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  • Yo, Akumakami! I'm the writter of a story where I'm using your Love Azathoth CYOA, at least as a general setting, and I had some questions for you, if you had the time?
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    Reactions: Fitsdreia
    Frie away?
    Well, for example, why go for a culling of the Great Race of Yith? Canonically, their population almost never rise as they basically never reproduce, and the only moments when they actually use mass-mind transfer is when their entire species' survival is at stake, which happened only a handful of times in history.
    Hello. Just dropping by to ask if you have finished the version 2 of your Love Azathoth CYOA, and if so, where I can find it.
    Oh, and also, what does the Boundless perk from the marriage section entail exactly? What are the class restrictions?
    Any chance of hell overfloweth ever returning?
    Is that a CYOA or a fic he(Akumakami) wrote cause that sounds interesting, but from what I gather of your comment if it is a fic its probably discontinued so it might be a bad idea to look into it in that case.
    I haven't seen you post in a while, just figured I'd check on you and make sure you're okay since I remember you were going through some stuff a while ago.
    Hey, I was running through the CYOA Tread when I found your Archnemesis post. If it was made by you, cudos to you. if not then still cudos to you for finding it. Now my main reason. Where the Fuck can I find more pictures of Lesseli/White Haired Mage? The Spicy Source, please?
    Hi! How are you? I write to ask about Azula the Sacrificed(Avatar the Last Airbender) and Dragon of the Eldritch(Highschool DxD/Love Azathoth) are they abandoned or just not updated?
    Just found your Godzilla: Build a Titan cyoa thing!
    Awesome, can't wait to see what it looks like in the future!
    But take your time man.
    Been a year since I asked last, so I'll give it another go; any chance you'll continue Three Wise Men?
    Yeah, its on my list of "things I need to get back to" I actually have part of the chapter done, just some minor writiers block to get past.
    Fair enough. It just occurred to me to ask because I did my semi monthly re-read of what's there today.
    That's two for two on surprisingly wholesome fics that I didn't know I needed and can no longer do without (AoT & Avatar). I look forward to your career with great interest!
    I never would have thought something of quality would be produced all the way back in Ymir's era. Nicely done. I'd have said it in thread but necromancy and all.
    I have a question about the Love Azathoth CYOA. With the Marriage section do you have to buy each tier or do you only pick one?
    Each tier. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense for each level to only cost one mp.
    Prince Chrom
    Prince Chrom
    That is what I thought, but figured it was best to be sure. Thank you.
    So... how many chapters of Eldritch Dragon you got stocked up hmmm???????
    *eyes you suspiciously*
    You're not being a tease now, are you???
    So I got confused and posted this on the wrong profile. So here's my comment!

    So... I'm using your Alicorn King cyoa.
    So I have a question...
    Will you eventually do one yourself?
    Kinda like your Eldritch Dragon story?
    I've considered it a few times. Just not sure what character I'd use.
    Hmm... oh! You could have twin ocs and god with the yin-yang thing!
    Oc 1: Creation, Order, Peace etc
    Oc 2: Destruction, Chaos, War etc
    So, I'm doing your Alicorn King CYOA again and just want an explanation, and I'm not sure if I'm missing it or I'm just being stupid but how exactly does the cost thing work exactly when you're selecting Powers? I don't see anything resembling a cost?

    I wanna try if I can do this straight and follow the "rules" for a change of pace. Plus it's just something I'll fiddle with on my spar time.
    You still accepting suggestions for Alicorn King DLCs?
    Imperator Maximajorian
    Sorry, I got pulled away by something.
    Well, I have some ideas:
    - One involving meeting some counterpart of Discord related to Harmony, Order or both.
    - One involving time travel
    - Maybe some that build on certain choices you made for the setting?
    Time Travel- don't have any plans for this one, but maybe.
    There IS going to be a "X Many Years" later DLC that corresponds to your main build.
    Hmm, as for a counterpart, that would be the Avatar of the Tree of Harmony(who takes on the form of a translucent, sparkly Twilight). She probably would be the best for the Xmany Years Later DLC.
    God I wish I could think of something to suggest.
    Umm... oh!
    How about have a Power called Technology and have like (By the way... this works best if you have Uncapped Technology but I guess uplifting Ponykind would be cool too... plus magitech!) somwhere in the description of the power.
    Hey, I just read your posted chapters of "Naruto's Blessings", and I really enjoyed them! While I was saddened to find that it was only two chapters long, I thought what I read was pretty great. Plus, I can never get enough NaruHina fluff, and yours is definitely quality!
    Stumbled across Three Wize Men and Darth Vader: Hero of Naboo by complete accident. Didn't realize you had written both until I tried looking up your Patreon.

    Are you still working on either of them? If not I understand.
    I wasn't sure if it'd be Necro or anything but I just want to say I'm really enjoying your Overlord of Death story and I can't wait to see more of Grim's adventure to regain his penis so he can stick it in crazy!

    Also I'm not familiar with Grim Tales so... can I get a link to the scource material?
    So I got a question for Overlord of Death. Well it's less of a question and more of an observation really. But this is basically what you're going to do to canon right?

    "Bite down on the pillow, I'm going in dry"

    Or in less lewd (aka less amusing) words, you're totally going to rail canon hard and fast aren't you?

    Also I'm enjoying the Grim Tales comic so far!
    Oh yeah, it starts completely Pre-canon on the GT front, so naturally canon is, as yo say, railed hard and fast.
    So I got to ask is anyone else from Grim Tales going to show up or not? If it's spoiler you don't have to say anything.
    I actually found myself rereading it last night as well.
    And I really liked everything but especially the bit between Grim and Shalltear.
    And I really hope Albedo doesn't go Yandere. I never saw the appeal of Yandere myself.
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