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Questionable Questing

Bob is bob
Bob is bob
As for magic. I'm a soft magic guy and I like rules that add flavor and lore to a setting.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Giant wolf woman battle Aura?
Exactly. It'll be her fursona. lol. Okay I'm shutting up now.
But you mentioned with your setting that their a special blood form their progenitor that allows them to feel or move with the chorus? What exactly is the chorus and how does one get closer to it?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
The blood of a Avantiae and I don't know. There's some cosmic arcane force from the stars and heavens they are using, a celestial melody that is the source of their power. And imagine one got closer to it by moving from Circles of sorcery, each lesser circle acting as a gateway to higher manipulations.
So is it a natrual part of the setting or is their some god or gods hiding in the back ground creating all of these things?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
A natural part of the setting's cosmology.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Not quite sure what to have it do and what the mechanics should be
What kind of story do you want to tell?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Fantasy with smut thrown in and the smut isn't going to be driving the worldbuilding. I have this idea of the star magic of the Wizards being able to effect the world with forces but not change things while the demon fire of the Warlocks can alter the weather and materials directly with transformative flame
Could also add a bit of cosmology in it, that different stars and how they align with the earth along with the phases of the moon has different effects on people's powers.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
That is good. Very good. Hard as fuck to do but interesting
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
What I could do is a rune system.
Ancient alphabet from the ancestors who first discovered magic, or shapes and images that perfectly align with the chorus and can casue it to flow in a certain way?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
I like the idea of the symbols matching the divine sounds
Could also make it to where those different sounds align up into music, making runes and ritual's actually songs.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Now that is interesting and worthy as a idea. Symbols are representations of the star songs
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Courage the cowardly dog. Makes sense that would be the source of this
Really good tv show, doesn't get the love it deserves, but you know maybe that's for the best. No need for an unnecessary reboot or a remake.