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Questionable Questing

Bob is bob
Bob is bob
What is the sin of the son? What will he turn the territory of the milf overlord into? And who is the milf overlord, what is she as a lower Overlord in Hell's hierarchy as a piece of character on the social classes of Lilith's queendom
I'm thinking that the milf is low enough on the totem pole that she's actively keep an eye on new sinners to recruit, but is high enough that she does have the beginnings of her own little fief. So nowhere near a high lord, but she does distantly work for one and probably has dealings with one face to face.
Low enough to care about a new sinner making waves, high enough to get invited to all the best parties is what I'm thinking.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
So how is our new Sinner making waves? What incident did the Son do to protect his family from the debt their dad put them in? Where's the carnage and hint at growing darker powers in the son?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And because she only has the start of a territory, a strong servant like the Son is valued
Still figuring out the whole scene, but what I'm thinking is that owning your own home and land is a very big deal in hell, because that's the beginning of a fief and eventual overlord status. Most people rent out crowded tenants in the big cities, and as new immigrants they have no community or group to belong to so are easy pickings for the local gangs to terrorize and steal from.
Most people either join up with their own ethnic group or eventually join up with these little gangs and slowly rise up the ranks through the years, but this family didn't have the connections and thanks to some bad diplomacy from the father, couldn't join the local gangs.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Interesting, how Hell's dividing itself into different sub cultures and not being in one is a weakness. It is chaos with pockets of order.
So getting scared and desperately hoping to get away from the chaos to their own home where they could be safe and normal again, the father takes a deal to help a crew steal from a certain overlord. the son gets involved somehow and through some shenanigans exposes a traitor in the Milf's crew that allowed the highest to happen, earning himself a job.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
So communities co pay tenants together but new Sinners can't help greatly with that so they have to prove themselves as a investment.

So how does our lad seduce the Milf?
the first few chapters of the family will be a stereotypical heist movie basically, with lore and drama being build up in the background as all the players are slowly reveal and introduced.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
The son trying to get in the greater graces of his Overlord and risking life and limb to do the job he's sent on
How does the lad seduce the milf?the right combination of sincerity and brutality. The boys the kind of guy that wouldn't hesitate to help cut up a dead body and bury it in the sand for a friend. And that kind of loyalty is something the Milf wants for herself, especially after dealing with traitors.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I like this. They go to steal from the Milf overlord and end up joining her crew instead. I like how the dad here is an idiot but in such a way it makes sense. He has no idea what to do and is trying to make his family safe and happy again and has no context for how to do it right in this place
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Interesting thought, in Hell, how hated is treachery?
It depends on the demon, some see it as a necessary step to further your own ambition. some see it as an unfortunate fact of life, some hate it more than anything, but regardless for Lilith and Lucifer treachery is one of the few crimes that is punishable by death with angelic weapons.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
This sounds like something that can cause warfare between Overlords over the topic of those who rose to power through betraying
Accusing an overlord of betrayal is a big enough sin it'll cause a trial with all the overlords of attendance. For some its the ultimate game of chicken since if that over lord is found innocent Lucifer and Lilith will look the over way if he exacts vengeance on the one who accused him even if its another overlord. Its a safety measure to make sure nobody falsely accuses the other.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Interesting. Treachery is truly the poison of all values. You can't really find a culture that likes it.
Its strange, the weaker you are the more forgiving and expected it is if you betray. A newborn sinner betraying will be given a stern warning. A overlord true death.