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A Symphony of Ice and Fire (HOTD/The Ice Dragon)


It seems like Rhaenyra and Syrax might fly to Harrenhal at end of Season 2 of HOTD. But she and her family also might fly to the Isle of Faces first in this altered timeline instead. Depending on what Adara says and if the Raven wants to meet them to make sure that they understand the gravity of the situation before it's too late. According to some sources I read, God's Eye is around 100 hundred miles wide, and most travelers prefer to walk around the lake than travel by boat across it. The Andals have never managed to conquer it at all. I think it's very much a case of the Green Men pushing people away with their magic. If strong winds and flocks of ravens don't turn them, then I bet there are wolves and bears and more waiting in the forest for them. Just eyeballing it, the Isle of Faces seems comparable to Dragonstone, so fairly large. Combine the superstitions surrounding it with a very hostile environment, and it makes sense why the island would be avoided.


"It is the unemotional, reserved, calm, detached warrior⚔️ who wins ♟️, not the hothead seeking vengeance and not the ambitious seeker of fortune." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
"When your enemies defy you, you must serve them ⚔️ steel and fire 🔥 . When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you. And any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king at all." — Tywin Lannister
"Law 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for: In victory, learn when to stop. The moment of victory 🏆 is often the moment of greatest peril ☠️. In the heat of victory 🏆 , arrogance and overconfidence can push you past the goal you had 🎯 aimed for, and by going too far, you make more enemies than you defeat. There is no substitute for strategy ♟️ and careful planning. Set a goal, and when you reach it, stop." — Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.
"He who relies solely on warlike⚔️measures shall be ☠️ exterminated; he who relies solely on peaceful measures shall perish." — Sun Tzu
"Napoleon advised: Place your iron hand✊inside a velvet glove." — Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.
"Justice ⚖️ without force ⚔️ is powerless♟️; force without justice ⚖️ is tyrannical." — Blaise Pascal
Damn, I'd thought it'd be Aemond. I think once he and Luke hear the FMC's origin story that he would approve of what Frostsinger had done to Adara's village after their betrayal. He would've done the same thing in his place. Out of all the Targs, I think Aemond is one of the few people who can empathize with her the most. Empathize. Not sympathize. There's a crucial difference: sympathy is acknowledging someone else's pain, but empathy is choosing to feel the pain with them. Sympathy is a feeling of sincere concern for someone. Empathy involves stepping into that person's shoes to actively share in their emotional experience. He will be shocked to learn and realize that Adara was always more of a loner and outcast than he himself ever was. And will understand and respect the bond and love she has with Frostsinger. To him, Vhagar is his truest friend and closest companion as well.

So, what the Raven's saying is that the boys are sorta more or less share parallels with Renly and Stannis or Aenys and Maegor in this case. One is too meek and sensitive while the other is too stern, ruthless and hardheaded. Aemond, like Maegor, was made of fun for not being able to bond with a dragon, but when he did bond with one, it was with the largest dragon of that time. Also similar to Maegor, Aemond wants the throne for himself, because they both saw themselves as more competent than their brother. He is also hot-tempered and unforgiving, and craves violence. And both had a sorceress as a lover (which I'm not entirely sure will happen in this story or not but we'll see). Though, I'm also guessing that one of the reasons why Vhagar chose Aemond as her rider and vice versa could be that he has something in him that reminds her of Visenya who I don't like as a character (she was a bitch. A badass bitch but an arrogant one all the same. Like Cersei, she'd been willfully blind to her brutish son's faults and encouraged them. Even after he became crazier after that head injury accident like Henry VII) but it's kinda understandable.
Aemond is also kinda like her in some ways. But she only understood the stick while her siblings Aegon I and Rhaenys both knew how to win Lords to their side with the carrot and thus create reasons to kneel - however if you merely bring just Fire and Blood to table then well those against you have nothing to lose. After all of Maegor's killing. His reign ended with him facing long odds on a civil war. And while he had killed thousands there were still men willing to fight him to the bitter end. This's a trait he got from his mother because his father the Conqueror knew when to help a kneeling man back to his feet. I don't what she was thinking in regards to Maegor's behavior.

But if I had to guess: a lot of it was influenced by arrogant Targaryen exceptionalism. Moms often already think the sun comes up every day just for their boy. Try adding the belief that you and your children are the blood of gods. She's the one of the architects of almost all the fear, pain and suffering that's engulfed half the realm for nearly a decade before Maegor's death. They were both inflexible except she knew when to stop and he didn't. He relied too much on fear and force to ensure the absolute fealty and submission of those whom he presumed to rule. While his brother Aenys depended too much on kindness and love only. That being said, I don't think Aemond is completely like Maegor or Visenya. Nor is he totally like Daemon despite certain similarities. But he does share more than a few of their traits. Anyway, Adara has stopped him and Luke from becoming kinslayers and has to now figure out a way to heal the bad blood between them and their factions which is easier said than done. But she isn't going to tolerate their foolish pride and stupidity. She'll make them and the rest of the Targaryens cooperate one or the other. By the way, I was getting the giggles when I saw how Aemond got scared by Adara's silent rage in the last chapter. Lol, I can already see her having him on a tight leash by the time she's through

I'm not saying it won't be that Aemond won't be building a rapport or relationship with Adara, in the same way that I won't say that he WILL.

Right now, neither Luke or Aemond can be the Fire to Adara's Ice in the great song. Neither of them are fit, but that doesn't mean they're immediately out of the running in terms of communication.

They alone will not be enough to beat the war, but that doesn't mean they won't have major roles to play as will other Targs in the future.

As for more personal bonds to our Winterchild, I suppose we'll see who connects to who.
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Adara went to speak against that, for those words meant nothing to her, but the raven did not let her draw breath for it.

"Aid will come. The witch of rivers and the daring will answer when the call of blood rises, and the debt of vengeful youth must at last be settled."
As she ran, the crows began to howl and disperse, a great cloud of black feathers and sharp words howling around and for her in a way that she would never forget for as long as she lived.

"Stop them. Save them. Make them bow. You must, you must, you must."
On the other end of the God's Eye, deep in the bowels of the monstrous Harrenhall, a witch awoke from her slumber.

