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  • Is Wet in all the wrong places showing signs of waking up from its coma?
    I gotta ask, is Wet In All the Wrong Places dead or are you gonna ever continue it if you have the time?
    First of all, I really like your stories.
    Second, is it possible for you to do an update for cheer? Or are you very busy? That's the one I liked the most so far and I wouldn't like to see it die after so much.
    I'm busy writing Wet right now, though Cheer is one of the fics I'd like to go back to at some point. Not sure if I'd want to edit it first or just complete it. I only planned out seven chapters for it, in the end.
    Just wanted to say hooked is some of the absolute best smut I've ever read. Really fantastic work. I'm enjoying dirty deeds as well of course; hooked just really hits the right buttons for me.
    • Like
    Reactions: Connamer
    I really do want to go back and finish Hooked some time. Of course I'm also thinking of another new story right now, so who knows if or when it'd actually happen.
    The muse is a fickle thing. I'll hope you return to it someday, but I'm not trying to push you. Just wanted to say I really thought it was awesome.
    Have had any inspiration lately on Lisa's part of Cheer?
    The Shadowmind
    The Shadowmind
    I'd tried training a neutral network (novel ai) on a combination of Cheer and Role reassignment, but the results have been lack luster.
    From my understanding, current neural net AIs need massive amounts of examples to work with before they stop producing nonsense. You might have better luck if you had a sample size of 5-10 million words, but with only 100k or less it probably won't ever produce anything good.
    The Shadowmind
    The Shadowmind
    The novelai been useful in producing coherent sentences, and somewhat remembering past context. But it's ability to keep a plot going, and avoid repeating itself over and over is a problem.

    About a 1/3 of Watch the Pretty Coin Lisa was written by the NN. While on the more complex Go! Fight! Win! The NN was only useful about 10% of the time, and mostly for fleshing out the background.
    So uh, quick question if you don't mind.

    What in the Fresh hell does your avatar represent?

    It hits my uncanny valley something fierce
    Do you have plans on finishing the want arc soon, the plot was almost finished and I am very curious how it is ending.
    Still thinking about it, honestly. I was doing some forward planning for the rest of the story, and I'm not fond of some elements of it. I'll either work it out or I won't, though chances are I'll finish the first arc in either case.
    Greetings boss! Hope your having a fun Labor Day weekend, and can't wait to see more of your awesome writings!
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