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I'm extremely sad Ms. Anderson said no. She's now my favorite character in this story.
The cottage diversion was interesting. It was a little annoying, but mostly because I really love this premise and it was eating up word count for other stuff I enjoy more; I'm sure once the story is longer it won't stick out much. I'm also looking forward to seeing how it gets used.
When I was writing her, I originally intended for her to be the date. But as I was describing her and doing the setup, I realized that this was a lady with no time nor patience for that sort of nonsense, she has shit to do.
Total but minor spoiler. He's going to get his hands on some Nth metal and make some rings. The best thing about Nth metal is that it gives you the ability to punch ghosts. The reason he wants it so bad is because it does gravity manipulation and will let him fly. But the actual best property of Nth metal is is promotes serious regeneration in humans.
Yes. He's going to loan a pair of Nth metal rings to Mrs Anderson so the regeneration fixes her fucked up arthritic hands, and generally promotes her longevity. Not for forever. But long enough to heal her. Then they go to Alfred. Then Lucius. Then around to various other cool old people who need a tune up, like the Kents.
What's more valuable?
The ability to bitch slap a ghost?
The ability to fly?
Or both extra life and better quality of life to people heroes rely on?
I think the Cottage stuff was important as it is a Chekhov's gun; as you mentioned it being an alternate entrance into his lair, but it did seem to dominate the chapter, leaving very little in the way of his interaction with Alfred, and Mrs. Anderson on a cliff hanger. Maybe he could play with the idea of Alfred retiring to the cottage later in his batman career, so he can help our protagonist without bring suspicion. Could be a plot point that Alfred is getting old and unlike others Batman's, he is trying to help lighten the load of running an entire estate by actually Hiring Staff, then letting Alfred do what he can by himself.
Your MCs is fighting the entirety of Gothem crime, could not just he hire a few and swear them to secrecy for a roof over their head and a steady job? If the Joker can get repeated help when he is know for killing his own men on a whim, why can`t our scary powerful and bullet proof madman that has more money then god get loyal men to his cause. Plus, Alfred would be more likely to survive attacks on Wayne Manor with the extra hands.
Just want to point out that Batman got so ludicrously good due to having every waking second dedicated to learning and training, your guy can do much the same with his powers, but really put in the effort to helping Gothem that the original never had the time to do. Don`t feel like you're letting us down by not having him beat up criminal all the time, it can be just as entertaining to have him do what Batman could not.
Well, the complaints were valid, because it really was awful pacing. I mean, the dichotomy between 'Hey, I'm suddenly fukkin rich, I can HELP people' and 'Aww man, dressing up as Batman makes me feel like I should be trick or treating, not doing serious hero shit', is pretty much what this initial story arc is about.
Intellectually, he knows Gotham and the World needs Batman. But in his heart, it's silly buggers. And it's real difficult to do something you don't inherently believe in.
He'll figure it out. This isn't a tragedy. It's just fucking hard to be Batman.
I had fun with the general set-up this chapter, though I'm curious about how widely applicable the Construction skill is.
I agree that Ms Anderson is cool
Yeah, she'll be a major supporting character. Kinda an OC Lucius Fox, but for charity instead of business.
I hope you remembered to include enough space in the Batcave for the animatronic T-Rex and the giant penny.
Yeah. It'll be a few chapters before I do a Batcave walkthrough, and indeed I might do it as another informational chapter. The most notable issue he's run into is the difficulty in setting up things so he doesn't end up with bat shit all over his tools and workspaces. He can petition the totemic spirit of the bat... but bats are gonna shit where bats are gonna shit, and even a conceptual spirit isn't gonna have much influence over that.
This is nice and I like how he actively works on a ground level with them to give them the tools they need.
This Batman kind of reminds me of the one Unpretty writes.
I've mentioned it before, but Unpretty is a major inspiration for this. Batman SHOULD be the heart of Gotham, not a violent madman with mental issues.
It`s good to see the ground floor when helping people, yes he waited for applause but he never gave any indication he was expecting it, which gave a lot more credibility to his desires to be genuine. Every other batman has done fair amount of public charity, but it has always been with a camera crew minimum or more. Here your batman gave a show of dedication by basically saying that money is no issue, for as long as there is a road forward, he is willing to foot the bill. Plus, he got everyone involved, people who have probably been out of work for a few years have a taste of self-reliance that has been missing for a long while.
That`s something almost no one in DC has really done regularly, getting people off their feet. Sure, Super Man has talked down a jumper here or there, even stopped domestic abuse once; but Bruce Wayne here is giving people recent job history, getting families some spending money for clothes without hole or medicine that they couldn't afford before. He is lifting people off the pavement and onto their own two feet by just pointing out goals that they can achieve and look back at with pride. It`s not always inability holding people back, but just a lack of hope that it can get better, that this is not the end of the road. Life kicked these people down, and here comes a man who should not care about them for any reason but a tax write-off, but here he is looking out for people, for the sake of helping because he can, not because it will make him look good the the rest of society.
No matter what the other Bruce Waynes think, everyone only saw it as their motives as more stunts to appear to be kinder then life, while here they can`t deny he is trying to do the right thing, and just the right thing.
Hope you are feeling better, and I wish you luck on finding that balance in life now.
Health is sort of my bugaboo right now, but the depression is doing better.
Bruce Wayne does do philanthropy, and usually only halfheartedly plays up the playboy angle while he's doing so, at least in some continuities. It's all the other parties/galas/events and whatnot he mansluts it up. I'm not sure if you've read them, but if you haven't, you should check out Unpretty's works on AO3, which is a fairly major inspiration for the kind of Batman this SI wants to be. And the best thing is, as far as he's concerned, trying to uplift Gotham is pretty central to his actual mission. The Court of Owls and Doctor Gotham are nurturing some mildly eldritch but seriously evil shit under the city, and if he does have to, as was said earlier, fill in Gotham's potholes with gold and ground up hundred dollar bills, it's money well spent.
In real life, focusing all the charity efforts of one of the richest people in the world on a single city would be sort of horrible. Also it's New Jersey. Eww. J/K
In this setting, though, it may quite literally be necessary for the good of the world. Nobody except the most evil people in the setting want this particularly malignant tumor to hatch and some rough beast go shuffling off for kidneys.
But more on that later.