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This is a story about a man taken from his universe while relaxing and playing CODM just to end...


Getting some practice in, huh?
Apr 28, 2024
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This is a story about a man taken from his universe while relaxing and playing CODM just to end up in another world connected with a system that allows him to multiply anything in his inventory infinitely every 24 hours, but oh no, don't think that there is no limitation, that shall be the end of a good story as you know it. Come try me if you will

This world follows a certain concept from Solo Leveling, which is the dungeons, but they aren't regular dungeons, the dungeons contain certain worlds inside them, be it Marvel or DC Comics, The Emminence in Shadow, or One Piece.

[Gura Gura No Mi has been deposited in an inventory box, the count down to being multiplied has started, 24:00:00...]

24hrs later

[Gura Gura No Mi has been multiplied by 100x, the inventory box is full, host, please distribute the Gura Gura No Mi to the other inventory boxes to be multiplied in the next 24hrs}


This is an Original Fanfic made by Chibaku_mon (New Pen-name)
The updates will begin in the next few weeks (By June)
1 Chapter is released every 4 days
Patreon will be up soon as well
Chapter 1: What's Going On?
Nautious and disoriented, this was what Tevin felt as he surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings

"Where the hell am I? What's going on?" Tevin was confused as just a moment ago he was at home playing CODM trying his hardest to rank up to Grandmaster so he could show off to Zackery, who had been his best friend from high school. They were both highly competitive friends who would try to best each other at everything, especially when it comes to games.

As he was beginning a ranked match, waiting for the countdown to end, the phone that was in his hand suddenly shone a bright light, blinding him momentarily, so to protect himself, Tevin instinctively closed his eyes and protected them with his other free hand.

But the next second the light seemed to have disappeared leaving him in his current condition, feeling like he just went on a super fast rollercoaster ride unprepared and without seatbelts, the feeling of wanting to throw up was overwhelming.

Tevin first sat down on the cold floor that looked to have been made of tile, but his house didn't seem to have been tiled and was instead made of wood, but his condition gave him no time to ponder over it more

Five minutes had passed and Tevin began to feel much better, so he got off the floor and looked around, he found that he was in a room of moderate size, decorated around with a work desk in the left corner of the room with a computer on it with some office utensils.

A twin-sized bed was in the corner opposite the desk with its sheets all messed up as if someone had just had a scary nightmare and rolled around as if trying to escape it, while a closet was on the right side of the room beside the door that seems to lead to a bathroom

Another door was on a wall that Tevin guessed was the exit to this small 'apartment' which was without a kitchen.

"What happened, and why am I in this unfamiliar place? Is someone pulling a prank on me and recording it? OK, Ha-Ha Very funny, get out now, I've discovered your stupid prank"


"Hey, I said get out, your prank isn't very funny, kidnapping people is a capital offense and you could get arrested if I reported it you know"


There was still no answer, all he was met with was silence. This was exactly the time when Tevin became more anxious and panicky, he had thought the situation of him waking up in an unfamiliar environment, feeling disoriented and nauseous was a prank from his friend, as Zackery was also known to be a giant prankster who would do almost anything to get a laugh out of it

"I'm starting to feel that this isn't a prank, but who brought me here, and why would they do that? but now that I think about it, didn't my phone flash a bright light when I was about to play CODM to rank up, could it be that..."

Tevin was cut off from the rest of his thoughts when a loud ringing notification bell sound rang in his head, making him jump in fright, then at the same time, a mechanical somewhat feminine voice sounded out.

[Ding, Essence completely Integrated, the system has started its operations]

[Greetings Tevin Scott, I am the Infinite Multiplier Inventory System, IMIS for short, I am bound to your very essence to aid you until our existence is no more, I was created as a result of the energy bleed of the infinite dimensions pooling together in the Overvoid, The vast and boundless energy that was leaked made what I was, I had no purpose or use, as the infinite dimensions where doing fine managing and maintaining the balance between themselves, I decided that I would choose a host to become my master, no matter what they were, so I sent a minuscule strand of my core essence to find a suitable host at random in the infinite dimensions so that I may establish a purpose, and I found it at last, which was serving you Tevin, my Host, and master.]

[My power and form were derived from your innermost wanted wish and memory, which was to never run out of items in your inventory, I took that wish and molded mine and your very essence together to create what we are, but I regret to tell you that when I was merging our essences, your body that was from your previous earth died and I had to create a new one for you, but the problem is that... this dimension/universe we are currently in is not your previous dimension, and I can't forcefully bring you back to your previous dimension as I'm not sure of the coordinates as what I sent out was but a strand of my essence and now that we have merged the rules of the Overvoid are binding me]

"Wha.. What the fuck, you..you're a system, like those Novels I used to read, this is crazy, absolutely crazy, what in the world is going on? I.. I need a minute"

Tevin was having a mental breakdown unable to believe what he had just heard, His original body was killed so his essence could merge with this system, collectively named IMIS, this was a crazy day and everything was happening so fast

Tevin went over to the bed in the room and sat on it, as felt that if he didn't he might just faint while standing up

He slowly began to process the words of IMIS and started to calm down

After a long while of pondering Tevin had a firm look in eyes and started to communicate with IMIS, talking with the system in his head.



