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Recent content by Godfire

  1. Godfire

    Hyena Werks (DanmachixDnD SI)

    Mc hate Gods. Will he join Loki or one? Me personally, I don't recommend him to but I'm not the author of this fic. Anyway, great chapter.
  2. Godfire

    All Children of the Mother (original, fantasy/science fantasy)

    Now. That's something else! Great fic! Absolutely excellent!
  3. Godfire

    Hyena Werks (DanmachixDnD SI)

    One of my pet peeves as a reader is that when a new guy comes in town, everyone and their mother be friendly to them. I mean, Mia just slapped a 7 feet hyena with no fear! —And I'm noticing how Damnachi author's make Mia as a God fearing person. Please, please no— I mean, people are still...
  4. Godfire

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)

    You busy saying he sad. His brain was/is rewired, non? It is possible that he doesn't think like a human at this point. You can't stare at reality in the face and come out fine. His perspective is distorted and warped. Perhaps....
  5. Godfire

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)

    Apathy? Cold indifference? Neither way, I like this Adam!
  6. Godfire

    Shadow Sovereign, King of Heroes ( Remake)

    I had read a fic like this before. A rewrite perhaps?
  7. Godfire

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)

    Alright. No death by snu snu it seems.
  8. Godfire

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)

    I mean, it's a peak fic but you said it's a crack... So.....
  9. Godfire

    The Oracle (Overlord)(FOCxMOC)

    I totally forgot this fic existed. Regardless, nice update.
  10. Godfire

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Nice update :)
  11. Godfire

    Academy Nerd [ Isekai Progression LitRPG Mana ]

    The story is exceptional. The only thing lacking is what the above commenters advised. There's no depth to your story. We don't know the description of the Mc or anything else, really. And, for the love of god, please don't make him a wimp. The way he died saving the girl is dreadful enough...
  12. Godfire

    Cog Cultivator (Xianxia)

    Interesting story. Does the Cog really see darkness when it closes it's eyes? Does it's brain really can't comprehend the vastness of the universe? Continue to suprise me, dear author.
  13. Godfire

    Cog Cultivator (Xianxia)

    No chapter 2 :(
  14. Godfire

    Cog Cultivator (Xianxia)

    Interesting. I thought he will mediate on the spot for days to come untill the master accepts him.
  15. Godfire

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    First things first. You're an awesome writer. The tension, drama and the character's *Chef's kiss* You're my absolute number one Author in this site.