• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

Don't know if this has been mentioned before, because I am not searching 20 pages for it, but the "All Threads" option in profile pages is gone. How am I supposed to know what Threads an author has written now?
I have noticed this as well.
Lack of seeing only threads made by author on their profile is anoying as hell
Maybe I'm an idiot but I can't figure out how to search for threads by a specific user? Before you would scroll down to the bottom of the posts tab and there would be "threads by this user" under "posts by this user," but now there's only "see more" and it only shows posts. Also the about tab used to have those as well, now totally missing.
Is their anyway to browse an authors threads cause I can't find that option?
It's in a dropdown on the author's profile. Click the Find \/ button.

Edit, CORRECTION I could not find a way to get to all my followed Threads, I outright had to manually type https://forum.questionablequesting.com/watched/threads?unread=0 into my HTML Nav bar! is that intentional?
Hit the Unread X filter at the top of the list.

Linking an image with the "Insert image" button doesn't seem to work, just showed a missing image thingie afterwards, had to edit to "Insert media"
*sees other people mentioning image breaks* hold on, let me try this...
It's Imgur, and that host hasn't worked for months and months. Kinda funny people all coming out now not realizing these are old issues totally unrelated to XF2. Only reason why the Insert Link option kinda works is it creates this ugly embed for Imgur instead (which doesn't actually show the image on mobile because it's so bloated). Just switch to a different host that won't delete your stuff, like IBB or PostImage.

EDIT: Also, despite what I remember reading on this thread, stealth edit seem to still be a thing?
EDIT 2: Though the window is really small.
Window must be really small, but I'm not super against it either.
A private Discord server that only I could access has been my go-to for that for a while, but apparently there's been issues with that recently.
That would be discord enforcing a 24hr limit on external links. Luckily nothing has been deleted, so you can just paste in any links there and it will retrieve the image. Use a different host.
Is their anyway to browse an authors threads cause I can't find that option?

Only if you go to their profile page... which isn't always possible.
I figured out a workaround for this. If you got to the search button, change the search location to either "threads" or "everywhere" select the "titles and first posts only" option and then type their username into the "by" section, you can find the threads they've started.
Window must be really small, but I'm not super against it either.
It's less than one minute currently (used to be 5), I've pulled it off once so far (on this thread, actually) when I realized I forgot a word in one of my posts and just typed in in really quickly.
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One of the things I liked on the old style was that the number of pages on a thread appeared under it's name. It let me know more or less the length of the story and how much engagement it was getting.
I do read mainly on mobile, so I don't know if this is also an issue on the desktop version.
Dropping in from being very busy with other stuff. But the style thing I'm sure will be sorted sooner rather than later. The page format stuff, no idea whether that's feasible but I guess we'll see.

One thing that is vital to me. Need m'tabs back. My formatting tabs. I would very much like for the formatting I spent a stupid amount of time working on and wrestling with to work again. That would be very very nice.
I can't comprehend the complaints that describe the badness of the current UI in terms of 'It's too much like SB/SV now', because that's like...kinda wrong actually IMO. The ways this UI sucks are completely different from any complaints I might have about those forums, and SB and SV have far, far better, more ergonomic UI than the default XF2. Please mug xon and steal the UI for one of those sites out of his pockets if it gets the UI here unshittened sooner /s

Also in the dark theme the moment you scroll down the what's new and members dropdown buttons get very slightly wider than when you're at the top of the page.
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Is it possible to get the old dark theme again? I prefer the old one over what we have now.
I can't comprehend the complaints that describe the badness of the current UI in terms of 'It's too much like SB/SV now', because that's like...kinda wrong actually IMO. The ways this UI sucks are completely different from any complaints I might have about those forums, and SB and SV have far, far better, more ergonomic UI than the default XF2. Please mug xon and steal the UI for one of those sites out of his pockets if it gets the UI here unshittened sooner /s

Also in the dark theme the moment you scroll down the what's new and members dropdown buttons get very slightly wider than when you're at the top of the page.
*Blinks again*
They broke your avatar. How am I supposed to watch the ears twitch now?
I mean, yes, I can click it and then click the one in your profile, but it's not the same…
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It is nice to see that even as the complaints are rolling in that changes are being made.

