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  • So, uhhh, good news, bad news.
    Good news: Got the job I interviewed for!
    Bad news: The job does kinda suck, and it's gonna be hard hours.
    I might need to put my quest on a longer hiatus while I get the hang of things. Sorry about that guys, but I do need the money
    And now, I am housesitting again, except this time, without sharing too much personal info, I'm uhhh, I'm not in a good place, mentally. I could really use any good vibes y'all could send me, I won't lie.
    Oh, this is different. Not sure how I feel about this. That said, it doesn't seem to have fucked any story and datasheet formatting, so that's nice.
    Edit: Oh. Oh, so nettally is broken. That's no bueno. Okay. Well, for those waiting, this won't delay the next chapter of SW Quest, that's still tomorrow, but, uhhh. After that might be a while longer?
    Watch new episode of X-Men 97. Get hyped to write Rulers of Krakoa. Check in on Fall of X books. Hype vanishes. It's a constant cycle
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Rulers of Karakoa and I binge your thing later this week
    Uuggh. More thunderstorms where I am. If I'm late on my Star Wars Quest, I probably lost power. Again. Fun.
    • Like
    Reactions: Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    We have a DND game of thrones cross over with all the quality of Vet and further refinement if you want a look.. And yikes, good to know you kept power and didn't get house flooded
    Yeah, I read it at the beginning then had…something come up IRL, that left me without the time, and I hadn't caught back up. I really need to take a day and read through it all again to catch back up, honestly.
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Its some of our best work for smut and character and worldbuilding and action
    Anyone mind going back in time to tell me not to write A God's Boredom in present tense, because this is driving me crazy
    Bob is bob
    Bob is bob
    Present tense? Are you fucking insane? I know of few who write in that style
    I take no responsibility for the decisions of 2022 me. At least with A Tale of Two Spiders, I know that I was trying to mimic the narration from Spider-girl comics, but I have no idea why I did that to myself with A God's Boredom
    Currently house, dog, and horse sitting while my mom and sister are in Iceland. Expect late updates and chapters for the next week or so.
    It's so damn hot outside, it's genuinely hard to function
    And it's only going to keep getting worse. This? This is only the tip of the iceberg that's going to fuck our collective asses in the coming decades.
    This chapter of A God's Boredom is kicking my ass. If I can't make more progress tomorrow, Ima swap it out for an interlude I have outlined
    Well, being stuck with no electricity for a few days was not on my weekend plans, but here I am, anyway.
    Aaaand the power company says not to expect it back until the 24th. And the high next week is 97 degrees. Awesome.
    So, my father, genius that he is, managed to shoot himself in the leg. I don't really know how this might affect my schedule, but it will
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