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  • Been playing Caligula Effect 2... you can get into a vicious cycle of battles if you're not careful. What I mean is, if you have 3 NPCs near each other, and you engage in battle, their waves go up, resulting in other NPCs waves going up when you battle. So you clear one, the next is ready to go.
    Now I remember why I tend to not interact with people on this site... because some assholes refuse to let old slights go. Put 'em on ignore.
    I mean, it depends on what was said. There are some words that are not forgotten without at least an apology (to give an extreme example, if A falsely accuses B of raping children, B is not the arsehole for remaining peeved at A at least until A formally retracts his defamation). No idea whether what you said is in that category, though.
    I said something that came off as entitled while stressed, then apologized after I cooled off. Then, months later, I complained about a lack of vore warning, since I'm not into vore and find it disgusting. That got me called entitled, and told if I don't quit, I'm getting put on ignore.
    So I put them on ignore, and am going to take them off ignore once a year or so has passed. Maybe by then it'll be forgotten about.
    Well. Time to read more fic updates. Got my text size issue fixed, and now I'll know what to look for in the future.
    Since ya asked on Patreon, i shall give the feedback after a quick read through your two snippets.
    First, they feel like fast paced info dumps, but not the short ones that are fun to read, but similar to those from the HxH manga. It feels... stiff to read. Conversations feel like the characters rehearsed them, no pause to show some movement, change of expression, stuff like that.
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    But I'm not certain on when to drop my character. Do I do it when the MC of DQ11 is still a baby? When he finally sets off on his journey? Somewhere in between?
    Indecision is my biggest problem, to be honest.
    But yeah, those are good points. Like, I only ever wrote a few things on FFN, and when I was still writing, my dialogue was like this, but it fit because of the characters I was using.
    Why the fuck is the text small, all of a sudden? I literally was on here not even an hour before I, Stark updated, and the text was larger.
    Huh. I don't know how the hell a guy like me managed it, but I apparently average getting around 6 likes per every post.
    Just noticed this... why the hell do I have an option to report my own post...?
    Self-reporting is indeed a thing. Though QQ is really not as kink-shame as her sister sites, there might be cases of, what was it, Rule 8, which was about iRL world politics or whatnot? Maybe you were ranting and stuff, and then after posting, realized, is this an affront to any rules? You can then click on the button to ask a Mod.
    This is me randomly trying to justify loose-odds to the coding.
    It seems entirely reasonable that the report system doesn't care about who sees it, being attached to posts in the same way the reply system is. As such, hiding it from the user who posted the message would be additional effort that serves no purpose and, in fact, removes functionality.
    Huh. I'm almost at 6 likes averaged per every post I make. I think my Fels post is my most liked one, at 100+ likes and counting.
    I am slowly replacing Athal-Khepri as I play Pokémon more then Monster Hunter allowing me to stay interested. Making Taylor into Goddess Khepri reborn is my worm story kink, it will happen in my Pokémon story, just slower as I want to make it longer ok? I love rune factory too, but wish to make a goddess Khepri verson
    Necroing a thread from 2018 lol.

    That was amusing, I could almost taste Mega's exasperation heh.
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