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  • Bimbo bat girls and first time Mark acts like a viltrunite warrior
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    Going to bed. But yep that's Lex. Best friends with Nolan the alien invader because he's a brutal warrior with a world view he can understand, but Superman? Doesn't matter he thinks of himself as a human first and loves this planet. Lex doesn't understand him, so he hates him.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Lex is a prick but here we see with Debbie and Mark he can be supportive and have emotional connections
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Thinking about it incest between Debbie as a pet and Mark as a viltrumite would be expected. Pet parents being easily absorbed into their offspring harem. And wouldn't Nolan feel the same thing for his adopted girls and bio daughters?
    Going to be writing tonight but before work had an idea for you using Worm fanfic bait. Greg Veder starts to receive mysterious messages and pictures and videos of his mom and sister being corrupted. They start acting more slutty around him and teasing. He wakes up bruised and cut and bloodied. Someone is ruining his life.
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    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    What does Mark want them to become and how can his verbal and physical interactions with them reflect the same violent battle instincts of his fights?
    Will have to talk more tomorrow. I'm getting some sleep. But I really like all the idea's about Viltrum and their complicated relationships with their pets.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I do too. It's unexpected depth and cost of their ultimate warrior transhumanism
    Super long shift. Health inspector came. Had to clean walls when we closed
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Well have to talk more about the while demonic rebirth thing later, sounds pretty cool. I'm going to bed. Night.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    The Avanatie crucify and bind their souls to extract and channel refined sublime essence from the depraved core of magic.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Sleep well
    How your night?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    A guy can be Harem too. And to a girl. Collars and tattoos made from the blood of the King they act as wardens and councilors too. It's not like they absorb the strength of the King. The power is shared and grown into them while having control over the King's power level.
    Cool, I do love magic tattoo's that have various effects. And the power sharing sounds fun, could be cool if its thoughts and emotions not just power, tie in with how chi is not just a number or a resource but something with an almost mind of its own. Anyway I'm going to bed, have a lot of work tomorrow. Thankfully I have Thursday off for fourth of july.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I don't but will chat later after work. Sleep well
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Instead of killing Jon, why not have the Watch vote him down and reject him as the lord commander. It would be a huge loss of prestige and personal power for Jon and emotionally devastating. Maybe give him a good character arc as he grabbles with moving past his comfort zone. But no, he automatically chose the grimmest option and the story is worse off for it.
    And Ramsey, don't even get me fucking started on that. I don't give a shit how blood thirsty and cruel you are, if you hear your bastard son is going around skinning people alive, your going to have that fucker murdered before it gets out and you get humiliated or Lord Stark gets involved and starts investigating.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Go to sleep. Talk more Ramsey and changes me and Jackal have done later. Starting with him being the son of a captured Wilding witch who's concubine to Lord Bolton
    How your day Andy
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Well its ten o'clock for me, so I'm going to bed because of work tomorrow, but it sounds pretty cool. You just need to start world building countries and kingdoms, maybe do a little bit on the geography and landscape of your little world.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I'll have something by the end of the month for you to look at.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Thanks for talking
    I need help with my fic. I written myself into a corner with Vaggie and don't know how to solve it.
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    I've got it. Somewhere in the US, a teleportation experiment task with bringing alien life to earth accidentally brings Vaggie to earth during Extermination Day.
    The scientists at the facility where the device is at try to teleport her back but another malfunction causes her to be sent to El Salvador.
    While disguised as human, she gets hit by a car and has amnesia. She is taken in by an El Salvadorian family and stays with them for about ten years or so before regaining her memory and being promptly brought back to Heaven.
    I tried to @ you and it failed
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    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I like that. Incest is weird. I enjoy exploring philosophies that encourage and strengthen it with bodies to make it worthwhile
    Anyway its get a little late for me. Especially if I have more overtime tomorrow. I'm going to bed, but lots of fun idea's hope you were inspired a little bit.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I was. Very fun talk. Speak more later
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    The thing being he was the nicest to her at first with the rest being awful as he abused good cop role vs their bad cop
    I have a lot of work tomorrow packing and moving, so I sleep. But I like the idea's for the boss, tomorrow I'll come up with some subordinates and maybe a martial arts style for him.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I am liking this
    i have a question, do you want to make miss dallion in worm or would you do it in some other setting like rwby or a original ones?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Definitely using other fandom's waifu's, the main draw is seeing not only mass clones of everyone's favorite waifu's but also seeing how they are just that subtly different from the original one. The big themes mind over matter, and how despite having the memories and personality of someone else implanted in them the clones are their own person and have the power to choice.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I like how you are adding personal depth to the mass produced waifu trope
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I sleep. You sleep. More interesting thoughts on this greater than one note replies tomorrow
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    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I have my Warring Paths where people travel to shrines or temples to enter the spirit world to train under long dead elemental gods in powerful mystic Kung Fu.
    Well, then maybe the author should've avoided video games and focused more on making these powers apart of a living breathing world instead of cheaply adding numbers to your MC's strength. ANyway i have job stuff early in the morning so i'm going to be early. Night, talk to you tommorow.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Sleep well.
    Heyo. How your day? Want to talk naruto?
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    Reactions: Andy333
    Its more like a dark lord is the one in the million super genius or prodigy that has the power to take on the different families and win. They're very rare and even a lot of the chaos warlocks fear another dark lord popping up because then they'll have to serve someone who can do whatever they want with the power. Usually the different families live in a state of cold war between each other for influence and power.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    I like this. Sleep now
    Have a good sleepy.
