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A/N Pilot
Alt title: Through the snowstorm
I was bullied by my senpai, pimp, and overlord...

Newb to the game

Know what you're doing yet?
Feb 28, 2023
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A/N Pilot
Alt title: Through the snowstorm
I was bullied by my senpai, pimp, and overlord, The Dark Wolf Shiro, to do this. EVERYTHING about the character was rolled for. From gender, to age, race, powers, setting. You name it.
And this is, mostly a challenge for me.
Also, if a power is sucky or they get a curse. It was probably me who rolled.
The discord roller hates me.
If you see a GOOD roll
Odds are it wasn't me.
Anyway, let's go!

-Date, Time-
-The Great Vale, 9th of First Seed, year ?, Late Merithic Era-

Lilyrael POV

"A toast to good health!" Father calls to the gathering of nobles. His ornate, white gold robes flowing from his shoulders as he regales assembled dignitaries."For in these trying times. We may find solace and prosperity! Our lands may be suffering an, infestation. But despair not, for I have in good faith that our brethren of the deep will hear our plea, and come to our aide."

Father is speaking of his missive to the Dwemmer. Many believe it humiliating. To require aide for such, nuisances to our kingdom. I personally, am among that majority.

But, Father has proven his rule a decent one. Seventy years of his reign, and the only mar to his rule is this invasive species.

"But!" Father continues. "We are not here to lament, but to rejoice! In my daughter, your first princess, Lilyrael Sel za Ath Tel'sige shaar Suoress ath Tel'crith, her thirteenth year!"

'First princess.' I think morosely. 'A beautiful offering piece, with a large dowry.'

I greet the guests, one by one as they posture up their gifts.

I have two older brothers. So the throne is beyond me unless I either get lucky. Or I take more, direct means.

As it is now, I can only hope I'm married off to someone of similar age. A ten year difference would be perfect. Though, thirty would be ideal as well. So long as it's not a seventy year gap, I don't find I'd object much.

I have a good twenty years before I even begin to worry of such things though. But it never harms to keep one's eye to the future.

"I thank you greatly, Lord-" I begin to thank the dignitary.

"Man! Man has breached the walls!"
"Protect the royal family!"

-The Forgotten Vale, 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201 7:20am-



"Puh!" I gasp as I collapse onto the soft, white snow.

"What, where, Father! Arelius! Fascimo!" I call in a panic. My mind hazy from the turn of events prior, and my sudden change of location.

"Ah!" I scream in a panic at the floating words before me.

Be not afraid
"By the venerable eight! What manner of illusion are you!?" I demand of the floating text.

That never works
"Answer my query!" I demand once more. "Do not have me repeat myself!"


You're a bratty one aren't you?

"Excuse me!?" I demand, insulted at the, insinuation.

You're excused.

To the point!
You are the lucky little lass to receive a gacha system to cover Kuro's quota of members because he's too lazy to find them himself!

"Okay, please start making sense?" I ask, dropping my regal persona. Seeing as it's clearly not working.

Very well.

Welcome to the guild!
You've been given the coveted [Gacha] system!
What is that you may ask?

"Yes, I am very much asking that." I say as I tuck my arms behind my back. Standing up straight to regain, maintain my dignity.

The [Gacha] system is a power system granted to those chosen by the guild masters to entertain them.
Or in your case. Randomly selected because one was too lazy to do it himself.

"I am no one's entertainment!" I shout to the screen.

With this system you gain powers by accomplishing grand feats!
Or minor ones.
As of now, you get! 4, free rolls as part of your tutorial!
I stare at the screen for a longing moment. Piecing together what it is I am supposed to be doing.

"No." I say and turn to walk away. Unwilling to entertain this Daedra and its musings.

Please roll

Only for the screen to follow my field of vision.
I turn again, and again. Only for to painstakingly force itself into my view.

"Why should I!?" I demand of the insolent illusion.