Because when the site first came up, there wasn't the possibility of adding in cover pages for threads, but that feature is here now. So keep up the good work. Things are improving, and I am happy to see it continuing to improve.
And it's not a quirk. I got logged out automatically. Or Kicked, either or. Not even after 24 hours, it just happened randomly.
And it's not a quirk. I got logged out automatically. Or Kicked, either or. Not even after 24 hours, it just happened randomly.
That one happened to me maybe five minutes after logging in the first time on xf2, it hasn't happened since. Not yet, anyway, and I've been on for about 12 hours at this point.
On mobile whenever I go to a post and click a the threadmark tab, and then click threadmark # , I get navigated to that threadmark, and then slignhshotted back to the top of the screen. It's incredible annoying
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One of the things I liked on the old style was that the number of pages on a thread appeared under it's name. It let me know more or less the length of the story and how much engagement it was getting.
I do read mainly on mobile, so I don't know if this is also an issue on the desktop version.
On desktop, not an issue afaict.

On mobile, and assuming you're reading it in portrait-mode, turning the phone 90 degrees so it's in landscape-mode will reveal the numbers bar.
I've made a few posts before but uhhh, yeah here again

What's with making everything on click instead of on hover?
Why does Forums/What's new have an arrow down but profile name/messages/alerts does not even though they also have menus?

Not a big deal, but do try to keep the design consistent please

As a side note on a possible improvement
Why is there no menu/link to Writing and NSFW Writing ????

The only features I use on QQ are Watched Threads, Alerts and NSFW Writing (and seeing likes because I'm an attention whore)
Watched Threads and Alerts have become more tedious and annoying to use, and NSFW Writing is literally the same with no improvement as I still have to go to the front page like before

Basically, this upgrade is a downgrade with too much empty space in the design and more time waste to navigate

... ...
Checked out the front page to compare the themes and see if there were differences, got distracted
Why exactly is a forum statistics needed at the right side on the front page, when it already exists in the footer?
Again with the social media sharing

Why not have a basic 2 column (or rows) grid and fill out the blank space in the middle instead of having a long scrollbar for this stuff in the side???

... Am I just going crazy?
I don't think the old page had such huge empty gaps of nothing

It feels like at least 2 people worked on different parts of the site without ever talking to each other ending up with different design in places and doubles of several parts for no reason
Has the size of the QQ icon-slash-link to main page at the upper-leftmost corner been mentioned yet? Cause it's like 50x50 pixels rn and that's inconvenient.
I'm not receiving alerts from watched threads. Any solution?
*Blinks again*
They broke your avatar. How am I supposed to watch the ears twitch now?
I mean, yes, I can click it and then click the one in your profile, but it's not the same…
Yeah unlike XF1 XF2 properly filters out gifs even in the profile instead of just limiting the filesize and taking a single frame of gifs that exceed it. It's a tragedy I knew was coming eventually.

Or rather, it seems to be that the original gif is 100x100 pixels and the version that displays on the site is 96x96...

Edit: Nope, downscaling to a 96px version doesn't fix it.
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Yeah unlike XF1 XF2 properly filters out gifs even in the profile instead of just limiting the filesize and taking a single frame of gifs that exceed it. It's a tragedy I knew was coming eventually.
Their cute twitches shall be missed.
Or rather, it seems to be that the original gif is 100x100 pixels and the version that displays on the site is 96x96...

Why does that make this worse?
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Please make the posted text the same white as it is in the comment box - having it turn gray, especially on the Dark style makes it a little hard to read, even more so if you're in a brightly lit area squinting at a phone or computer screen

Then make clickable links the slightly gray color instead

*swaps to XenForo Default*
Mmmm...the pain, it is a good pain
It would indeed be nice if the text in comments isn't a shade of grey, on another shade of gray.
The randomly scrolling up that's happening on mobile is annoying as hell. It seems to default to images as well so that may be part of why it's doing that.
Got sick of the reply being below users viewing the thread, if you're using firefox and install stylus, you can import this to fix the ordering for now. I also think this might work for stylish in chrome.

[... Code ...]

Edit: At least for xenforo default, no clue about the other themes.

If a thread has a poll, the Users viewing, reply, and similar thread sections will be put on top of the posts/messages.
Absolutely need a better dark mode theme. The current grey-on-grey is only readable if you turn up the brightness - which defeats most of the *point* of the dark theme. Needs to be an option where the text is *white*.
Alert Emails should go back to including the full contents, though I know that might bd more difficult to implement.
Reader mode as 30 vs 10 is annoying for me mid-story, but not a huge deal. It would however be a lot better if the theme emphasized the threadmark forward and back buttons, the way the old Dark mode did.

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