Alys Rivers, the bastard daughter of Lyonel Strong, roused and blinked up at the bricked roof of her chambers in stunned disbelief.

Once, twice, three times.

Then she threw back her head and laughed, long and deep and loud, the mad cry ringing through the halls of Harren's Folly in a way nothing had and ever would again.
I'm not saying it won't be that Aemond won't be building a rapport or relationship with Adara, in the same way that I won't say that he WILL.

Right now, neither Luke or Aemond can be the Fire to Adara's Ice in the great song. Neither of them are fit, but that doesn't mean they're immediately out of the running in terms of communication.

They alone will not be enough to beat the war, but that doesn't mean they won't have major roles to play as will other Targs in the future.

As for more personal bonds to our Winterchild, I suppose we'll see who connects to who.

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth." — African Proverb
"Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." — Plato

To clarify, I imagine that the relationship between Aemond and Adara will just form and grow to be platonic. Because I don't think he's attracted to females who are younger than him. According to the canon and the trailer I saw last night. I doubt he's a pedo like Daemon. Also, I know that he is not fit to be the Fire to her Ice. Neither is Luke. Since, he's too volatile and Lucerys is too meek and insecure. I doubt that the One-Eyed Prince would ever be considered the male version of Daenerys. He has a lot of bitterness and anger inside him. Obviously, he never thought an eye was a fair exchange for a dragon. He was just trying to stop his mother from doing something that would result in his father killing her. Especially if his father had no qualms with Rhaenyra's threats of torture against his son for speaking the truth (that's what Rhaenyra wanted to be done to Aemond in the books. Even though, he was just a child. Like Aegon II, she's not fit to be a good ruler. Unlike Rhaenyra, I think Aegon is already aware of the fact that he never was suited for throne and that he isn't a good person. He could've been if it wasn't for all the neglect and abuse he got from his parents. Unlike his elder sister, he doesn't make too many excuses for his actions). Aemond only became a "monster" when he realized his father would never defend or look out for him. Sure, Alicent did her best to defend him, but she had no real power. He learned a hard lesson in that the only one who could defend him was himself, which he proved when he became a force of nature by training with Cole who was really the only person that he probably looked up to as a father figure. Anyways, I look forward to dialogue between him and the FMC after he fully recovers from his injuries.

As for the rest of the young male Targs. Joffrey, Aegon the Younger, Viserys II, Jaehaerys, and Maelor are all obviously too young for her. Which means that my bet rests on either Jace or Daeron. They're both closer to her age. Though, I'm leaning more towards the Daring because Jace is already betrothed to Baela and I don't believe he's immune to fire due to his Strong blood. I'm not sure about Daeron either because his mom is a Hightower (her family may've wielded magic once upon a time before they were assimilated by the Andals. And them and other Houses such as the Daynes may possibly claim descent from the Empire of the Dawn or Garth Greenhand but it's been too long. Well, who knows. Daeron's Targaryen blood might've already awakened the First Men magic that lies dormant within his Hightower genes or not). Also, Daeron is a fairly kind, clever, and humble guy. Definitely the best among Alicent's sons. And honestly? The best among all of Viserys' kids (barring Helaena). Too bad, he was Alicent's third son. If Daeron was her eldest son then that throne would have been his. Or at the very least, Rhaenyra would have a tough time trying to defeat him. Because he's at least someone you can support for a reason beyond his so-called "birthright". I think one of main reasons for this is because he didn't receive the constant pressure that Alicent and Otto put on his older brothers that the Iron Throne should go to them instead of Rhaenyra. And as a result, he is considered the gentlest and most honorable of Alicent's sons. If Daeron isn't the Fire to Adara's Ice then I look forward to seeing who is.

In the book, he's described as being by far the nicest and most humble of Alicent's sons, sincerely grieving for his father Viserys upon his death and treating his troops with respect and giving them and his dragon credit when given direct praise and trying to stop the sack of Tumbleton. He was also far more popular among the people than his brothers. Though of course he had his limits, resenting Rhaenyra's sons for being ahead of his brothers and him and the succession line despite most likely being bastards, and exacting brutal revenge on the people of Bitterbridge for the brutal murder of his nephew Maelor. But he was horrified when Tumbleton met a similar fate, and tried his hardest to stop the murder, looting, and rape of the innocent townsfolk. Unfortunately, the Two Betrayers were running the show at that point, and had dragons much bigger than Tessarion. In comparison to his brothers, Daeron is much more stoic and observant and a surprisingly competent military commander and is quite vengeful (considering his response to Maelor's death). To the extent that Daeron had been considered the biggest threat to Rhaenyra's brief reign over King's Landing in the canon.

Also, I feel like if he and Jaecaerys were not intentionally pitted against each other, they could have been best friends. Because both of them are good in politics and great warriors, if they were friends and fought on the same side then they would be unstoppable. Just like Robb Stark and Jon Snow (and I'm talking about the book versions. Not the show. The showrunners had made Robb and Jon's characters look totally naive and stupid). I have always thought that Targaryens see themselves as gods...so they are insecure when they find out that they are just people like everybody else but Jace and Daeron would have been good kings if either of them had ascended the throne. Though, Daeron and Addam of Hull are both characterized more as followers rather than leaders (Daeron as the youngest son of a very ambitious family, Addam as a legitimized bastard of a shipwright's daughter. As a result, the both of them have chips on their shoulders, desperate to prove themselves), and despite their bravery, remained loyal to their faction leaders despite seeing proof that Rhaenyra and Aegon/Aemond were horrible people. In hindsight, I think that may be one of the reasons why the Three Eyed Raven is likely behind-the-scenes nudging and creating events that will place Prince Daeron the Daring into the position of becoming Adara's ally when the right time comes.

Anyway, the Three-Eyed Raven intends for Alys Rivers and Daeron to be among the the first of Adara's allies in her rise to power. Because she needs people who can help her in finishing her mission faster and teach her on how Westeros works (though I doubt she'll care about Westeros's patriarchy and won't let anyone put her in a dress or tell her what to do just because she's a girl. She's done being passive). She's still new to this land and era that she's recently found herself in. But I don't think that she will have any patience nor tolerance for the petty politics and squabbles of these royals and nobles who do nothing but plot and backstab each other and care nothing for the lives of their smallfolk who become nothing but collateral damage as a result of their feuds and schemes. In short, she and Frostsinger will smash their precious game of thrones to pieces. Not just the Others.

