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Questionable Questing

I just Ignore him myself. Though the accusations of plagiarism are amusing, given the wc 'plaigarises' the old r34 econ cyoa, the number of changes I made are likely in the triple digits, and the fact that my name isn't even in the CC to try and 'take credit'.
Lee, I largely agree with you but the opposition DOES raise some fair points. It would be good to at least offer acknowledgement of the base that you took from in the document itself. Swift (and co)'s work, while derivative, is original in its balancing and presentation.
(Edit: That way it's less about spitting in his eye and more about presenting a cohesive system regardless of how he feels.)
Fun fact, the WC I forked, which I make no bones about, doesn't mention the R34 Econ fic it was based on even once, so I was just following his lead. Also, while some authors are namedropped, neither I nor Cherico are, so the lack of clean hands about giving proper credit makes me not give a shit.
I mean, if the Mods ask me to, I will, out of respect for them, cause I really like this site, but given the CC's half the length of the WC, and, plugging both into a Plagiarism checker gives less than half a percent of commonality, I don't think anyone claiming it's a direct copy and paste is anyone worth listening to.
Yakubi42 The points you raise *are* entirely correct and i would feel a little bad for Swift if not for his attitude and general harrassing that he and his band of cultists do. Basically, in my opinion it couldn't have happened to a better person
I didn't even know about the CC until I came to your profile page and saw these comments, and while I am a fan of yours I can see where the plagiarism accusations come into play. This is most prominent in the Heritage section.
You yourself have often commented about the inhumanity of the heritage powers, and have wondered how a psycopomp could be a heritage. Yet I see it in your catalog, along with pirate a very new addition to the waifu catalog, one that I'm 90% sure was added after the version you use for your works.
When I brought this issue up in the Waifu catalog thread, Swift at least had an explanation for why pirate was a heritage. Not one I agreed with but he had it.