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Azure Archive (BlazBlue x Blue Archive)

"Yeah, yeah. I didn't forget." Ragna waved his hand a few times for emphasis. "Hope you don't mind me coming along for more of these though."

"H-Huh!?" Hoshino stood up perfectly straight, her eyes wide. "T-That wasn't part of the deal!"

"I'm gonna be coming out here with or without you, so might as well tag along." Ragna plainly stated without hesitation.

"Sensei, don't you have important adult stuff to do or something for SCHALE? Skipping work is setting a bad example for your students." Hoshino whined, trying to turn the tables on the other. Sure, she wanted to keep an eye on him, but that didn't mean he had to be around her all the time!

"This is my work." Ragna stated without an ounce of shame and smug look. "Besides, maybe you'll get a better chance to judge me for yourself."
Ragna out-teased a teaser uncle, what are the chance?

"No!" Ragna abruptly interjected with a stern, yet shaking word, pointing accusingly at Arona. "We are not telling ghost stories!"

Arona recoiled back in surprise. But it only lasted a moment, as the little brat's face started to turn toward something teasing, perhaps even a little smug, as she raised her hands forward with twitching fingers to try and look scary. "What's wrong, sensei? Scaaaaaaaaaared?"

"I am not scared." Ragna said way too quickly to be convincing. "You just… can't hit a ghost like everything else." Oh, sure, it was perfectly possible to cheat with something like Ars Magus or the Azure Grimoire to get around that.

Neither of which he could use now.

And that was the only reason. No other reason what so ever.

Fucking Terumi.
I thought he got less jumpy regarding ghost stories as BlazBlue plot progressed. Turns out he's still the same ol' Ragna, never changes.
Or is it because him jumpy by ghosts is treated as comic relief now?

Arona paused her meal, looking over Ragna curiously but with a tender smile spread over her features.
This detail caused the GSC Prez to pop up in my mind.

Ragna froze. Oh, goddammit. He'd forgotten between all the returning memories and planning around what to do with Abydos

"Know what, that's not my problem right now." Ragna let out a guttural groan. "I'm dealing with that crap in the morning. She's gonna be mad anyway, so not bothering with a message now and going to enjoy a nice meal instead."
Ah yea, not used to high tech can really be a pain in his flucking ass.

Thanks for the chapter, it seems we are tackling Sericar's part-time job next chapter, plus a scolding Rin too. Looking forward to it.
Before I continue reading, I just wanna point some things out.

Both his right eye and arm, dependent upon the Azure Grimoire and its need for seithr, the energy substance that permeated the air of his world, were utterly useless,

Can the girls from Millenium can help him out with this? A new eye and arm?

The tall girl with wings who wielded a weapon called a sniper rifle was named Hanekawa Hasumi, specialized in longer range engagements with a weapon called a sniper rifle.

You already mentioned her weapon. Why mention it again?

The girl he'd assumed was some kind of medic, which turned out to be an accurate assessment, went by Hinomiya Chinatsu and focused on tending to injured and using her pistol when needed.

You already called her a Medic. The way it was elaborated further is odd.

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Can the girls from Millenium can help him out with this? A new eye and arm?
This matter might be tackled by either the Millennium mobs or the Engineer trio when he comes to the plot of V2C1.

I've seen another author trying to fix this problem by having a doctor gives him a "fake nerve" to link the prosthetic arm with his limb, and it only works because the world Ragna ended up in that fic was Fairy Tail, with magics and all that. Not sure what miracles will the students of Kivotos pull to help their sensei.
I thought he got less jumpy regarding ghost stories as BlazBlue plot progressed. Turns out he's still the same ol' Ragna, never changes.
Or is it because him jumpy by ghosts is treated as comic relief now?
He did get a bit better about it, but even if he's not going freeze or anything when it's serious doesn't mean the subject is Ragna's favorite thing for casual discussion and the things he'd normally use to deal with them aren't the most accessible right now. That doesn't help.

It's also hilarious, coming from a person like him.

Thanks for the chapter, it seems we are tackling Sericar's part-time job next chapter, plus a scolding Rin too. Looking forward to it.
Not quite next chapter, but soon.