Also, the Raven's manipulating everybody like pieces on his 4D chessboard and is obviously maneuvering the Winterchild towards a position of dominance and power that she doesn't desire nor care for. He's giving her all the advantages she requires to make the Targs bend to her will and unite the whole realm against the coming threat quickly. Because they're all running out of time. As of now, she only cares about Frostsinger at this point. Yet, it almost looks like the Raven's also trying to give her a new family (despite the fact that things didn't turn out well with her last one) which might turn out to be a side effect of his plotting in the future. Alys definitely has been informed by the Raven on what's happening and what's exactly at stake. And she so far seems to be stunned and amused by the entire situation. I look forward to seeing her and Adara meet.

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"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth." — African Proverb
"Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." — Plato

To clarify, I imagine that the relationship between Aemond and Adara will just form and grow to be platonic. Because I don't think he's attracted to females who are younger than him. According to the canon and the trailer I saw last night. I doubt he's a pedo like Daemon. Also, I know that he is not fit to be the Fire to her Ice. Neither is Luke. Since, he's too volatile and Lucerys is too meek and insecure. I doubt that the One-Eyed Prince would ever be considered the male version of Daenerys. He has a lot of bitterness and anger inside him. Obviously, he never thought an eye was a fair exchange for a dragon. He was just trying to stop his mother from doing something that would result in his father killing her. Especially if his father had no qualms with Rhaenyra's threats of torture against his son for speaking the truth (that's what Rhaenyra wanted to be done to Aemond in the books. Even though, he was just a child. Like Aegon II, she's not fit to be a good ruler. Unlike Rhaenyra, I think Aegon is already aware of the fact that he never was suited for throne and that he isn't a good person. He could've been if it wasn't for all the neglect and abuse he got from his parents. Unlike his elder sister, he doesn't make too many excuses for his actions). Aemond only became a "monster" when he realized his father would never defend or look out for him. Sure, Alicent did her best to defend him, but she had no real power. He learned a hard lesson in that the only one who could defend him was himself, which he proved when he became a force of nature by training with Cole who was really the only person that he probably looked up to as a father figure. Anyways, I look forward to dialogue between him and the FMC after he fully recovers from his injuries.

As for the rest of the young male Targs. Joffrey, Aegon the Younger, Viserys II, Jaehaerys, and Maelor are all obviously too young for her. Which means that my bet rests on either Jace or Daeron. They're both closer to her age. Though, I'm leaning more towards the Daring because Jace is already betrothed to Baela and I don't believe he's immune to fire due to his Strong blood. I'm not sure about Daeron either because his mom is a Hightower (her family may've wielded magic once upon a time before they were assimilated by the Andals. And them and other Houses such as the Daynes may possibly claim descent from the Empire of the Dawn or Garth Greenhand but it's been too long. Well, who knows. Daeron's Targaryen blood might've already awakened the First Men magic that lies dormant within his Hightower genes or not). Also, Daeron is a fairly kind, clever, and humble guy. Definitely the best among Alicent's sons. And honestly? The best among all of Viserys' kids (barring Helaena). Too bad, he was Alicent's third son. If Daeron was her eldest son then that throne would have been his. Or at the very least, Rhaenyra would have a tough time trying to defeat him. Because he's at least someone you can support for a reason beyond his so-called "birthright". I think one of main reasons for this is because he didn't receive the constant pressure that Alicent and Otto put on his older brothers that the Iron Throne should go to them instead of Rhaenyra. And as a result, he is considered the gentlest and most honorable of Alicent's sons. If Daeron isn't the Fire to Adara's Ice then I look forward to seeing who is.

In the book, he's described as being by far the nicest and most humble of Alicent's sons, sincerely grieving for his father Viserys upon his death and treating his troops with respect and giving them and his dragon credit when given direct praise and trying to stop the sack of Tumbleton. He was also far more popular among the people than his brothers. Though of course he had his limits, resenting Rhaenyra's sons for being ahead of his brothers and him and the succession line despite most likely being bastards, and exacting brutal revenge on the people of Bitterbridge for the brutal murder of his nephew Maelor. But he was horrified when Tumbleton met a similar fate, and tried his hardest to stop the murder, looting, and rape of the innocent townsfolk. Unfortunately, the Two Betrayers were running the show at that point, and had dragons much bigger than Tessarion. In comparison to his brothers, Daeron is much more stoic and observant and a surprisingly competent military commander and is quite vengeful (considering his response to Maelor's death). To the extent that Daeron had been considered the biggest threat to Rhaenyra's brief reign over King's Landing in the canon.

Also, I feel like if he and Jaecaerys were not intentionally pitted against each other, they could have been best friends. Because both of them are good in politics and great warriors, if they were friends and fought on the same side then they would be unstoppable. Just like Robb Stark and Jon Snow (and I'm talking about the book versions. Not the show. The showrunners had made Robb and Jon's characters look totally naive and stupid). I have always thought that Targaryens see themselves as gods...so they are insecure when they find out that they are just people like everybody else but Jace and Daeron would have been good kings if either of them had ascended the throne. Though, Daeron and Addam of Hull are both characterized more as followers rather than leaders (Daeron as the youngest son of a very ambitious family, Addam as a legitimized bastard of a shipwright's daughter. As a result, the both of them have chips on their shoulders, desperate to prove themselves), and despite their bravery, remained loyal to their faction leaders despite seeing proof that Rhaenyra and Aegon/Aemond were horrible people. In hindsight, I think that may be one of the reasons why the Three Eyed Raven is likely behind-the-scenes nudging and creating events that will place Prince Daeron the Daring into the position of becoming Adara's ally when the right time comes.