Ok guys, please give me some ideas of what I can include in this world, as I plan for this Novel to have a concept similar to Solo leveling, but the big difference would be that the dungeons instead of having monsters inside, it would contain whole worlds themselves, like:

One Piece / SSS-class Trash-hero / King's Avatar / DC comics
The Emminence in Shadow / Overlord / Marvel MCU / Fairy Tail
Demon Lord Retry / Daily life of the Immortal King / Bleach

Those above are what I've watched or read before and I have basic knowledge about them. So you guys can type in the paragraph/Chapter comments section which you would like, or you can recommend a Novel/Manga/Manhwa/Comic/Anime/Cartoon you would like to see, but please not Naruto or Dragon Ball (I have only watched those in a mixed up way, I'll see episode 1 today and episode 23 tomorrow and then the next day it's back to episode 2)
Last edited:
Chapter 2: Taking a look into the past New
I need ideas for the world where the MC will first start, please don't make it an overpowered verse, even cartoons/Manga will be fine (If I know them) just know what I'm doing is basically destroying the plot and creating a new one (A little).
"So basically, you're telling me that when my phone shone a bright light, it was you who appeared, trying to merge our souls or essences or whatever it was, in the process also killing my former body?" Tevin said somewhat speechlessly.

[Yes, host, I'm truly sorry for such an unprecedented accident happening to you, but I promise and assure you that I will never leave you... as that is impossible without killing both of us, that is. Hahaha.]

IMIS gave her apologies seriously but was trying to lighten the mood with a small joke, hoping Tevin wouldn't be too depressed or angry.


(IMIS will now be called a she, as it took on the personality of a female because of Tevin's preference for females.)

IMIS... no, even before 'it' was named as such, her sentience was formed in the Overvoid a very long time ago that she even witnessed most of the infinite number of dimensions being created, destroyed, or even being merged to create something miraculous. During all this time, IMIS was all alone; she had no purpose unlike the other dimensions, well, other than gathering and absorbing the bleeding energies of the infinite dimensions.

IMIS observed the infinite dimensions, seeing that within them, life was abundant; everyone had a purpose, and as a sentient being, she was not without emotions.

She wanted to be like the other dimensions but in her own unique way. She was determined to establish a purpose for herself. She gathered all the energy that composed what she was and then separated a minuscule fragment of her essence to travel through the myriad dimensions to find a host, a vessel where she would find purpose.

That minuscule fragment of IMIS traveled beyond what numbers could describe. The distance it traveled was beyond astronomical, and the amount of dimensions it went through was no joke. She surveyed and analyzed beings of all kinds.

There were beings resembling humans with animal features; there were humans themselves, and there were dimensions that she went through where there is only one sentence that could describe its inhabitants: 'Abominations of Madness.'

The number of species in the infinite dimensions was enumerable and unable to be counted even if one was an immortal and given time.

But on the journey through this specific dimension, she chanced upon a planet that seemed to have humans as its dominant species. Seeing it as a next world to be searched, the fragment went head first toward a large landmass that was in the upper western hemisphere.

IMIS went around doing what she normally would, as this planet wasn't all that special or different from other planets or dimensions she had visited. It even seemed primitive compared to the last few planets she'd been to.

While scanning the individuals on the planet, IMIS learned that this planet's name was Earth. She realized that this place was quite popular, as almost every dimension has a planet called Earth or has a name synonymous with Earth, such as Terra, Blue Pole star, Blue Star, etc.

She analyzed individuals all over the Earth by any means possible with a speed faster than light itself. She started in Canada, to Greenland, to Europe, to Africa, and others, then finally, she ended up in the Caribbean where she had finally found what she was looking for.

"THE PERFECT VESSEL" IMIS was elated with joy. She had been searching relentlessly and analyzing the individuals of their respective dimensions to find some sort of compatibility, but it seemed that there was no such person.

But she still had hope; the amount of Dimensions in the Overvoid was nigh infinite (for only the OVERVOID was INFINITE). She just had to search some more, and she would succeed, even if it took her a Trillion human years.

And she finally found it, her purpose, Tevin Scott, a 22-year-old man from the Jamaican Caribbean island. Tevin became an orphan at the age of 15 because his mother developed lung cancer due to her smoking addiction. She died, leaving Tevin alone in the world with no father, sibling, or relative to turn to. In addition, the orphanage system of the country wasn't good.

