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  • God, I hate camping.
    I liked it better when I was younger, but I could also tolerate the sun better back then. Now I want AC and toilets that flush in the summer instead of trees and outhouses.
    I could handle everything else, except the Sun, though I'd also prefer not to have been out in 90 degree weather with 90% Humidity, but that's into 'it's manageable' territory.
    I'd disagree if you were within a quarter mile of an outhouse, as I've found humidity makes everything about those things worse. Give me my bone dry heat any day of the week.
    Might be a bit of a weird question but what's your opinion on the whole rooster teeth shutting down and the debacles they had with handling shows like RWBY prior to that?
    A good premise can only carry you so far, and, that's what happened. While, in a perfect world they'd reboot the entire thing into something amazing, but since I heard Shawcross, one of the 'writers' that ran it into the ground, moved with the sale of RT to Viz, I'm not holding my breath.
    Your stories always have something in them that makes me cry (I'm a sympathetic crier!) and I think that's awesome. Both Abbadon and the Draconic one have made me cry because of the MC's feelings of distrust and betrayal. So in trying to get the emotional depth across-at lease to me-it appears very genuine. Your writing will always be a stand-out to me!!
    So, downside of taking good care of your car, but living in New England, is that the road salt literally will rot the metal. So, I've kept my car running for over a decade, but now it's at the point where the price required to fix my AC is literally more than the car is worth. But it works fine otherwise, so, while I save up for a new one, I'm driving with the windows down!
    That sucks. I've heard enough from friends that work at shipyards and ships in general about what a bitch salt is to deal with. Stainless steel? Hah! Meet piles of salt and the black arts of chemistry...

    Anyway, good luck and investing in a thermos flask filled with ice-water/tea etc till the worst of the heatwaves pass might be a good idea!
    Been there. I live in Utah, the state that has the Salt Flats. Guess what we use to melt the snow as well? Only difference is that we're further south and not by any large bodies of water other than the Great Salt Lake so we don't get as much as you and it probably doesn't hang around as long compared to you northeastern states.

    EDIT: They used to use ice in a box by the window as AC to help blow cool air in.
    Uuufff, yeah that sounds like an unpleasant situation to be in. Sad to hear its caused that much harm, at least it works otherwise, but yeah hoping that you get enough together for a replacement before more issues appear.
    How would taking a template work (when said template has access to a growth enhancer like a litrpg system) when the growth enhancer they have access to is fairly open ended, would it give me access to the system they use for me to do the fuck I want with or would it shoe horn me into roughly the same build that they got as I get to their level of power?
    It would, in fact, shoe-horn you into the system, but Templates don't have to be characters, they can just be the system, though you wouldn't get the growth enhancer, as the growth enhancer is part of their build so you can't a-la-carte it.
    If you want both the system, and the growth boost, I'd point out that you're no longer trying to make an interesting premise, you're just trying to cheese the power to 'win', at which point, given how broken the various Catalogs are because they have Point Gain mechanics baked in, just Capture some people and buy the additional abilities, though that'd likely make for a poor story.
    Just learned you have a fanfiction profile when i went to read abaddon borne and realized it hadn't been fully posted over here. Gonna go pilfer through your favorites and see what you like to read. I'm sure it'll be fun, given that one of the first things i saw was a naruto fic with naruto being the shinigami's summoner and romancing his mom.
    john doe 777
    john doe 777
    Note his Abaddon Bourne is much more rough on fanfic.net he is editing and improving it on qq.
    Just copy-editing it, not content editing, though. Also, yeah, I favorited that one, fuck, like a decade ago? It's really more horrified fascination that it's still updating than anything else. I have zero idea what happened in it.
    Random question, when one of your main stories (My Harem Academia, Draconian Remnant and Arcane Curiosity Explored) ends, will you choose any of the other, normally commissioned ones, to become part of the main trio?
    So, just checking, is there a NWD chapter ten or book 2 chapter 1 or whatever in the works? Or did it not get its life insurance paid up?
    Hey Lee, I was thinking you need to adjust your release schedule. You've stockpiled a few commissions there.
    Maybe something like;
    Week 1-Draconian remnant then a commission.
    Week 2-My harem academia then a commission.
    Week 3-Arcane curiosity explored then a commission.
    Week 4-a multiversal glimpse then a commission.
    2 chapters release a week should work IF you ever stick to your goal of 6k words a chapter.
    • Like
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    I appreciate the suggestion, but it's 3k a chapter minimum, and I like my 'main rotation then 2 others' thing just fine.
    Boop the silence
    Boop the silence
    Do what works best, just hoping you don't drown coz I'm always looking forward to your next release. Whenever and whatever that may be.
    And looks like we're both wrong, a check of your kofi says 'of at least 4k words' a chapter.
    Main rotation chapters are at least 3k. Kommissioned chapters area at least 4k.
    This is an interesting theory, but I feel like the actual case is that italicized words give more information that isn't obvious to people complaining about it and, given that they don't want to learn or engage their brains, that makes them feel lesser, which creates the outraged reaction. Or maybe it's just "it's different, which means it's bad".
    Hey lee Sorry, English is not my first language. One question, have you thought about returning to worm someday in the future now that you've improved as a writer?
    Is there a Born to Ken update in the queue?
    There is not.
    Lord Aether
    Lord Aether
    Real sad, that.
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    You can always change that by donating to have a commissioned. Even a little bit each month will eventually see a new chapter be written. Though it may take Leecifer around 6 months to actually write it with his current backlog.
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    Random line of thought I thought would be better shared here, would being forced to take a very weak weave based work contract or nothing one of the worst ways for the company to fuck a Lee over?
    From that Lee's POV, of course.
    Hey Lee, I know you aren't prioritizing them because of the backlog of commissioned works, but I have a question about future MG's. One of the things I love about The Company that you and Cherico work in is that you can use any CYOA instead of the WC or the one you created for future builds.
    One of the things I liked the most about BTK and DS is that you didn't use any version of the WC, and I'm curious if any other CYOA has caught your attention enough that you'd use them in a Company story in the future.
    I've got a couple ideas, though the 'issue' is that a lot of the other CYOAs, because they aren't required to parasitize another IP, can easily be turned into original fiction.
    True, but I've also seen a lot that focuses on one fandom, so while limiting could still be fun to see done. Even the ones that encourage original fiction could be dumped in an IP. Still, looking forward to what you write no matter what CYOA is or is not used.
    Done marathoning Draconian, but it's RIGHT on the edge of 2 weeks silent. Should I PM my marathon comments? Post now? or are you near another update?
    Random question but good is your knowledge of the Devil May Cry games or the netflix Castlevania anime?
    Not the greatest, but enough to follow a discussion. Why?
    Just considering how good a template/possession target V would make for that setting.
    I just found an author on fanfiction.net named Vimesenthusiast. They use a speech to text program that allows them to produce three 30k chapters a month. With your backlog of commissions have you considered using a similar program?
    While I liked Vimesenthusiast's earlier works, their use of that program seems to have encouraged some very bad habits, as all their stories started getting very... basic and same-y, to the point I couldn't keep reading them.

