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Questionable Questing

Its why hell is such a shit hole in the beginning and why Lucifer is depressed because he's realized far too late that its become its own beast that he barely controls anymore, and even worse Charlie is going to get older and go out into that crazy world without him by her side all the time anymore. She's becoming an adult and he's terrified hell will change her.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Possible people think Lucifer is a myth? That he died ages ago cause no one sees him? I like the Fallen and Sinners warring with Sinners having become Demons able to create Overlords and champions able to contest with the Fallen, a mirror of the Fallen's war against the overwhelming power of heaven.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
History rhymes like poetry. So Lilth has a core territory of Fallen and Sinners who abide by her law and nation and has trouble keeping things in check outside of it. With everything else being her having to use loyal Fallen nobles and Sinner Overlords and their armies and agents to spread her power and try to make something out of Hell's churning chaos.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Enter a guy like Al for her to use as a reminder of who runs Hell. Someone who gave his soul to her for Overlord statues to than further hone his power by slaying and breaking Overlords who flaunted the laws of Lilith.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
So to save his daughter, Lucifer the Morningstar, Satan the Slayer, and Beezlub the Liberator awake to great cause once more and get back into politics. Only to find out more and more how they failed to help Lilith and she hid the problems from his depressed ass and now Hell is a dark magic cyberpunk warzone.
And while she's expanding her territory, really finally starting to get everything in this god forsaken place stable and secure, here enters a reinvigorated Lucifer ready to take the reigns of job he's not nearly ready for and charlie starting her little hotel causing the mother of all political scandals. No wonder Lilith is so stressed out.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
He's going to fight a impossibly difficult foe. Except instead of God and the legions of his brothers and sisters, Lucifer has to reign over the anarchy of dammination he let fester. An ever expanding realm of demonic power invested in ego driven id beholden souls and vengeful or prideful angels made devils who have formed a ancient system of interlinked demonic houses. Lucifer has a habbit of picking dumb battles
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I imagine some people would try to off Lucifer to test his power. The real problems start when Beal pops out again or they attack charlie and Satan rides the body. Cue the Fallen shitting their pants and older Overlords of the Sinners screaming mayday abort cease all violence and violation
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Of the three, Beal sounds the most politically minded but also the most likely to set things on fire for shits and giggles
And yet as much as he wants to walk away his love for Charlie and her love for helping people won't let him. Sounds like the start of a really good story.
Beal is also the most feared and least respected, since nobody can predict what he'll do. Doesn't matter how good of a politicians you are you need people to like you and want to work with you.
Satan is the hammer, he's the threat to keep people in line. Lucifer is the leader, the guy people believe in and want to follow. Beal is the dagger, he does all the darker dealing and dirty work. If the three can work together they are the perfect team, but that is something else he will struggle with.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Yet he somehow can as he is the Temper and Corruptor.
Satan is the warrior god king. Satan's idea of politics is law by sword and fire. A giant fucking targ dragon would be less of a brutal example of blunt power than Satan's wrath. John Wick times a thousand for the reactions.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I'm thinking the emergence of Satan in the story as you write it, when it happens? Everyone bunkering down and trying to not be the one that drew the ire of the Destroyer. Cue a city getting wiped or something, but that could create problems with Charlie. Satan loves her and fights for her, but Charlie wouldn't want hellfire genocide.
And yet Satan is the most brutally honest and blunt of the three, openly telling people what his limits are and how to avoid setting them off.
For some stupid reason there's always that idiot that has to fuck around and find out. Good thing fucking Charlie is one of the few ways to calm Satan down. Lol
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Lucifer with the idealist speeches on the rebirth of Hell, the unity of all Demons of any origin, making enemies of friends he is that smooth and sincere
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Having had to read some Reeniance drama for a class, a interesting detail might be Satan in flowerly speech giving a set of warnings of don't do this, or this, or that, or here is now soliloquy of calamity that will befall if you do the things he said don't do. He's still Lucifer, still sophisticated and smart
Satan is not dumb. He's modeled after Conan in my mind, and one of the biggest things about Conan was despite his demeanor and background he was one of the smartest people in his world. Satan is a very intelligent and very effective leader, he's just to blunt to work well anywhere except in an army position.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I have read some Conan. A clever cookie with a focus on steel and booty as what is best in life. Only a little bit of Conan I have read, the first short story phonix sword and not even finished