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Questionable Questing

Its still a little too early to tell with Therapist, but surprisingly fluffy seems to be very popular. Makes me happy, since that means people care about the characters if the chose that over the obvious sexy time.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Old guard demons and new blood ones who think Hell has become weak and lost its glorious dark soul
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And question, would Charlie in this AU be praised more than canon as the Hell's idea of Jesus? The golden daughter, the bringer of light? As hell as a fantasy setting is more important here, Charlie's statues as Lucifer's and Lilith's daughter has mor mythological weight
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I wanted super hot sex but I can appreicate the character driven pick
If Charlies does become a jesus figure it means she's going to be a lot more involved in the politics's of hell and have a lot more enemies. Would make her whole redemption quest with the hotel that much bigger, since it would be a direct slap in the face to old demons that want revenge against heaven instead of trying to get in it.
There will still be sex. Lol, it'll just have more hand holding than butt pounding.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Who is Vaggie? Have you seen Hazbin Hotel amazon yet? Would you mind a spoiler in a musical piece?
I don't mind a spoiler.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
She sings this song with her miles apart and they are shown together. They both have similar hair color and skin tone and speak spanish
Vaggie I think works perfect as a bratty daughter for Charlie and Lucifer to share. It helps build Charlie into a mommy dom, and it also helps Lucifer start to get around to the idea of actually having children with Charlie.
I wouldn't be surprised if her mom is an overlord. Makes sense that the person hooked up with the basically the main character would have a tragic back story.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
It feeds into making Hazbin Hotel more political. Vaggie isn't a random Demon. She's a noble like Charlie if of vastly lower rank
I love it when things line up like that.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
So Charlie, what powers does she have? All healing and such? Does she have a entrounage of faithful? You can do a lot for orignal details for her character with expanded lore.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And have you seen fiery pits and giggles?
You showed it to me yesterday, it was pretty good. I usually like the older more sinister version of satan, but a younger one that sounds like he's having a lot of fun, works better as a dad.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
You ever see part 2? And that economy of demon power, how to show it through Charlie. I like the idea of Demons being connected to buildings and cities or territories like forests and swamps
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
This would make the Hotel stand out as reflective of Charlie's power, so inspired by Hell's art and culture but Charliefied
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And Charlie's perspepctive of Hell would be much interesting. As hell is her reality, her home, Hell is normal