Anyway, the Three-Eyed Raven intends for Alys Rivers and Daeron to be among the the first of Adara's allies in her rise to power. Because she needs people who can help her in finishing her mission faster and teach her on how Westeros works (though I doubt she'll care about Westeros's patriarchy and won't let anyone put her in a dress or tell her what to do just because she's a girl. She's done being passive). She's still new to this land and era that she's recently found herself in. But I don't think that she will have any patience nor tolerance for the petty politics and squabbles of these royals and nobles who do nothing but plot and backstab each other and care nothing for the lives of their smallfolk who become nothing but collateral damage as a result of their feuds and schemes. In short, she and Frostsinger will smash their precious game of thrones to pieces. Not just the Others.

Also, the Raven's manipulating everybody like pieces on his 4D chessboard and is obviously maneuvering the Winterchild towards a position of dominance and power that she doesn't desire nor care for. He's giving her all the advantages she requires to make the Targs bend to her will and unite the whole realm against the coming threat quickly. Because they're all running out of time. As of now, she only cares about Frostsinger at this point. Yet, it almost looks like the Raven's also trying to give her a new family (despite the fact that things didn't turn out well with her last one) which might turn out to be a side effect of his plotting in the future. Alys definitely has been informed by the Raven on what's happening and what's exactly at stake. And she so far seems to be stunned and amused by the entire situation. I look forward to seeing her and Adara meet.

Spot on Analysis.

Daeron's action's at bitter bridge were horrific, but even if I don't excuse them I will say that he is more justified than almost any other Targaryen who commited atrocities before or since given he's just lost his nephew, and when he was so close too. Aegon the Conqueror and Visenya turned Dorne into a fucking barbecue pit for Rhaenys and Meraxes and they did it for years. Their combined death toll has to be at least a hundred times Daeron's and I don't see anyone shaming them for it (Though to be fair, few would have the balls)

You're right about Adara - both in that her current motivation is one big Frostsinger shaped billboard and that she is absolutely, unrepentantly done with everything. The Raven managed to get her to listen by appealing to her bond to Frostsinger, but that is it. Once she's done adjusting, no one is going to be telling her what to do if they know what's good for them.

As for Alys... we shall see. The next chapter is the The Face Of The Enemy, a Lucerys POV, and there we'll start to see just what Westeros is up against and why the biggest dragon alive and his rider can't stop it on their own, and why she had to kidnap two not-all-that-right-in-the-head princes to do what needs to be done.
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Spot on Analysis.

Daeron's actions at Bitterbridge were horrific, but even if I don't excuse them I will say that he is more justified than almost any other Targaryen who commited atrocities before or since given he's just lost his nephew, and when he was so close too. Aegon the Conqueror and Visenya turned Dorne into a fucking barbecue pit for Rhaenys and Meraxes and they did it for years. Their combined death toll has to be at least a hundred times Daeron's and I don't see anyone shaming them for it (Though to be fair, few would have the balls).
"Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances." — Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
"The strategies♟️that succeed in war⚔️, whether⚖️ conventional or unconventional, are based on timeless psychology, and great military failures have much to teach us about human stupidity and the limits of force in any arena." — Robert Greene, The 33 Strategies of War.
"A prince ought to dedicate himself to no other art, nor study anything other than war ⚔️ with its rules and⚖️ discipline. This is the sole art that is expected of rulers. It is so powerful that it not only maintains those who are born princes, but it often enables men to rise from a private citizen to that rank." — Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince.
"When princes have thought more of pleasure than of arms, they have lost their states. And the first reason you lose it is because you neglected the art of war ⚔️; and the best way to acquire a state is to become ♟️ master of that art." — Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince.
"The Realm's only hope is a leader strong enough to unite it." — Daemon Targaryen, HOTD, S2.

In short, he isn't perfect but at least he isn't the worst of the bunch is what you're saying. He's kinda like the Targaryen version of Robb Stark because he's a frontline general who makes his own bold and decisive moves. Though, at the same time I don't think Daeron the Daring is exactly on the Young Wolf and the Young Dragon's level in terms of military strategy and tactics. Because he rides a flying nuke. So, therefore he and the other Targaryens before or during the Dance never had to devise nor try to brainstorm more complex methods and tactical solutions when it came to winning their wars. I'm looking forward to seeing how Adara learns and adapts as a leader and warrior in this continent that she and Frostsinger currently want nothing to do with yet have no choice but to stay in for the foreseeable future. She needs both training and advice since the Three Eyed Raven seems to be installing her as the Commander-in-Chief of House Targaryen (because I don't think he trusts any of the Targs to stop being their stupid selves and to do whatever's necessary and right for the greater good. Without a firm hand keeping them on the right track) for the entire duration of The War for the Dawn. Who knows? Maybe Aemond can teach her on how to wield a sword after they've come to a truce and understanding. Or Cregan Stark and any of his loyal vassals such as Roderick Dustin can become reliable mentors as well. Also, she looks like a highly talented and capable dragonrider so I'm too sure if the Winterchild requires teachings from experienced dragonriders like Rhaenys and Daemon but we'll see, I guess. I look forward to seeing some battle strategy and tactics. Not just the politics and high fantasy magic in this story, Firewillreign.

I think the Raven already knows that she can't be controlled. Which's why I think he doesn't feel a shred of pity or remorse for inflicting her on the Targs and all the Westerosi nobles (except the North. Whom I think will willingly side with her because I'm assuming that Cregan Stark somehow knows or suspects that the Others are still out there beyond the Wall. Judging by the fact that we saw a clip of him and Jace together at the Wall in the Season 2 trailer of HOTD. Also, it has been leaked that Sara Snow is a warg. And the Northerners aren't as skeptical or dismissive of magic and magical creatures as their southron counterparts are). Since they're responsible for dividing the realm instead of actually making it stronger. Due to their own unchecked egos and ambition. He's seen all their bullshit and knows none of them have what it takes to properly lead and unite the Seven Kingdoms under one banner in this time of crisis. Most of them lack either humility, compassion or wisdom. So, it has to be her and whoever will be the Fire to her Ice. Because not only does she have the biggest dragon. But she's also more selfless, wise and uncorrupt. Of course, she's not as innocent as she was before. But she isn't unreasonably cruel nor sadistic.

