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Andy333's latest activity

  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    Anyway, I'm going to go watch a movie with my family, chill out a little bit. Night, again thanks for the encouragement.
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    Thanks. I know I'll be fine, but it's like a riding a roller coaster, the most stressful parts are before it happens and once I'm there...
  • Andy333
    Andy333 reacted to Bob is bob's comment on Andy333's profile post with Like Like.
    Soon you'll be in the swing of it
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    I mean it maintenance again and while it is for a rehab, many of whom are not there by choice but by court order, so I'll be dealing...
  • Andy333
    Andy333 reacted to Bob is bob's comment on Andy333's profile post with Like Like.
    Worrying over things you don't know if you mastered yet I get
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    Oh well, I'll just sleep on it and see if I get any new idea's tomorrow. Too be honest I'm just a little nervous about the new job. Not...
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    I got two more I'm working on, sister prostitutes but it feels like I'm just doing a repeat of the brothers.
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    You have any idea's for gang members?
  • Andy333
    Andy333 reacted to Bob is bob's comment on Andy333's profile post with Like Like.
    I like this. Using archtypes and than twisting and expanding them
  • Andy333
    Andy333 reacted to Bob is bob's comment on Andy333's profile post with Like Like.
    I like it. What for the gang that becomes the followers of the girl?
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    The brother's fall in love with the girl, because the girl having experience as a doctor is able to help the brute with his issues in a...
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    The brute is actually smarter, he just has trouble talking. Maybe some kind of autism or social dysfunction. The small is actually very...
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    I've got big and small, half brothers who fit the classic stereotype. One is the big and dumb brute that doesn't speak but fanatically...
  • Andy333
    Andy333 commented on Andy333's profile post.
    Not sure yet. I've got a couple idea's but again still working on the characters right now.
  • Andy333
    Andy333 reacted to Bob is bob's comment on Andy333's profile post with Like Like.
    That is sad and despicable both