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Questionable Questing

Well that sounds stupidly dangerous. Are you making any other final bosses for the players to deal with or is it possible for diplomacy to happen?
No, now that I think about it a god of death and a god of life would never mix well. The kind of magic Lyanna uses would prevent diplomacy from happening.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
The Old Gods are often violent and destructive. They don't care. And the idea is a Diplomacy where the Reynes would make good allies but demand justice for the crimes of Tywin drowning them all. Not his death but something surely costly
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
My idea with them is while the courtly vampire of Johanna are controlled or even purposefully undergoing burning holy rites, branding themselves with sacred symbols of the Seven to earn the grace of God
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
The Reynes are tattooed nudist chugs blood from forest monsters and rips out dire animal hearts to bite into deviants. Dancing blood drunk pagan vampires who feed on harem thralls. Sex vampires but beastial, strong, predatory
You now taking something away from Tywin's whole bloodline, like a curse of sorts sounds right up a vampires alley. I just wonder what that kind of curse would look like?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Big trouble is Cersie is married to Stannis and is friends with Lyanna. The duty of Lyanna the person and Lyanna the Queen are at odds
There is also a ghoul union of lesser Undead uniozing against Tywin
Which makes for interesting dilemma's for the players. They understand the reins need for vengeance, but at the same time Cersei is their friend. Could make for an interesting story arc.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And the Reynes would make a troublesome foe. My thing with them is blood drunk sex addicted wild vampires who are guided by their harem thralls. Uncaring kf money or land ownership as they just crash where they want
How do they fight? What's there strategy and troop count and strength in magic? If the reader's decided to fight them or negotiations break down.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Jumping between trees and hiding in water. Access to Old God druids commanding beasts and necrotic elemental spirits. Battle like a pack of vicious animals with human cunning and planning. I'm thinking their blood drunk nature gives them greater physical vampire powers and blood magic
Really going for that caveman vibe? That could be cool. The more civilized queen who hides her depravity behind closed doors and nice word, and the savages that let it out in the open.
Maybe they could have her do a lewd trial or test before the negotiate with her? Something like a public gang bang or having to satisfy a hoard of men with only her tongue, hands, and feet.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Gangbang ritual sounds great. You can see the West as the courtly vampires of Johanna who focus on Necromancy and mastering the thirst vs the animalist vampires of the Returned Reynes who hone blood shamanism and the potency of viate powers as they unleash the hunger as their strength
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And in between you have a ghoulunion of undead labor from ghosts to zombies
is their any other magic creatures or families your planning on introducing soon?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Crastor has a whole plot of in reality being his Other son who came to slay his father and take over his women and become a Wildling lord of the North with a goblin shadow horde at his back and the players might contact him next turn with the glass candles as Jackal has him in contact with Leyton Hightower but the players don't know that this Crastor isn't Crastor senior
Interesting. What does this caster want? The return of the others? Or their destruction so he can be with his new family?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
The Others are just dark magic adapted humans here. We couldn't think of anything good enough to justify a giant ice zombie threat
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I doubt Martin will either