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Recent content by Andy333

  1. Andy333

    Anyway, I'm going to go watch a movie with my family, chill out a little bit. Night, again...

    Anyway, I'm going to go watch a movie with my family, chill out a little bit. Night, again thanks for the encouragement.
  2. Andy333

    Thanks. I know I'll be fine, but it's like a riding a roller coaster, the most stressful parts...

    Thanks. I know I'll be fine, but it's like a riding a roller coaster, the most stressful parts are before it happens and once I'm there I'll be good.
  3. Andy333

    I mean it maintenance again and while it is for a rehab, many of whom are not there by choice...

    I mean it maintenance again and while it is for a rehab, many of whom are not there by choice but by court order, so I'll be dealing with clients that have some issues, its not going to be that stressful of a job. Just go in and fix stuff, and you do that enough times and people start love it...
  4. Andy333

    Oh well, I'll just sleep on it and see if I get any new idea's tomorrow. Too be honest I'm just...

    Oh well, I'll just sleep on it and see if I get any new idea's tomorrow. Too be honest I'm just a little nervous about the new job. Not necessarily because I think it'll be bad or anything, but I don't know. A whole lot of stuff changing in a short time, it stressful you know?
  5. Andy333

    I got two more I'm working on, sister prostitutes but it feels like I'm just doing a repeat of...

    I got two more I'm working on, sister prostitutes but it feels like I'm just doing a repeat of the brothers.
  6. Andy333

    You have any idea's for gang members?

    You have any idea's for gang members?
  7. Andy333

    The brother's fall in love with the girl, because the girl having experience as a doctor is able...

    The brother's fall in love with the girl, because the girl having experience as a doctor is able to help the brute with his issues in a way no one else is and helps him slowly accept he is not dumb no matter what people say, and small falls in love with her because seeing a girl treat his...
  8. Andy333

    The brute is actually smarter, he just has trouble talking. Maybe some kind of autism or social...

    The brute is actually smarter, he just has trouble talking. Maybe some kind of autism or social dysfunction. The small is actually very loyal and a bit of a softy. His reputation as a trickster and a liar comes from the fact he was willing to take the fall for some of the bosses fuck ups...
  9. Andy333

    I've got big and small, half brothers who fit the classic stereotype. One is the big and dumb...

    I've got big and small, half brothers who fit the classic stereotype. One is the big and dumb brute that doesn't speak but fanatically loyal to his brother, and the other is the puny little coward that talks to much and is the brains of the operation. Except the two brothers deliberately play...
  10. Andy333

    Not sure yet. I've got a couple idea's but again still working on the characters right now.

    Not sure yet. I've got a couple idea's but again still working on the characters right now.
  11. Andy333

    That's kind of what I'm going for. This sad lonely old man, hidden away under the mask of a...

    That's kind of what I'm going for. This sad lonely old man, hidden away under the mask of a ruthless and charm. He's the kind of guy to cut down a completely loyal subordinate just because he's getting a little to powerful.
  12. Andy333

    He keeps digging himself deeper in that hole because he can't let it go.

    He keeps digging himself deeper in that hole because he can't let it go.
  13. Andy333

    I kind of like the idea that it wasn't really his one shot at redemption, but more that the...

    I kind of like the idea that it wasn't really his one shot at redemption, but more that the reason he can't find redemption is because he can't let this go. Its why his injury always hurts even decades after the fact, its why every time he finds a new girl he likes he goes out of his way to turn...
  14. Andy333

    Of course not realizing, the daughter dumped him not because he lost but because he escalated to...

    Of course not realizing, the daughter dumped him not because he lost but because he escalated to a public fight like that to begin with. She didn't want to be some prize being fought over. She was shy and just wanted her family to get along. And her family where severely humiliated by this...
  15. Andy333

    He just got cocky and angry at being judged and how much the dad restricted his daughter's life...

    He just got cocky and angry at being judged and how much the dad restricted his daughter's life, and when the daughter dumped soon afterwards, he became obsessed with strength and getting powerful enough to where none of those people that scorned him would ever forget his name.