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  • OK Im making this known here Sorry for the delay IRL kinda had me by the balls buutttt......Ghostly Intrusions 4 will be out by Friday lol.
    So....writing sessions have been going excellent so im feeling confident enough to say that Ghostly Intrusions 3 will be up later Today
    Holy Fuck is the reception to Ghostly Intrusions Ch.2 ridiculous......I'm both excited and a bit scared of the reaction to the next chapter.
    New fic is doing absolutely amazing. And the Reception is so great that I'm compelled to release Chapter 2........Tomorrow.
    Made another fic and posted it a couple hours ago and said I'd start working on Wicked Weaver next but the new fic still has a grasp on me..
    Another intrusive idea for a fic just popped into my head.......dammit I probably will have it finished and posted before Wicked Weaver 4...
    Out of curiosity, I've got to ask you something. If the Waifu Catalog was real and you were forced into a position where you had to join; what build would you make for yourself and what starter world would you choose?
    But one that poses actual danger.
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    Reactions: Lost1
    Hmmmm. I'd probably make a Build that would have me be inserted as Liltoto during Bleach's Thousad Year Blood War Arc lol.

    I have the Build itself saved somewhere and I initially planned to make a fic for it but........the anime is adding so many new things that weren't in the manga version so I decided to wait and see how it turns out once it's over to then see if I want to go ahead and write it.
    Huh...I'm feeling really motivated right now so honestly...change of plans I think I'll be releasing chapter 1.5 Today lol.
    Currently Reading Faction Paradox for the first time as a self proclaimed Whovian........"The Book of The War" is So RAW!!!
    Okay writing is going really Well. Wicked Weaver 2 will Finally be finished and posted on Wednesday.
    Hmm a decent start to chapter 2 so far but If I want to get all the scene in one chapter it probably won't be done until Wednesday/Thursday.
    Released Wicked Weaver...and it's doing way better than I thought honestly so trying to work on releasing chapter 2 fast...maybe by Sunday?
    Not releasing the chapter because quite frankly I think it sucks. I'll make up for it next week hopefully.
    Newest Chapter is up for those who didn't know. And in other happy news I'm back to writing at my usual length.
    New Touhou Chapters Up Yatta!!! Also my Bleach Fic prologue will be up on either Saturday or Sunday at the Latest.
    Okay I've successfully moved most of my stuff into my new home in the countryside now I think I'll have enough time to write my new chapter
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