Regarding the First Dornish War, Aegon I Targaryen demonstrated a failure that many established and veteran leaders find themselves caught in, a proud refusal to admit that their established tactics were not working on the fundamental level, acknowledging their failure, and changing their plan of approach. A very bad and detrimental trait which many of his descendants appear to have inherited from him. A more competent commander would never let his emotions get the best of him. Even with the death of his loved ones. Being easily provoked makes you predictable and being predictable makes it easy for your enemies to read and control you. Aegon was good at what he was known for: conquering but the actual ruling was not really his greatest attribute it really shows as you said with Dorne.

He should have played a longer game and used some propaganda to make it seem like Martells are the ones responsible for Dorne's suffering instead of painting himself as a violent and hated figure. The most impressive dragon-riding Targ was Jaehaerys I (despite being a misogynistic prick) for me because of his political mind but beside him, all the others are not anything impressive and would just be remembered as average people.

In reflecting on his counterinsurgency experiences, David Galula, a French Army Officer and veteran of the Algerian War, had reportedly theorized on how nation-states could win as counterinsurgents. King Aegon would have done well to adhere to Galula's 4 pillars which were:
1. The aim of the war is to gain the support of the population rather than control of territory.
2. Most of the population will be neutral in the conflict; support of the masses can be obtained with the help of an active friendly minority.
3. Support of the population may be lost. The population must be efficiently protected to allow it to cooperate without fear of retribution by the opposite party.
4. Order enforcement should be done progressively by removing or driving away armed opponents, then gaining support of the population, and eventually strengthening positions by building infrastructure and setting long-term relationships with the population. This must be done area by area, using a pacified territory as a basis of operation to conquer a neighbouring area.
– Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1964.
How well could Aegon have adhered to these four pillars? Given that his doctrine had seemed intent on cowing a people into submission rather than winning them over? As Aegon's campaign in Dorne kept floundering, the Dornish people kept becoming less and less won over and intimidated by the power of Aegon's dragons, and as Dorne kept being set aflame, fewer and fewer smallfolk could've been said to have been a 'friendly minority.'

Also, Egg I's tactical inflexibility, seeing the people that lived in the region as an afterthought to the vision of one king over one continent, left him unable to quell this counterinsurgency. Without Balerion, he'd be only a mere footnote in Westeros's history. It doesn't take Hannibal or Genghis to torch people who can't even reach or harm you. He wasn't someone who had talent that specialized in unconventional, daring offensives or made a habit of manipulating the enemy on a strategic scale and capitalizing on their mistakes like Robb. Or has demonstrated the same sort of will, grit, discipline and determination as Stannis. In fact, all the dragonrider Targs would just be mere footnotes in the annals of the realm's history if they didn't have dragons. Like I've said before, relying on dragons made the Targaryens both complacent and stagnant when it comes to politics and tactical warfare. I feel like Daemon and Aegon the Conqueror are both overrated due to the fact that they never displayed the level of genius of Robb or Stannis who are able to play with worse cards and come out on top. The Rogue Prince never had a strategic moment equivalent to the Whispering Woods or Fair Isle. Since, he never quite adapted to the Triarchy's persistent Whac-A-Mole strategies and Fabian tactics during the War for the Stepstones (I hope Adara and Frostsinger butchers the Three Whores and rids the rest of the known world from slavery someday). Same for Aegon I who's mainly known for the Black Dread. All the dragon-riding Targs have never displayed the level of strategic mindset of guys like Tywin, Stannis, Robb, Jaime and Randyll Tarly. Since, they had gigantic fire-breathing lizards who usually did the brunt of the work for them in all their military campaigns.

P.S. My apologies if I've given you a lot to read.
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As for Alys... we shall see. The next chapter is the The Face Of The Enemy, a Lucerys POV, and there we'll start to see just what Westeros is up against and why the biggest dragon alive and his rider can't stop it on their own, and why she had to kidnap two not-all-that-right-in-the-head princes to do what needs to be done.

"A common danger ☠️ ⚠️ ❄️ unites even the 🐉 bitterest enemies." — Aristotle
I bet that Blacks and Greens' reactions are no doubt going to be hilariously confused and shocked when they later see Luke and Aemond reluctantly standing side by side. With neither Targ prince trying to harm or kill the other. Especially Rhaenyra's. Once she hears both her half-brother and secondborn son reciting the words of a prophecy that they surely shouldn't know anything about. Since, it's supposed to be a closely guarded secret that is only passed down from king to heir after all. That's when I think she will believe them and Adara when the trio forewarn and tell the whole family about the terrifying world-ending threat that's about to invade Westeros. It will be roughly a year or so before winter comes. Therefore, they all don't have a lot of time.

P.S. Have you watch the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes yet, Firewillreign?

P.S.S. I hope that all the character analysis videos has helped you with your writing. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
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Her vision was sharp - perhaps sharper than the ordinary, even - but the blackness that pervaded the dwellings of the green folk was nigh-absolute save for the strange, moist and wriggling creatures that lined the walls of a precious few caverns and shone with inner light in shades of blue and green.
It must be galling, Adara thought with an emotion approaching pity, for something so large and so great to be brought so low. Vhagar had likely been the undisputed queen of the skies for decades until Frostsinger had burst through the heavens and dragged her off her throne with ice and fury she could not hope to match.

It was tragic, but life often was. It was her dragon who ruled the skies now, and he would rule it forever if she had her way.

And she would, even if there remained so much more to be done.
You're right about Adara - both in that her current motivation is one big Frostsinger shaped billboard and that she is absolutely, unrepentantly done with everything. The Raven managed to get her to listen by appealing to her bond to Frostsinger, but that is it. Once she's done adjusting, no one is going to be telling her what to do if they know what's good for them.

"Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." — Plato
"Some are born great, some achieve 🏆 greatness, and others have greatness👑thrust upon them." - William Shakespeare
"Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people's fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril." — Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Yeah, Frostsinger is definitely the alpha dragon now. Both his strength and firepower more than counters and utterly eclipses the might of House Targaryen. No one has ever been able to match the strength of the House of the Dragon because of their dragons. Now there's a non-Valyrian dragon out there that literally outclasses them all. And who can literally freeze them all to death if his rider was so inclined.

