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Recent content by EdwardJPrath

  1. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Interlude 1

    Interlude 1 {POV Batman}{Location: Watchtower} The League of Avengers had scheduled a meeting for today, with a certain caped crusader first in line to present. “Batman has the floor,” Wonder Woman stated, “questions are to be left until after his entire presentation.” “Thank you,” he...
  2. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7

    Chapter 7 I woke up fine and dandy to the comfortable, soft bed of billionaire Bruce Wayne’s guest room. The blessed sun was shining through the large window, permeating the room with natural, warm light. It was a struggle to wake up, get up, and go to the bathroom. After performing my...
  3. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6

    Chapter 6 {POV Batman/Bruce Wayne} “Are you sure it’s wise to leave him alone?” Robin asked on our way to the Batmobile. “I’ve notified Alfred,” he replied. Adam didn’t seem like one to get into trouble, but he was rescued from Cobblepot’s mansion where he nearly willingly entered...
  4. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5

    Chapter 5 {POV Batman/Bruce Wayne} Bruce honestly did not know what to think. So, he reviewed the events. Tonight had gone from a normal patrol: teaching Robin and driving through the city. To a rescue situation: Penguin and his thugs caught with children saved. Then finally an...
  5. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4

    Chapter 4 I was in the Batmobile and we were driving through the city. Well, had driven through. We were on the outskirts now. Batman had convinced me to follow him after he said I was “not in the system” and “had a dangerous artifact” with me. It was just a key, but maybe the magic-ness of...
  6. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3

    Chapter 3 This chapter became more of a recap episode. I’m sorry about that, but I’m trying to write differently and needed to try with this. I would appreciate your thoughts. === The cleanup crew arrived shortly after Batman’s stomping of Penguin’s thugs. Police officers got statements...
  7. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 ‘Okay, Adam, let’s think this through,’ I thought. Pacing back and forth in my cell, sweat had started to form on my brow. ‘I was drugged and abducted. I’m in Penguin’s lair, and there’s no superpowers to get me out. I’ll probably die or be conscripted and then put in jail to rot...
  8. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)

    Thanks for the tips. Fixed the threadmark and paragraph spacing. I'll look into grammarly and betas.
  9. EdwardJPrath

    CF in DC and Marvel (SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Chapter 1 “Welcome to Gotham,” the sign read. An ominous warning to all those who ventured forth. Unfortunately, that included me. Yes, there was a possibility in which I could turn around and hitch-hike to another city, but I was already here and while a hell hole Gotham was interesting...