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Questionable Questing

Bob is bob
Bob is bob
The above is perfect and being serious should Toph have giant boobs or medium boobs?
That's a very good question. Short stack with small boobs is nice, but Short stack with enormaous boobs is also pretty nice. Either way she's going to have a stupidly fat ass. She's going to be bottom heavy for sure. Too bratty not to have a fat ass to spank.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Toph likes getting Aang to spank her? And Queen of squats. How would this alter Kora timeline with Tenzin's mom being Toph
Will have to talk about korra tommorow. I'm getting some sleep. This week at work has been kind of rough. dealing with some pretty annoying fixes.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Talk about them tomorrow
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And talk more how to make a good hebtai protag using Seeds if Chaos as a example of common repeated flawed stereotypes
When you read a hentai story, what kind of protagonist are you looking for? Me, I don't care about dom, sub, or even ntr stuff, just as long as the MC has some sort of character. Its why I prefer stories with a little bit of humor, because usually they'll have the Mc act as the straight man to the insanity going on and while a sarcastic jerk can be annoying its a million times better than nameless self insert.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I like a Dom with purpose and emotion. Strong corrupting and brought to further depravity by the bonds of enslavement they make.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And humor is crack cocaine for characterization
Yeah, even when the humor doesn't land its a good sign the author doesn't take himself too seriously and is here to enjoy the story along with the reader. I can't stand self important Auther's or bored ones just trying to make a quick buck.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I like it for showing personality and for Seeds of Chaos, it doesn't incentive dominating corruption. Sub and or cuck stuff is often slanted as preference. You don't see the abuse and exploration of power as this too easy to fall into abyss
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And Andras the Red demon twin can sex slave the wife but the husband hero can't punish and discipline the wife
You know, I would respect the author more if he just embraced the cuck shit instead of playing this bait and switch with the story.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
The cuck shit would work of it was affectionate sub but it never is and a domination focused corruption is eternally never done
Or atleast if your going the cruel domination route, show how acting that way or the kind of person that does act that way, fucks with your head. Show the downside of being a controlling asshole in a relationship.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Character agency is sacrificed to porn stereotypes weakening story depth
Yep, even porn deserves good writing, but unfortuently other people don't see it that way.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Azula, squat training and ass spanking?
She's going to be a brat, constantly teasing and pushing Zuko and the other members of the harem, partially because she likes the attention and drama, and partially because thank's to Ozai's "great" parenting she's constantly on the look out for when someone will blow up or hurt her so she likes to cause it so she can prepare for it in the future.