To be fair, the Raven wouldn't be bothering her if this wasn't a desperate situation that calls for desperate measures. Also, it's like he's telling her point blank to seize absolute power when she doesn't even want it (because at this point, the only ambition she has is making Frostsinger the King of the Dragons). He's pulling many strings to indirectly give some emergency powers to this strange girl to defend this realm which she holds no attachment to and that still remains so alien to her. By the way, emergency powers are extraordinary powers that are unusually invoked as a means of resolving a crisis or protecting a political regime. The need for these type of powers that exceed ordinary limits emerged along with the concept of limited republican, or constitutional, government back in ancient Rome. In the event of war or crisis, the Roman senate might choose a dictator: a ruler who has complete control over the military and government. Each Roman dictator was granted emergency powers to rule for six months. At the end of that time, he had to give up that power (which is something I doubt men like Daemon or Otto would ever do in those circumstances. That probably goes for a majority of the Westerosi nobility except maybe Jeyne Arryn and Cregan Stark. Even if the latter seemed a bit more opportunistic since he intended to lead his army against the remaining Green nobles using their treason as an excuse to take their grain and gold so he and his men could gain enough provisions to feed all their people during the six-year long winter. He would've continued the war if the Sea Snake hadn't sent those letters of royal pardon beforehand. So, he wasn't utterly the Westerosi version of Cincinnatus (a Roman statesman who gained fame for his selfless devotion to the republic in times of crisis and for giving up the reins of power when the crisis was over) but he did enact the laws of the land and enforce the rule of the Iron Throne during his brief tenure as Hand) after a significant threat or invasion has been defeated. This autonomy was crucial and only suited for a leader whose capable of quick decision-making in times of a national crisis. In such emergencies, speed and efficiency were paramount, and the dictator's unrestricted authority was designed to facilitate this. But in spite of incredible and almost unlimited powers, the dictator was still expected to act in the best interest of the state. So, limitations were placed upon these dictatorial powers, as a dictator could only act within his intended sphere of authority, and was obliged to resign his office once his appointed task had been accomplished, or at the expiration of six months. In short, a dictator was never meant to exist unless the Republic was in extremis. Dictators were meant to be Senators or Generals who were granted virtually unlimited power for a pre-set amount of time in order to defend the Republic, restore public order, or some other, specific emergency task. Their "dictatorial" power was that they could do as they wished without needing the consent of the Senate for the duration of their term. Once that term expired, however, it either had to be renewed, or they had to step down.

Protector of the Realm is a position that's kinda similar to the ancient Roman office of dictatorship. This title is held by the commander-in-chief of the Seven Kingdoms. The title is usually held by the king, but it can also be held by one of the king's most trusted advisors in his absence, in sickness, or if the king is too young to rule. The king or queen may also renounce the title and grant it of their own accord, especially if they feel another is more suitable as a military leader.
Anyway, I'm seeing a similar kind of scenario in this story due to the fact that there's an apocalypse and all. Having the largest and most powerful dragon in the world does grant Adara so much raw and coercive power but it doesn't give her a position of legitimate power like that since she's practically a foreigner in Westeros. A stranger in a strange land. That's why she needs to unite and gain the unanimous support and backing of the House of the Dragon, whether they like it or not, to do has to be done. Of course, she won't be leading all of the realm's armies but she'll likely advise and instruct the commanders who will like Daemon, Corlys and the four Wardens (who in turn are charged with commanding military forces in the four different cardinal directions of Westeros (North, South, East, and West)) and their officers on what to do in regards to the enemy. It will probably be Daemon who's already been named Lord Protector of the Realm by Rhaenyra that'll have supreme military command of all of Westeros's armies when the proof of the threat has been confirmed. Still, it'd be extremely ironic and funny if they give Adara the unprecedented position and title of Lady Protector of the Realm or something as well. Regardless, she'll still have an important role in the wars to come that is usually reserved for men in Westeros. And it'd no doubt piss many sexist and traditional lords like Otto and Unwin Peake off. But they wouldn't dare say shit with Frostsinger ten meters away. Both growling and breathing his ice cold breath down all their necks. He won't tolerate hearing anyone slander or saying a bad word about his winter child after all. Speaking of powers, I look forward to seeing what other magically enhanced abilities that Adara has apart from her highly improved vision.

So, in the meantime have the Blacks taken King's Landing already? Since Aemond and Vhagar are missing and out of commission. Or has Rhaenyra made finding Lucerys her number one priority?

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"Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." — Plato
"Some are born great, some achieve 🏆 greatness, and others have greatness👑thrust upon them." - William Shakespeare
"Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people's fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril." — Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Yeah, Frostsinger is definitely the alpha dragon now. Both his strength and firepower more than counters and utterly eclipses the might of House Targaryen. No one has ever been able to match the strength of House of the Dragon because of their dragons. Now there's a non-Valyrian dragon out there that literally outclasses them all. And who can literally freeze them all to death if his rider was so inclined.

To be fair, the Raven wouldn't be bothering her if this wasn't a desperate situation that calls for desperate measures. Also, it's like he's telling her point blank to seize absolute power when she doesn't even want it (because at this point, the only ambition she has is making Frostsinger the King of the Dragons). He's pulling many strings to indirectly give some emergency powers to this strange girl to defend this realm which she holds no attachment to and that still remains so alien to her. By the way, emergency powers are extraordinary powers that are unusually invoked as a means of resolving a crisis or protecting a political regime. The need for these type of powers that exceed ordinary limits emerged along with the concept of limited republican, or constitutional, government back in ancient Rome. In the event of war or crisis, the Roman senate might choose a dictator: a ruler who has complete control over the military and government. Each Roman dictator was granted emergency powers to rule for six months. At the end of that time, he had to give up that power (which is something I doubt men like Daemon or Otto would ever do in those circumstances. That probably goes for a majority of the Westerosi nobility except maybe Jeyne Arryn and Cregan Stark. Even if the latter seemed a bit more opportunistic since he intended to lead his army against the remaining Green nobles using their treason as an excuse to take their grain and gold so he and his men could gain enough provisions to feed all their people during the six-year long winter. He would've continued the war if the Sea Snake hadn't sent those letters of royal pardon beforehand. So, he wasn't utterly the Westerosi version of Cincinnatus (a Roman statesman who gained fame for his selfless devotion to the republic in times of crisis and for giving up the reins of power when the crisis was over) but he did enact the laws of the land and enforce the rule of the Iron Throne during his brief tenure as Hand) after a significant threat or invasion has been defeated. This autonomy was crucial and only suited for a leader whose capable of quick decision-making in times of a national crisis. In such emergencies, speed and efficiency were paramount, and the dictator's unrestricted authority was designed to facilitate this. But in spite of incredible and almost unlimited powers, the dictator was still expected to act in the best interest of the state. So, limitations were placed upon these dictatorial powers, as a dictator could only act within his intended sphere of authority, and was obliged to resign his office once his appointed task had been accomplished, or at the expiration of six months. In short, a dictator was never meant to exist unless the Republic was in extremis. Dictators were meant to be Senators or Generals who were granted virtually unlimited power for a pre-set amount of time in order to defend the Republic, restore public order, or some other, specific emergency task. Their "dictatorial" power was that they could do as they wished without needing the consent of the Senate for the duration of their term. Once that term expired, however, it either had to be renewed, or they had to step down.

