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Recent content by mishie

  1. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Gotta say, when all of this regularly comes up, I enjoy just pointing at Australia. Where we've bravely volunteered to accidentally do a great study to show how well lockdowns work. Since you can just very easily compare New South Wales and Queensland, where NSW delayed going into a hard...
  2. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Looks like I should be able to get a vaccine next week, I could have gotten it this week but I was too busy to pop over to get the shot. Plus we wanted to space out people getting them at work so we wouldn't all need to take a day off sick because of side effects or whatever. Overall though it...
  3. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Just a quick amendment to my earlier statement, looks like there won't be a large lockdown, but instead only one at that hospital and specficic locations that that doctor visited since they'll use contact tracing to see who is at risk.
  4. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Things have become slightly annoying in Australia, the state of queensland has broken its 2 month streak of no new cases of Covid after a doctor at one of the largest hospitals in the state was infected by one of two patient's with covid, so now half the state is going back into lockdown since...
  5. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yknow it's funny when people bring up Sweden they never mention the part about how they did actually shut things down as well, but generally relied on a culture of responsibility to allow people to choose how much to distance for their own safety. And then they ended up with something like...
  6. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Oh in that case, please point me towards a study done which shows a nice count up of every single investigation into a confirmed positive Covid19 patient. Because I really don't think you understand how fucking routine some of those are. Because I'd feel pretty confident in saying that almost...
  7. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Here's the thing right, you're kinda making it very clear that you have absolutely no medical knowledge or experience outside of what you've seen on wikipedia or the news. And as such all the shit you're saying is basically just completely useless opinions. But if you actually knew anything...
  8. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    See here's the core issue right. You're saying that we cannot make any assumptions about the future of covid whatsoever because we have so few cases that are exactly as lomg as you want. The thing that you're kinda ignoring is the fact that pneumonia isn't exactly a new thing, doctors and...
  9. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Thing is though, we've already got significant contact tracing in place, to the point where we know exactly where the vast majority of our positive cases came from. And when ypu add in the fact that we can easily test and isolate at risk people from dangerous countries like the US, then that...
  10. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Oh that's totally true, we could end up having a bad second wave, but the fact is the initial reaction has not only proven that people are able to react quickly and change their lives to adapt to having to distance, but it's also allowed us to significantly over-prepare for the amount of cases...
  11. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    And then you've also got Iran, which whilst being a hot and dry country was one of the first to start digging mass graves. So yes, I do agree that climate can have a minor effect on spread, there's a far larger effect on it by having a population and government that react quickly and react well...
  12. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yeah I've already gone over all that bullshit earlier, Australia is a country which has almost all of it's population in less that ten cities, we have constant traffic and tourism from China and other Asian countries, and to top it all off we had a complete fuckup of the handling of a cruise...
  13. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yeah you're right, nobody knows what the 'correct handling' is, even though multiple countries like Australia and New Zealand reacted quickly and have pretty much totally beaten it. Truly an impossible conundrum.
  14. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Holy shit you're actually dumb enough to go with an argument stupid enough to be on Always Sunny, so just to save everyone else some time, I'll just post the rest of it: What a truly amazing argument against all things Scientific, that because some random people did stupid shit in the past...
  15. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    What's also interesting is the fact that even without the lockdown, people are choosing to isolate in Sweden, so they've ended up with the fascinating result of both increased deaths, whilst still fucking the economy.