such capabilities by casually creating a pocket realm because Reasons.
well I'm currently a 1e/2e ilithid so first thing I'm gonna do is whore myself out because there are people who want tentacle fucking and I'm a sentient being who can provide.

Also experiment with psionics, mind blast the seagulls on my roof only to be attacked by them.

enjoy at will levitation maybe.
I'm an anime version of Carl Grimes. Fuck. If I get sent to The Walking Dead: Anime Edition universe? Double fuck.
Well Misuzo's primary special abilities are apparently to stay calm and have a logical or at least dryly witty comment for every occasion, from what little I actually know about her, so asked and answered, I guess? ;)
i don't know if i wake up as buckethead or the rubber chicken but if it's the former then i will live my life as a creepy guitarist who likes to chocke rubber chicken
Probably have a mental breakdown due to the gender dysphoria. If not that, then hey cool Amazon Jedi Queen. I dunno, maybe I write inspirational books or something.
thats all that really need to show.
Well, Levia and Behemo are old ass scientists that somehow became Gods, but...well...while Behemo is kind...Levia is a big bitch.
I would probably be hijacked by them and Levia would use her powers to try to spread HERs.

Not a good time...for the whole world. HERs basically makes you evil.

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