Protector of the Realm is a position that's kinda similar to the ancient Roman office of dictatorship. This title is held by the commander-in-chief of the Seven Kingdoms. The title is usually held by the king, but it can also be held by one of the king's most trusted advisors in his absence, in sickness, or if the king is too young to rule. The king or queen may also renounce the title and grant it of their own accord, especially if they feel another is more suitable as a military leader.
Anyway, I'm seeing a similar kind of scenario in this story due to the fact that there's an apocalypse and all. Having the largest and most powerful dragon in the world does grant Adara so much raw and coercive power but it doesn't give her a position of legitimate power like that since she's practically a foreigner in Westeros. A stranger in a strange land. That's why she needs to unite and gain the unanimous support and backing of the House of the Dragon, whether they like it or not, to do has to be done. Of course, she won't be leading all of the realm's armies but she'll likely advise and instruct the commanders who will like Daemon, Corlys and the four Wardens (who in turn are charged with commanding military forces in the four different cardinal directions of Westeros (North, South, East, and West)) and their officers on what to do in regards to the enemy. It will probably be Daemon who's already been named Lord Protector of the Realm by Rhaenyra that'll have supreme military command of all of Westeros's armies when the proof of the threat has been confirmed. Still, it'd be extremely ironic and funny if they give Adara the unprecedented position and title of Lady Protector of the Realm or something as well. Regardless, she'll still have an important role in the wars to come that is usually reserved for men in Westeros. And it'd no doubt piss many sexist and traditional lords like Otto and Unwin Peake off. But they wouldn't dare say shit with Frostsinger ten meters away. Both growling and breathing his ice cold breath down all their necks. He won't tolerate hearing anyone slander or saying a bad word about his winter child after all. Speaking of powers, I look forward to seeing what other magically enhanced abilities that Adara has apart from her highly improved vision.

So, in the meantime have the Blacks taken King's Landing already? Since Aemond and Vhagar are missing and out of commission. Or has Rhaenyra made finding Lucerys her number one priority?


Here's a brief spoiler

As of yet, the blacks are mounting their dragons and readying for the assault on King's Landing - Vhagar and Luke's disappearance caused havoc, with some thinking that Aemond killed Luke and is now laying a trap (Daemon) that both dragons somehow killed each other (The idiots think this bcause it's hard to imagine the differance in scale between Vhagar and Arrax) and most realizing that it doesn't mean a thing (Everybody else).

AS for the Greens, that remains to be seen. Daeron is flying in from Oldtown like a bat out of hell, but who knows if he'll make it in time...

PS - Your lore dumps literally make my day. I can't respond to most of them because they'd spoil future plot points but I love reading them XD
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Here's a brief spoiler

As of yet, the blacks are mounting their dragons and readying for the assault on King's Landing - Vhagar and Luke's disappearance caused havoc, with some thinking that Aemond killed Luke and is now laying a trap (Daemon) that both dragons somehow killed each other (The idiots think this bcause it's hard to imagine the differance in scale between Vhagar and Arrax) and most realizing that it doesn't mean a thing (Everybody else).

AS for the Greens, that remains to be seen. Daeron is flying in from Oldtown like a bat out of hell, but who knows if he'll make it in time...
PS - Your lore dumps literally make my day. I can't respond to most of them because they'd spoil future plot points but I love reading them XD

"Most of us in life are tacticians, not strategists♟️. We become so enmeshed in the conflicts we face that we can think only of how to get what we want in the battle we are currently facing. To think strategically is difficult and unnatural." — Robert Greene
"If you know yourself but not the enemy 🐍 , for every victory 🏆 gained you will also suffer a defeat ☠️." — Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
"Understand: if you let narcissism🪞act as a screen between you and other people, you will misread them and your strategies will misfire. You must be aware of this and struggle to see others dispassionately. Every individual is like an alien culture. You must get inside his or her way of thinking 🧠 , not as an exercise in sensitivity but out of strategic necessity. Only by 📖 knowing your enemies can you ever hope to vanquish ⚔️ ☠️ them." — Robert Greene
"The greatest power you could have in life would come neither from limitless resources nor even ♟️ consummate skill in strategy. It would come from clear knowledge of those around you--the ability to read people like a book." — Robert Greene
"Try to think 🧠 ♟️ as people around you think. On that basis, anything's possible." - Michael Corleone, The Godfather Part II.
"In war⚔️, then, let your great object♟️be victory, not lengthy campaigns." — Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

So, the Winterchild and her ice dragon ❄️🐉🧊 will officially and ultimately make their grand introduction to the Targs at King's Landing. Daeron won't make it in time but Adara and Frostsinger are much closer to the capital than he and Tessarion currently are; at the moment.

