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  • If you think about it, Pangu's Axe just plagiarized Ea, since they do the same thing in splitting the sky from the earth and forming the world. Or is it the other way around?
    Did you know that Tanuki is translated to Jenot in Polish?
    • Like
    Reactions: rance47 and Biigoh
    Did you know that European Tanuki are called "Mangut"?
    Jenot in most slavic languages means Racoon. Main difference between Tanuki(Racoon dog) and Racoons is that Racoons are smart while Tanuki are fluffy.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Urban Pokemon is such a shit genre... it's always 18 years old, it's always college exams, it's always nationalism, it's always island secret realms, it's always border defense, it's always urban tropes aaaaah why is it always these same Shanghai-based tropesssss
    It feels like whenever they say their protagonist is going to be a "salted fish", they mean their protagonist is going to be an unproductive loser waiting for a hand out... this type of wish fulfillment is a bit much even for me
    How is it that there aren't more NTR doujins of Futari Ecchi? MC is so useless lmao and there's already cheating in the manga...
    In One Piece, "the world" and "natural order" are what make Devil Fruit users landlubbers, and them as wielders of "mortal dreams", so in essence there is a Heavenly Dao in One Piece.
    If you think about it, Konoha's defensive doctrines are weird, because it doesn't use its massive tracts of land to have any defensive depth, like they always keep trying to hold the line at the outer most regions of the Land of Fire. It's no wonder their attrition rates were so high that four year old Itachi went to the front lines.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Also, I do think Konoha relies heavily on the good will on the people of the land of fire so protect it they do. Just my two cents.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    This assumes production facilities weren't destroyed in retreat; defense in depth means making the enemy suffer atteition the deeper they strike, and Konoha doesn't have the population density to meat grinder, good will means nothing if you don't have nukes to back it up
    Saratobi is far too soft to employ this tactic. If it was Danzo....yeah, that dick would make the enemies know why this is the land of fire.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    So Pikachu is written 皮卡丘, and 丘 is rhymes with 鼬, which is also a word for 黄鼠狼. 黄鼠 means yellow mouse. 黄鼠狼 and 鼬 both mean weasel or ferret. Therefore there is the existence of the pun 皮卡鼬, where there is a Pikachu with Uchiha Itachi's powers.
    Found this one Pokemon story where the first battle is just outright the MC's Yveltal versus N's Zekrom, denouncing N's ideals, oooooh that's good
    Fried scorpions aren't the worst tasting things
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    you know like the shell is bitter but the meat is like crab
    ... Yeah, that sounds horrible. Probably it's just the shell that taste horrible and the meat must be good but how can you remove scorpion chitin when they're that small?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    here, they deep fry it with shrimp chips, or brew it in mulled alcohol
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    The first generation planted trees, the second generation played with water, the third generation raised monkeys, the fourth generation raised balls, the fifth generation gambled, the sixth generation read porn, and the seventh generation raised children.
    In DXD, the stronger you are, the more loli you are. So God of the Bible isn't some dumptruck of a girl, she is actually the Loli of the Bible.
    [Daily Sign-In, Day 13: Gain a Pika Pika no Mi.]
    [Inventory: Super soldier serum soaked loli pantsu (used), Item Fusion Card (Single Use), Chopper Template Card]
    [Points: 104]
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Oh noes! @_@

    The day has come. It has come.

    When gambles must be made!

    Stores the Pika Pika no Mi and examines the Item Fusion Card to see how many items it can fuse!
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    Reactions: d.fish
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Eats the Pika Pika no Mi and becomes a Pika Pika no Bii
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    Reactions: d.fish
    godlevel choice system is p gud
    Ding! you asked for your sisters stockings...
    1 to sniff them; chakra doubled
    2 to wear them; chakra tripled
    3 to eat them; chakra quadrupled
    4 nevermind; chakra halved
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    Reactions: Biigoh

    Wears them for the chakra
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    Reactions: d.fish
    your sister gives you her stockings and looks at you strangely as you go to the academy wearing her stockings
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Tanuki are Avon gard
    Lmao these chinese online comics sites acting like they're turning a blind eye to AI drawn art while secretly experimenting with it so that one day they can replace all these low quality comic artists loool
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    Reactions: Biigoh and Imabot
    Lol... I'm surprised that there aren't artists experimenting with AI art themselves to be able to make more comics
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    Reactions: d.fish
    They are mad they might be replaced that they don't see that it could make their jobs easier
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Ish soh... given that they could in theory draw and use the drawings to teach the AI to do their own art style and then just get the AI to draw panels of arts for them...

    Their only limitation how much capital they have for computers.
    Humor is hard and tragedy is easy. Since the world is a tragedy, then God is a hack.
    As we all know, yokai do not invade homes with closed doors and windows.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    It ish soh... Tanuki and foxes can't work doors
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    Reactions: d.fish
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