He did side jobs to send himself to high school so that he could get an education to get somewhere in life. It worked out in a way that he could have never imagined. Tevin and his best friend started writing novels and posting them online to garner attention so people could support them financially as freelance authors.

Both Tevin and his friend were anime and novel enthusiasts. They would meet every weekend to binge different anime genres and to scout potential waifus, as they were 'Men of Culture.'
They would also play CODM together on a daily basis so that they could compete with each other to see who would get the most kills in each match, or they would 1v1 each other to see who had the better sniper skills. They would watch YouTubers such as 'IFerg' or 'RushSenpai' to learn from them so they could improve their skills.

IMIS reviewed all of Tevin's memories in the blink of an eye and found her host somewhat funny and strange.

IMIS being satisfied and pleased that she found the purpose she had been looking for started to merge their essences, but she realized too late that Tevin's body couldn't handle the stress of the merging process and died.

She had no other option but to recreate a body for him, but it couldn't be in this dimension as the Overvoid has strong restrictions on such normal dimensions which had little to no supernatural events, other than a few naturally strong species inhabiting them.

But she carefully considered what dimension would best fit Tevin, and from his memories, she found the best option. A dimension where multiple realities interconnect in a special way.

She created an identity for Tevin and then formed his body, but her work wasn't finished as she wanted herself and Tevin to become 'ONE.' She took a deeper dive into Tevin's Essence to unearth his deepest desire, what she found was 'To never run out of items in my inventory.'

She took that desire and began to mold her core to embody that desire. She took inspiration from the games Tevin played and became what Tevin is seeing now, 'A System' like one of the novel protagonists.
Back to the present.

"So that's how it is. I'm surprised and shocked that I was chosen out of the trillions of beings in the different dimensions, and I'm not angry at you for what you have done. Being so lonely for so long without a purpose or anyone to talk to must have been agonizing. It's just a shame that I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to Zackery; he must be pissed that I died. Haha."

[Thank you, Tevin; that means a lot to me. Loneliness is a condition worse than death; it is a torture within itself that would drive the most antisocial of us crazy, and I was no exception. As for your friend, I apologize for that as well, as there is nothing I can do about that.]

"Water under the bridge. I now just hope to live a fulfilling life in this new world you brought me to, even with its craziness, and I'm sure by the end of the day, me and you will be the best of friends."

[Thank you; that would be awesome!]

"So, IMIS, can you tell me what you can do?" Tevin was super excited after overcoming his

Overcoming his turbulent emotions from dying and being transmigrated, he wanted to know the abilities IMIS possessed and which she gave him access to.

[Host, I possess...]

- End Of Chapter, To be Continued -
Honestly I don't usually comment but the lack of support for a novel concert is pretty grating, but I honestly don't have an immediate world pop into my head. Maybe darker than black would be interesting to see where you take it? DxD is a classic of fanfic though and is also a good choice, personally I think the first world should be something you want to write and that suggestions should come after that first world, but that's just my 2 cents. Either way I'd really like to see where you take this as I haven't seen a similar fic use an idea like this.

Sorry for the rant hope it helps even a little bit
Honestly I don't usually comment but the lack of support for a novel concert is pretty grating, but I honestly don't have an immediate world pop into my head. Maybe darker than black would be interesting to see where you take it? DxD is a classic of fanfic though and is also a good choice, personally I think the first world should be something you want to write and that suggestions should come after that first world, but that's just my 2 cents. Either way I'd really like to see where you take this as I haven't seen a similar fic use an idea like this.

Sorry for the rant hope it helps even a little bit
Thank you for your comment and suggestion, I'll take it into consideration
Chapter 3: What is this World? New
Tevin was excited about what abilities IMIS had to offer. Which person wouldn't be excited about such a thing? Being so fortunate as to be the 'ONLY' person throughout the infinite dimensions IMIS was compatible with, and with how she described herself, Tevin was sure she was a force to be reckoned with.

Imagine yourself, a mundane human, a regular everyday normal mother trucker, getting an opportunity such as this. If any Fanfic or Novel reader had such an opportunity, they'd go crazy with excitement and joy.

[Host Tevin, you can open the data panel by saying 'Scan' in your mind or out loud, the choice is yours.]

'Scan,' Tevin recited the words in his mind because he wanted to get used to talking to IMIS without actually opening his mouth, as talking out loud to nobody in particular would make him appear mentally ill to the people around him.

[Infinite Multiplier Inventory System]





[Status - This function shows you a Heads-Up Display (HUD) of your current condition, Tier, skills, abilities, and all the basic information about your body.]