    While I could blitz through my backlog, I wouldn't be delivering on the standard of quality people have come to expect, and that I, personally, hold myself to.
    The age old problem of quantity versus quality. Now that you have pointed it out I can even see the trap. I know when I am speaking I don't think as deeply as when I'm writing, so that probably translates when using speech to text programs.

    Oh well it was just a greedy thought on how I could get you to give me more stories quicker.
    Luke Dragneel
    Luke Dragneel
    Good for taking notes or writing out scenes, so long as you plan to go back over them with a fine toothed comb to see if the story flows properly. I also read Vime, but I find that he tends to get lost on the details and doesn't often check to ensure he's not treading the same path again.
    Hello, a question, are all the stories on your profile active or are any of them paused? and the story of star wars PP, that you have in FF is on pause?
    Two questions, if you don't mind.
    When contractors go for their final test, do they have any thing they purchased? Or just the company stamp?
    Do you have a list of seminars and teachers? Because I can't find one on any of the WC pages I've found so far.
    • Like
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    2b. - the Class A required seminar (can't remember the name off-hand) which is taught by a Cenobite with TA's including the Major from Hellsing and is essentially Brewster's Millions-ing the A-holes when it comes to Sadism, to try and get their shit under control.
    3. Theoretically Class B's requirement is some kind of 'Learn how to Survive Court/Make Deals', Class C's is Mythos Hogwarts where you learn the basics of summoning, and Class D's is a couple months doing legal paperwork while dealing with Lich/Vampire/Etc. Personalities, like an Undead Boston Legal.
    4. But these are all if you want to, as the entire point of this is that all of these things are only true in some sub^nth departments of The Company, and not others, so it's really up to you what you want to do, as these are less rules and more... guidelines.
    So odd question but regarding the Stacy clones/copies used for the agent training and such...

    Are they in the catalogue to buy? Like obviously not the "real" one used by writers and cyoa enthusiast's but the version used by characters in the various stories?

    Because I could absolutely see some nutter who survives their initiation wanting a Stacy to vent their frustrations on/keep as a pet/buy for old times sake.
    Way I'm running it, Agents aren't available for general purchase, as that's not their contract. That said, in the infinite multiverse, did a Stacy fuck up so bad she became product? ... probably, and more likely than most Agents.
    Wait isn't there a gotcha for the catalogue? Because getting a Stacy from the gotcha would be hilarious.
    Had a tooth break, which has never happened before. No pain, but I'm gonna need to find a new dentist, since I've moved, come Tuesday!
    Had the same thing happen to me a number of years ago. No actual pain for a fair while, though extreme temperatures in liquids which came into contact with it changed that.

    1 issue with it is that depending on if it's just a large chip or actually gets to roots/other sensitive tissues it can be a major vector for infection. Given long enough or just bad luck that can lead into heart issues.
    In any case, I wish you the best of luck on this, happy holidays, and thanks for the various stories you've created and displayed.
    Crap, sorry to hear that. I was hoping that things would get better for you after you found a new place to live. Maybe your luck will change in the new year.
    Hope whatever IRL stuff you got going on isn't too daunting. On lighter topics, any new series/books you are getting into?
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