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Questionable Questing

Daniel K. English
Daniel K. English
That's Penthesilea from Fate/Grand Order.

What are they like?
Daniel K. English
Daniel K. English
She's not released in the NA version of the game, yet...

But from what I understand, she's a rough woman who hates Achilles and the Greek heroes due to her legend. Her current form is diminished in femininity as revenge against Achilles, who called her "pretty" rather than "strong" after their battle. She rejects her remaining femininity and strives to be come powerful instead.
I see. Sounds like an interesting summon.
Thanks for the compliment. I've always had a thing for strong women. My first crush was taller than me, and had sisters that both got over six feet tall before adulthood. Penthesilea's artwork is just incredible for how it makes the muscles look 'chiseled' like marble and does an incredible job looking strong that way rather than the more 'inflated' style of muscles you see with bodybuilders.
May I see the full picture please?

I mean your description sounds great, but there's only so much detail I can see with the avatar version.