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  • I really enjoy your writing and started reading back during gamer of the void but its tough getting invested in a story again and again just to have you drop them without any seeming resolution. Obviously changing stories is better than you burning out writing something you arent interested in writing at the time so i dont really know what could be changed, im just expressing a desire for complete stories :)
    That's the unfortunate reality of fanfiction. It's a pretty small percentage of authors who regularly finish fics, at least when their fics average more than 30k words, and I'm afraid to say I haven't beaten the odds there.
    That is something ive noticed, at least you're still active in writing, ive definitely read stories that were posted a couple years ago and they haven't written anything since :p
    Not that I'm not enjoying that in the dungeon of stone(I am really enjoying it) but what happened to In the Sky with You that you're writing?
    I write what the muse demands. I'm still decently likely to write a chapter of Skyblock, I still have a decent amount of motivation for it, but the shiny new Stoneblock fic is definitely demanding more of my attention right now.
    Do you have a google document or something similar with the Gamer system you use? Or do you know where I can find one?
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    Reactions: Fitz smith
    Just the character sheets(which are linked at the bottom of most chapters and you can make a copy of). I made up the entire system myself, which I regret, because it's messy. I don't recommend using a system that makes use of numbers, you want as few hard numbers as possible. If you insist, get good at using spreadsheets, as they're a life saver.
    Yeah, I already decided I'm not using HP or MP. Mostly wanted inspiration for perks, items, things like that, but I'm also back and forth on how to handle leveling up and was hoping to find some ideas there. And how to price items in the store.
    Just curious dude but how's Gamer of the Void going?
    Rest of Konosuba is planned out, but I need to reread all the DxD stuff so I can plan out the rest of the fic. I can't remember what I've already done or just planned on doing. I've also decided to edit old chapters, get them cleaned up and reread at the same time. I haven't made much progress on that front, but it's still steadily ticking along.
    Okay, I just started rereading it and figured I'd ask!
    How goes progress on crimson chain?
    I've got all the scenes for the first book plotted out. That might change as I write it, but it's a solid framework to work on. I've written very little of it though, just the first scene. My current plan is to wait until November, put everything else on pause, and focus on ACC as my NaNoWriMo project.
    This likely isn't happening lol. I decided to completely throw out all my plans and start again from scratch. Well, not quite scratch, but I wasn't satisfied with the previous plan so I came up with something new.

    ... it really is stuck in development hell though. Sooner or later I'm just gonna have to write it and release it so I stop changing my mind on things. At least it gets better with each new plan, imo.
    In the latest chapter of gamer of the void near the end Axton says some one can shit on his lap. may want to change that.
    I have a question about your other story. Do you think that Cain will ever be comparable in power to Axton? Maybe it's the difference in the length of the stories or just the difference in their power source but I get the feeling that Axton is just hilariously more powerful and I wonder if Cain will ever catch up?
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    Reactions: Sypho.uad
    Eventually, though at a far slower pace. Certainly not by the time he finishes Worm, where I plan to end the story. He won't stop growing there though, we just won't see it. But given enough time, he'll get just as powerful as Axton, yeah.
    In GotV Axton still has a potion of youth or similar from gacha, he could drink it (shapeshift back) and then make jokes about his fountain of youth and elixir of life etc
    I feel like you need to put up a snippet thread for random stories you come up with. The VotV and CC is your side project but it doesn't have to be. For something like those, I suggest doing the above just so that you can decide if that particular story is worth continuing or not.
    Oh man I discovered your Gamer story recently and I just binge through it all. I'm actually really sad I got caught up. I tired moderating myself to only a chapter a day but it was so good I couldn't help myself. It's a great story man and I can't wait to read more, especially now that you've started going to other worlds.
    So I was just rereading Gamer of the Void and thought he could probably use the Pearl to ask the method's' to grow more Senzu Beans.

    P.s. just rememberd he used it already. Woops.
    He hasn't used the pearl or the senzu beans. But that is something he could use it on. Not that he would, when his potions are nearly as good and easier to reproduce. Though they are a little less convenient.
    Shifty, Is your Gamer Story based on an actual system for level/exp?
    I do have actual numbers and stuff that I calculate yeah. But that system isn't based on anything, except other Gamer fics. The actual numbers I made up and basically duct taped everything together. I keep tweaking things and adding things so they work somewhat coherently.
    So just curious but... is there any chance of asking how the next chapter is coming?
    I just finished reading everything (plus the omake which honestly should be canon) and I'm needing moar!
    But not trying to rush you or anything, you'll post when you're ready... I'm just real excited for more shenanigans
    I literally just uploaded that last chapter yesterday, it's not even been 24 hours. I've hit a slightly awkward point for pacing issues and I've had a couple ideas that have caused me to need to rework some stuff, so so far today's just been responding to comments and brainstorming.
    Oh. Sorry I don't look at posting dates (which probably is why I get in trouble for necroing) so sorry if I bothered you.
    You're good, but you might wanna look at posting dates if you're gonna ask for info about the next update lol. I know that's the first thing I do when I catch up to a new fic that I really like, I look at the upload dates for the last few chapters.
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