[Inventory - This function shows the list of items, weapons, armor, consumables, and other gear that the Host is carrying. It also includes the options to equip, use, or manage/sort items. This Inventory works similarly to the game Minecraft that the host has played before; in the inventory, there are an infinite number of boxes that can store items. The limitation is that one inventory box can only hold up to a hundred (100) of the 'SAME' exact item. The special function of the Inventory is that it multiplies the items in each item box to their max capacity, which was stated before '100' every 24 hours.]

[Map - This function shows a map of the world, showing the Host's current location, the areas that have been explored, and the people around him. This map works similarly to the regular Google map but can also not only mark places but living individuals, and items to track them.]

[??? - LOCKED. You have to reach a certain level of strength to unlock this function.]

"What? There's no shop? Well, I guess that's fine. The power alone that IMIS has is already overpowered. Imagine having a shop function and then putting those items in the inventory to multiply. In two days at most, I'd have more than 10,000 copies of that said item. Truly Overpowered."

Tevin was really excited about the prospects of IMIS's ability to multiply anything. The only drawbacks were it took 24 hours to multiply, and he couldn't store or multiply things that were living, but the latter he didn't consider too much of a drawback because tell me what reason does he have to multiply living things? (A/N: He's gonna regret this later.)

[Yes host, the reason I don't have the shop function is because of the rules imposed on me by the Overvoid. It allowed me only to grant your innermost wanted wish and a special gift, which is the function of the system that is currently locked. I cannot say what it is as it is a rule from the Overvoid. Only when you reach a certain threshold in strength will it be unlocked. You can use it as a motivation to get stronger as well.]

"Well, that's a bummer. Guess I'll just have to get super strong then. But the problem now is how do I get stronger? I almost know nothing about this world I'm in. Hey, IMIS, could you explain?"

[Okay, Tevin, This is a dimension I chose specially for you after I went through your memories. You liked almost all works of fiction, be it Anime, Manga, Manhua, Manhwa, Comics, Movies, and Novels. This dimension was created not too long ago with multiple dimensions merging. This is most known as a singularity dimension. You won't find another one like it.]

[This dimension took Earth as its center of attention, its mainstay of events as you may call it. This dimension is a fusion of all the works of fiction you know and unknown to. The way it decided to let the verses interact is through a special Space-Time wormhole called a dungeon. When these dungeons appear, the beings within them are free to roam in and out of it as they see fit. The only saving grace is that these dungeons integrate into the world slowly, so the truly powerful verses are currently not present, but it is just a matter of time before they appear. The benefit of these verses appearing on Earth is that the Earth is strengthened with each verse that gets anchored to it.]

(A/N: I'm going to call Earth 'Main World' so don't be confused.)

[But there are some rules and limitations that are imposed on these verses. The first is that once someone enters the verse from the Main world, the rules of that verse will apply to that person. An example of this is that if Saitama enters the main world and decides to go to a different verse where there are no supernatural events (Regular or slice of life), the rules of that verse would impose a heavy restriction on his strength, while he still would be powerful it would only be to a level as just above the strongest person to ever live in that said verse.]

[The second limitation is that the beings who enter from these verses into the main world are warned by the will of the world to not cause too much destruction to the world, lest they will be banned from the main world, never to enter the dimensional wormhole.]

[The last thing I have to say about the main world is that it comes with its benefit to the verses and its own inhabitants. The advantage it gives is that anyone who lives in the main world or has entered the main world will be given the potential to grow infinitely, either it be in strength, speed, intellect, skills, or abilities. This doesn't mean that just anyone can breeze through getting stronger or better, it just means that the natural limit of each verse is removed once an individual enters the main world once.]

IMIS had finished explaining all the important details she knew to Tevin so that he could have a deeper grasp of the situation he had to deal with.


[Tevin, are you okay? Did what I said confuse you?]

IMIS was worried that Tevin was frightened by what she had just explained to him and was trying to comfort him.

"Sorry, IMIS, I was just contemplating what you just explained. You said this is a newly formed dimension which was a merger of multiple dimensions that could prove to be from multiple works of fiction from my past life, right?"

[Yes, host,] IMIS answered without any hesitation.

"If so be the case, then this is going to be bloody exciting! Imagine me having spars with my favorite characters from the different fictional verses and getting stronger just to surpass them and then to fight the villains of those said verses. My blood is already pumping just thinking about it."

Tevin was imagining all sorts of situations where he would find himself in the future, but all of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door that was the entrance and exit to his small apartment.


"Hello, anyone home? I came to drop off a delivery from Pizza Hut, for 2 large Pepperoni pizza." A young male voice sounded outside the door, seemingly a food delivery driver.

"Oh, did I order food? Well, it came at the right time; I'm starving." Tevin didn't think too much about it and got up to open the door to collect the pizza.


-To be Continued-

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