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Recent content by Queen Fiona

  1. Queen Fiona

    Moonstone. I wrote her into a Marvel quest I was doing because qfalconix is a big Thunderbolts...

    Moonstone. I wrote her into a Marvel quest I was doing because qfalconix is a big Thunderbolts fan, though she only showed up as Karla Sofen thus far.
  2. Queen Fiona

    I really need to get around to posting the rest of that here, since for whatever reason it was...

    I really need to get around to posting the rest of that here, since for whatever reason it was stupidly popular, and that was *before* the MahoAko anime started airing. :v Either way, I'm glad you're enjoying it! ❤️
  3. Queen Fiona

    ♪ I know love is delusional / And I hate when I'm wrong... ♪

    ♪ I know love is delusional / And I hate when I'm wrong... ♪
  4. Queen Fiona


  5. Queen Fiona

    My girlfriend stelaria just began a new quest inspired by It's No Game and my other Late Reiwa...

    My girlfriend stelaria just began a new quest inspired by It's No Game and my other Late Reiwa Era work! ❤️ Go check it out!
  6. Queen Fiona


  7. Queen Fiona

    Around here it's usually the last two, with a bit of the second. I usually manage to dodge it...

    Around here it's usually the last two, with a bit of the second. I usually manage to dodge it, though. ...usually.
  8. Queen Fiona

    My status isn't a secret, or anything. Usually I prefer my writing to do the talking on that...

    My status isn't a secret, or anything. Usually I prefer my writing to do the talking on that part. Sometimes, though, I need to give people a little nudge.
  9. Queen Fiona

    One reader going all 'can we name and shame this man pretending to be a woman the thread author...

    One reader going all 'can we name and shame this man pretending to be a woman the thread author mentioned', which doesn't exactly speak to respect.
  10. Queen Fiona

    I identify as female, yes. I put this here mostly because I saw some likes on A Kind of Magic...

    I identify as female, yes. I put this here mostly because I saw some likes on A Kind of Magic from people who don't seem to cotton to that kinda thing, and y'know, I'm fine to take likes from anyone but maybe they might wanna know who they're liking in that case?
  11. Queen Fiona

    Vacation next week, expect intermittent replies and attention.

    Vacation next week, expect intermittent replies and attention.
  12. Queen Fiona

    I don't see the problem.

    I don't see the problem.
  13. Queen Fiona

    By the way, I'm trans. I just thought some recent readers of mine should know.

    By the way, I'm trans. I just thought some recent readers of mine should know.
  14. Queen Fiona

    Even if things can't be as sweet as we'd like, I'm glad you've been enjoying my work for so long! ♥️

    Even if things can't be as sweet as we'd like, I'm glad you've been enjoying my work for so long! ♥️
  15. Queen Fiona

    Make that fifteen thousand likes! A Kind of Magic is way more popular than I expected!

    Make that fifteen thousand likes! A Kind of Magic is way more popular than I expected!