Because it might be your best bet at saving your people?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Your people? The Falmer? Technically speaking, you are one of two, technically three, True Falmer left.
"Preposterous." I say with a scoff.

I'm merely having a fever dream. Yes, someone at banquet poisoned me and I'm recovering. This is merely my mind recovering from the ravages of a ill begotten elixir.

If that's true, then what harm is there in playing along?

I think on it. If this is real. And the madness this illusion speaks is true. Then it's offering power, the likes of which I benefit greatly from.
If not, then there is no harm.

"Very well." I agree tentatively. "How do I play this, game?"

Merely desire to roll.
"As you say, roll." I command.

Rolling. Results: common item, upgraded to uncommon, legendary perk, common magic, upgraded to uncommon, major curse, upgraded to uncommon summons.
First your family is murdered on your thirteenth birthday and your put in cryo to save your life, all while your race is diminished to monsters by your Dwemer cousins. Now this? You have some shit luck. If it weren't for the tutorial pity system you'd be screwed right off the bat.

"What?" I ask as my eyes go wide at the illusion's script.

Uncommon item

[Alchemy Jug]
This potion causes the drinker to grow in size, until they are twice as large as they started. This increases their strength and durability accordingly, and lasts for four hours.

"Don't ignore me!" I demand, my heart racing as I remember more.

"What? Man has breached our walls? How!?" Fathers voice rings in my head.

Legendary perk

[Efficient Potioneer]
You know how to get the most out of each drop, making potions with a duration last for five times their usual duration.

"What happened!?" I beg.

"Alcrenos! Take her to the stasis." My bodyguard, Fascimo says.

Uncommon magic

[Tome of Evolution (Chaos/Nature School)]
Magic of evolution. A natural process that occurs over millennia. With this magic you can, tweak, that time frame, And it's direction, and bypass the need for genetic recombination. Closer to Pokémon evolution really.

"Answer me!!" I demand, my head pounding as I collapse to the soft snow. A pale comfort to the horrible agony racing through my mind.

"Don't worry princess." The kindly bearded face of the high mage says. "You'll merely be in a dreamless slumber. And you'll wake like nothing happened."

Uncommon summons

[Piranha(s)- 16]
For all your body disposal needs.

"Why!?" I scream as tears are forced through my eyes. Burning my face as the drop to the snow. Little pores indenting in the pure surface. "Why?! Why? Why?"

"I shall see you in some time." Alcrenos says with a smile as the coldless ice creeps up around me.


The door to the mages tower busts open. But the ice covers my ears before I hear any more.
All I see, as my heart races, is the distorted blue surface, stained red.

"How long?" I shakily ask through a burned throat. "How, long, was I asleep?"

Roughly 5000 years

'Five thousand years?' I think to myself as I laugh at the absurdity.

"Ha, haha! Hahahahaha!" I continue to laugh as I sit up on my knees. Staring up at the clean, icy blue ceiling as I take in my surroundings. "Oh, oh and to think. Not but a few moments ago. Ha, haha! My biggest concern was being married off! HaHa! To someone more than fifty years my elder! Ha!"

I lose all strength as I sit here and just slump.

"Is, is this real?" I ask the glossy ceiling. Receiving no answer to my question.

I stay here, silently lamenting my current state of affairs. Before I decide that crying in the snow will do me no favors.

I rise on shaky legs. I should at least find a way out of here.


[The Forgotten Vale]
Find a way to the ruins of your home. And discover what happened.

Optional objective: Do so undetected.

Rewards: 2 rolls.
Optional Rewards: 2 more rolls.

"I suppose, I have little choice." I say shakily.
Though the, optional objective, leaves me cautious. What would I need to hide from?
Sel za Ath Tel'sige shaar Suoress ath Tel'Crith
High royal of the snow plain, blessed by the sun
Let me know what you think!
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Blessed of the moon? What? The moons are the domain of a Daedric Prince, and the Falmer were Aedra worshippers. In fact, they primarily worshipped Auri-El, a sun deity.

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