Can the girls from Millenium can help him out with this? A new eye and arm?
That exact thing gets touched on briefly a few chapters from where you are. The Millennium Girls are smart and Kivotos has some pretty silly super science, so they could probably figure out some kind of solution if he lets them look at it. Ragna's relationship with the Azure Grimoire is complicated and even goes across timelines, so he's pretty cagey about that on account of the fact almost any time somebody took an interest in the Azure Grimoire, it was often followed by the sentiment of "I'll be taking that arm now. Do not resist." and the Azure or things associated with it do baaaaaaaaad things to most people if unprepared and not handled with extreme care. He'd rather have a bad arm and eye than risk irreparably screwing somebody up who didn't know what they were getting into.

And it can cause a lot worse than that.

Ragna is not fully exempt from those problems either. He just is able to handle it much, much better than the vast majority of people and spent a long time learning to work with it.
they could probably figure out some kind of solution if he lets them look at it
One thinks it might take a collaboration between students of various schools, such as Remedial Knight of Trinity, Medical Club of Gehenna, Saya the apprentice alchemist of Shanhaijing, to figure out a solution, much like how the girls dealt with that alien spaceship underneath Abydos.

But his current situation is a bit limited, plus the things the girls of those clubs that I suggested might do to Ragna aren't so different from what Kokonoe plans to do to him or Tager. Let's...only get to it in the foreseeable future.
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Okay, this story is already shaping up to be good enough for me to cave and go play BA.

Also Ragna do be behaving like a proper adult.
Okay, this story is already shaping up to be good enough for me to cave and go play BA.
Thanks! I do try.

They have a collab going right now that showers players with resources, so not a bad time to get on board even if you don't want any of the collab characters. There's also the anime going right now if you want to get to know Abydos specifically, since this story is going into that arc, but it's... Alright? It's one of those adaptations where feels like it assumes you have some familiarity with the game. Does a few things differently too and I'm generally giving priority toward how things go in the game. Do not use the official subs on any streaming website if you do watch the anime, for the love of god. They're so bad.

Also Ragna do be behaving like a proper adult.

He may be a bit abrasive and as blunt as a brick to the face, but the man can be good with people and kids when he tries to be. Such is being an older sibling. It's fun to explore that a little in the writing as with how Ragna's life was constantly one headache after the next, it didn't get much screentime.

Is Ragna going to be given his own firearm? I mean, unlike canon Sensei, Ragna knows how to fight!

Beggars can't be choosers.

One thinks it might take a collaboration between students of various schools, such as Remedial Knight of Trinity, Medical Club of Gehenna, Saya the apprentice alchemist of Shanhaijing, to figure out a solution,

This can be a future plot point for this story!

Everyone joining and pooling their talents together to help Ragna the same way he helped them!

Is Ragna going to be given his own firearm? I mean, unlike canon Sensei, Ragna knows how to fight!
Unless the engineering department figures out an IRL infinite ammo cheat, Ragna only having one functioning arm would make trying to use a gun suck, even if he does have the strength to deal with recoil on bigger guns one handed. I've tried reloading (very realistic) guns in VR one handed and on man it did not go well. Iiiif he ever gets the arm even semi fixed though, might be another matter. Because even if he's monstrously capable in melee if everyone else is using ranged weapons then trying to get physical with the enemy means plenty of chances for friendly fire or making it harder for your own side if they try to not hit you.

Kivotos has plenty of things to use though. This is the same place where a grenade is as much of a household item as a gun is. Suzumi can probably buy all her flashbangs at any convenience store with how off the wall the city is.
Unless the engineering department figures out an IRL infinite ammo cheat

What about energy weapons? Ragna can get his own "Sword of Light", since IIRC it was just too heavy for your normal student to use.

UPD: looked it up, it's:
>A huge railgun that Alice got from the Engineering Department.
What about energy weapons? Ragna can get his own "Sword of Light", since IIRC it was just too heavy for your normal student to use.

UPD: looked it up, it's:
>A huge railgun that Alice got from the Engineering Department.

And since Azure Grimoire is essentially an infinite Mana Generator... He could use that railgun. But problem with paralysis still stands.

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