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Soliciting style requests

Tried out both and for the moment I find Light to be a slightly better representation of the old style than Lightened is. Neither feels particularly close but that seems to be more of a "shapes are all wrong" problem.

(Notable inconvenience in both: quotes are sufficiently darker for text in them to be uncomfortably low contrast - especially as it's also tiny. The old-style quotes were (AFAICT) essentially the same color, in both background and font size, as regular text.)

The HUGE problem with current default Light is that threadmark headers are unreadable

View: https://i.imgur.com/jqCrkGZ.png
Is a "style" just colors or screen layout as well?

I am often on a small tablet screen and would love the ability to have the post as the full width of the screen, so the poster details would be a header on each post.

I took a look at my preferences screen, but didn't see anything I identified as relevant.
Is a "style" just colors or screen layout as well?

I am often on a small tablet screen and would love the ability to have the post as the full width of the screen, so the poster details would be a header on each post.

I took a look at my preferences screen, but didn't see anything I identified as relevant.
This is usually controlled by the width of your screen. If you go into portrait mode, it might well display that way. Unfortunately this probably isn't that helpful.
I've lightened up (heh) the background color of quotes in the Lightened theme.
...ugh, this is actually mildly inconvenient because the rest of that theme is a lot more unreadable in contrast terms, so now I need to choose my position in the tradeoff. But I looked at my old-style tabs and it was apparently always like that but nowhere near that hard to read? Could have been a font thing I guess.
The HUGE problem with current default Light is that threadmark headers are unreadable
This, on the other hand, is true and I just hadn't noticed because I wasn't reading anything with threadmark headers closely enough to notice their absence.
When are we getting Light Responsive?
I've gotten used to the old default style and I miss it dearly
Any chance of removing some of the dead space so we can fit more than 2 replies to a screen on mobile?

Just the like bar is more space than a quick 2 line reply.

IDK if this is the right thread for it, or how much you can even do about it, but here's my criticism:

- Way too much padding on all elements. Makes everything look huge and chunky; there's a lot of wasted space. The complaints about the floating header would probably reduce if it was of a more reasonable size. The top bar on posts is also way too fat, the content there is not something you need unless you're specifically looking for it.

- Dark theme text should be lighter. Off-white, I'd say, rather than merely grey. The colour in the text box for posts is a nice example.

- Links on quotes. There used to be an arrow button on every quote, leading to the quoted posts. Useful both for communication and pointing out typos to authors.

- Put the QQ logo next to the Home button on the floating bar, or maybe replace the button text with the logo entirely.

Edit: Apparently, I'm blind.
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Using the site's built-in font size picker has some unexpected impacts on the UI elements:



The green colour in the new blackened green isn't the same green as the one from xenforo 1. I also feel like it would have been better to use the blackened high contrast mode for default blackened as it was the most similar to the old blackened colour instead of these shades of light grey text on dark grey background. So I would like to have a style with blackened high contrast with the old green colour. Other people would probably want the darker blackened with the other old colours too.
I'm sorry, but can I have something more contrast and white than both light and lightened theme?
Kinda using default XenForo now, because those two are grey sploches.
A few from the other thread,

Here's the Light/Dark UI.X 2 styles which are free* (with a discount code)

I also liked this style, though it costs $30, or $50 for both light & dark,

There's a live demo, but screenshots for the lazy
If you guys are still taking suggestions for additional themes, I wanted to chime in to second these themes. I used the UI.X Dark before, mostly because it had a nice splash a color and had spacing around elements that I considered closer to "modern web design" that everyone else seems to hate so much. I don't really have a preference between them, they all look good to me, including the non-UI.X theme suggested here. Hell, I'd donate to help fund one of them (at least the initial purchase, not sure how important theme updates even are tbh) if it'd help. Admittedly, the current themes are probably "good enough" for my tastes I'd say, especially if funds are better spent elsewhere to support the site.

I'm not sure if tweaking the spacing around elements to help remove deadspace that a lot of people have been suggesting is even on the table. That seems like a lot of tweaking for a purchased theme, but I don't know what Xenforo themes actually look like behind the scenes so it might be simple enough to do. If it is on the table, then I'd like to request one of the above even more so that the three people (this might be an overestimation based on this thread) that actually like the deadspace still have a theme that fits their tastes and has color.
Can we get a style that's Blackened Purple but orange instead? really missing my orange everything.

Can we also get a toggle for fixed site width so threads don't expand to be infinitely wide to the borders of my extra wide monitor?

Somewhat related to that, I mentioned in the other two threads, this style: https://xenfocus.com/styles/illuminate_dark/ seems like it'll do everything we want for dark and light styles (even has a fast-toggle between them and built-in toggles for the thread width thing). It does cost money but I'm willing to pay some amount into a pot to get it, especially if it's the only way I can get my orange theme back.

I like the high contrast, but yeah, Blackened High Contrast Orange. I miss my halloween QQ lol.
Know what I miss? Edgyness.

As in, actual edges. Pointy stuff like corners. Everything's all *rounded* now. It's that annoying 'new'-ish thing where they round off all the edges.

Comparison of the old lightened and new

The old one was way cleaner in the contrast of elements on the page

The lightened is ... meh
I'll stick to Blackened high contrast for now I guess

This pair of images shows what I mean. It's a very incredibly minor thing, but it's there, and it's definitely part of "new thing bad" for my monkey brain.
Changing the font size with the change font size command on the banner does not change some elements and leads to fucky scaling when you zoom in on PC using default style. An especially egregious example is where inside of a board like CW or NSFWCW pages the titles, poster, date posted, words and page jump links, as well as views and last poster displays are all the same size, the "Replies" header, number of replies, and time of last reply fields are the only ones that actually change leading to grossly misshapen layouts.
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Comparison of the old lightened and new

The old one was way cleaner in the contrast of elements on the page

The lightened is ... meh
I'll stick to Blackened high contrast for now I guess

Thank you for posting that! I wanted to say, this is the style I liked the most, but I didn't have any screenshots of it.

The current lightened theme is better for me than the dark themes, but the closer we can get, color-wise, to the previous theme, the happier my eyes will be.
After years of using the old default style I will be happy if you can add it to the new system.

Something i've noticed is that the color of the profile background on the lightened theme is a bIt too bright compared to before.

Not really something important, just a minor nitpik for if your already in the style's insides.

Edit : It's also the same kinda bright when you tap on someones username for the background.
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Having a white background style would be awesome, something similar to Xenforo Default, but without all the missing features.

Also, the separator between Sticky Threads and Normal Threads could benefit from increased contrast for better visual distinction. Spacebattle does that quite well, as seen below.
Still missing the Blue style from before. The Blackened Blue one currently just doesn't do anything for me. Wish I had a screenshot to show which style I'm talking about, but sadly that's hindsight for ya.
I'd be fine if all the current theme colors were high-contrast.

Green is my priority, and I'd like it to look more like the older Blackened Green theme (with a serif font for post body text but default san-serif for buttons etc.).

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