Yeah, Daemon hasn't concocted Blood and Cheese because he possibly feels very wary and unsettled by the absence of the Greens' greatest military asset. Vhagar was literally 80% of the power of the Green Team. And she and her rider are just gone?! All of the whispers and reports tell the same story: that Aemond and Vhagar has seemingly vanished into thin air at Storm's End and hasn't reappeared at King's Landing for a disturbingly long period of time ever since. He knows this since he has his own agents and spies in the capital (namely Mysaria and the City Watch. I swear the fact that the Green Council underestimated Daemon's overall military experience and his popularity among his men shows how incompetent they are). Of course, he thinks it's a trap because he knows that his one-eyed nephew wouldn't just suddenly disappear with Vhagar and abandon his sister and Hightower whore of a mother (his words not mine) for such an overdue amount of time. Daemon probably thinks Luke is dead but likely doesn't want to get into an argument with Rhaenyra or dash her hopes because neither Luke's and Arrax's bodies have been found anywhere within Shipbreaker Bay either.

Regarding the Blood and Cheese incident, Daemon really made the situation worse and prolonged the whole war instead of finishing it quickly. If you could sneak assassins into the Red Keep you should be ending the war, not going for some "eye for an eye" bullshit. To me, that's also what makes it indefensible, it was simply done out of cruelty to cause pain when they could have just as easily taken out legit military targets (such as Otto and the Green Council) and ended the whole thing with minimal deaths. Lucerys' death happened when he was an envoy. Jaehaerys' death is a cruel showing of children being used as pawns or sacrificial lambs in a war they have no say in. He wasn't old enough to be aware of what was going on. Executing an innocent child is likely to earn you nothing but the enmity of both the public and your enemies. It makes a martyr for your enemy to capitalise on and further legitimises their cause. Unlike Lucerys, Jaehaerys the younger was six years old, unable to fly a dragon or make educated decisions about the war. He was too young even to wed, making him not even a piece for the marriage economy of Westeros. The murder of Jaehaerys, and forcing a mother to choose one child to sacrifice to the butcher's knife to further twist the knife, would plant the seeds of the Shepherd's popular uprising and the "Maegor with Teats" label for Rhaenyra. Her king consort had butchered a family member and psychologically tortured his own niece, who's beloved by the smallfolk, painting himself as a monster while Rhaenyra did nothing but permit Daemon's actions. This only served in painting a blood dark stain on the Blacks' public image and reputation.

The actions of the leader will always build a reputation that reflects on them and their group. A useful reputation to seek is one of just power, where you can and will mete out justice where it is due. When the people think you fair, they may fear and will trust you. Respect is a most powerful tool. But if your actions in war makes you and your side look completely like immoral and untrustworthy aggressors. Then you create more problems and enemies than you need to face. Daemon is just like many of his Valyrian forefathers. Spoiled and entitled sociopaths who thought they were above the rules and morality of others, fell into decadence, and paid for it in the end. Also, he didn't cow the Greens with this horrific act like he arrogantly expected. He only infuriated and motivated them (mainly Aegon II, Aemond and Ser Criston Cole) to up their game and change their conduct during the war which resulted in Rook's Rest and Rhaenys' death (I can picture the Queen Who Never Was growing to like Adara. At first, she'll feel offended and dismayed and then later strangely amused by the fact that she and her family (Targ and Velaryon) and all the people who serve them. Have no choice but obey the orders of a teenage girl who is around her granddaughters' age and rides a ice dragon that's twice the size of the Black Dread. Because she'll soon realize after meeting her that Adara doesn't desire the throne and wants nothing to do with Westeros at all. She and a few other female characters might later try to act maternal towards the Winterchild but Adara probably won't be having it. Also, Baela and Rhaena will likely be later encouraged by their grandmother to try and befriend her).


In a way, he totally made the same mistake as Tywin: underestimating your enemy. Due to his egotism, preconceived assumptions and real lack of personal information about his nephews' character and capabilities. He doesn't really know Aegon II (who can be actually cunning when he's properly motivated to be) and his brothers Aemond and Daeron (Aemond caused the most destruction, havoc and panic among the Blacks' ranks. Aegon persevered and outsmarted them all when no one thought he can. Daeron was the most effective strategically in conducting the war in F&B) nor has he ever cared to try to in the first place. He had obviously thought that he would be dealing with some inexperienced green boy dragonriders (which is true up to a certain extent but they seemed to make up for that inexperience with boldness and ferocity) and didn't expect for himself and his allies to be dealt a decisive blow by his 'Hightower spawned' nephews and Ser 'Crispin' of all people at the start of the war. This proves that the Rogue Prince is more of a master tactician than a master strategist simply because he's a narcissist. Which's why I can't wait for when he and Adara finally meet. I have a feeling that she'll properly treat and discipline him like the egotistical manchild that he is. And he won't be able to do lay a hand on her because of the massive non-Valyrian dragon that's bigger than Balerion threateningly peering down at him over her shoulder (which must be earth-shaking for a dude who belongs to a family who believes their shit doesn't stink and that they are racially supreme to literally every single person that doesn't have the last name Targaryen).

Aemond's essentially the inverse of Daemon. He shares many of his uncle's mercurial and roguish qualities; he even looks like him. However, where Daemon became the way he was because he was essentially given the freedom to do whatever he wanted and Viserys would always welcome him back. Aemond was crushed into being this person to protect himself and his family by a father who didn't care about him. To rephrase, Aemond was once a kinder soul driven to madness due to trauma. While Daemon always seemed to be this entitled, spoiled sociopath.

In other words, the show makes him a more complex and tragic character than his book counterpart was (Team Black constantly says the Maesters are Green propaganda and bullshit, but I don't think they're on anyone's side. Just against anyone with a dragon, and since Aemond had the biggest and fiercest dragon out of all of them, so he was the most villainized of all the Targaryens who were a part of the Dance).

Anyways, there is a chance that he can be redeemed and become a better person than his uncle in this AU. Because of Adara, Aegon I's Prophecy, the upcoming threat of the Others and all that. But first, he and Luke have to make amends and eventually bury the hatchet between each other. Or least form a truce until the War for the Dawn is over. Dealing with otherworldly beings that're coming destroy all life on Planetos takes more precedence over a war of succession. Luke is possibly having the same kind of visions that Aemond just had. And he's utterly scared out of his mind by them. Both of them will definitely have many questions for Adara and the Children of the Forest. Once they've resumed consciousness.

P.S. I understand. I've just been giving all the history analysis, commentary and lore stuff to give you ideas, Firewillreign. That's all. I wouldn't dare tell you what to do when it comes to writing your stories. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed them by the way.
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