    I'm really feeling with how you describe Demons they are fallen angels who think they have become another kind of angel. Not a lot of malice. Very into helping people
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    So who are her priests? Who are her new adopted children? What is the tale like for Kaguya and giving her some actual damn character
    I'll think of some stuff tonight and tommorow morning and telll you tomorrow. I'm getting some sleep. Night.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Sleep well. Female milf sex cult of fertility and life and protection?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Very kind, very soft spoken, almost childish in a way in that she's very blunt to tell you how she feels and doesn't mince her words or act subtle in telling you that. Likes games, likes dares, likes jokes, hates lying, hates negotiating since she views that as an advanced form of lying. Hates cruelty without purpose because for her pain is a tool to learn and grow and has power that shouldn't be abused.
    She see's gloria as a prodige, then lover, and then family. Which it mind confuse you at first, but since all demons are related, the view blood relations as the most important ones. Them adopting a human is basically the highest form of honor they can bestow. And since David is Gloria's son, he becomes apart of the demons family as well.
    But funny enough, the demons have no concept of incest. Since their all related the idea of fucking your family is seen as the normal way of interacting with them and the only reason they like to foce incest onto human's is because human's seem so repulse and secretly envious of it. To demons that very word means nothing to them.
    so when is Neil being genderbend in Mrs Dallon?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    of course she didn't. I too have theory on how it ends. dont want to ruin it either if im right
    And I'm not going to spoil it. ;) But suffice to say, it'll be fun.
    theres no way, Neil isnt gonna become a broodmother for her wife and 'husband'. after all both would want revenge on the person who the perceive who denied them the chance to get together earlier. I'm sure Amy would be all for it. There no way Neil keepin her dick. I suspect his wife will receive his last symbol of masculinity.
    What would be interesting is Superman is a big reason why Omi Man earlier than canon joins earth's side. The last son of krypton is a compassionate, merciful, intelligent with his arguments, and passionate hero.
    How was your night? Mine a little busy but not too bad.
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Some like him are older but Nolan has this growing attachment to the league. Something like Jason Tod's situation would make him snap. You can mention in the past some people tried to hurt the sidekicks or loved ones of the league and the story always ends with Nolan descending like a vengeful war God and the governments of the world turning a blind eye to his red handed justice.
    Lex Luther is going to be a complicated figure. Not a complete monster but has the potential to be one. He hates superman, but is friends with omniman and through that friendship gets connections to the wider superhero community that forces him to expand his world view a little. So he has genuine friends and is a little more caring, but still has his moments as a slippery scheming bastard.
    Nolan's going to have a huge impact on how superheroe culture and just in general the community itself. It's intresting in that the average person loves superman more since he basically Jesus come again, and Omniman is seen like a gruff military vertern, yet Omniman is much more respected by the superhero community for his planning and leadership skills. Plus he practically trained most of the younger superheroes.
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Yeah, I like your idea better. But I also do like the idea of a Charlie that can't help but want to drag everyone down with her.
    Anyway, getting tired. Sleepy time. Fortunately, tommorow's the last day for the new office renovation so things should be a lot eaiser the rest of the week.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Talk more tomorrow about combining our Charlidme ideas
    What you say of the Fire Nation has me think of remnants of imperialism and fascism in a country being hard to remove. Also, with him taking his mother and ursa for wife, is incest a common practice in this AU or a fire nation only thing?
    Ah, if you move can you keep your job?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Man typing that out is kind of depressing. I was going to try and make it sexy, but that last part hit like a truck. lol
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    The sexy is how she processes it. Azula is a punish whore wanting focused discipline and hyper proud of her body and thicc bubble butt for spanking?
    Yep, Azula's loves and hates punishment in equal amounts and while she love winning and topping, something she'll never admit is she loves losing and being on bottom even more.
    Want to talk Hazbin tonight and how was work?
    Rooster Teeth shutting down
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    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Blake and Kali starting a new Fanus movement and Tai Yang some infamous terror of Ozpin"s? The raging dragon, the one he sent in to cause as much chaos and carnage as possible
    Sounds like some really fun ideas. I'm getting some sleepy time will talk tomorrow. Thank god its the weekend.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Sleep well
    Want to read a interlude of me and Jackal
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Yep, unlike Tony, Robin genuinely wants to change and knows the reason she's unhappy is because of her issues. She's not like Tony trying to find a quick fix or a work around to keep doing what they were doing and be happy at the same time.
    Still Robin's having problems with it. There's a reason she knows so much about therapy.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    She's trying to discover herself
    How goes My Therapist vote and your day with the house project?
    • Like
    Reactions: Andy333
    Hey, its 10:30 for me, I'm going to sleep. I'm changing out a bunch of toilets tomorrow. Fortunately, knock on wood, Friday should slow down a little bit.
    But savages vampires and walled off cities sounds really fun.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Stay clean and I thought so. Painting like imagery
    That use of shadow clones would be cool. I wish ninjutsu and taijutsu and sword play mixed more
    • Like
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    You're not going to include the children of the forest and their back story with the others?
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    The children survived and are living somewhere in the Far North recovering. I've heard the Other super weapon theory and not very impressed by it. Jackal is in charge of that
    Sleepy time for me. While Brainless Zombie other's is kind of boring it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. the how and why of the other's was never the fun part about them. it was the character's reaction and how their going to deal with it, that was fun. Kind of like watching a survival movie and seeing the characters deal with a hurricane or a flood.
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